CS计算机代考程序代写 Java SWEN20003


Object Oriented Software Development

Workshop 11 (Solutions)

Eleanor McMurtry

Semester 2, 2020


1. On Canvas, you will find a sample project week12-events. It is a skeleton project representing a graphical
user interface. There are three possible events:

• OnClick: triggered when a control has been clicked on

• OnSubmit: triggered when the Enter key has been pressed with a control focused (i.e. previously
clicked on)

• OnInput: triggered when the user types a letter or presses the spacebar with a control focused

Callbacks can be added to controls using the addEventHandler method. Callbacks are of the functional
interface type Consumer, meaning they take a single string argument and have no return value.

Your task is to finish the TextField and SubmitButton classes using the event-driven paradigm. You
may modify the classes however you wish to do this. You must implement the following:

• when TextField receives input, it should concatenate the letter to its string value (which starts
empty). It should always display its current value using the Font class.

• when TextField receives a submit event, it should print Input: followed by its value to the console,
and the program should exit.

• when SubmitButton is clicked, it should perform the TextField submit action.


public class TextField extends Eventable {

private static final Image image = new Image(“res/text.png”);

private static final Font font = new Font(“res/VeraMono.ttf”, 36);

private String contents = “”;

public void onSubmit() {

System.out.println(“Input: ” + contents);



public TextField(Point topLeft) {

super(topLeft, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());

this.addEventHandler(Event.OnInput, text -> contents += text);

this.addEventHandler(Event.OnSubmit, __ -> onSubmit());



public void draw() {

image.drawFromTopLeft(this.topLeft.x, this.topLeft.y);

DrawOptions opts = new DrawOptions().setBlendColour(Colour.BLACK);

font.drawString(contents, this.topLeft.x, this.topLeft.y + image.getHeight() / 2, opts);




public class SubmitButton extends Eventable {

private static final Image image = new Image(“res/button.png”);

private static final Font font = new Font(“res/VeraMono.ttf”, 24);

private static final int TEXT_OFFSET = 50;

public SubmitButton(Point topLeft, TextField text) {

super(topLeft, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());

this.addEventHandler(Event.OnClick, __ -> text.onSubmit());



public void draw() {

image.drawFromTopLeft(this.topLeft.x, this.topLeft.y);

DrawOptions opts = new DrawOptions().setBlendColour(Colour.BLACK);


this.topLeft.x + TEXT_OFFSET,

this.topLeft.y + image.getHeight() / 2,




public class Program extends AbstractGame {

private final List controls = new ArrayList<>();

public Program() {

TextField text = new TextField(new Point(300, 300));


controls.add(new SubmitButton(new Point(350, 400), text));



protected void update(Input input) {

controls.forEach(control -> control.update(input));


public static void main(String[] args) {

new Program().run();



2. Create an enumerated type to represent cardinal directions. It should contain values for north, south,
east, west, and the four directions between each of these. Add a method toDegrees() that returns the
bearing of the direction in degrees.

For example, NORTH.toDegrees() should return 0 and NORTH.toDegrees() should return 180.


public enum Direction {










private final int degrees;

public int toDegrees() {

return degrees;


private Direction(int degrees) {

this.degrees = degrees;



3. Write Java code using for loops to implement the same functionality as the following stream pipeline.

List list = Arrays.asList(“Avengers: End Game”, “Game of Thrones”,

“Jon Snow”, “Arya”, “SWEN20003”, “Suits”);

long count = list.stream()


.map(name -> IMDB.getShow(name))

.filter(show -> show.getRatings() > 4.0)


What is the purpose of this pipeline?

Solution: the pipeline returns all strings that represent TV shows, and that are rated over 4.0.

List list = Arrays.asList(“Avengers: End Game”, “Game of Thrones”,

“Jon Snow”, “Arya”, “SWEN20003”, “Suits”);

int count;

for (String str : list) {

if (IMDB.isTVShow(str)) {

Show show = IMDB.getShow(str);

if (show.getRatings() > 4.0) {






This section is intended to give you some extra problems at a more challenging level to help you revise generics
and other more advanced concepts.

1. Make the below CycleList class implement the interface Collection. Note: you may need to
change some of the method signatures.

class CycleList {

private final List items = new ArrayList<>();

private int iterator = 0;

public T next() {

T item = items.get(iterator++);

iterator = iterator % items.size();

return item;


public void add(T value) {



public boolean contains(T value) {

return items.contains(value);



public void addAll(Collection collection) {



public void remove(T item) {




2. Write a class SortedCycleList> that acts like a CycleList, except the
next() method cycles through items in sorted order.

3. (a) Write a method

static T findFirst(Predicate pred, Collection collection) that returns the first
item in collection satisfying pred, or null if no such item exists.

(b) Can you find a standard library method that does this for Streams?

(c) The method in question returns Optional, a class that represents a value of type T that may
be missing (hence the name “optional”). Experiment with the ifPresent and map methods of this
class. How does an Optional value compare to using null to represent an unsuccessful result?

(d) Think about why both Stream and Optional define the method map. Is there a common
structure shared between these classes?