CS计算机代考程序代写 CS 2204: Digital Circuits

CS 2204: Digital Circuits

Lecture 11

Signed adder with overflow and carryout
A signed 2s complement adder is similar to an unsigned
adder, except that it also needs an overflow signal

of bits

Overflow cond
for signed

module addsubn (X, Y, ctrl, S, carryout, ov);
//if ctrl=0, then X+Y else X-Y
Parameter n=32
input [n-1:0] X, Y;
input ctrl;
output reg [n-1:0] S;
output reg carryout, overflow;

//Y ^ ctrl =

always @(X,Y,ctrl)
if(ctrl==0) begin
{carrout,S} = X+Y;
overflow = ….;

else begin
{carryout,S} = X + (~Y) + 1’b1;
overflow = ….;



Calling a parameterized module
You can call the parameterized adder module from a top level
module by using #() to set the values of the module’s
parameters. For example:

addern #(16) myadder (carryin, X, Y, S);

Setting parameters

Unsigned multiplication

Multiplication with 2
M = [m3,m2,m1,m0]

V(M) = [m3*8 + m2*4 + m1*2 + m0*1]

2*V(M) = 2*[m3*8 + m2*4 + m1*2 + m0*1]

= [m3*16 + m2*8 + m1*4 + m0*2 + 0*1]

HW implementation

Signed mults

Convert any negative operand to a positive value
(recall, by complementing and adding 1), use
unsigned multiplication and finally if one of the
two operands is negative, negate the result!

Other important combinational blocks: muxes
2:1 MUX 4:1 MUX

Muxes in verilog

4:1 mux

//or if(S==2’b00)

//or if(S==2’b01)

//or if(S==2’b10)

Larger MUxes using smaller muxes

Used to access memory. That is, given the address of a
specific location in memory, set the wire feeding that
location to ‘1’ and all others to zero.

Exercise: Draw a gate level netlist for a decoder

Decoders with “enable”
Setting the “En” input to 0 turns the decoder “off” that is,
all outputs are zero.

Exercise: Gate level netlist of decoder with enable?

Exercise: Verilog for decoder with enable
Use any coding style you’re comfortable with!