Cache Simulator (Starter Code) by Justin Goins
Oregon State University
Spring Term 2021
#include “CacheController.h”
using namespace std;
CacheController::CacheController(CacheInfo ci, string tracefile) {
// store the configuration info
this->ci = ci;
this->inputFile = tracefile;
this->outputFile = this->inputFile + “.out”;
// compute the other cache parameters
this->ci.numByteOffsetBits = log2(ci.blockSize);
this->ci.numSetIndexBits = log2(ci.numberSets);
// initialize the counters
this->globalCycles = 0;
this->globalHits = 0;
this->globalMisses = 0;
this->globalEvictions = 0;
// create your cache structure
// …
// manual test code to see if the cache is behaving properly
// will need to be changed slightly to match the function prototype
cacheAccess(false, 0);
cacheAccess(false, 128);
cacheAccess(false, 256);
cacheAccess(false, 0);
cacheAccess(false, 128);
cacheAccess(false, 256);
Starts reading the tracefile and processing memory operations.
void CacheController::runTracefile() {
cout << "Input tracefile: " << inputFile << endl;
cout << "Output file name: " << outputFile << endl;
// process each input line
string line;
// define regular expressions that are used to locate commands
regex commentPattern("==.*");
regex instructionPattern("I .*");
regex loadPattern(" (L )(.*)(,)([[:digit:]]+)$");
regex storePattern(" (S )(.*)(,)([[:digit:]]+)$");
regex modifyPattern(" (M )(.*)(,)([[:digit:]]+)$");
// open the output file
ofstream outfile(outputFile);
// open the output file
ifstream infile(inputFile);
// parse each line of the file and look for commands
while (getline(infile, line)) {
// these strings will be used in the file output
string opString, activityString;
smatch match; // will eventually hold the hexadecimal address string
unsigned long int address;
// create a struct to track cache responses
CacheResponse response;
// ignore comments
if (std::regex_match(line, commentPattern) || std::regex_match(line, instructionPattern)) {
// skip over comments and CPU instructions
} else if (std::regex_match(line, match, loadPattern)) {
cout << "Found a load op!" << endl;
istringstream hexStream(match.str(2));
hexStream >> std::hex >> address;
outfile << match.str(1) << match.str(2) << match.str(3) << match.str(4);
cacheAccess(&response, false, address, stoi(match.str(4)));
logEntry(outfile, &response);
} else if (std::regex_match(line, match, storePattern)) {
cout << "Found a store op!" << endl;
istringstream hexStream(match.str(2));
hexStream >> std::hex >> address;
outfile << match.str(1) << match.str(2) << match.str(3) << match.str(4);
cacheAccess(&response, true, address, stoi(match.str(4)));
logEntry(outfile, &response);
} else if (std::regex_match(line, match, modifyPattern)) {
cout << "Found a modify op!" << endl;
istringstream hexStream(match.str(2));
// first process the read operation
hexStream >> std::hex >> address;
outfile << match.str(1) << match.str(2) << match.str(3) << match.str(4);
cacheAccess(&response, false, address, stoi(match.str(4)));
logEntry(outfile, &response);
outfile << endl;
// now process the write operation
hexStream >> std::hex >> address;
outfile << match.str(1) << match.str(2) << match.str(3) << match.str(4);
cacheAccess(&response, true, address, stoi(match.str(4)));
logEntry(outfile, &response);
} else {
throw runtime_error("Encountered unknown line format in tracefile.");
outfile << endl;
// add the final cache statistics
outfile << "Hits: " << globalHits << " Misses: " << globalMisses << " Evictions: " << globalEvictions << endl;
outfile << "Cycles: " << globalCycles << endl;
Report the results of a memory access operation.
void CacheController::logEntry(ofstream& outfile, CacheResponse* response) {
outfile << " " << response->cycles;
if (response->hits > 0)
outfile << " hit";
if (response->misses > 0)
outfile << " miss";
if (response->evictions > 0)
outfile << " eviction";
Calculate the block index and tag for a specified address.
CacheController::AddressInfo CacheController::getAddressInfo(unsigned long int address) {
AddressInfo ai;
// this code should be changed to assign the proper index and tag
return ai;
This function allows us to read or write to the cache.
The read or write is indicated by isWrite.
address is the initial memory address
numByte is the number of bytes involved in the access
void CacheController::cacheAccess(CacheResponse* response, bool isWrite, unsigned long int address, int numBytes) {
// determine the index and tag
AddressInfo ai = getAddressInfo(address);
cout << "\tSet index: " << ai.setIndex << ", tag: " << ai.tag << endl;
// your code should also calculate the proper number of cycles that were used for the operation
response->cycles = 0;
// your code needs to update the global counters that track the number of hits, misses, and evictions
if (response->hits > 0)
cout << "Operation at address " << std::hex << address << " caused " << response->hits << " hit(s)." << std::dec << endl;
if (response->misses > 0)
cout << "Operation at address " << std::hex << address << " caused " << response->misses << " miss(es)." << std::dec << endl;
cout << "-----------------------------------------" << endl;