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Association Mining

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Association Mining




COMP3425/COMP8410 – Data Mining – Sem 1 2021


Association Mining

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Zizuo Xiao


Saturday, 8 May 2021, 11:04 PM

Table of contents
1. Introduction
2. Motivation (Text: 6.1)
3. Association Mining: Basic Concepts (Text:6.1)
4. Association Mining: which patterns are interesting? (Text: 6.3) 4.1. Lift
4.2. Practical Exercise: Association Mining
4.3. Chi-square (Text: 6.3.2 and 3.3.2)
4.4. Other interestingness measures (Text: 6.3.3)

5. Frequent Itemset Mining (Text 6.1.2) 5.1. Apriori algorithm (Text: 6.2.1 and 6.2.3)
5.2. Generating Association rules (Text: 6.2.2)
5.3. Efficient frequent itemset mining (Text 6.2.6)

6. Advanced Pattern Mining (Text: 6.2.4 and 7) 6.1. Practical Exercise: More association mining
6.2. Extended data types (Text:7.2.2)
6.3. Advanced applications (Text:7.6.2)

7. Practical Exercises
8. Quiz

1. Introduction
of this material is derived from the text, Han, Kamber and Pei,
Chapters  6 and 7, or the corresponding powerpoint slides made
available by the publisher.  Where a source other than the text or
its slides was used for the material, attribution is given. Unless
otherwise stated, images are copyright of the publisher, Elsevier.

In this e-book we present the data
mining method known as association mining, an early success for the
field of data mining.  We discuss the types of problems and data
for which it is appropriate, the basic methods for evaluation of mining
results, and the way the basic algorithm actually works. There are
practical exercises using Rattle.

If you find it helpful, watch a long lecture on the Association Mining
topic. Everything presented in the video is also in the notes.

2. Motivation (Text: 6.1)
Frequent pattern mining
discovers associations and correlations in itemsets in transactional
and relational databases. The earliest techniques were developed for
commercial market basket analysis, and forged the birth of data mining and KDD from a database perspective in the 90s.

The language of frequent pattern mining derives from the assumption that data items are grouped into transactions (also called itemsets)  and we aim to find patterns of items that occur in a very high proportion of transactions.  The classic example is based on supermarket shopping, where mining is said to have revealed that purchasers of
nappies are also very likely to purchase beer in the same transaction.
Supermarkets can use this information either to place beer and nappies
very close together on the floor, so that such customers can shop very
quickly, or perhaps to place them very far apart, so that shoppers might
be tempted to buy additional products they see on the intervening

ACTION:      Read this short story about beer, nappies and data mining

More recently, frequent pattern mining is used in many other applications where very many heterogenous but simple items (nominal data)  may be grouped into large (unordered) sets.  An example could be the pharmaceutical benefits scheme (PBS),
where items may be drugs taken under the  scheme and each itemset
represents the drugs taken by one individual in a fixed period of time.
Applications are often but not always commercial, including shopping
basket analysis, cross marketing, catalogue design, sale campaign
analysis, Web click stream analysis and DNA sequence analysis.

Our work on frequent pattern mining focuses on association mining to learn patterns of association rules.

3. Association Mining: Basic Concepts (Text:6.1)
Preliminary Definitions

item: an atomic piece of nominal data.
e.g. apple, or orange, or banana. 

itemset: A set of one or more items. Let be an itemset.

k-itemset:  Let be an itemset of cardinality where is a positive integer. Then is a -itemset. 
e.g.   is a 2-itemset.

transaction:  A non-empty itemset, with a unique identifier, in a group called a database. Transaction   where is a set of task-relevant transactions (or
a dataset or a database).

e.g. ,  transaction , transaction

While each  transaction, has a unique identifer, say ,
this is not always explicit in the transaction,  but is needed to
ensure that multiple transactions containing the same items are
distinguished when required.
e.g. ,

Let and be itemsets   and 

A transaction is said to contain if .


The support count of itemset in dataset is the cardinality of . That is, it counts the number of transactions that contain the itemset. Support count is also called ocurrence frequency, frequency, absolute support and count.
e.g. support count of is 2 in dataset

The support (commonly called relative support and sometimes frequency) of itemset in dataset is the


That is, it measures the proportion of transactions that contain it.  Let’s denote this .
e.g. in above is 2/3.

An itemset is frequent in dataset when where
is  a user-defined, application-specific parameter called called the minimum support threshold. 

Association Rule

An association rule is an implication of the form where and .

The rule is said to hold in the dataset   with support when   is the relative support of  in

The support  for an association rule counts the proportion of transactions that contain every one of both ‘s and ‘s items and it does not distinguish between and .
We can think of  support as a measure of significance of the
association rule in the dataset — what proportion of transactions does
this rule apply to?

Following a frequentist viewpoint, i.e. the probablility that an arbitrary transaction in the dataset contains every item of and every item of .


The rule is said to hold in the dataset   with confidence when


Confidence for an association rule is  the support count of  in as a proportion of the support count of  in

In a frequentist view, this can be interpreted as the conditional probability of given i.e. .

We can think of confidence of the rule as the truth of the association rule, that is, what proportion of the transactions that contain also contain , or how much does imply ?


An association rule    is strong when
  is frequent  in

(i.e satisfies ) and the rule also satisfies a minimum confidence parameter, .

That is,   is

when and also where is a user-defined, application-specific parameter called called the minimum confidence threshold. 

ACTION: Do this (paper) exercise:  

Exercise: Basic concepts in frequent pattern mining

Solution to Exercise: Basic concepts in frequent pattern mining

4. Association Mining: which patterns are interesting? (Text: 6.3)
Strong rules are not necessarily interesting

We need useful, automated measures for assessing pattern interesting-ness as there are way too many possible patterns to do it all by human assessment.


Consider the contingency table, which compares the frequency of combinations of two items  below.

Consider  min_sup = 30% and min_conf = 60%  and the strong rule {overweight } {drinking} with support 40% and confidence 66%

ACTION: Pause and check this rule

The probability of drinking is
already 75%, irrespective of overweightness. To suggest that
overweightness implies drinking seems misleading at best.

In addition to support and confidence which measure association,  lift is used to evaulate patterns to measure dependence amongst itemsets on each side of the rule.

4.1. Lift

In addition to support and confidence which measure association,  lift is used to evaulate patterns to measure dependence (also called correlation).


Inspired by probability theory, itemset A is considered independent of itemset B if  . Otherwise they are dependent and correlated.

Therefore we define  the lift of rule by .

numerator is the probability of the customer purchasing both, while the
denominator is what the probability of purchasing both would have been if the items were independent.

If  then A and B are independent.

If    then they are positively correlated
as the presence of one suggests the presence of the other. In other
words, it suggests that each lifts the likelihood of the other.

If the itemsets are negatively correlated and the occurrence of one  itemset suggests the more likely absence of the other.


Reconsider the contingency table,

What is the lift for {overweight } {drinking} above? .

Therefore overweight and drinking are negatively correlated and the rule may be interesting.

ACTION: But wait, lift is defined above by saying is independent of when , while probabilty theory says that if and are independent then . Watch the video if you would like this apparent contradiction explained.

lift and probablistic independence

4.2. Practical Exercise: Association Mining
ACTION: Get your hands dirty with these exercises! 

Answer these questions, 
Association mining Practical: Basics

  using the  Association Mining Practical: Reference

  that explains how to use Rattle to help you.

Solutions are provided

Association mining solution: Basics

that could help you if you get stuck. If you use the solutions, make  sure you understand them.

This tutorial video might help you to get started

Note that this video covers the subsequent practical exercise in addition to the one right here.

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4.3. Chi-square (Text: 6.3.2 and 3.3.2)
For nominal data the correlation between two  (and only two) attributes can be measured by the chi-square test. The chi-square  ()
statistic tests the hypothesis that attributes are independent. For
association rules we treat the itemset on each side of the implication
arrow as a single binary attribute each, taking on the value of either
all the items are present in the  transaction, or all the items are
absent in the transaction. In this way we consider the correlation
amongst the complete itemsets of the left and right sides of a rule.

This chi-square test is also called Pearson’s chi-square test, not to be confused with Pearson’s r that measures correlation  of numerically valued attributes. Both are based on the chi-square distribution.

Chi-square (as  normally presented for attribute correlation, from Han et al)

Let be a nominal that can take on c distinct values    and be a nominal that can take on r distinct values .

Let n be the total number of data tuples (in our case, transactions). 

Let represent the case that and

Then ,

where is the observed frequency (actual count in the data of ) and is the expected frequency defined as

The  degrees of freedom
are used to assess the value needed to reject the hypothesis that A and
B are independent at some selected significance level. This can be done
by a table lookup such as https://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/eda/section3/eda3674.htm

Chi-square interpretation

only if the expected and true number of observations are equal in all cells, that is the attributes are independent.

is commonly interpreted  as justification for rejecting the null
hypothesis that the attributes are independent, that is, for asserting a
likely correlation.

In data mining over large datasets, 
can be used as a rule of thumb to suspect an interesting 
correlation. But it does not tell you whether that correlation is
positive (i.e. they occur together more than expected by chance) or
negative (i.e. they occur together less than expected by chance).


Example (original, not from text)

This is most easily expressed in a contingency table. Here we extend the contingency table previously presented for lift here.

The expected value for each value needs to be computed first.

Using the contingency table, this means, e.g.

The contingency table shows expected values indicated in parentheses in each cell.

The chi-square is then

The degrees of freedom is .
Looking up the table given above, the chi-square value needed to reject
the hypothesis of independence at the 0.001 significance level is
10.828. Therefore the value of 555.6 suggests the attributes are
strongly correlated.

More simply and conveniently, because and the observed value  in the top left (4000) is less than the expected value (4500) overweight and drinking are assumed to be negatively correlated. 

Therefore a rule {overweight} {drinking} may be considered interesting, and this concurs with the assessment using lift earlier.

Chi-square (for non-singleton itemsets) (not in text)

measure the chi-square correlation of  itemsets of greater than
one item, which is the usual case for association mining, use the 2-D
contingency table layout as above, as follows. For itemsets A and B, with n number of transactions, and means the complement of A (ie the itemset containing all the items in all the transactions, except those items in A)

from Alvarez, “Chi-squared computation for association
rules:preliminary results” Tech Report  Boston college
C-CS-2003-01, 2003. http://www.cs.bc.edu/~alvarez/ChiSquare/chi2tr.pdf

4.4. Other interestingness measures (Text: 6.3.3)
other measures of interestingness have been proposed in the literature,
and can be shown to have intuitively attractive behaviour on at least
some itemset patterns.

Here is a definition of many including the support, confidence,  lift and chi-square from:  Tan, Kumar, Srivastava, Selecting the right interestingness measure for association patterns, Proc 8th  ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, 2002

ACTION: Read the paper   Selecting the right objective measure for association analysis from which the following summary of characteristics of interestingness measures is taken.

The property called null-invariance is particularly relevant for patterns involving low-frequency itemsets.  and lift are not null-invariant, meaning that their values are significantly raised by all the transactions in which the itemsets do not
occur. That is they are affected by adding a whole lot of 
apparently irrelevant transactions to a dataset. On the other hand, as
you can see from the table below, confidence is null-invariant because its values are affected only by the transactions in which the itemsets do occur. 

Normally null-invariance is considered a useful property but this may be application-dependent.

ACTION: Pause to check whether support is null-invariant.  Can you see why?

5. Frequent Itemset Mining (Text 6.1.2)
Association mining can be viewed as a two-step process

(1) Find all frequent itemsets–i.e.  all the itemsets that occur at least  times in the dataset.

(2) Use the frequent itemsets to generate strong association rules that satisfy

The first step is much more computationally demanding than the second, especially when   is low.

5.1. Apriori algorithm (Text: 6.2.1 and 6.2.3)
The Apriori algorithm is the archetypical algorithm for finding frequent itemsets.

It implements an iterative level-wise search for frequent itemsets, where  the k-itemsets (itemsets of cardinality k) at level k are used to explore the k+1-itemsets at level k+1. At
each level, the transaction database is scanned to count items in
transactions and  to collect the items that satisfy minimum

Apriori Property

The following observation is used to reduce the search space. This property is very closely related to the  iceberg condition we saw in data cube materialisation.

All non-empty subsets of a frequent itemset are also frequent

Recall that a frequent itemset is one with at least  least  min_sup support, i.e. one that occurs in at least min_sup transactions.
Since each of its subsets occur in all those same transactions (and
possibly in additional transactions as well),  the support of
sub-itemsets cannot be less than min_sup either.

A consequence of this is that if an itemset is not frequent, then any of its supersets cannot be frequent either (otherwise the apriori property would be violated).

This can be used in a level-wise algorithm like the apriori algorithm
to reduce the search space, because any k+1-itemset with a non-frequent
k-itemset subset (all of which have already been found in the previous
iteration) can be ignored.

Apriori algorithm

The basic
form of the algorithm is sketched here for reference.  You can see
the apriori property being used at (5) in procedure apriori_gen to prune itemset candidates. 

Many simple  further optimisations are possible, such as:

in step (4) of the main procedure above, ignoring transactions from consideration at level k that did not contain any frequent j-itemsets in an earlier level j (j < k). This optimisation is another application of the apriori property. sampling -- mine a random sample of D instead of the whole dataset ACTION:  Use this example to work through the a-priori algorithm Hidden from students:PageExample: A-Priori algorithm ACTION:  If you need more to understand a-priori, watch this video that works through the same example in detail Explaining the a-priori algorithm 5.2. Generating Association rules (Text: 6.2.2) Once all frequent itemsets have been found, strong association rules are generated as follows. Note that all frequent itemsets and all their non-empty subsets already satisfy min_sup support, so we only need  to check confidence of the rule, which is For each frequent itemset l, generate all non-empty proper subsets of l for each non-empty proper subset s of l if (support_count(l) / support_count(s) ≥ min_conf) then output the rule ACTION: Try this (paper) exercise, following the algorithm here, and then check your solution Exercise: Generating association rules from frequent itemsets Page Solution to Exercise: Generating association rules from frequent itemsets Page 5.3. Efficient frequent itemset mining (Text 6.2.6) Recall that if an itemset is frequent, then every subset is also frequent. This enables some significant memory-saving optimisations that can be used in the a-priori and other frequent pattern mining algorithms. Example: Consider frequent itemset , so that proportion of transactions contain it. Then all those transactions also contain every non-empty subset of which are also frequent itemsets. Since there are non-empty subsets this is a lot. In data warehouse cuboids, we solved the same problem  of combinatorial explosion by looking at closed cells. Closed An itemset X is closed in dataset  D  if there is no itemset Y  in D such that  and Y has the same support count as X in D. (Note the use of the proper subset relation, not  here). Generally, support goes down as an itemset gets bigger, but a closed itemset is as big as it can be without reducing support. An itemset is a closed frequent itemset if it is both closed and frequent. An itemset X is a maximal frequent itemset  (or max-itemset) in D if X is frequent in D and there is no frequent itemset Y  in D such that .  A maximal frequent itemset is as big as it can be yet still satisfy the threshold, even though it might have subsets which have higher support but are not maximal-frequent. The closed frequent itemsets of D, with their support counts,  represent all the frequent itemsets of D and their counts without loss of information.  The maximal frequent itemsets with their counts, however, do  represent all the frequent itemsets, but not their counts, we have only a lower bound on their counts. Example Consider D  is a dataset of two transactions: . Let  be 50%, that is,  the minimum support count is 1. The  non-empty frequent itemsets in D are , all of them. The closed itemsets of D are with support  count 1 and   with support count  2, so they are both frequent. If we keep track only of all the closed frequent itemsets and their counts, then we can immediately infer all the other frequent itemsets and their counts, by using the maximum count of all the closed frequent itemsets that are its supersets. So for example, has support count  2.  We save a lot of space by not needing to represent all the frequent subsets of the closed frequent itemsets. The only maximal frequent itemset in D is with support  count 1. If we keep track only of all the maximal frequent itemsets and their counts, then we can immediately infer all the other frequent itemsets and a lower bound on  their counts, by using the maximum count of  all the maximal frequent itemsets each belongs to. So for example, has support count  >= 1. But we save even more space by not needing to represent all the closed frequent subsets of the maximal frequent itemsets.

ACTION: Consider the following worked example showing how this works

closed and maximal – explained 

Closed and maximal itemsets


6. Advanced Pattern Mining (Text: 6.2.4 and 7)
other than a-priori have been developed to reduce database scans or
reduce main memory usage and these may scale better over large datasets.

Some of these are:

FP-growth, frequent pattern growth
Eclat, equivalence class transformation
Mining closed and max-patterns

Some algorithms rely on representing transactions in a vertical form  as instead of the horizontal
form that we saw previously. However, many of
these aternative approaches use the apriori property as does the
apriori algorithm.

Advanced Pattern Mining

So far, we have spoken of very
simple pattern mining where all the data in a transaction corresponds to
multiple values drawn from a single nominal domain. Many extensions
have been developed that  apply more structure over the input data
handled and the rules produced. The following diagram summarises these
extensions, including extended sophistication of mining algorithm

6.1. Practical Exercise: More association mining
ACTION: Try your hand at these slightly more extended exercises for association mining with Rattle.

Answer these questions,   Association mining Practical: Extended

using the  Association Mining Practical: Reference

  that explains how to use Rattle to help you.

Sample answers are given   Association mining Solution: Extended

but you really need to be able to do this on your own.

This tutorial video might help to get you started.

Note that this video covers the previous practical exercise in addition to the one here.

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6.2. Extended data types (Text:7.2.2)
Until now, we have assumed that all items are pretty much the same, i.e. they  can all be seen as alternative values of a single nominal variable (say, item) without any further structure. We can view the problem as single-dimensional analysis over the dimension item, although multiple items occur in a transaction.  This assumption seriously limits the scope of application of association mining.

Multi-dimensional patterns over nominal data

Earlier, we mixed (controllable) lifestyle attributes with disease attributes for a person as indistinguishable items for a single-dimensional rule. Such rules are also called Boolean association rules since
the binary  presence or absence of an item is represented.  
Some advanced pattern mining methods rely on explicitly distinguishing
the dimensions for multidimensional association rules, but the apriori algorithm does not do this.

A simple solution to distinguish the
attributes  for single-dimensional algorithms like a-priori is to
transform the values of nominal attributes to explicit attribute-value
pairs and so to transfer all distinct nominal domains to the one nominal
item domain as required by a-priori.


For the domains Disease = (diabetes, cerebrovascular, liver),  and Lifestyle = (drinking, overweight, smoking, exercise) a transaction such as {diabetes, overweight, exercise} would be transformed to the transaction {Disease=diabetes, Lifestyle=overweight, Lifestyle=exercise} and these can then be treated homogenously as if from a single domain.

This transformation need not
influence the data mining algorithm, that is, a single-dimensional
algorithm like a-priori can be used. It could, however, 
affect  the measures for interestingness of rules and how you would
like results to be presented.

Ordinal data

Typically,  frequent itemset mining does not take account of any meaningful order amongst the values for categorical data. Therefore ordinal data can be treated as nominal data (as above), or alternatively,
where the number of alternative values isvery large, as continuous data (as below).

Quantitative (continuous)  data

A quantitative association rule  is one where, based on items that take on quantitative values drawn from a  numeric domain, rules include attribute values partitioned into discrete intervals, such as age 18-25. There are two broad approaches that can be used: static, or the more sophisticated dynamic.


One approach to mining over
continuous data is to transform quantitative attributes  into
discrete, pre-determined nominal attributes  in advance. 


For the domain Age = (0..120), a value such as “25” would be transformed to the item Age=18-25 and a value  “99”  would be transformed to the item Age=75 and over.

The pre-determined method is
generally most approriate where the intervals have meaning in the
domain, generally related to where consequent actions can be targeted.
For example, partitioning age  into the year groups 
that correspond to educational stages might be helpful for targeting
education-related interventions.

This transformation need not influence the data mining algorithm, that is, a nominal-only algorithm like apriori can then be used effectively.


A more sophisticated approach is to
cluster attribute values into bins relying on the data distribution,
and  then further combining these bins during the mining process.
In this case we are looking for a dynamic discretisation that interacts
with the mining algorithm to choose  good value ranges  that,
for example, maximise the confidence of rules. That is, you need to
choose a mining method that is aware of the continuous values and an
off-the-shelf apriori algorithm will not do.

One approach to this problem is to
integrate the frequent item-set discovery with a data warehouse cube
structure, so that the aggregate counts over multiple dimensions in the
cube can be retrieved in a top-down fashion, (either drilling down over
concept hierarchies or drilling down  to introduce additional
dimensions) and stopping  the drill-down when a  count fails
minimum support (because the apriori condition ensures that no lower
cube will satisfy minimum support) and using the dimensional labels at
that level as the bins for nominal items.

An alternative typical approach is to integrate a clustering
method (covered later in the course). For each quantitative attribute a
clustering algorithm is applied to each dimension to to satisfy minimum
support. Then for each such cluster, we  look to combine it with
another dimension to find a 2-D cluster with minimum support, and so on
to higher dimensions. The range of attribute values that  occur in a
cluster then define the discrete bins for nominal items. The apriori
condition tells us that we need not look to combine a cluster with
another once it fails to satisfy minimum support.

Interpretation of rules over transformed data

If the data has been transformed as discussed here, then it is important
to be aware of this when interpreting the rules and the evaluation
metrics for the rules.  For example, rules that contain no Disease item may be considered irrelevant
and so uninteresting, irrespective of the interestingness measures. For another example, when some quantitative variable say age, has been split into two intervals by the median value, and so every transaction has either one interval value or the
other, both items will be highly frequent with 50% support. Assuming the other items are more scattered, pretty much every frequent itemset  will include one age or the other, but never both, so you should be very careful in concluding
that the presence of one in a frequent itemset is somehow significant.

6.3. Advanced applications (Text:7.6.2)
pattern mining, despite being a rather simple idea, has proven to be
very successful. Its success may be due partly to its ability to yield
readable rules that can make sense for application. Other than market
basket analysis, there are many other application areas. 

Pattern mining is widely used for noise filtering and data cleaning.
For example, microarray data for studying gene expression has tens of
thousands of dimensions (this is often called the “p >> n”
problem) and it can be very noisy, so pattern mining offers a useful
pre-processing tool because items that occur frequently together are
likely to be significant rather than noise. We can then focus our
analysis on those variables for which some values occur in rules with
high support.

Pattern mining is useful for data exploration
— to discover inherent structures and clusters hidden in the data.
These structures can then be used as basic building blocks for
classification problems.

In high dimensional space, frequent patterns can be used for clustering, that is to define lower-dimensional sub-space features based on common frequent patterns.

Pattern mining is used in spatio-temporal data, time series data, image data, video data and multimedia
data for identifying patterns of co-location, and identifying
frequently occurring image fragments as the basis for clustering and

Pattern mining has been used for analysis of sequence or structural data
such as trees and graphs. For example, there have ben successes in
discovering both plagiarism and copy-paste bugs in large  software

Pattern mining has been known to help in designing simple indexing structures for for large complex data sets to support similarity search in XML document databases and chemical compound databases.

Recommender systems have employed pattern mining for discovery of patterns in customer behaviour.

Often these applications require specialist techniques to handle the particular quirks of the data and the problem domain.

7. Practical Exercises
Here are shortcuts to all of the practical exercises within this book.

Exercise 1: https://wattlecourses.anu.edu.au/mod/book/view.php?id=2172374&chapterid=402620

Exercise 2: https://wattlecourses.anu.edu.au/mod/book/view.php?id=2172374&chapterid=402617

8. Quiz
ACTION:  blended only Please take the weekly quiz now.

ACTION:  on campus only Please take the weekly quiz in your lab class.

Week 4 quiz: Association mining