Graph Algorithms
Andreas Klappenecker
A graph is a set of vertices that are pairwise connected by edges.
We distinguish between directed and undirected graphs.
Why are we interested in graphs?
Graphs are a very useful abstraction
Graphs have many interesting applications
Thousands of graph algorithms are known
Versatile Abstraction
Application Vertices Edges
Traffic Intersections Roads
Social Network People Friendship
Internet Class C network Connection
Game Board Position Legal Move
Erdos number People Coauthored Paper
CMOS Circuits FET, Vdd, Vss, I/O Wires
Financial Stock, Currency Transactions
Programs Procedures Procedure Call f->g
The Internet
Undirected Graphs
An undirected graph is a pair G=(V,E), where
V is a finite set
E is a subset of { e | e ⊆ V, |e|=2 }.
The elements in V are called vertices.
Elements in E are called edges, e.g. e={u,v}, written e=(u,v).
Self-loops are not allowed for undirected graphs, e≠{u,u}={u}.
Directed Graphs
An directed graph is a pair G=(V,E), where
V is a finite set
E is a subset of V x V
The set of edges does not need to be symmetric.
Thus, if (u,v) is an edge, then (v,u) does not need to be an edge.
We illustrate a directed edge often by an arrow u -> v.
Graph Terminology
If e=(u,v) is an edge in a graph, then v is called adjacent to u.
For undirected graphs, adjacency is a symmetric relation.
The edge e is said to be incident to u and v.
The number of edges incident to a vertex is called the degree of
the vertex.
Graph Terminology
A path is a sequence of vertices that are connected by edges.
A cycle is a path whose first and last vertices are the same.
Two vertices are connected if and only if there is a path between
vertex of degree 3 path cycle
Breadth-First Search
Breadth First Search (BFS)
Input: A graph G = (V,E) and source node s in V
mark all nodes v in V as unvisited
mark source node s as visited
enq(Q,s) // first-in first-out queue Q
while (Q is not empty) {
u := deq(Q);
for each unvisited neighbor v of u {
mark v as visited; enq(Q,v);
BFS Example
Visit the nodes in the order:
a, d
b, c
BFS Tree
We can make a spanning tree rooted at the source node s by
remembering the parent of each node.
Breadth First Search (BFS)
Input: A graph G = (V,E) and source node s in V
mark all nodes v in V as unvisited; set parent[v] := nil for all v in V
mark source node s as visited; parent[s] := s;
enq(Q,s) // first-in first-out queue Q
while (Q is not empty) {
u := deq(Q);
for each unvisited neighbor v of u {
mark v as visited; enq(Q,v); parent[v] := u
BFS Tree Example
BFS Trees
The BFS tree is in general not unique for a given graph. It depends
on the order in which neighboring nodes are processed.
BFS Numbering
During the breadth-first search, assign to each node v its distance
d[v] from the source.
Breadth First Search (BFS)
Input: A graph G = (V,E) and source node s in V
mark all nodes v in V as unvisited; set parent[v] := nil; d[v] = ∞ for all v in V
mark source node s as visited; parent[s] := s; d[v] = 0
enq(Q,s) // first-in first-out queue Q
while (Q is not empty) {
u := deq(Q);
for each unvisited neighbor v of u {
mark v as visited; enq(Q,v); parent[v] := u; d[v] = d[u]+1
BFS Numbering Example
sd = 0
d = 1
d = 1
d = 2
d = 2
Shortest Path Tree
Theorem: The BFS algorithm
visits all and only nodes reachable from s
for all nodes v sets d[v] to the shortest path distance from s
to v
sets parent variables to form a shortest path tree
Proof Ideas
We use induction on the distance from the source node s to
show that a node v at distance x from s has has correct d[v].
Basis: Distance 0. d[s] is set to 0.
Induction: Assume that all nodes u at distance x-1 from s
satisfy d[u]=x-1. Our goal is to show that every node v at
distance x satisfies d[v]=x as well.
Since v is at distance x, it has at least one neighbor at distance
x-1. Let u be the first of these neighbors that is enqueued.
Proof Ideas
A key property of shortest path distances: If v has distance x,
it must have a neighbor with distance x-1,
no neighbor has distance less than x-1, and
no neighbor has distance more than x+1
Proof Ideas
Claim: When the node u is dequeued, then v is still unvisited.
Indeed, this follows from behavior of the queue and the fact that
d never underestimates the distance.
By induction, d[u] = x-1.
When v is enqueued, d[v] is set to d[u] + 1 = x.
BFS Running Time
Initialization of each node takes O(V) time
Every node is enqueued once and dequeued once, taking O(V)
When a node is dequeued, all its neighbors are checked to see
if they are unvisited, taking time proportional to number of
neighbors of the node, and summing to O(E) over all iterations
Total time is O(V+E)
In the preparation of these slides, I got inspired by slides by
Robert Sedgewick. The slides on BFS are based on slides by
Jennifer Welch.