Introduction to Data Warehousing
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Introduction to Data Warehousing
COMP3425/COMP8410 – Data Mining – Sem 1 2021
Introduction to Data Warehousing
Printed by:
Zizuo Xiao
Saturday, 8 May 2021, 11:02 PM
Table of contents
1. Introduction
2. Basic concepts (Text: 4.1)
3. Multi-dimensional Data Cubes (Text 4.2.1)
4. Concept Hierarchies (Text 4.2.3)
5. Modelling the Cube in a Relational Database (Text 4.2.2)
6. Exercise: Play with a Cube on the Web
7. Practical Exercises
1. Introduction
Most of this material is derived
from the text, Han, Kamber and Pei, Chapter 4, or the corresponding
powerpoint slides made available by the publisher. Where a source
other than the text or its slides was used for the material, attribution
is given. Unless othewise stated, images are copyright of the
publisher, Elsevier.
Here, we introduce some basic data warehouse concepts which will be extended in the next e-book.
Those of you who have studied
COMP8430 Data Wrangling will have seen some of this before, but we will
go deeper into this topic here, together with some practical exercises.
You will need some basic understanding of relational databases and SQL in this part of the Data Mining course.
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Use this if you need a refresher for SQL
work on data warehousing in this course aims to help you to
understand the role of a data warehouse in enterprise data management
and how it relates to data mining, especially challenges related to
large scale data management. This will to equip you with the knowledge
you need to be able to navigate and extract the data you need from a
data warehouse, or to exploit or develop data mining techniques embedded
within data warehouse architectures.
ACTION: Watch this video lecture on the topic if you wish. Everything it covers is also in the notes.
2. Basic concepts (Text: 4.1)
What is a Data Warehouse?
Defined in many different ways, but not rigorously.
A decision support database that is maintained separately from the organisation’s operational database
Supports information processing by providing a solid platform of consolidated, historical data for analysis.
A data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, and nonvolatile collection of data in support of management’s decision-making process.”—W. H. Inmon
Data warehousing is the process of constructing and using data warehouses
Typical Characteristics of a Data Warehouse
Organised around major subjects, such as customer, product, sales
Focusing on the modelling and analysis of data for decision makers, not on daily operations or transaction processing
Provides a simple and concise view
around particular subject issues by excluding data that are not useful
in the decision support process
Constructed by
integrating multiple, heterogeneous data source e.g. relational
databases, flat files, on-line transaction records
Data cleaning and data integration techniques are applied.
Ensure consistency in naming conventions, encoding structures, attribute measures, etc. among different data sources
e.g., Hotel price: currency, tax, breakfast covered, etc.
When data is moved to the warehouse, it is converted (this process is called ETL, for Extract, Transform, Load)
Time Variant
The time horizon for the data warehouse is significantly longer than that of operational systems
Operational database: current value data
Data warehouse data: provide information from a historical perspective (e.g., past 5-10 years)
Every key structure in the data warehouse
Contains an element of time, explicitly or implicitly
But the key of operational data may or may not contain “time element”
A physically separate store of data transformed from the operational environment
Operational update of data does not occur in the data warehouse environment
Does not require transaction processing, recovery, and concurrency control mechanisms
Requires only two operations in data accessing: Initial loading of data and access of data
Comparison with typical operational databases
Most databases are used for online transaction processing (OLTP)
and querying for day-to-day operations. On the other hand, data
warehouses are built specifically for analytics to support decision
making, that is, online analytical processing (OLAP).
Why A Separate Data Warehouse?
High performance for both systems
DBMS— tuned for OLTP: access methods, indexing, concurrency control, recovery
Warehouse—tuned for OLAP: complex OLAP queries, multidimensional view, consolidation
Different functions and different data:
missing data: Decision support requires historical data which operational DBs do not typically maintain
data consolidation: Decision support requires consolidation (aggregation, summarization) of data from heterogeneous sources
data quality: different sources typically use inconsistent data representations, codes and formats which have to be reconciled
Note: There are more and more systems which perform OLAP analysis directly on relational databases
Multi-tiered Architecture
3. Multi-dimensional Data Cubes (Text 4.2.1)
From Tables and Spreadsheets to Data Cubes
A data warehouse is based on a multidimensional data model which views data in the form of a data cube
A data cube, such as sales, allows data to be modeled and viewed in multiple dimensions.
The cube axes are the dimensions such
as item (e.g. item_name, brand, type), or time (e.g. day, week, month,
quarter, year) or location (e.g. store, city, state, country) . The
values of those dimensions (e.g. Item = home_entertainment, Quarter =
Q4, City = Vancouver) uniqely identify a cube cell.
The cube cells hold the measures (such as dollars_sold, quantity-sold and quantity-returned).
It is easy to see why this structure is commonly called an (n-dimensional) cube. However, in data warehousing literature, this structure may be called a cuboid as a component of a more elaborate data cube.
An n-dimensional cuboid of unaggregated data is called a base cuboid.
Measures along one or more
dimensions of the base cuboid may be aggregated to form another
cuboid with dimensions that are a subset of the original dimensions.
The top-most 0-D cuboid, which holds the highest-level of summarisation in a single cell, is called the apex cuboid, commonly denoted all.
The lattice of cuboids forms a data cube.
In this case the all
cuboid contains a single cell that represents aggregated
dollars_sold over all time, for all items, at all locations and
for every supplier.
intermediate cuboid, for example the 2-D ( item, location) cuboid, will
contain cells such as (Mars bar, Belconnen Mall) with measure $20,000,
indicating that $20,000 worth of Mars Bars have been sold at the
Belconnen Mall shop, over all time and for all suppliers.
The bottom-most base cuboid contains ||time|| x || item|| x || location|| x ||supplier|| cells, where each cell represents the dollars-sold for a possible combination of specific values for time, item, location and supplier.
4. Concept Hierarchies (Text 4.2.3)
A concept hierarchy
defines a sequence of mappings from a set of low-level concepts to
higher-level, more general concepts. They support the modelling of data
at varying levels of abstraction.
For example, a concept hierarchy for location could be:
A lattice is also possible, for example for time, as shown here contrasted with the simpler hierarchy. Organising time as shown here is very common.
It illustrates the partial order day< {week ; month < quarter} < year. Concept hierarchies may also be defined by discretizing or grouping values, called a set-grouping hierarchy, as shown in the example below for price. ACTION: Think about how concept hierarchies are represented in a datacube viewed as a lattice of cuboids. 5. Modelling the Cube in a Relational Database (Text 4.2.2) Need: Dimension tables, such as item (item_name, brand, type), or time (day, week, month, quarter, year) A fact table that contains measures (such as dollars_sold) and keys to each of the related dimension tables Star schema: A fact table in the middle connected to a set of dimension tables. The primary key for the fact table is composed of a key for each dimension and the remaining attributes are the measures. Snowflake schema: A refinement of star schema where some dimensional hierarchy is normalised into a set of smaller dimension tables, forming a shape similar to snowflake. Fact constellation: Multiple fact tables share dimension tables, viewed as a collection of stars, therefore called galaxy schema or fact constellation. Snowflake and Constellation schemes are fairly obvious extensions of the basic Star schema to more complex data. Figure: Example Star Schema Figure: Example Snowflake Schema Here we can see the snowflake schema derived from the star schema above by normalising both the item and location dimension tables in line with the dimensional hierarchies they represent (supplier < supplier type and street < city respectively). Figure: Example Fact Constellation Schema Here we can see that the fact constellation schema adds an additional fact table (shipping) and shares the dimension tables for the location with the original fact table for sales. 6. Exercise: Play with a Cube on the Web ACTION: If you would like to see a datacube in practice, have a play with this one about you and your co-students from the Australian Department of Education. 7. Practical Exercises ACTION: Now do these simple exercises, for which you will need to download the data below. Here is a tutorial video to get you started.
And here are the exercises, data and solution.
Exercises for Introduction to Data Warehousing
Data for DW exercises
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Solution to Exercises: Intro to Data Warehousing