编程代考 COMP 3711 Design and Analysis of Algorithms

COMP 3711 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Lecture 2: Divide & Conquer – Intro

Divide-and-Conquer intro: Binary search

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Main idea of DaC: Solve a problem of size n by breaking it into one or more smaller problems of size less than n. Solve the smaller problems recursively and combine their solutions, to solve the large problem
Example: Binary Search
Input: A sorted array A[1..n], and an element x.
Output: Return the position of x, if it is in A; otherwise output nil.
Idea of binary search : Set q 􏱶 middle of the array. If x = A[q], return q. If x < A[q], search A[1..q-1]. If x > A[q], search A[q+1..n]
BinarySearch(􏱷􏱿 􏲕􏱿 􏲖􏱿 􏴐):
if 􏲕 􏲄 􏲖 then return 􏱼􏱻􏴑
􏲘􏱶 􏱾􏲕􏲃􏲖􏲀􏲆􏲇
if􏱷􏲘 􏲗􏴐return􏲘
if􏴐􏲭􏱷􏲘 thenBinarySearch(􏱷􏱿􏲕􏱿􏲘􏲞􏱹􏱿􏴐) else BinarySearch(􏱷􏱿 􏲘 􏲃 􏱹􏱿 􏲖􏱿 􏴐)
First call: BinarySearch(􏱷􏱿 􏱹􏱿 􏱼􏱿 􏴐)

Binary Search Example
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(A, 1, 10, 42)
q = A[5] = 19
(A, 6, 10, 42)
q = A[8] = 54
(A, 6, 7, 42)
q = A[6] = 20
(A, 7, 7, 42)
(A, 7, 7, 42)

Analysis of Binary Search
Analysis: Let 􏳪􏱾􏱼􏲀 be the number of comparisons needed for 􏱼 elements.
Recurrence: With a single comparison we eliminate half of the array. => we search for the element in the remaining half, which has size n/2. Thus, the recurrence counting the number of comparisons is:
􏳪 􏱼 􏲗 􏳪 􏱼􏲆􏲇 􏲃 􏱹 if n > 1, with 􏳪 􏱹 􏲗 􏱹􏳤 Solve the recurrence by the expansion method:
􏳪􏱾􏱼􏲀= 􏳪􏱼􏲆􏲇 􏲃1
􏳪 􏱼􏲆􏲇􏰈 􏲃 􏱇 + 1
Note: Binary search may General terminate faster than
Case 􏴒􏱾􏳛􏳚􏲱 􏱼􏲀, but the worst- case running time is still
􏳪 􏱼􏲆􏲇􏰯􏰰􏰱􏰊􏰀
+􏳛􏳚􏲱􏰈􏱼 􏲃􏳛􏳚􏲱􏰈􏱼
􏱻 􏲗 􏳛􏳚􏲱􏰈 􏱼
􏲗 􏳷 􏲃 􏴓􏴔􏴕􏴖 􏴗

Binary Search recurrence with the recursion tree method
For 􏱼 􏲄 􏱹􏱿 􏳪 􏱼 􏲗 􏳪 􏱼􏲆􏲇 􏲃 􏱹􏱿 #problems (nodes)
Comparisons per level
level 􏲁􏴚 􏱹 level 􏱹􏴚 􏱹
level 􏳝􏴚 􏱹
level (􏳛􏳚􏲱􏰈 􏱼􏲀 􏲞 􏱹􏴚 􏱹 level􏳛􏳚􏲱􏰈􏱼􏴠􏱹
per level level 􏲁􏴚 􏱹
level 􏱹􏴚 􏱹 level 􏱻􏴚 􏱹
level 􏴑􏴛􏴜􏱼 􏲞 􏱹􏴚 􏱹
􏳪 􏱼 􏱹 􏳪 􏱼􏲆􏲇 􏱹
􏰀 􏲗 􏰈􏱾􏴝􏴞􏴟􏰊 􏰔􏲀􏰮􏰉
Total number of comparisons: 􏱹 􏲃 􏱹􏲃􏳤 􏳤 􏲃􏱹 􏲗 􏱹 􏲃 􏳛􏳚􏲱􏰈 􏱼
Note: This is actually equivalent to the expansion method but more visual.

Exercise 1a Rotated Sorted Array
Suppose you are given a sorted array A of n distinct numbers that has been rotated k steps, for some unknown integer k between 1 and 􏱍 􏳾 􏱇􏱯 􏱢􏱗􏱎􏱖 􏱋􏱊􏱳 􏱐􏲐􏱇􏱯􏱯􏲧􏲑 􏱋􏱊 􏱊􏱓􏱕􏱖􏱉􏱏 􏱋􏱍 􏱋􏱍􏱚􏱕􏱉􏱎􏱊􏱋􏱍􏱌 􏱓􏱕􏱏􏱉􏱕􏱳 􏱎􏱍􏱏 􏱐􏲐􏲧 􏲒 􏱇􏱯􏱯􏱍􏲑 􏱋􏱊 also sorted in increasing order, and A[n] < A[1]. The following array A is an example of n = 16 elements with k = 10. A = [9, 13, 16, 18, 19, 23, 28, 31, 37, 4=k2, 0, 1, 2, 5, 7, 8]. 1) Design an O(log n)-time algorithm to find the value of k. (A[k] is the maximum element in the array) Find-k(A, p, q) m 􏴀 􏴡 (p+q)/2 􏴢 if A[m] > A[m + 1] then return m
􏱋􏱔 􏱐􏲐􏱘􏲑 􏳘 􏱐􏲐􏱇􏲑 􏱖􏱗􏱉􏱍 􏱕􏱉􏱖􏱛􏱕􏱍 􏱱􏱋􏱍􏱏-k(A, m+1, q) Else return Find-􏲧􏱩􏱐􏱳 􏱮􏱳 􏱘 􏳾 􏱇􏱫
This is similar to binary search: with a constant number of comparisons, we reduce the problem size by half: T(n)=T(n/2)+c 􏳽 T(n) = O(logn)

Exercise 1b Rotated Sorted Array (cont)
2) Design an O(log n)-time algorithm that for any given x, finds x in the rotated sorted array, or reports that it does not exist.
Find-x(A, x)
k 􏴀 Find-k(A, 1, n)
􏱋􏱔 􏱞 􏳘 􏱐􏲐􏱇􏲑 􏱖􏱗􏱉􏱍 􏱕􏱉􏱖􏱛􏱕􏱍 BinarySearch(A, 1, k, x) Else return BinarySearch(A, k + 1, n, x)

Exercise 2a Finding the last 0
You are given an array A[1..n] that contains a sequence of 0 followed by a sequence of 1 (e.g., 0001111111). A contains at least one 0 and one 1.
1 ) Design an O(log n)-time algorithm that finds the position k of the last 0, i.e., A[k] = 0 and A[k + 1] = 1.
if r=p+1, RETURN p
mid 􏴀 􏴁(p+r)/2􏴂
if A[mid]=0 and A[mid+1]=1, RETURN mid if A[mid]=0, find-k(A[mid..r])
else find-k(A[p..mid])

Exercise 2b Finding the last 0 (cont)
2) Suppose that k is much smaller than n. Design an O(log k)- time algorithm that finds the position k of the last 0. (you can re-use solution of part 1).
while A[i]=0
i􏴣2i find-k(A[i/2+1..i])
The while loop will stop when it finds a 1. Since each time we double the value of i, the while loop performs logk iterations. The first 1 occurs somewhere between the positions A[i/2+1] and A[i]. To find it, we call find-k(A[i/2+1..i]), which has cost log(k/2)= O(logk). Therefore, the total cost is O(logk).

More complex example: Towers of Hanoi
Goal: Move 􏱼 discs from peg A to peg C
􏲈 One disc at a time
􏲈 􏱀􏱎􏱍􏲉􏱖 􏱮􏱛􏱖 􏱎 􏱑􏱎􏱕􏱌􏱉􏱕 􏱏􏱋􏱊􏱚 􏱓􏱍 􏱖􏱓􏱮 􏱓􏱔 􏱎 􏱊􏱘􏱎􏱑􏱑􏱉􏱕 􏱓􏱍􏱉
MoveTower(􏱼, peg1, peg2, peg3): if 􏱼􏲗􏱹 then
move the only disc from peg1 to peg3
return else
MoveTower(􏱼 􏲞 􏱹, peg1, peg3, peg2) move the only disc from peg1 to peg3 MoveTower(􏱼 􏲞 􏱹, peg2, peg1, peg3)
First call: MoveTower(􏱼􏱿 􏱷􏱿 􏴤􏱿 􏴥)
Keys things to remember:
􏲈 Reduce a problem to the same problem, but with a smaller size
􏲈 The base case

Analyzing a recursive algorithm with recurrence
Q: How many steps (movement of discs) are needed? Analysis: Let 􏳪􏱾􏱼􏲀 be the number of steps needed for 􏱼 discs.
In the recursive algorithm, to solve the problem of size n, we:
1:move 􏱼􏲞􏱹 disks frompeg1to2
3: move 􏱼 􏲞 􏱹
􏳪􏱼􏲞􏱹 disk frompeg1to3 􏱹
disks from peg 2 to 3
Thus, the recurrence counting the number of steps is:
􏳪 􏱼 􏲗 􏲇􏳪 􏱼 􏲞 􏱹 􏲃 􏱹􏱿 􏱼 􏲄 􏱹 􏳪􏱹􏲗􏱹

Solving the recurrence with the Expansion method
The recurrence counting the number of steps is
􏳪 􏱼 􏲗 􏲇􏳪 􏱼 􏲞 􏱹 􏲃 􏱹􏱿 􏳪􏱹􏲗􏱹
Solve the recurrence by the expansion method: 􏳪􏱾􏱼􏲀= 􏲇􏳪􏱼􏲞􏱹 􏲃1
=2􏲇􏳪􏱼􏲞􏱹􏲞􏱹􏲃􏱇􏲃􏱹 = 􏲇􏰈􏳪􏱼􏲞􏲇 +2+1
= 􏲇􏰈 􏲇􏳪 􏱼􏲞􏲇 􏲞􏱹 􏲃􏱇 􏲃􏲇􏲃􏱹 = 􏲇􏰏􏳪􏱼􏲞􏳙 +􏲇􏰈+2+1
General Case
= 􏲇􏰌 􏳪 􏱼 􏲞 􏱻 􏲍 􏱯􏴃􏱯
= 􏲇􏰀􏰓􏰆 􏳪 􏱹
+ 􏲇􏰌􏰓􏰆 + 􏲇􏰌􏰓􏰈 􏲃 􏴦 􏲃 􏲇􏰈 +2 +1 geometric series
+ 􏲇􏰀􏰓􏰈 + 􏲇􏰀􏰓􏰏 􏲃 􏴦 􏲃 􏲇􏰈 +2 +1 􏲗 􏴖􏴧 􏲞 􏳷

Exercise 3 Geometric Series Assume c is a positive constant. Prove that 􏴨􏰀􏰓􏰆 􏳲􏱻 􏲗 􏰐􏰀􏰓􏰆
􏰌􏰍􏰇 􏰐􏰓􏰆 􏰌􏰍􏰇 􏰐􏰀􏰓􏰆
Set 􏱅 􏲗 􏴨􏰀􏰓􏰆 􏳲􏱻=1+c+c2+􏴃+cn-1 􏰌􏰍􏰇
Then, 􏳲􏳟􏱅 􏲗 􏳲􏳟 􏴨􏰀􏰓􏰆 􏳲􏱻 􏲍􏱚􏲒􏱚􏱤􏲒􏴃􏲒􏱚􏱍 􏳲􏳟􏱅􏲞􏱅􏲗􏱾􏳲􏲞􏱹􏲀􏳟􏱅􏲗􏳲􏱼 􏲞􏱹 􏴩􏱅􏲗􏴨􏰀􏰓􏰆􏳲􏱻 􏲗
For c>1, 􏴒 􏰐􏰀􏰓􏰆 􏰐􏰓􏰆
For c<1, 􏴒 􏰐􏰀􏰓􏰆 􏰐􏰓􏰆 􏲗 􏴒􏱾􏳲􏱼) (also 􏴒(cn-1) because 􏳲􏱼 􏲗 􏳲􏳟􏳲􏱼􏴪􏱹) 􏲗 􏴒 􏰆􏰓􏰐􏰀 􏲗 􏴒􏱾􏱹) 􏰆􏰓􏰐 In general the largest term dominates the asymptotic cost: 􏲪 􏴨􏰀􏰓􏰆 􏲇􏱻 􏲗 􏲍􏱇􏲒􏱤􏲒􏱤􏱤􏲒􏴃􏲒􏱤􏱍􏳾􏱇 􏲗 􏴒􏱾􏲇􏱼􏴪􏱹􏱫􏲍􏴒􏱾􏲇􏱼􏱫 􏲪 􏴨􏰀􏰓􏰆 􏱹􏲆􏲇􏱻 􏲗 􏱇􏲒􏱇􏱰􏱤􏲒􏱇􏱰􏱤􏱤􏲒􏴃􏲒􏱇􏱰􏱤􏱍􏳾􏱇 􏲗 􏴒􏱾􏱹􏱫 􏰌􏰍􏰇 Solving the recurrence with the recursion tree method For􏱼􏲄􏱹􏱿􏳪 􏱼 􏲗􏲇􏳪 􏱼􏲞􏱹 􏲃􏱹􏱿 level 􏲁􏴚 􏱹 node level 􏱹􏴚 􏲇 nodes level􏲇􏴚􏲇􏰈nodes level 􏱻􏴚 􏲇􏰌 nodes level 􏱼 􏲞 􏲇􏴚 􏲇􏰀􏰓􏰈 nodes level 􏱼 􏲞 􏱹􏴚 􏲇􏰀􏰓􏰆 nodes 􏳪 􏱼 􏲞 􏱹 􏳪􏱼􏲞􏲇1 􏳪􏱼􏲞􏲇 1 􏳪􏱼􏲞􏲇1 􏳪􏱼􏲞􏲇 1 􏳪􏲇1 􏳪􏲇1 􏴃􏴃 􏳪􏲇1 􏳪􏲇1 􏳪􏱹1 􏳪􏱹1􏳪􏱹1 􏳪􏱹1 􏳪􏱹1 􏳪􏱹1􏳪􏱹1 􏳪􏱹1 total number of nodes: 􏱹 􏲃 􏲇 􏲃 􏲇􏰈 􏲃 􏴦 􏲇􏰀􏰓􏰈 􏲃 􏲇􏰀􏰓􏰆 􏲗 􏴒􏱾􏲇􏱼􏱫􏱾􏴫􏴬􏴛􏴭􏴬􏴮􏲖􏱻􏳲 􏴯􏴬􏲖􏱻􏴬􏴰􏲀 each doing one unit of work Merge sort Mergesort(􏱷􏱿 􏲕􏱿 􏲖): if 􏲕 􏲗 􏲖 then return 􏲘􏱶 􏱾􏲕􏲃􏲖􏲀􏲆􏲇 Mergesort(􏱷􏱿 􏲕􏱿 􏲘) Mergesort(􏱷􏱿 􏲘 􏲃 􏱹􏱿 􏲖) Merge(􏱷􏱿 􏲕􏱿 􏲘􏱿 􏲖) First call: Mergesort(􏱷􏱿 􏱹􏱿 􏱼) Merge sort. 􏲈 Divide array into two halves. 􏲈 Recursively sort each half. 􏲈 Merge two halves to make sorted whole. Merge. Combine two sorted lists into a sorted whole. Merge(􏱷􏱿 􏲕􏱿 􏲘􏱿 􏲖): create two new arrays 􏲝 and 􏲠 􏲝 􏱶 􏱷􏱸􏲕􏳤 􏳤 􏲘􏱺,􏲠 􏱶 􏱷􏱸􏲘 􏲃 􏱹􏳤 􏳤 􏲖􏱺 append 􏲟 attheendof 􏲝 and 􏲠 􏱻 􏱶 􏱹􏱿 􏱽 􏱶 􏱹 for 􏲂 􏱶 􏲕 to 􏲖 if 􏲝 􏱻 􏳴􏲠􏱸􏱽􏱺 then 􏱷􏲂 􏱶􏲝􏱸􏱻􏱺 􏱷􏲂 􏱶􏲠􏱸􏱽􏱺 􏱽􏱶􏱽􏲃􏱹 Merge: Example Merge: Example Splits each array into left and right Sorts Left Sorts Right Merges results Mergesort: Example 4 2 12 7 1 5 8 10 6 9 11 3 Analyzing merge sort Def. Let 􏳪􏱾􏱼􏲀 be the running time of the algorithm on an array of size 􏱼. Merge sort recurrence. 􏳪 􏱼 􏳴􏳪 􏱼􏲆􏲇 􏲃􏳪 􏱼􏲆􏲇 􏲃􏳭􏱾􏱼􏲀􏱿 􏱼􏲄􏱹 􏳪 􏱹 􏲗 􏳭􏱾􏱹􏲀 A few simplifications 􏲈 Replace 􏳴 with 􏲗 􏲏 since we are interested in a big-O upper bound of 􏳪􏱾􏱼􏲀 􏲈 Replace 􏳭􏱾􏱼􏲀 with 􏱼, replace 􏳭􏱾􏱹􏲀 with 􏱹 􏲏 since we are interested in n big-O upper bound of 􏳪􏱾􏱼􏲀 􏲏 Can also think of this as rescaling running time 􏲈 Assume 􏱼 is a power of 􏲇, so that we can ignore 􏱿 􏲏 since we are interested in an big-O upper bound of 􏳪􏱾􏱼􏲀 􏲏 for any 􏱼, let 􏱼􏴱 be the smallest power of 􏲇 such that 􏱼􏰧 􏴲 􏱼, =>􏳪􏱼􏳴􏳪􏱼􏰧 􏳴􏳪􏲇􏱼􏲗􏳭􏱾􏳪􏱼􏲀, as long as 􏳪􏱾􏱼􏲀 is a increasing polynomial function.

Simplified merge sort recurrence.
􏳪 􏱼 􏲗 􏲇􏳪 􏱼􏲆􏲇 􏲃 􏱼􏱿 􏳪􏱹􏲗􏱹
􏳪􏱼􏲗􏲇􏳪􏰀􏲃􏱼 􏰈
=􏲇􏲇􏳪􏰀􏲃􏰀􏲃􏱼=􏲇􏰈􏳪􏰀 􏲃􏲇􏱼 􏰚􏰈 􏰈􏰊
Solve the recurrence
􏲗􏲇􏰈􏲇􏳪􏰀 􏲃􏰀 􏲃􏲇􏱼=􏲇􏰏􏳪􏰀 􏲃􏳙􏱼 􏰈􏰬 􏰈􏰊 􏰈􏰬
􏲗􏲇􏰏􏲇􏳪􏰀 􏲃􏰀 􏲃􏳙􏱼=􏲇􏰚􏳪􏰀 􏲃􏴳􏱼
􏲗 􏲇􏰯􏰰􏰱􏰊 􏰀􏳪 􏰀 􏰈􏴝􏴞􏴟􏰊 􏰔
􏲗􏱼􏳪􏱹 􏲃􏳛􏳚􏲱􏰈􏱼􏱼 􏲗 􏱼􏳛􏳚􏲱􏰈􏱼 􏲃 􏱼

Simplified merge sort recurrence.
􏳪 􏱼 􏲗 􏲇􏳪 􏱼􏲆􏲇 􏲃 􏱼􏱿 􏳪􏱹􏲗􏱹
Solve the recurrence
􏲇􏰯􏰰􏰱􏰊 􏰀􏰓􏰆 􏲗 􏱼 􏲇
􏳪􏱾􏱼􏲆􏲇􏲀 􏱼 􏲇􏲇
􏳪􏱾􏱼􏲆􏴳􏲀 􏱼 􏴳
􏳪􏱾􏱼􏲆􏴳􏲀 􏱼 􏱼 􏴳
􏴳􏴴􏱼􏲆􏴳 􏴳 􏳛􏳚􏲱􏲇􏱼 . . .
􏰯􏰰􏰱 􏰀􏰓􏰆 􏲇 􏰊
􏴧􏱾 􏴵􏴶􏴷􏴖􏴧 􏲃 􏳷􏲀
􏳪􏱾􏱹􏲀 􏳪􏱾􏱹􏲀 􏳪􏱾􏱹􏲀 􏳪􏱾􏱹􏲀 􏳪􏱾􏱹􏲀 􏳪􏱾􏱹􏲀 􏳪􏱾􏱹􏲀 􏳪􏱾􏱹􏲀 􏳪􏱾􏱹􏲀 􏳪􏱾􏱹􏲀 􏳪􏱾􏱹􏲀 􏳪􏱾􏱹􏲀 􏳪􏱾􏱹􏲀 􏳪􏱾􏱹􏲀 􏳪􏱾􏱹􏲀 􏳪􏱾􏱹􏲀
􏱼 􏰯􏰰􏰱􏰊 􏰀􏰓􏰆
So, merge sort runs in 􏳭􏱾􏱼 􏳛􏳚􏲱 􏱼􏲀 time.

Running time of merge sort
Q: Is the running time of merge sort also 􏴸􏱾􏱼 􏳛􏳚􏲱 􏱼􏲀􏴹
􏲈 􏱟􏱋􏱍􏱚􏱉 􏱖􏱗􏱉 􏳯􏱘􏱉􏱕􏱌􏱉􏳰 􏱊􏱖􏱉􏱮 􏱎􏱑􏱲􏱎􏱒􏱊 􏱖􏱎􏲧􏱉􏱊 􏴒􏱾􏱼􏲀 time no matter what the
􏱋􏱍􏱮􏱛􏱖 􏱋􏱊􏱳 􏱖􏱗􏱉 􏱎􏱑􏱌􏱓􏱕􏱋􏱖􏱗􏱘􏲉􏱊 􏱕􏱛􏱍􏱍􏱋􏱍􏱌 􏱖􏱋􏱘􏱉 􏱋􏱊 􏱎􏱚􏱖􏱛􏱎􏱑􏱑􏱒 􏳯􏱖􏱗􏱉 􏱊􏱎􏱘􏱉􏳰 􏱩􏱛􏱮 􏱖􏱓 􏱎
constant multiplicative factor), independent of the input.
􏲈 Equivalently speaking, every input is a worst case input.
􏲈 The whole analysis holds if we replace every 􏳭 with 􏴸
Theorem: Merge sort runs in time 􏴒􏱾􏱼 􏳛􏳚􏲱 􏱼􏲀.

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