function [ err ] = calcErr( IRef, DRef, I, xi, K )
% calculate residuals
% get shorthands (R, t)
T = se3Exp(xi);
R = T(1:3, 1:3);
t = T(1:3,4);
% these contain the x,y image coordinates of the respective
% reference-pixel, transformed & projected into the new image.
% set to -10 initially, as this will give NaN on interpolation later.
nImg = zeros(size(IRef))-10;
mImg = zeros(size(IRef))-10;
% for all pixels
for n=1:size(IRef,2)
for m=1:size(IRef,1)
% TODO warp reference points to target image
% TODO project warped points onto image
% calculate actual residual (as matrix).
err = interp2(I, nImg, mImg) – IRef;
% plot residual image
imagesc(err), axis image
colormap gray;
set(gca, ‘CLim’, [-1,1]);
err = err(:);