CS计算机代考程序代写 algorithm INN701 Lecture 3

INN701 Lecture 3

Queensland University of Technology
CRICOS No. 00213J

CAB301 Algorithms and Complexity

Lecture 4 – Basic sorting algorithms

Maolin Tang
School of Computer Science

Queensland University of Technology

CRICOS No. 00213J

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Aims of this lecture

• In this lecture we study three basic sorting algorithms
– Insertion sort
– Selection sort
– Bubble sort

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• A. Levitin. Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms.
Addison-Wesley, third edition, 2012. Sections 3.1 and 4.1.

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Sorting algorithms

• Sorting algorithms are also ‘comparison-based’
– The aim of a sorting algorithm is to arrange the items in a given

collection in a certain order
– The basic operation in sorting is either comparing items or

moving/swapping items
• Again we restrict ourselves to array-based algorithms here
• As well as their efficiency, we are also interested in the following

properties of sorting algorithms
– Can they be done in place or do they need temporary storage?
– Are they stable, i.e., are the relative positions of items with the

same label preserved?

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An application of stable sorting algorithms

• Assume that you have an array of Person objects, each of which
has a first name class member and a family name class member.
Currently the person objects are randomly stored in an array. No
CompareTo method has been defined in the Person class. Now you
want to rearrange the Person objects such that they are in
alphabetical order (in dictionary order or in lexicographical order) by
their full name.

• We can use a stable sorting algorithm to solve this computational
problem. Firstly, we sort the Person objects in the array by *first
name*. Then, we sort the Person objects in the array by *family


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a university for the worldreal R

Insertion sort

• The basic idea behind the insertion sort is
1. Divide a list into two sections: a sorted section and an unsorted

2. From the first element to the last element in the unsorted

• Remove it from the unsorted section;
• Insert it into the sorted section at a position such that after

the insertion the sorted section remains sorted.


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Insertion sort


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Insertion sort

• How to insert an item into a sorted list?


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Insertion sort


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Insertion sort

Demo – Insertion sort with Romanian fork dance
(0:00 – 2:25)
• Notes:

– Each dancer represents an element in an array
– Those dancers who are facing you represent the data elements

that are in the sorted section
– Those dancers who have their back facing you represent the

data elements that in the unsorted section
– When a pair of dancers turn to face each other, this represents

the two corresponding elements are compared.


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Efficiency of the insertion sort algorithm
• By analysing the algorithm’s efficiency, with respect to the length n of

the array and the number of comparisons ‘A[j] > v’ performed, we

• Space efficiency
– No temporary space needed

• Stable

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Selection sort

• The basic idea behind the algorithm is:
1. Find the minimum data item in the list of n elements;
2. Swap the minimum data item with the data item at the first

location in the list;
3. Repeat the above steps for the last n-1 elements.


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Selection sort


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Selection sort


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Selection sort


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Selection sort

Demo – Insertion sort with Gypsy fork dance
(0:00 – 6:27)

• Notes:
– Each dancer represents an element in an array
– The basic ideas behind the selection sort and the selection sort

algorithm are the same. However, some details are different.
– What are the differences?
– Can you use the pseudocode notations introduced in Lecture 1

to describe the selection sort algorithm used in the demo?


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Efficiency of the selection sort algorithm

• By analysing the algorithm’s efficiency, with respect to the length n of
the array and the number of comparisons ‘A[j] > A[min]’ performed, we

• Thus, the efficiency of the selection sort algorithm is O(n2).
• Space efficiency

– No temporary space needed
• Unstable

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Bubble sort

• The basic idea behind the bubble sort is to systematically
exchange pairs of data items in the list that are out of order until
eventually no such pairs remain in the list.

• When all pairs in the list are in order, the list is sorted.


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Bubble sort


CRICOS No. 00213J

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Bubble sort


CRICOS No. 00213J

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Bubble sort

Demo – Insertion sort with Hungarian fork dance
(0:54 – 4:00)

• Notes:
– Each dancer represents an element in an array
– The basic ideas behind the bubble sort algorithm used in the

demo and the bubble sort algorithm on the previous slide are the
same. However, some details are different.

– What are the differences?
– Can you use the pseudocode notations introduced in Lecture 1

to describe the bubble sort algorithm used in the demo?


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Efficiency of the bubble sort algorithm

• By analysing the algorithm’s efficiency, with respect to the length n of
the array and the number of comparisons ‘A[j+1] > A[j]’ performed, we

• Space efficiency
– No temporary space needed

• Stable

CAB301 Algorithms and Complexity��Lecture 4 – Basic sorting algorithms
Aims of this lecture
Sorting algorithms
An application of stable sorting algorithms
Insertion sort
Insertion sort
Insertion sort
Insertion sort
Insertion sort
Efficiency of the insertion sort algorithm
Selection sort
Selection sort
Selection sort
Selection sort
Selection sort
Efficiency of the selection sort algorithm
Bubble sort
Bubble sort
Bubble sort
Bubble sort
Efficiency of the bubble sort algorithm