Object Oriented Software Development
Workshop 3
Semester 1, 2021
This week, we are learning more about how to effectively structure classes in a Java program, and more practice
with using two important Java types: arrays and strings.
• Encapsulation refers to grouping objects’ data with the methods that operate on this data.
• Information hiding refers to hiding attributes and methods from the user of the class, e.g. using the
private keyword.
• Delegation refers to the process of assigning different responsibilites to different classes.
• An immutable object is one whose attributes cannot be changed after it is created.
1. Using the principle of information hiding, assign privacy modifiers (either public or private) to
attributes and methods in the below class.
public class Drone {
double homeX;
double homeY;
double x;
double y;
double altitude = 0.0;
Drone(double homeX, double homeY) {
this.homeX = homeX;
this.homeY = homeY;
x = homeX;
y = homeY;
void flyUp(double amount) {
altitude += amount;
void flyDown(double amount) {
altitude = Math.max(altitude – amount, 0);
double distanceToHome() {
return distance(x, y, homeX, homeY);
static double distance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
return Math.sqrt((x1 – x2) * (x1 – x2) + (y1 – y2) * (y1 -y2));
2. Consider the below class:
public class Rectangle {
private double left;
private double top;
private double right;
private double bottom;
public Rectangle(double left, double top, double right, double bottom) {
this.left = left;
this.top = top;
this.right = right;
this.bottom = bottom;
public double getLeft() {
return left;
public double getTop() {
return top;
public double getWidth() {
return right – left;
public double getHeight() {
return bottom – top;
Using the principle of delegation, create a Point class and replace the attributes of Rectangle with
instances of Point.
3. (a) Design and implement classes to represent channels airing on TV.
A channel has a name, and broadcasts up to 5 shows each day. (For simplicity, assume they are the
same every day). A show has a name, a duration (in minutes) an air time (in hours and minutes).
A channel with less than 5 shows can have a show added to its broadcast list. When doing so,
it should check that two shows are not scheduled to run at the same time (otherwise adding the
clashing show does nothing). A channel can also cancel a show, removing it from the broadcast list.
(b) Add a getShow method to your channel class. Given a time (in hours and minutes), it should return
the show that is scheduled to be running at that time (or null if there is no such show).
(c) Create a class to represent a network of up to 3 channels. Networks have a name, and channels can
be added to or removed from a network. A network has a getShows method that returns all shows
running at a particular time on any channel in the network.
(d) Add a lookupShow method to your network class that takes a show and returns which channel that
show is scheduled to run on. If there are multiple channels, only return the first that you find.
4. Consider the below class (the raw code is attached to Canvas).
public class Person {
public String name;
public double x;
public double y;
public String householdName;
private static Person[] people = new Person[100];
private static int peopleCount = 0;
public Person(String name, double x, double y, String householdName) {
this.name = name;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.householdName = householdName;
if (peopleCount < 100) { people[peopleCount++] = this; } } public double distanceToPerson(Person person) { return Math.sqrt((x - person.x) * (x - person.x) + (y - person.y) * (y - person.y)); } private Person[] peopleCloserThan(double distance) { int numCloser = 0; // Count how many people are close for (int i = 0; i < peopleCount; ++i) { if (distanceToPerson(people[i]) < distance) { ++numCloser; } } // Create an appropriately-sized array, and then fill it Person[] result = new Person[numCloser]; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < peopleCount; ++i) { if (distanceToPerson(people[i]) < distance) { result[count++] = people[i]; } } return result; } public int numCloseOutsideHousehold(double distance) { Person[] people = peopleCloserThan(distance); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < people.length; ++i) { // If they are not from this person's household, increment counter if (!people[i].householdName.equals(householdName)) { ++count; } } return count; } } (a) If there are any public attributes or methods that should be private according to the principle of information hiding, make them private instead. (b) Using the principle of encapsulation, define a Point class with an x- and y-coordinate, and a method double distanceTo(Point other) to calculate the distance to another point. (c) Using the principle of delegation, replace the x and y attributes of Person with an instance of Point. Update the methods of Person accordingly. (d) Using the principle of delegation, define a Household class with an appropriate equals method. Each household has a name and up to 5 people (set in the constructor). Replace the householdName attribute of Person with an instance of Household. Update the methods of Person accordingly. (You may assume household names are unique, and you may need to add a setter for the household.) 3 (e) Using the principle of encapsulation, define a boolean contains(Person person) method for Household that returns true if the person is in that household. (f) Using the principle of delegation, modify the numCloseOutsideHousehold method of Person to use the contains method defined in (e). (g) Using the principle of encapsulation define a int numCloseOutsideHousehold(double distance) method for Household that calculates and returns the total number of people in the household who are close to people outside the household. (h) Define a main method that creates two households and fills them each with 5 people, with ran- dom coordinates between 0 and 20. (Use Math.random or java.util.Random.) Print the result of numCloseOutsideHousehold(10) for one of the households. 5. Modify the following class so that it is immutable. public class Student { private String name; public int studentNumber; public Student(String name, int studentNumber) { this.name = name; this.studentNumber = studentNumber; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } } 6. We want to assign a numerical score to a given string. The score is the sum of the value of its constituent letters. The value of each letter is defined as follows: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 3 3 2 1 4 2 4 1 8 5 1 3 1 1 3 10 1 1 1 1 4 4 8 4 10 Write a program that reads in a single line from standard input and calculates its score, writing the result to standard output. The score of an empty input is 0. 7. Write a program that reads in a single line from standard input and calculates its acronym, writing the result in a single line to standard output. You do not need to print out “Input” and “Output” prompts, or read in more than one input. Examples: Portable Network Graphics PNG LeAgUe oF LeGeNdS LOL situational task and yodelling hat open mustache extension STAYHOME Assume that the input will not be empty and every word is separated by a space. 4