import itertools, copy
from csp import *
def generate_and_test(csp):
names, domains = zip(*csp.var_domains.items())
for values in itertools.product(*domains):
assignment = {x:v for x, v in zip(names, values)}
if all([satisfies(assignment, constraint) for constraint in csp.constraints]):
yield assignment
def arc_consistent(csp):
csp = copy.deepcopy(csp)
tda = {(x, c) for c in csp.constraints for x in scope(c)}
while tda:
x, c = tda.pop()
ys = list(scope(c) – {x})
new_domain = set()
for xval in csp.var_domains[x]:
assignment = {x: xval}
for yvals in itertools.product(*[csp.var_domains[y] for y in ys]):
assignment.update({y: yval for y, yval in zip(ys, yvals)})
if satisfies(assignment, c):
if csp.var_domains[x] != new_domain:
csp.var_domains[x] = new_domain
for cprime in set(csp.constraints) – {c}:
if x in scope(cprime):
for z in scope(cprime):
if x != z:
tda.add((z, cprime))
return csp
“””This represents the following cryptarithmetic problem. Wherein each
letter represents a digit. Each digit is associated with a maximum of one
letter and each letter with exactly one digit. The letters on the left
cannot be zero. The problem:
+ two
cryptic_puzzle = CSP(
var_domains = {x: set(range(0, 10)) for x in ‘twofur’},
constraints = {
lambda t, w, o, f, u, r: len([t, w, o, f, u, r]) == len(set([t, w, o, f, u, r])),
lambda o, r: (o + o) % 10 == r,
lambda w, u, o: (w + w + ((o + o) // 10)) % 10 == u,
lambda t, o, w: (t + t + ((w + w) // 10)) % 10 == o, #Don’t need to worry about o+o as it wouldn’t make a difference (5 + 5) // 10 = 1 & (4 + (4 + 1)) // 10 == 0
lambda t: t >= 5, #since f has to be 1, t must carry over
lambda f: f == 1, #since it can’t be zero and no three digit numbers added together can equal over 1 in the fourth digit