Object Oriented Software Development
Workshop 7
Eleanor McMurtry
Semester 2, 2020
This week, we are learning to use UML diagrams for designing and communicating our object-oriented programs.
• A UMl diagram consists of classes (each of which have a name, zero or more attributes, and zero or more
methods), as well as relationships between classes.
• Types of attributes and methods come after their name.
• An association from class A to class B means that A has an attribute of type B. You must use associations
instead of attributes for classes that appear on your diagram.
– Classes that do not appear on your diagram (such as String) do not need associations.
• Associations come with a multiplicity representing how many instances of the type are stored (for
example, in an array or ArrayList).
• Inheritance and interfaces are represented with a large outlined arrow-head from the subclass (or imple-
menting class) to the parent class (or interface).
• Abstract classes and methods are represented using italics.
There are many software options for creating UML diagrams. We recommend https://lucidchart.com;
a free account will be enough for this subject.
Below is an example diagram showing these concepts.
1. Implement Java classes following the diagram on the previous page.
2. Create a UML diagram to represent the classes and interface from Question 1 last week. (The question
is reproduced below.)
(a) Define a FileWriteable interface with a method
void writeToFile(BufferedWriter writer) throws IOException
This method should be used to write some textual representation of the object to the provided
BufferedWriter. (This is a process called serialisation.)
(b) Define the following classes, and implement the interface for them:
• Point, with attributes x and y
• Student, with attributes name and id
• Car, with attributes model and colour
(c) Define a class Database. It should store up to 100 FileWriteable objects. Objects can be added
to and removed from the database.
(d) Add a method void writeAll(String filename) that opens a file called filename, and writes all
of its objects to that file.
3. Create a UML diagram representing a design for the following scenario:
• The game of Monopoly is defined by a board, which contains 40 spaces, and between 2 to 6 players.
• A space can be either a property, chance, or bonus, and each of the types has a different action when
a player lands on them.
• Properties may additionally be railway stations or utilities, each with a different action when a player
lands on them.
• Players each have a position on the board, an amount of money that they have, a number of properties
that they own, and can move along the board.
4. Create a UML diagram representing a design for the following scenario:
• We are ambitious Java enthusiasts and are already ready to begin creating our own small ‘graphics’
library. We are designing a system to render simple shapes onto the screen. For now, we are
concerned about two types of shapes in particular: squares and triangles. A shape has a specific
area associated with it, and it can also be rendered to the screen.
• A shape also has a colour associated with it. We will be using the the RGB colour system which
specifies a colour through three values: red, green, blue. The red, green, and blue values of a colour
must be within the range of 0-255 (inclusive) at all times. If a colour is not specified, a shape’s
default colour is black (red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0).
person is abstract class