CS计算机代考程序代写 compiler CSE 2431 SU 2021 1

CSE 2431 SU 2021 1

CSE 2431

Due: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 11:30 p.m.

1. Goal

This lab helps you understand the concept of processes, how to create, and how to terminate a process. In

addition, you are expected to get familiar with system calls related to processes and file operations.

2. Introduction

This lab assignment asks you to build a simple SHELL interface (using the C Programming Language) that

accepts user commands, creates a child process, and executes the user commands in the child process. The

SHELL interface provides users a prompt after which the next command is entered. The example below

illustrates the prompt CS2431Sh$ and the user’s next command: cat prog.c. This command displays the file

prog.c content on the terminal using the UNIX/LINUX cat command.

CS2431Sh$ cat prog.c

One technique for implementing a shell interface is to have the parent process first read what the user enters

on the command line (i.e. cat prog.c), and then create a separate child process that performs the command.

Unless otherwise specified, the parent process waits for the child to exit before continuing. This is similar in

functionality to what is illustrated in Figure 1. However, UNIX shells typically also allow the child process to

run in the background – or concurrently – as well by specifying the ampersand (&) at the end of the

command. By rewriting the above command as

CS2431Sh$ cat prog.c &

the parent and child processes now run concurrently; that is, the parent continues execution after forking the

child, and does not wait for the child to exit.

The separate child process is created using the fork() system call and the user’s command is executed by using

one of the system calls in the exec() family (for this lab, the child will invoke execvp(); for more details about

this system call, you can use the man command for online documentation. You are expected to see the

command documentation using man to determine how to pass parameters to execvp()).

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Figure 1. Process Creation & Termination

3. A Simple Shell

First, to do this lab, you should make a directory for the assignment on stdlinux. A C program that provides

the basic operations of a command line shell is supplied in the file shellA.c, which you can get on

Carmen in the Labs folder. Get the file shellA.c for the assignment with a skeleton of the code on Carmen. To

get the file from Carmen, log in to stdlinux, and then start a firefox web browser as follows at your shell


$firefox https://carmen.osu.edu/#

When the browser starts, you can log in to Carmen, and then go the Lab folder for the course, and then the Lab1

folder, and then download the shellA.c file to your linux directory.

The shellA.c program is composed of two functions: main() and setup(). The setup() function reads in the user’s

next command (which can be up to 40 characters), and then parses it into separate tokens that are used to fill the

argument vector for the command to be executed. (If the command is to be run in the background, it will end

with ‘&’, and setup() will update the parameter background so the main() function can act accordingly. This

shellA.c program is terminated when the user enters at the command line prompt and setup() then

invokes exit().

The main() function presents the prompt CS2431Sh$ and then invokes setup(), which waits for the user to

enter a command. The contents of the command entered by the user are loaded into the args array. For

example, if the user enters ls -l at the CS2431Sh$ prompt, args[0] will point to the string ls and args[1] will

point to the string -l. (By “string”, we mean a null-terminated, C-style string variable.)

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#define MAX_LINE 40

/** setup() reads in the next command line string stored in inputBuffer, separating it into distinct tokens
using whitespace as delimiters. setup() modifies the args parameter so that it holds pointers to the null-
terminated strings that are the tokens in the most recent user command line as well as a NULL pointer,
indicating the end of the argument list, which comes after the string pointers that have been assigned to
args. */

void setup(char inputBuffer[], char *args[],int *background)


/** full code available in the file shellA.c */


int main(void)


char inputBuffer[MAX_LINE]; /* buffer to hold the command entered */

int background; /* equals 1 if a command is followed by ‘&’ */ char

*args[MAX_LINE/2+1]; /* command line arguments */ while (1){

background = 0; printf(“CS2431Sh$ “);

setup(inputBuffer,args,&background); /* get next command */ /* the

steps are:

(1) fork a child process using fork()

(2) the child process will invoke execvp() with appropriate parameters

(3) if background == 0, the parent will wait, otherwise return to top
of while loop to call the setup() function. */

} }

This lab assignment asks you to create a child process and execute the command entered by a user. To do

this, you need to modify the main() function in shellA.c so that upon returning from setup(), a child process is

forked. After that, the child process executes the command specified by the user of your shell.

As noted above, the setup() function loads the contents of the args array with pointers of type char * to the

strings in the command entered by the user (that is, setup separates the command into a sequence of strings

separated by white space characters, and places a char * in the args array which points to each of the white-

space separated strings in the command). You do not need to write any code to parse the user command, and

you should not attempt to do so! setup() does this for you. Arguments from the args array will be passed to

the execvp() function, which has the following interface:

execvp(char *command, char *params[]);

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where command represents the command to be performed and params stores the parameters to this command

which were entered by the user on the command line. You can find more information on execvp() by issuing

the command “man execvp”. Note that you should check the value of background to determine if the parent

process is to wait for the child to exit or not. To have the parent wait, you can use the wait() system call, or

waitpid() system call; you can decide which you want to use, as long as your code works correctly.

4. Instructions

You are required to complete your solution in our CSE Linux environment. Use the gcc compiler (run ”man

gcc” to learn about the compiler). The grader will compile and test your solution under this environment and

using this compiler with the following compilation command:

$gcc shellA.c -o shellA

Any program that does not compile will receive a zero, and there are no exceptions to this rule; be sure

you verify that your code compiles and performs correctly before you submit it. The TA will not spend

any time to fix your code (even the most minor errors such as typos), due to simple errors you introduce at the

last minute (or even not at the last minute). It is your responsibility to leave yourself enough time to ensure

that your code can be compiled, run, and tested well before the due date. Do yourself a favor and do not

leave yourself too little time to complete the assignment enough in advance that you are not making last

minute changes which expose you to the risk of having no time to compile and test before submitting; if you

do this, any consequences are your responsibility, unfortunately (this is the way things work in a professional

environment, so we want to encourage everyone to recognize this and work the way professionals are

expected to here as well).

SYNCHRONIZATION OF PARENT AND CHILD: In standard Unix/Linux shells, if the child runs

concurrently, the parent will return to the top of the while loop and often print the prompt before the child

writes output. If the parent and child are running concurrently, you can use a sleep() system call for the parent

process to synchronize the parent and child (without synchronization, the child process’ output and the shell

prompt from the parent will sometimes be intermixed). Generally, having the parent sleep for 1 second will

work well, though it may introduce a very slight lag in the parent before it prints the shell prompt, but the

grader will not be concerned about this or penalize you for it. You can use man sleep to get more information

on the sleep system call (but there is not much useful information in the man pages on stdlinux for sleep).

Generally, sleep(1) will cause the process which invokes it to sleep for 1 second.

5. Test Cases and Warnings

Make sure that your shell performs correctly on the following test cases (run these commands in the Linux

shell from the command line to see what they should do):

CS2431Sh$ mkdir new

CS2431Sh$ ls

CS2431Sh$ ls -al

CS2431Sh$ date

CS2431Sh$ ps

CSE 2431 SU 2021 5

CS2431Sh$ cat shellA.c

CS2431Sh$ ls &

CS2431Sh$ ls -al &

CS2431Sh$ date &

CS2431Sh$ ps &

WARNING: Be sure that you do not attempt to execute commands which change directories (such as cd, cd

.. , etc.)! Also, be use that you do not attempt to test your shell program using input redirection (We will not

test it this way)! That is, you must type the test commands shown above to test your shell. You cannot put

them in an input file and use redirection of the input.

You will be graded both on your solution and on the performance of your code on the provided tests. Code

should also be commented in a professional manner.

6. Submission

You should submit your shellA.c file to Carmen Canvas (WARNING: BE SURE YOU DO NOT SUBMIT


SUBMIT AN EXECUTABLE!). Please do NOT zip your file before submitting. You can submit by starting

a firefox web browser in stdlinux at the stdlinux command line prompt (if your prompt is different from $, this

will not matter):

$firefox https://carmen.osu.edu/#

Submit only your shellA.c source file.


NOTE: At the beginning of the file “shellA.c” you need add a comment which tells the TA your full name.

Include other comments which document any code which you add to the shellA.c source code file.

A late penalty of 25% will be assessed for any lab submitted after the deadline given at the top of this

document, but within 24 hours after the due date and time stated above; any lab submitted more than 24

hours late will receive no credit. Labs must be the student’s own work. NOTE: Avoid making multiple

submissions (you are limited to 2 submissions maximum). Test and check your code thoroughly before

submitting, and resubmissions should not be necessary.

8. Piazza

Piazza has been set up to serve as a student discussion platform. Suggested topics regarding labs include;

syntax and/or execution errors, logic errors, questions regarding system calls, etc. Oftentimes a question that

one student has is actually a question that several students have so the post helps everyone. Please feel free to

answer each other’s questions and to discuss answers, etc. The instructor will also monitor answers posted

on Piazza to make sure that they are correct, but the idea is for students to have a place outside of the


CSE 2431 SU 2021 6

classroom where they can discuss topics relevant to the class. Piazza posts and questions/answers can also

serve as a good reference for students that may have the similar questions later in the course. DO NOT

POST CODE in a question unless you leave it private (it will be by default). If you are NOT posting code,

however, please change your post so that it is not private, so other students will be able to see the posted

question and answer. If you do not do this, the instructor will change your post to make it visible to others

before an answer is posted.