CS计算机代考程序代写 –For Q10

–For Q10
create table Employees (
tfn char(11)
constraint ValidTFN
check (tfn ~ ‘[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}’),
givenName varchar(30) not null, — must have a given name
familyName varchar(30), — some people have only one name
hoursPweek float
check (hoursPweek >= 0 and hoursPweek <= 168), --7*24 primary key (tfn) ); create table Departments ( id char(3) -- [[:digit:]] == [0-9] constraint ValidDeptId check (id ~ '[[:digit:]]{3}'), name varchar(100) unique, manager char(11) not null unique constraint ValidEmployee references Employees(tfn) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED, primary key (id) ); alter table Employees add column worksIn char(3) not null constraint ValidDepartment references Departments(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED; create table DeptMissions ( department char(3) constraint ValidDepartment references Departments(id), keyword varchar(20), primary key (department,keyword) ); --insertion example for Q10 begin; --set constraints all deferred; insert into employees values ('111-111-111','YANG','YANG',40.0,'100'); insert into departments values ('100','Administration','111-111-111'); --set constraints all immediate; commit;