__author__ = ‘Jay Harris’
from search import *
import heapq
import math
class MapGraph(Graph):
“””A graph that parses a map string and determines start, goals and obstacles”””
def __init__(self, map_str):
“””Initializes the map”””
self.sort_order = [“N”, “NE”, “E”, “SE”, “S”, “SW”, “W”, “NW”]
self.visited = []
map_str = map_str.strip()
map = []
for line in map_str.split(‘\n’):
self.map = map
self.start = []
self.nodes = []
self.edges = []
self.goal_node = None
def get_nodes(self, map):
“””Gets the nodes for the map”””
for y in range(len(map)):
for x in range(len(map[y])):
node = (y, x)
c = map[y][x]
if not c in [“S”, “G”, “X”, ” “]: continue
if c == ‘S’:
elif c == ‘G’:
self.goal_node = node
self.add_edges(node, map)
def add_edges(self, node, map):
“””Adds the edges for a node”””
curry, currx = node
# if the current node is a wall, it has no edges
if map[curry][currx] == ‘X’: return
for i in range(-1, 2):
for j in range(-1, 2):
# if we’re looking at ourself, continue
if i == j == 0: continue
x, y = j + currx, i + curry
# If the node is an X, don’t add an edge
if x < 0 or y < 0 or y >= len(map) or x >= len(map[y]) or map[y][x] not in [‘G’, ‘S’, ‘ ‘]: continue
edge = ((curry, currx), (y, x), 1)
# If we don’t already have the edge, add it
if edge not in self.edges:
def is_goal(self, node):
“””Determines if the specified node is the goal node”””
return node == self.goal_node
def starting_nodes(self):
“””Gets the starting node for the graph”””
for node in self.start:
yield node
def outgoing_arcs(self, tail_node):
“””Gets the outgoing arcs for a node”””
if tail_node in self.visited: return []
arcs = []
for edge in self.edges:
tail, head = edge[:2]
if tail == tail_node:
cost = edge[2] if len(edge) > 2 else 1
arcs.append(Arc(tail, head, self.direction(head, tail), cost))
return sorted(arcs, key=lambda arc: self.sort_order.index(arc.label))
def direction(head, tail):
“””Return the direction from the head node to the tail node
>>> MapGraph.direction((1, 7), (2, 7))
>>> MapGraph.direction((1, 7), (2, 6))
x = head[1] – tail[1]
y = head[0] – tail[0]
result = ”
if y > 0:
result += “S”
elif y < 0:
result += "N"
if x > 0:
result += “E”
elif x < 0:
result += "W"
return result
def estimated_cost_to_goal(self, node):
"""Gets the estimated cost to the goal node from a node"""
y, x = abs(node[0] - self.goal_node[0]), abs(node[1] - self.goal_node[1])
return max(x, y)
class AStarFrontier(Frontier):
"""Represents the frontier of an A* search"""
def __init__(self, graph):
"""Initializes the frontier"""
self.graph = graph
self.container = []
self.visited = []
def add(self, path):
"""Adds a path to the frontier"""
if path[-1].head in self.visited: return
cost = 0
for arc in path:
cost += arc[3]
cost += self.graph.estimated_cost_to_goal(path[-1][1])
# check and see if we have any other paths with the same cost
found = False
for c, paths in self.container:
if c == cost:
found = True
# if not, add it to the container
if not found:
calculatedPath = (cost, [path])
heapq.heappush(self.container, calculatedPath)
def __iter__(self):
while len(self.container) > 0:
item = self.container[0][1]
path = item.pop(0) if len(item) > 1 else heapq.heappop(self.container)[1][0]
yield path
class LCFSFrontier(Frontier):
“””Represents the frontier of a Lowest Cost First Search”””
def __init__(self):
“””Initializes the frontier”””
self.container = []
self.visited = []
def add(self, path):
“””Adds a path to the frontier”””
cost = 0
for arc in path:
cost += arc[3]
found = False
for c, paths in self.container:
if c == cost:
found = True
if not found:
calculatedPath = (cost, [path])
heapq.heappush(self.container, calculatedPath)
def __iter__(self):
while len(self.container) > 0:
item = self.container[0][1]
path = item.pop(0) if len(item) > 1 else heapq.heappop(self.container)[1][0]
yield path
def print_map(graph, frontier, solution):
“””Prints MapGraph and the solution”””
map = graph.map
if not solution is None:
for arc in solution:
y, x = arc.head
if map[y][x] == ‘ ‘:
map[y][x] = “*”
for y, x in frontier.visited:
if map[y][x] == ‘ ‘:
map[y][x] = “.”
for y in range(len(map)):
line = “”
for x in range(len(map[y])):
line += map[y][x]