留学生考试辅导 import ants

import ants
import ants_strategies
import utils
import state

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

import json
import distutils.core
import urllib.request
import shutil
import zipfile
import threading
import importlib
from time import sleep
from ucb import *

ASSETS_DIR = “assets/”
INSECT_DIR = “insects/”
‘Worker’: ASSETS_DIR + INSECT_DIR + “ant_harvester.gif”,
‘Thrower’: ASSETS_DIR + INSECT_DIR + “ant_thrower.gif”,
‘Long’: ASSETS_DIR + INSECT_DIR + “ant_longthrower.gif”,
‘Short’: ASSETS_DIR + INSECT_DIR + “ant_shortthrower.gif”,
‘Harvester’: ASSETS_DIR + INSECT_DIR + “ant_harvester.gif”,
‘Fire’: ASSETS_DIR + INSECT_DIR + “ant_fire.gif”,
‘Bodyguard’: ASSETS_DIR + INSECT_DIR + “ant_bodyguard.gif”,
‘Hungry’: ASSETS_DIR + INSECT_DIR + “ant_hungry.gif”,
‘Slow’: ASSETS_DIR + INSECT_DIR + “ant_slow.gif”,
‘Scary’: ASSETS_DIR + INSECT_DIR + “ant_scary.gif”,
‘Laser’: ASSETS_DIR + INSECT_DIR + “ant_laser.gif”,
‘Ninja’: ASSETS_DIR + INSECT_DIR + “ant_ninja.gif”,
‘Wall’: ASSETS_DIR + INSECT_DIR + “ant_wall.gif”,
‘Scuba’: ASSETS_DIR + INSECT_DIR + “ant_scuba.gif”,
‘Queen’: ASSETS_DIR + INSECT_DIR + “ant_queen.gif”,
‘Tank’: ASSETS_DIR + INSECT_DIR + “ant_tank.gif”,
‘Bee’: ASSETS_DIR + INSECT_DIR + “bee.gif”,
‘Remover’: ASSETS_DIR + INSECT_DIR + “remove.png”,

class GUI:
“””Browser based GUI that communicates with Python game engine”””

def __init__(self):
self.active = True

def cleanState(self):
self.initialized = False
self.state = state.State()
self.gameOver = False
self.gamestate = None
self.currentBeeId = 0
self.currentInsectId = 0
self.insects = []
self.bees = []
self.deadbees = []
self.deadinsects = []
self.insectToId = {}
self.beeToId = {}
self.beeLocations = {}

def makeHooks(self):
ants.Insect.death_callback = dead_insect

def newGameThread(self):
print(“Trying to start new game”)
self.cleanState() # resets GUI state
importlib.reload(ants) # resets ants, e.g. with newly implemented Ants

self.winner = ants_strategies.start_with_strategy(gui.args, gui.strategy, ants)
self.gameOver = True
self.saveState(“winner”, self.winner)
self.saveState(“gameOver”, self.gameOver)
# self.killGUI()

def killGUI(self):
self.active = False

def startGame(self, data=None):
print(“Game started”)

def exit(self, data=None):
self.active = False

def initialize_colony_graphics(self, gamestate):
self.gamestate = gamestate
self.ant_type_selected = -1
self.saveState(“strategyTime”, STRATEGY_SECONDS)
self.saveState(“food”, self.gamestate.food)
self.ant_types = self.get_ant_types()
self.saveState(“places”, self.places)
#Finally log that we are initialized
self.initialized = True

def get_ant_types(self, noSave=False):
ant_types = [];
for name, ant_type in self.gamestate.ant_types.items():
ant_types.append({“name”: name, “cost”: ant_type.food_cost, “img”: self.get_insect_img_file(name)})

#Sort by cost
ant_types.sort(key=lambda item: item[“cost”])

if not noSave:
self.saveState(“ant_types”, ant_types)
return ant_types

def get_insect_img_file(self, name):
return INSECT_FILES[name]

def getState(self, data=None):
“””Get our message from JSON”””
return self.state.getState()

def saveState(self, key, val):
“””Saves our game object to JSON file”””
self.state.updateState(key, val)

def strategy(self, gamestate):
“””The strategy function is called by ants.GameState each turn”””
#Have we initialized our graphics yet?
if not self.initialized:
#No, so do that now
elapsed = 0 #Physical time elapsed this turn
self.saveState(“time”, int(elapsed))
while elapsed < STRATEGY_SECONDS: self.saveState("time", gamestate.time) self._update_control_panel(gamestate) sleep(0.25) elapsed += 0.25 def get_place_row(self, name): return name.split("_")[1] def get_place_column(self, name): return name.split("_")[2] def _init_places(self, gamestate): """Calculate all of our place data""" self.places = {}; self.images = { 'AntQueen': dict() } for name, place in gamestate.places.items(): if place.name == 'Hive': pCol = self.get_place_column(name) pRow = self.get_place_row(name) if place.exit.name == 'AntQueen': if not pRow in self.places: self.places[pRow] = {} self.places[pRow][pCol] = { "name": name, "type": "tunnel", "water": 0, "insects": {} } if "water" in name: self.places[pRow][pCol]["water"] = 1 self.images[name] = dict() #Add the Hive self.places[gamestate.beehive.name] = { "name": name, "type": "beehive", "water": 0, "insects": {} } self.places[gamestate.beehive.name]["insects"] = [] for bee in gamestate.beehive.bees: self.places[gamestate.beehive.name]["insects"].append({"id": self.currentBeeId, "type": "bee"}) self.beeToId[bee] = self.currentBeeId self.currentBeeId += 1 self.saveState("rows", len(self.places)) self.saveState("places", self.places); def update_food(self): self.saveState("food", self.gamestate.food) def _update_control_panel(self, gamestate): """Reflect the game state in the play area.""" self.update_food() old_insects = self.insects[:] old_bees = self.bees[:] self.bees, self.insects = [], [] for name, place in gamestate.places.items(): if place.name == 'Hive': pCol = self.get_place_column(name) pRow = self.get_place_row(name) if place.ant is not None: if self.insectToId[place.ant] not in self.insects: #Add this ant to our internal list of insects self.insects.append(self.insectToId[place.ant]) #Ok there is an ant that needs to be drawn here self.places[pRow][pCol]["insects"] = { "id": self.insectToId[place.ant], "type": place.ant.name, "img": self.get_insect_img_file(place.ant.name) # Check if it's a container ant if place.ant is not None: ant_container = isinstance(place.ant, ants.ContainerAnt) self.places[pRow][pCol]["insects"]["container"] = ant_container if ant_container and place.ant.ant_contained: self.places[pRow][pCol]["insects"]["contains"] = { "type": place.ant.ant_contained.name, "img": self.get_insect_img_file(place.ant.ant_contained.name) self.places[pRow][pCol]["insects"] = {} #Loop through our bees for bee in place.bees: self.beeLocations[self.beeToId[bee]] = name if self.beeToId[bee] not in self.bees: self.bees.append(self.beeToId[bee]) #Save our new bee locations to our game state self.saveState("beeLocations", self.beeLocations) def deployAnt(self, data): #Check to see if the ant is a remover. If so we need to remove the ant in pname pname, ant = data["pname"], data["ant"] if ant == "Remover": existing_ant = self.gamestate.places[pname].ant if existing_ant is not None: print("gamestate.remove_ant('{0}')".format(pname)) self.gamestate.remove_ant(pname) insect = None print("gamestate.deploy_ant('{0}', '{1}')".format(pname, ant)) insect = self.gamestate.deploy_ant(pname, ant); except Exception as e: return { "error": str(e) } if not insect: return { "error" : "Unable to deploy ant" } id = self.currentInsectId self.insects.append(id) self.insectToId[insect] = id self.currentInsectId += 1 self._update_control_panel(self.gamestate); return { "success": 1, "id": id } import http.server import cgi class HttpHandler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): #Override the default do_POST method def log_message(self, format, *args): #I hate this console output so simply do nothing. def cgiFieldStorageToDict(self, fieldStorage): """ Get a plain dictionary rather than the '.value' system used by the cgi module's native fieldStorage class. """ params = {} for key in fieldStorage.keys(): params[key] = fieldStorage[key].value return params def do_POST(self): path = self.path action = { '/ajax/fetch/state': gui.getState, '/ajax/start/game': gui.startGame, '/ajax/exit': gui.exit, '/ajax/deploy/ant': gui.deployAnt, }.get(path) if not action: #We could not find a valid route form = cgi.FieldStorage( fp=self.rfile, headers=self.headers, environ={'REQUEST_METHOD':'POST', 'CONTENT_TYPE':self.headers['Content-Type'], data = self.cgiFieldStorageToDict(form) response = action(data) self.send_response(200) if response: self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.end_headers() response = json.dumps(response) self.wfile.write(response.encode('ascii')) def dead_insect(ant): print('{0} ran out of health and expired'.format(ant)) if ant in gui.insectToId: gui.deadinsects.append(gui.insectToId[ant]) gui.saveState("deadinsects", gui.deadinsects) elif ant in gui.beeToId: gui.deadbees.append(gui.beeToId[ant]) gui.saveState("deadbees", gui.deadbees) def update(): request = urllib.request.Request("https://api.github.com/repos/colinschoen/Ants-Web-Viewer/releases/latest") data = None print("Checking for updates...") response = urllib.request.urlopen(request) data = json.loads(response.read().decode('utf-8')) except urllib.request.URLError as e: print('Unable to check for updates') release_version = float(data["name"]) if release_version > VERSION:
print(“Local version of”, VERSION, “is behind remote version of”, release_version)
get_update(data[“zipball_url”], data[“name”])
print(“Local version of”, VERSION, “is current with or ahead of remote version of”, release_version)

def get_update(url, version):
request = urllib.request.Request(url)
print(“Downloading new version…”)
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
with open(version + “.zip”, ‘wb’) as f:
f = zipfile.ZipFile(version + “.zip”)
#Delete original archive
os.remove(version + “.zip”)
files = os.listdir()
for f in files:
#Skip hidden files and .md files
if f[0] == “.” or f[-3:] == “.md”:
if os.path.isdir(f):
#Copy the files up two directories
shutil.copy(f, “../../” + f)
for d in dirs:
distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(d, “../../” + d)
#Delete our temp directory
print(“Cleaning up…”)
print(“Update complete”)

except Exception as e:
print(“Error:”, e)

import socketserver, socket
class CustomThreadingTCPServer(socketserver.ThreadingTCPServer):
def server_bind(self):
self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)

def run(*args):
#Start webserver
import socketserver
import webbrowser
import sys
PORT = 8000
global gui
gui = GUI()
gui.args = args
#Basic HTTP Handler
#Handler = http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
for PORT in range(8000, 8100):
httpd = CustomThreadingTCPServer((“”, PORT), HttpHandler)
print(“Could not start webserver: all ports in range 8000-8099 are taken”)
print(“Web Server started @ localhost:” + str(PORT))
def start_http():
while gui.active:
print(“Web server terminated”)
webbrowser.open(“http://localhost:” + str(PORT) + ‘/gui.html’, 2)
except Exception:
print(“Unable to automatically open web browser.”)
print(“Point your browser to http://localhost:” + str(PORT) + ‘/gui.html’)

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com