CS计算机代考程序代写 database ER Assignment 1

Assignment 1

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Different notations will not be accepted. The deadline for assignment 1 is:

Fri 12 Mar, 5:00 pm

Question 1 (6 marks)

A car dealership organization hires you to design a small database, and gives you the following


A dealership is uniquely identified by its ID. For each dealership, we also record its

name, contact number, email, and address. The address is composed of a suburb and

a street. Each dealership must have one or more employees.

An employee is uniquely identified by his/her ID. For each employee, we also record

his/her name, phone number and email. An employee works in one or more

dealerships. In addition, an employee can have multiple working time periods


A vehicle is uniquely identified by its ID. For each vehicle, the make, model, build

date, and description will be recorded. In this organization, each vehicle will be sold

by exactly one employee.

An employee can sell zero or more vehicles.

A dealership owns zero or more vehicles. Each vehicle must be owned by exactly one


There are some showrooms. A showroom is uniquely identified by its ID. For each

showroom, the name, the contact person, and the contact number will be recorded.

Each showroom has one or more vehicles, and a vehicle is parked in zero or one


A customer is uniquely identified by his/her ID. For each customer, we also record

his/her name, phone number and email. A customer may not buy any vehicle but can

also buy multiple vehicles. A vehicle may not be sold yet. If sold, a vehicle must be

bought by exactly one customer.

When a customer purchases a vehicle, we also record the date and sales price.

Draw an ER diagram to represent the scenario, clearly state the assumptions you make if any.

Question 2 (6 marks)

Convert your ER-diagram from Question 1 into a relational data model.

Question 3 (8 marks)

Consider the following relational schemas:

Department (dID, dName, location)

Employee (eID, eName, dID, gender)

Project (pID, pName, cost, startTime, endTime)

WorkOn (eID, pID)

Host (dID, pID)

Write relational algebra expression to answer the following questions:

1) Find the names of the employees who work for the sales department. (2 marks)

2) Find the names of the projects which has no employee from the human resource

department and involves at least one employee from each of the rest of the departments.

(2 marks)

3) Find the names of the projects which only have male employees or only have female

employees. (2 marks)

4) Find the names of the departments which have hosted some high-cost projects (>= 1

million), but their employees do not participate in the projects hosted by any other

departments. (2 marks)

Note that, only the following operators can be used in your answer: Select, Project, Union,

Intersection, Difference, Cartesian Product, Join, and Divide. Any name may not be unique,

different departments, projects or employees can have a same name. For duplicate entity names in

two different relations, you may use relation.entity to specify the entity, e.g., 𝑅1 ⋈𝑅1.𝑒𝐼𝐷=𝑅2.𝑒𝐼𝐷 R2

Assignment Submission

• Students must submit an electronic copy of their answers to the above questions to

the course website in Moodle.

• Only .doc or .pdf file is accepted. The file name should be ass1_studentID.doc or

ass1_studentID.pdf (e.g., ass1_z5100000.doc or ass1_z5100000.pdf).


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Assignment 1