CS计算机代考程序代写 scheme dns database AWS Assignment1b_v3.0


School of Science, Computing and Engineering Technologies Swinburne University of Technology

COS80001 1

COS80001 – Cloud Computing Architecture

Assignment 1 – Part B

Creating and deploying Photo Album website onto a simple

AWS infrastructure

Due date: 9:00 AM Monday, start of Week 7
Weighting: 20%

Prerequisite requirements:

• Successfully passed Assignment 1A.
• ACF Labs 2, 3, and 4.
• Know how to set up and manage a MySQL database.
• General understandig of PHP programming language.
• Know how to set up and manage a Web accessible S3 bucket.

All supporting materials mentioned in this document can be found in the corresponding assignment
page on Canvas.

The PHP source code has been provided for this assignment. However, you will need to understand
how this code works to be able to modify the missing parts. Each student is supposed to add their
own specific information in this code; hence, you must not copy someone else’s code.


This assignment has the following objectives:
1. Create a secure Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with subnets, routing tables and security groups.
2. Control access to and from your VPC via an Internet Gateway.
3. Modify the provided PHP code to create a website that stores meta-data information about

photos uploaded to S3 in a MySQL database managed by Amazon RDS. The website should
enable the user to search for and display photos using meta-data.

4. Deploy and test your PHP web site on an Apache web server running on an EC2 virtual
machine instance.

5. Add and aditional layer of security by applying a Network ACL to the public subnet that hosts
your web server.

School of Science, Computing and Engineering Technologies Swinburne University of Technology

COS80001 2

1. Infrastructure deployment
You will set up a VPC with the structure and services as illustrated in the diagram below.

NOTE: Do not use the default VPC. All services should be in your custom VPC. Below are the detailed
requirements for each service.

1.1 – VPC:

• Name: [FirstNameInitial][LastName]VPC. For example, if your name is Bill Gates, your
VPC would be named “BGatesVPC”.

• Region: us-east-1
• Two availability zones each with a private and public subnet with suitable CIDR as

specified in the diagram above.
• Associate public subnets with a public route table that routes to the Internet


1.2 – Security groups

Create the following security groups, each is associated with each tier shown in the architecture

Security group name Protocols Source
TestInstanceSG All traffic Anywhere

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WebServerSG HTTP (80), HTTPS(443), SSH (22) Anywhere
ICMP TestInstanceSG
DBServerSG MySQL (3306) WebServerSG

1.3 – EC2 virtual machine

You will create two EC2 instances, a test instance and a bastion/web server instance.

1.3.1 – Bastion/Web server instance
Your web server must be deployed on an EC2 instance in Public Subnet 2. This EC2 instance should
be configured similar to the EC2 created in Assignment 1A:

– Amazon Machine Image: Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type
– Instance type: t2.micro
– Has Apache web server and other PHP packages installed (you can use the same bash script

provided in Assignment 1A to bootstrap your EC2).
This instance will host the “Photo Album” web application, which was created in Assignment 1A –
more details are in Section 2 of this specification document. This instance will also act as a bastion
host for you to SSH into the Test instance, which resides in a private subnet.

1.3.2 – Test instance
This instance will be used for demonstration purposes only. It does not contribute to the
functionality of Photo Album website. You will SSH into this instance and ping the web server (using
“ping” command in Linux). Please take a screenshot(s) of the Linux terminal to demonstrate that:

– You are able to SSH into an instance in a private subnet (which is this Test instance). For
instructions on how to connect to a private EC2 instance through a bastion host, you can
refer to https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/securely-connect-to-linux-instances-

– You are able to establish a connection (ICMP ping) between this instance and the
Bastion/Web server instance.

The configuration of this instance is entirely your choice. This instance does not host the web

1.4 – RDS database instance

Your RDS instance must have the following configs:
– DB engine version: MySQL 8.0.25
– Template: Free tier
– Public access: No
– Resides in private subnets.

Note: Your RDS instance needs to be in a private subnet. Only WebServerSG security group can
access it. However, you need to be able to access your database over the internet so that you can set
it up and maintain it. There are several ways to do this. The easiest way is to install phpMyAdmin (a

School of Science, Computing and Engineering Technologies Swinburne University of Technology

COS80001 4

web-based MySQL administration tool) on your EC2 web server instance and manage your database
through phpMyAdmin’s UI. Instructions on how to do this are in Install phpMyAdmin on EC2.pdf file.

Create a database in your RDS instance with a table called photos that stores meta-data about the
photos stored in the S3 bucket. This table should have the following columns:

• Photo title (varchar(255) type)
• Description (varchar(255) type)
• Creation date (date type)
• Keywords (varchar(255) type)
• Reference to the photo object in S3 (varchar(255) type)

1.5 – Network ACL

To add an additional layer of security to your web server, you have been asked to design and deploy a
Network ACL (named “PublicSubnet2NACL”) that limits ICMP and other necessary traffic to the
corresponding subnet (Public Subnet 2). This NACL must follow the least-privilege principle. In other
words, irrelevant traffic from irrelevant sources must not be allowed. To be specific, the NACL:

– must ALLOW SSH(22) 1traffic from anywhere so that you can access the PhotoAlbum.
– must ALLOW ICMP traffic only from the subnet that contains the Test instance.
– must ALLOW other necessary traffic so that the Photo Album website is fully functional for

users from anywhere.

2. Functional requirements of Photo Album website
Your Photo Album website must have the following functional requirements.

2.1 – Photo storage

Create an S3 bucket to store your photos. This bucket should be configured to be publicly accessible.
Manually upload some photos onto S3.

2.2 – Photo meta-data in RDS Database

The meta-data of the photos stored in the S3 bucket is stored in a database table, which has been
created in Section 1.4. You need to populate the table with a few records. Below is an example of a

– Photo title: Swinburne Logo
– Description: Logo of Swinburne uni
– Creation date: 2021-08-09
– Keywords: logo, university
– Object URL in S3: https://photo-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/swinburnelogo.jpg

1 Ideally, SSH(22) traffic should only be allowed from your home network’s public IPv4 address range
since common users do not need to access the web server. But for simplicity, you can allow SSH from
anywhere in this assignment.

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2.3 – Photo Album website functionality

The website must be able to list all the photos (stored in the S3 bucket) along with their meta-data
(stored in the database). The full source code has been provided to you (photoalbum_v3.0.zip).
Modify the constants.php file in the provided code (carefully read the comments in the file) using
available information from the S3 bucket and RDS database that you created in the previous steps.
The website should be accessible through
http://[your.public.dns].amazonaws.com/cos80001/photoalbum/album.php if the directory structure
in your web server is correct.


Manually upload several photos to the S3 bucket and insert their meta-data into the database.
Thoroughly test to make sure the photos and their meta-data are correctly displayed.

Ensure the Network ACL satisfies the additional security requirement, by login into the Test instance
and run a ping to the web server’s IP address.


Make sure your website is running from the due date – check you have started the web server EC2
instance if you have stopped it. (No need to start the Test instance).
Submission is a single PDF document to Canvas. No demonstration is required. The document must
contain the following:

1. Title page with your name, student ID, and tutorial class.
2. URL of the album.php pages on your EC2 so your marker can view your website from their

browser. Note that the IP address and public DNS of an EC2 are changed after being
restarted, so make sure the URL is up-to-date.

3. If your assignment is done in your personal AWS account instead of Vocareum, you need to
create an IAM user with proper permissions and provide us with the credentials so that your
tutor can access your AWS management console.

4. Screenshot(s) of the data records in your database.
5. Screenshot(s) of Linux terminal showing you have been able to ping the Web server Instance

from your Test instance.

School of Science, Computing and Engineering Technologies Swinburne University of Technology

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COS80001 CCA: Assignment 1B Checklist

Make sure all the following are completed.
Submission Checklist
Student Name: ………………………………………………
Student Id: …………………………………………………….
Tutorial time: …………………………………………………
Date of submission: ……………………………………

Submit to Canvas:

o A PDF document file as specified in the Submission section of the assignment specification.

Marking Scheme

Infrastructure Requirements
VPC with 2 public and 2 private subnets 1
Correct Public and Private Routing tables with correct subnet associations 2
Security groups properly configured and attached. 2
Network ACL properly configured and attached 3
Correct Web server and Test instances running in correct subnets 1
Database schema as specified 1
Database running in correct subnets 2
S3 objects publicly accessible 1
Functional Requirements

album.php page displayed from EC2 Web server 2
Photos loaded from S3 with matching metadata from RDS 3
Web server instance reachable from Test instance via ICMP 2

Documentation not as specified or poorly presented (up to minus 20)
Serious misconfigurations of AWS services being used (up to minus 20)
