CS代写 MTRN9400 T3 2021 Assignment 1 —————————————

% MTRN9400 T3 2021 Assignment 1 —————————————
% This function is called within the main.m file and polts the position
% velocity error signals.
% ———————————————————————

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

function [F]= plot_robot_traj(st, t, Q1, Q2, x_des, y_des)

video = VideoWriter(‘Control’,’MPEG-4′);
video.Quality = 75;

global l1 l2

x1=0; y1=0; % Coordinates of joint 1
format bank
for j=1:length(Q1)
q1 = Q1(j);
q2 = Q2(j);

% Plotting the first link
x2 = l1*cos(q1);
y2 = l1*sin(q1);
x3 = x2+l2*cos(q1+q2);
y3 = y2+l2*sin(q1+q2);
xa = [x1, x2];
ya = [y1, y2];
plot(xa, ya, ‘b-‘, ‘LineWidth’, 10);

% Plotting the second link
xb = [x2, x3];
yb = [y2, y3];
plot(xb, yb, ‘r-‘, ‘LineWidth’, 10);
xlim([-0.6, 0.6]);
ylim([-0.6, 0.6]);
axis square

% Plotting the positio of the end-effector
ee(:,j) = [x3;y3];

t_disp = fix(t(j)*1000)/1000;
xlabel([‘t = ‘ num2str(t_disp) ‘ sec’])

% Plotting the desired location of the end-effector
plot(x_des, y_des ,’*’)
if mod(j,st)==0
currFrame = getframe(gcf);

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com