CS计算机代考程序代写 Java SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development

SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development

Assess Yourself

Sample worded exam questions:

1 Describe how sequential programming differs from asynchronous

2 Describe the event-driven programming paradigm.

3 How does the observer pattern demonstrate event-driven

4 Explain (with examples) some of the downsides of using
object-oriented programming for game development.

5 Describe the Entity-Component approach to game development.

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Object Oriented Software Development

Advanced Java and OOP

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The Road So Far

Java Foundations

Classes and Objects


Advanced Java
I Exception Handling
I Generic Classes
I Generic Programming
I Design Patterns
I Software Testing and Design
I Games and Events

Software Development Tools

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Lecture Objectives

After this lecture you will be able to:

Describe and use enumerated types

Make use of functional interfaces and lambda expressions

Do cool stuff in Java

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Enumerated Types

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Assess Yourself

You’ve been hired by gambling company Soulless to design and implement
their newest card game called Horses.

Soulless have asked you to build a preliminary design before telling you the
rules of Horses.

How would you design this game, knowing only that you are implementing
a card game.

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Assess Yourself

Problem: How do you represent a Card class?

A Card consists of a Suit, Rank, and Colour.

Okay… How do we represent those?

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Enumerated Types


enum: A class that consists of a finite list of constants.

Used any time we need to represent a fixed set of values

Must list all values

Otherwise, just like any other class; they can have methods and

Let’s define the Card class and the Rank enum.

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Defining a Card

public class Card {

private Rank rank;

private Suit suit;

private Colour colour;

public Card(Rank rank, Suit suit, Colour colour) {

this.rank = rank;

this.suit = suit;

this.colour = colour;



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Defining a Card

public enum Rank {















What does it do? How would you expect to use it?

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Enum Variables

Rank rank = Rank.ACE;

Card card = new Card(Rank.FOUR, …, …);

The values of an enum are accessed statically, because they are constants.

Enum objects are treated just like any other object.

Let’s make the other components…

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Defining a Card

public enum Colour {



public enum Suit {



Can anyone see a flaw in our Card design? Any assumptions we’ve
made/not made?

Shouldn’t the Colour and Suit be related in some way?

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Defining a Card

public enum Suit {





private Colour colour;

private Suit(Colour colour) {

this.colour = colour;



Now, every Suit is automatically tied to the appropriate Colour; this may
or may not be useful behaviour.

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Enum Variables

public static void main(String args[]) {

ArrayList ranks = new ArrayList<>();











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Enum Variables

Enums come pre-built with…

Default constructor




Enums are also classes, so we can add (or override) any method or
attribute we like.

public boolean isFaceCard() {

return this.ordinal() > Rank.TEN.ordinal();


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Assess Yourself

What is an enum?

What other applications can you think of for them?

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Variadic Parameters

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List list = Arrays.asList(12, 5);

List list = Arrays.asList(12, 5, 45, 18);

List list = Arrays.asList(12, 5, 45, 18, 33);

How does this method work? Is it overloaded for any number of

There is a better way!.

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Variadic Parameters


Variadic Method: A method that takes an unknown number of arguments.

public String concatenate(String… strings) {

String string = “”;

for (String s : strings) {

string += s;


return string;


Variadic methods implicitly convert the input arguments into an array. Be

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Assess Yourself
Write a variadic method that computes the average of an unknown
number of integers.

public double average(int… nums) {

int total = 0;

for (int i : nums) {

total += i;


return 1.0 * total / nums.length;



System.out.println(average(1, 2, 3));

System.out.println(average(10, 20, 30, 40, 50));




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Functional Interfaces

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Functional Interfaces


Functional Interface: An interface that contains only a single abstract
method; also called a Single Abstract Method interface.


public interface Attackable {

public void attack();


Functional interfaces can contain only one “new” non-static method;
adding more will raise an error.

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Functional Interfaces

Cool story… But… Why?

Functional interfaces are a tool that we can use with other techniques…

But let’s look at a few functional interfaces first.

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Functional Interfaces

public interface Predicate

The Predicate functional interface…

Represents a predicate, a function that accepts one argument, and
returns true or false

Executes the boolean test(T t) method on a single object

Can be combined with other predicates using the and, or, and
negate methods

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Functional Interfaces

public interface UnaryOperator

The UnaryOperator functional interface…

Represents a unary (single argument) function that accepts one
argument, and returns an object of the same type

Executes the T apply(T t) method on a single object

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Lambda Expressions

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Lambda Expressions


Lambda Expression: A technique that treats code as data that can be
used as an “object”; for example, allows us to instantiate an interface
without implementing it.

public interface Predicate

Predicate p = i -> i > 0;

The Predicate functional interface is now an object that implements the
function to test if integers are greater than zero.

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Lambda Expressions

(sourceVariable1, sourceVariable2, …)


A lambda expression takes zero or more arguments (source variables) and
applies an operation to them

Operations could be:

Doubling an integer

Comparing two objects

Performing a boolean test on an object

Copying an object

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Assess Yourself

What does this code do?

Predicate p1 = i -> i > 0;

Predicate p2 = i -> i%2 == 0;

Predicate p3 = p1.and(p2);

List nums = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 4, 5);

for (Integer i : nums) {

if (p3.test(i)) {







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Assess Yourself

public abstract class List {

public void replaceAll(UnaryOperator operator);


List names = Arrays.asList(“Tony”, “Thor”, “Thanos”);

names.replaceAll(name -> name.toUpperCase());



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Anonymous Classes vs. Lambdas

Lambda expressions can often be used in place of anonymous classes, but
are not the same thing.

Anonymous Class

starWarsMovies.sort(new Comparator {

public int compare(Movie m1, Movie m2) {

return m1.rating – m2.rating;



Lambda Expression

starWarsMovies.sort((m1, m2) -> m1.rating – m2.rating);

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Lambda Expressions

Lambda expressions are instances of functional interfaces, that allow us to
treat the functionality of the interface as an object.

This makes our code much neater, and easier to read.

What next?

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Method References

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Rewind a Bit

List names = Arrays.asList(“Tony”, “Thor”, “Thanos”);

names.replaceAll(name -> name.toUpperCase());


What does this code do?

How would you describe the effect of the lambda expressions?

The lambda expression applies one method to every element of the list.
We can take this a step further…

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Method References



Method Reference: An object that stores a method ; can take the place of
a lambda expression if that lambda expression is only used to call a single

Method references can be stored in the same way a lambda expression can:

UnaryOperator operator = s -> s.toLowerCase();

UnaryOperator operator = String::toLowerCase;

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Method Reference Examples

Static methods:



Instance methods:

Class::instanceMethod || object::instanceMethod

String::startsWith || person::toString




Method arguments are now implied, and given when the method is called.

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Method Reference Examples

public class Numbers {

public static boolean isOdd(int n) {

return n % 2 != 0;



public static List findNumbers(

List list, Predicate p) {

List newList = new ArrayList<>();

for(Integer i : list) {

if(p.test(i)) {




return newList;


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Method Reference Examples

List list = Arrays.asList(12, 5, 45, 18, 33, 24, 40);

// Using an anonymous class

findNumbers(list, new Predicate() {

public boolean test(Integer i) {

return Numbers.isOdd(i);



// Using a lambda expression

findNumbers(list, i -> Numbers.isOdd(i));

// Using a method reference

findNumbers(list, Numbers::isOdd);

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Assess Yourself

Write a function that accepts a list of String objects, and returns a new
list that contains only the Strings with at least five characters, starting
with “C”. The elements in the new list should all be in upper case.

public List findElements(List strings) {

List newStrings = new ArrayList<>();

for (String s : strings) {

if (s.length() >= 5 && s.startsWith(“C”)) {





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Now that we have these fancy new tools, what can we do with them?

What if we wanted to apply multiple functions to the same data?

That’s where streams come in!


Stream: A series of elements given in sequence, that are automatically put
through a pipeline of operations.

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Using Streams

We can think of that example as applying a sequence of operations to our

Iterating through the list…

Selecting elements with length greater than five…

And elements with first character “C”…

Then, converting those elements to upper case…

And adding them to a new list

list = list.stream()

.filter(s -> s.length() > 5)

.filter(s -> s.startsWith(“C”))



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Streams are a powerful Java technique that allow you to apply sequential
operations to a collection of data. These operations include:

map (convert input to output)

filter (select elements with a condition)

limit (perform a maximum number of iterations)

collect (gather all elements and output in a list, array, String…)

reduce (aggregate a stream into a single value)

Given this…

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Assess Yourself

Implement a stream pipeline that takes a list of Person objects, and generates a
String consisting of a comma separated list.

The list should contain the names (in upper case) of all the people who are
between the ages of 18 and 40.

List people = Arrays.asList(

new Person(“Peter Parker”, 18),

new Person(“Black Widow”, 34),

new Person(“Thor”, 1500),

new Person(“Nick Fury”, 67),

new Person(“Iron Man”, 49)


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Assess Yourself

Implement a stream pipeline that takes a list of People, and generates a String
consisting of a comma separated list.

The list should contain the names (in upper case) of all the people who are
between the ages of 18 and 40.

String output = people.stream()

.filter(p -> p.getAge() >= 18)

.filter(p -> p.getAge() <= 40) .map(Person::getName) .map(String::toUpperCase) .collect(Collectors.joining(", ")); "PETER PARKER, BLACK WIDOW" Advanced Java and OOP SWEN20003 45 / 46 Metrics You should be able to conceptually describe all of the techniques presented in this lecture. You should be able to read and interpret code using any of the techniques in this lecture. You will not be expected to write code on anything from today. Advanced Java and OOP SWEN20003 46 / 46