Cache Simulator (Starter Code) by Justin Goins
Oregon State University
Spring Term 2021
#include “CacheStuff.h”
class CacheController {
struct AddressInfo {
unsigned long int tag;
unsigned int setIndex;
unsigned int globalCycles;
unsigned int globalHits;
unsigned int globalMisses;
unsigned int globalEvictions;
std::string inputFile, outputFile;
CacheInfo ci;
// function to allow read or write access to the cache
void cacheAccess(CacheResponse*, bool, unsigned long int, int);
// function that can compute the index and tag matching a specific address
AddressInfo getAddressInfo(unsigned long int);
// function to add entry into output file
void logEntry(std::ofstream&, CacheResponse*);
CacheController(CacheInfo, std::string);
void runTracefile();