CS计算机代考程序代写 matlab AI algorithm MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂

MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂

Xi Chen

Department of Management Science and Engineering
International Business School

Beijing Foreign Studies University

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1 p�êÆ!�5�ê!VÇض

2 $ÊÆ!ÚOƶ

) C �ó½a C �ó�Ä�?§(�”


1 �c?ïÄ)¶

2 nc?��)”

|^ MATLAB ¥Jø��«Ä�õUÚp?óä�©Û²

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2 �`z¯K¦)

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2 �`z¯K¦)

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A =

 1 2 34 5 6

7 8 9

3 MATLAB ·-I�¥§Ñ\

A = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9]

Ue Enter �w«(J”

A ��±?\ MATLAB ?6ì¥Ñ\±e§S�è¢y

for i=1:1:3

for j=1:1:3




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3 MATLAB ·-I�¥§�gÑ\e�·-

>> x=[-1.3,sqrt(3),(1+2+3)*4/5]

>> x(5)=abs(x(1))

>> x(4)=abs(x(2))


A =

 1 2 34 5 6

7 8 9

3 MATLAB ·-I�¥§�gÑ\e�·-

>> B=[A;[10,11,12]]

>> C=A(1:2,:)

>> D=A(1:2,1:2)

>> E=A([1,3],[1,3])

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e A = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9]§* B = A′, C = A + B �(J¶

e x = [−1, 0, 2]§* y = x − 1 �(J¶
e A = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9]§* pi ∗ A, A ∗ pi �(J¶
e X = [−1, 0, 2], Y = [−2,−1, 1]§* X ∗ Y ′, X ′ ∗ Y �(J¶

2×1 + x2 − 5×3 + x4 = 8
x1 − 3×2 − 6×4 = 9

2×2 − x3 + 2×4 = −5
x1 + 4×2 − 7×3 + 6×4 = 0

�âK¿3 MATLAB ·-I�¥ïáåXêÝ
A Úmà��
þ b§* det(A), A\b, inv(A) ∗ b, b/A, b ∗ inv(A) �(J”

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Example 1 

2×1 − 4×2 + 5×3 = −4
−4×1 − 2×2 + 3×3 = 4

2×1 + 6×2 − 8×3 = 0

�g$1µrank(A), rank([A,b]), null(A), pinv(A)*b

Example 2

|^”�m(nullspace, AX = 0)y²eA�÷�§KATA�_”¿¦)µ

A =


1 0 1
2 −1 1
−2 3 −2

0 1 5

 b =




�g$1µrank(A), rank([A,b]), A\b, inv(A’*A)*A’*b, pinv(A)*b

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e x = [1, 2, 3], y = [4, 5, 6]§* x . ∗ y , x .\y , x ./y �(J¶
e x = [1, 2, 3], y = [4, 5, 6]§* x .ˆy , x .ˆ2, 2.ˆx �(J”


* x = 1 : 1 : 5, x = 6 : −1 : 1 �(J¶
�ã* y = limx→0 sin x/x �4��

>> x=pi/2:-0.00001:0.00001

>> y=sin(x)./x

>> plot(x,y,’o’)

e A = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9]§
1 * A(1 : 3, 3), A(1 : 2, 2 : 3), A(:, 2) �(J¶
2 * A([1, 3], [1, 3]), A([1, 3], 🙂 �(J¶
3 |^Ð�1C�ò A {z��F/§¿� rref (A) ¼ê(J’�”

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eps, pi , i , inf , nan þ�XÚ�3Cþ¶

e A = [1, 2, 3; 2, 3, 4], B = [1, 2, 2; 2, 2, 3]§*
x = (1 < 2), C = (A <= B), C = (A <= 1) �(J¶ Ü6$�¥Iþ�Iþ§Iþ�Ý §Ý �Ý �L�ª¶ e A = [0, 2, 3; 0, 2, 0], B = [0, 0, 0; 2, 3, 4]§* A&B, A|B, ˜A � (J¶ ~^·-µformat, help, quit, save, save filename, save filename x y z, clear, clc, who, whos, ↑¶ÁO� xn+1 = 1 2 ( xn + 2 xn ) , x1 = 2, √ 1 + √ 1 + √ 1 + . . . Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 10 / 139 MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: ÝÝÝ ���êêê|||$$$��� Example 3 ln (1 + x) = x − x2 2 + x3 3 − . . .+ (−1)n−1 xn n + . . . (−1 < x ≤ 1) |^Si¼ê��O�ln 2��¶ |^�©){c20��ÚCqO�ln 2��¶ |^eªc3��ÚCqO�ln 2��" ln 1 + x 1− x Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 11 / 139 MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: ÝÝÝ ���êêê|||$$$��� Example 4 arctan x = x − x3 3 + x5 5 − x7 7 + . . .+ (−1)n−1 x2n−1 2n − 1 + . . . (−1 ≤ x ≤ 1) |^c20��ÚCqO�π�¶ e|^î.úª5O�π�§`²O��Ç´ÄkJp¶ π 4 = arctan 1 2 + arctan 1 3 e|^e�_íª2O�π�§`²O��Ç´ÄkJp" an+1 = √ an + 1/ √ an 2 , bn+1 = √ an(1 + bn) an + bn pn+1 = pnbn+1(1 + an+1) 1 + bn+1 , a0 = √ 2, b0 = 0, p0 = 2 + √ 2 Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 12 / 139 MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: ÝÝÝ ���êêê|||$$$��� Iterative methods for solving a square linear system We seek an iteration of the form xk+1 = F (xk), where an initial guess x0 ∈ Rn is given and F is simple to compute. Jacobi Iteration Ax = b (U + L + D)x = b Dx = −(U + L)x + b x = −D−1(U + L)x + D−1b Gauss-Seidel Iteration Ax = b (U + L + D)x = b (L + D)x = −Ux + b x = −(L + D)−1Ux + (L + D)−1b Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 13 / 139 MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: ÝÝÝ ���êêê|||$$$��� Example 5 Using Jacobi and Guass-Seidel iteration to solve the following linear equation system and show their computational efficiency.  7x1 + x2 + 2x3 = 10 x1 + 8x2 + 2x3 = 8 2x1 + 2x2 + 9x3 = 6 Theorem 6 (Weierstrass Approximation Theorem) If f (x) is a continuous function in [a, b], then for every � > 0, there exists
a polynomial p(x) such that

|f (x)− p(x)| ≤ �

for every x ∈ [a, b].

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MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: ~~~^̂̂êêêÆÆƼ¼¼êêê


2 �`z¯K¦)

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MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: ~~~^̂̂êêêÆÆƼ¼¼êêê



��������§max, min¶
ex = [9, 4, 7, 8, 3]§*
max(x)§min(x)§[y , i ] = max(x)§[y , i ] = min(x)�(J¶
eA = [1, 5, 3; 7, 2, 6; 9, 3, 8]§*
max(A)§max(A, [ ], 1)§max(A, [ ], 2)�(J”
¦Ú�¦È§sum, prod¶
²þ�ÚIO��§mean, std(A, flag , dim)

σ1 =

√√√√ 1
n − 1


(xi − x)2 ½ σ2 =



(xi − x)2


r =

i=1(xi − x)(yi − y)√∑n

i=1(xi − x)2 ·

i=1(yi − y)2

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MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: ~~~^̂̂êêêÆÆƼ¼¼êêê


õ�ª�L«§p(x) = a1x
n + a2x

n−1 + . . .+ anx
1 + an+1 L«

� n+1 ��þ p = [a1, a2, . . . , an, an+1]¶


õ�ª¦{ÚØ{§conv(p1,p2), [q,r]=deconv(p1,p2)
e p1 = [1, 8, 0, 0,−10], p2 = [2,−1, 3]§* conv(p1,p2),
[q,r]=deconv(p1,p2) �(J¶

õ�ª¦�§polyder(p), polyder(p1,p2), [p,q]=polyder(p1,p2)
e p1 = [1,−1], p2 = [1,−1, 3]§* p=polyder(p1),
p=polyder(p1,p2), [p,q]=polyder(p1,p2) �(J¶

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MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: ~~~^̂̂êêêÆÆƼ¼¼êêê

õ�ª�¦��¦�§polyval(p,x), roots, fzero
e p=[1,-6,11,-6], x=1:4§* polyval(p,x), roots(p),
fzero(’x-10̂ x+2’,0.5) �(J”

Example 7


Mp =

1− 1


Ù¥§L´�±ê�§ü ´��¶Mp´z��±ê§ü ´�
�¶r´c|Ƕy´�±cê§ü ´c”


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MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: ~~~^̂̂êêêÆÆƼ¼¼êêê


fminbnd(’x 3̂− 2 ∗ x − 5’,0,5) �(J¶

f (x , y , z) = x +






3 (0.5,0.5,0.5) NC����”

ïá¼ê©� f.m
function w=f(p)





3·-I�¥N^ fminsearch ¼ê

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2 �`z¯K¦)

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ïáÎÒCþÚÎÒ~þ§sym, syms

syms a b;









ïáÎÒL�ª§|^ ’ ’, sym, syms¶


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Example 8

-f = 2×2 + 3x − 5, g = x2 − x + 7§* (J”

Ϫ©)�Ðm§factor, expand¶

Example 9

-s = x3 − 6×2 + 11x − 6§* (J”


Example 10

-x =′ (1 + sqrt(5))/2′§* (J”

{zÎÒL�ª§simple, simplify, pretty”

Example 11

-s = (x3 − 4×2 + 16x)/(x3 + 64)§* (J”

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ÎÒ4�§limit(f,x,a), limit(f,x,a,’left’), limit(f,x,a,’right’)¶

Example 12


(1 + x)
x , lim



x − 1

, lim



x − 1

, lim


|x |

ÎÒ�ê§diff(s,x), diff(s,x,n)¶

Example 13

y = e−ax

+ x , y ′; y = cos (x2), y ′′

ÎÒÈ©§int(s,x), int(s,x,a,b)§þe�L«�{(¹¶

Example 14 ∫ 1

1− x2dx ,

∫ sin x


∫ ∞


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Example 15






2n − 1


Example 16

(1). ¦¼êy = tan(x)3x = 0?��VÐmª�cl�¶

(2). ¦¼êy = ln(x)3x = 1?��VÐmª�cÊ�”

ÎÒ�§§[x1,. . . ,xn]=solve(s1,. . . ,sn,’x1’,. . . ,’xn’)¶

Example 17 

x + ay + a2z = a3

x + by + b2z = b3

x + cy + c2z = c3

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Example 18 (ÎÒ�©)


u1(x) = ln x Ú u2(x) =

1− a


σ(x) = −

x .


Example 19

|^ rank(A,b)=rank(A); A\b; null(A); Ï)Ú�y)ÊÚ§¦)e��
5�§| {

ax1 − bx2 + bx3 = c
bx1 + ax2 + ax3 = d


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Example 20 (ÎÒÈ©)

e®�p = 1�§q = 4§¦I¦¼êq(p)§¦Ù÷vI¦�d��5�

�(p) = −





p2 + 1

Example 21 (JacobiÝ

�þ¼êf = (f1, f2, . . . , fm)’u�þv = (x1, x2, . . . , xn)�JacobiÝ

J =




. . .



. . .

 .

ef�(ax + by by)Ú(xyz y x + z)§|^jacobian¼êO�JacobiÝ

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Example 22 (�g�§�))

¦f = ax2 + bx + c (a 6= 0)�ü��”

Example 23 (�§|�))

éu�§| {
10x + 12y + 16t = 0

5x − y − 13t = 0


eØ�½tÚy§* (J”

Example 24 (CþO�)

®�ü��§§4×2 + y2 = 4Úx2 + 4y2 = 4a§¦ëê�§�ÎÒ)§
¿|^subs¼ê¦�a = 1��ê�)”

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2 �`z¯K¦)

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ÀJ(�§if �é�n«(�

(1) {ü(�

if ^�


(2) ��ÀJ(�

if ^�



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(3) õ­i@(�

if ^�1

elseif ^�2

elseif ^�m



Example 25

y =


sin x

, x 6= 0,

1, x = 0.

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switch �é


switch L�ª
case L�ª1

case L�ª2


case L�ªm



Ì��é§for, while, ^�þö�)¤���.Ý

break Ú continue �é§aÑ��Ì��´�cÌ�”

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Polynomial Interpolation

Suppose we have a set of ordered points {x0, x1, . . . , xn} and either a
continuous function f (x) defined on [x0, xn] or a set of y−values
y0, y1, . . . , yn corresponding to the x−values.

The polynomial interpolation problem is to find a polynomial p(x) of
degree at most n that interpolates the data (x0, y0), (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn)
such that 

y0 = p(x0)

y1 = p(x1)

yn = p(xn)

and we say that p interpolates f (or the data) at {x0, x1, . . . , xn}, and that
p is an interpolant.

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Natural Form

Let x0 < x1 < . . . < xn and y0, y1, . . . , yn be given, and let p(x) = n∑ i=0 aix i = a0 + a1x + a2x 2 + . . .+ anx n represent the interpolant. We represent the interpolation requirements as  a0 + a1x0 + a2x 2 0 + . . .+ anx n 0 = y0 a0 + a1x1 + a2x 2 1 + . . .+ anx n 1 = y1 ... a0 + a1xn + a2x 2 n + . . .+ anx n n = yn ⇒   1 x0 . . . x n 0 1 x1 . . . x n 1 ... ... . . . ... 1 xn . . . x n n   a = y Nevertheless, we may need to solve a highly ill-conditioned linear system, and handle miscellaneous problems such as roundoff error, cancellation and Runge phenomenon. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 33 / 139 MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: MATLAB ???§§§ Example 26 Suppose we wish to interpolate a polynomial to the data points (0, 0), (π/2, 1), (π, 0), (3π/2,−1) from the sine curve. p(x) = 0.0860x3 − 0.8106x2 + 1.6977x . Plot p(x) and sin x in the same figure. Polynomial interpolants of high degree tend to be oscillatory, that is, they often must make large twists and turns to go through the nodes. Example 27 (Runge Phenomenon) Plot the Runge function f (x) = 1 1 + 25x2 with a polynomial interpolant of degree 10 (11 points −1 : .2 : 1). Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 34 / 139 MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: MATLAB ???§§§ Figure: Runge’s phenomenon The red curve is the Runge function. The blue curve is a 5th-order interpolating polynomial (using six equally spaced interpolating points). The green curve is a 9th-order interpolating polynomial (using ten equally spaced interpolating points). Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 35 / 139 MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: MATLAB ???§§§ Lagrange Form Suppose we wish to interpolate a line to two distinct points xa, xb. Define La(x) = x − xb xa − xb , Lb(x) = x − xa xb − xa . Then we have La(xa) = 1, La(xb) = 0, Lb(xa) = 0, Lb(xb) = 1, and both La(x) and Lb(x) are linear functions of x . Given ya = f (xa) and yb = f (xb), we see that ` = yaLa(x) + ybLb(x) has the desired properties and interpolates f at (xa, ya) and (xb, yb). Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 36 / 139 MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: MATLAB ???§§§ Given an arbitrary list of n + 1 distinct ordered nodes x0 < x1 < . . . < xn, define the functions Ln,i (x) = (x − x0)(x − x1) . . . (x − xi−1)(x − xi+1) . . . (x − xn) (xi − x0)(xi − x1) . . . (xi − xi−1)(xi − xi+1) . . . (xi − xn) = n∏ k=0,k 6=i (x − xk) (xi − xk) , i = 0, 1, . . . , n. Langrage polynomials are polynomials of precise degree n with the property that Ln,i (xj) = 0 if j 6= i , and Ln,i (xi ) = 1. Since a sum of polynomials of degree n is a polynomial of degree at most n, given (x0, y0), (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn), we have p(x) = y0Ln,0(x) + y1Ln,1(x) + . . .+ ynLn,n(x) = n∑ i=0 yiLn,i (x). Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 37 / 139 MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: MATLAB ???§§§ Example 28 (Lagrange Polynomials) Suppose we wish to interpolate a polynomial to the data points (0, 0), (π/2, 1), (π, 0), (3π/2,−1) from the sine curve. p1(x) = 0.0860x 3 − 0.8106x2 + 1.6977x , (natural form, how?), p2(x) = 0.0860x 3 − 0.8106x2 + 1.6977x , (Lagrange form, how?). Two forms are in agreement with each other. What is the difference between p(x) = n∑ i=0 aix i and p(x) = n∑ i=0 yiLn,i (x) ? The natural form is easy to evaluate but hard to find. The Lagrange form is easy to find but hard to evaluate. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 38 / 139 MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: MATLAB ???§§§ Example 29 (Newton’s method) Suppose that f (λ) = −a0 + a1λ+ a2λ2 + . . .+ anλn, where n > 1 and
ai > 0, i = 0, 1, . . . , n. Here is an iterative technique that generates a
sequence λ0, λ1, . . . , λk , . . . of estimates that converges to the root λ > 0,
solving f (λ) = 0. Start with any λ0 > 0 close to the solution and use

f ′(λk) = a1 + 2a2λk + 3a3λ
k + . . .+ nanλ

k , λk+1 = λk −

f (λk)

f ′(λk)

Locate the root of f (λ) = −1 + λ+ λ2 in [0, 1] with λ0 = 1.

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Example 30


Example 31


(1). ���m§¦Ù���ü�®²üSS��Ú¶

(2). �½ü���§�Р�©O�ü�®²üSS��å© �¶

(3). ‘�ü���¤�����§ÀJ�é�����\�Ü¿�m§
¿£Ä���e� �¶

(4). ­EÚ½3��,�����S��¶

(5). ò,�S��e�¤k����E��Ü¿S��”

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function [a1,…,am]=fname(b1,…,bn)


function [s,c]=circle(r)

% circle O��»� r ��¡ÈÚ±�
% [s,c]=circle(r)

% r ��»§s �¡È§c �±�


3·-I�¥N^ [s,c]=circle(10) Ú help circle

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Example 32

Fibonacci ê�½ÂXeµ

fn = fn−1 + fn−2
f2 = 1
f1 = 1

¦ n ≥ 2 �?¿ Fibonacci ê��”

function f=fib(n)

% ^u¦ Fibonacci ê��¼ê�
% f=fib(n)

if n>2





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Example 33

(1). |^½È©�½Â§©Oæ^Ý/{ÚF/{O�½È©

I =

∫ 1


(2). Á^ü©{¦�§x3 − 4×2 + 1 = 03[0, 1]þ��Cq�”
(3). |^�?êÐmª

sin x = lim

Sn =

an =


(2n − 1)!

= x −





+ . . .

O�sin x�Cq�§�¦Ø��u10−8″

sin x = lim

Sn, |sin x − Sn| ≤ an+1

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 43 / 139



Example 34

38× 8�IS�


Example 35

òê�Å�3IS�Ú�8× 8Ú��,���¥§êUrÚ5K?1£

�¦µ¦^êâ(�¥�Ò(stack)5¢y§òêi1, 2, . . . , 64�gW\
��8× 8��

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 44 / 139

MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: ���������nnn���±±±ããã


2 �`z¯K¦)

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 45 / 139

MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: ���������nnn���±±±ããã



Example 36



tan x − sin x






Example 37

Á^Äxü«4 ��â”close; axis square; fill; pause.
Á^4�Ixo�p4�r = cos (2θ)”polar(theta,rho,À�).

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 46 / 139

MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: ���������nnn���±±±ããã

function myfun(n)


clear all;




for side=3:n

plot(x, y, ’*’);

axis square;

hold on;

for k=1:side



fill(cos(theta), sin(theta), ’r’);


hold off;


Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 47 / 139

MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: ���������nnn���±±±ããã


Example 38


y = sin

t +



Ú y = 2 sin

2t +






ã/�±§|^ hold on/off ¼ê§~Xþ~3 t ��Ð��



hold on;



hold off;

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 48 / 139

MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: ���������nnn���±±±ããã


Example 39


y = 0.2e−0.5x cos(4πx) Ú y = 2e−0.5x cos(πx)





k=find(abs(y1-y2)<1e-2); x3=x(k); y3=0.2*exp(-0.5*x3).*cos(4*pi*x3); plot(x,y1,x,y2,’k:’,x3,y3,’ro’); ã/I5��I��µtitle, xlabel, ylabel, zlabel, text(x,y,`²), axis" Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 49 / 139 MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: ���������nnn���±±±ããã Û¼ê�ãµezplot¶ subplot(2,2,1); ezplot(’sin(x)’); subplot(2,2,2); ezplot(’x^2+y^2-1’,[-1,1],[-1,1]); subplot(2,2,3); ezplot(’x^3+y^3-5*x*y’); subplot(2,2,4); ezplot(’2*cos(t)’,’sin(t)’,[0,2*pi]); Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 50 / 139 MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: ���������nnn���±±±ããã n�ã/ n�­�µplot3 Example 40 ±�Ú^�   x = cos t y = sin t z = t (0 ≤ t ≤ 4π) t=0:0.001:4*pi; x=cos(t); y=sin(t); z=t; plot3(x,y,z); grid on; Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 51 / 139 MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: ���������nnn���±±±ããã n�­¡µ�n�k²¡§2�m" Example 41 ±�²¡ z = x + y Ú^=�Ô¡ z = x2 + y2 �ã/" x=0:1:2; y=0:1:2; [x,y]=meshgrid(x,y); z=x+y; axis([0,2,0,2,0,4]); mesh(x,y,z); x=-8:0.1:8; y=-8:0.1:8; [x,y]=meshgrid(x,y); z=x.^2+y.^2; surf(x,y,z); Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 52 / 139 MATLAB ÄÄÄ::: ���������nnn���±±±ããã Example 42 �Ñ^S ��õ>/¡È%C�¡È�ê�¢��ã/ü«”

sn =

r2n sin

, Sn = r

2n tan

, (n > 2).

Example 43

�­�y = x(1− x)3[0, 1]þ�=Ä��§lAÛþ`²Y²����

Example 44


z =

1 + D2n(x , y)/D0
, D(x , y) =

(x − x0)2 + (y − y0)2

D0 = 200, n = 2, x0 = y0 = 16§^meshÚsurf±�n�ã�”

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 53 / 139



2 �`z¯K¦)

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 54 / 139

���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���555555yyy


2 �`z¯K¦)

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 55 / 139

���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���555555yyy


max f (x) = c1x1 + c2x2 + . . .+ cnxn



a11x1 + a12x2 + . . .+ a1nxn = b1

a21x1 + c2x22 + . . .+ cnx2n = b2

. . .

am1x1 + am2x2 + . . .+ amnxn = bm

xi ≥ 0, i = 1, 2, . . . , n

max f (x) = cTx
s.t. Ax = b, x ≥ 0.

Example 2.1


min x1 − 2×2 + x3



x1 + x2 + x3 ≤ 3
x1 + x2 − 2×3 ≥ 1
− x1 + 2×2 + 3×3 = 4

, x1 ≥ 0, x2 ≥ 0.

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 56 / 139

���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���555555yyy


Ä�)µl A ¥ÀÑ�ÛÉÝ
B ¦� BxB + NxN = b¶

�1)§�1�µ÷v D1 = {x |Ax = b, x ≥ 0} �¤k)¶
Ä��1)µ D = {x |Ä�) ∩ �1)}¶

Example 2.2

max − x1 + 2×2 − x3


x1 + x2 + x3 = 3

x1 − x2 − 2×3 = 1
, x1, x2, x3 ≥ 0

A =

1 1 1
1 −1 −2

K B1 =

P1 P2

⇒ xB1 =

2 1 0

B2 =

P2 P3

⇒ xB2 =

0 7 −4

B3 ⇒ xB3 =?

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 57 / 139

���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���555555yyy



min cT x
s.t. Ax ≤ b, Aeqx = beq, lb ≤ x ≤ ub

Example 2.3

�Ñe��55y�.¥� c ,A, b,Aeq, beq, lb, ub

max 4×1 − 2×2 + x3



2×1 − x2 + x3 ≤ 12
− 8×1 + 2×2 − 2×3 ≥ 8
− 2×1 + x3 = 3
x1 + x2 = 7

x1, x2, x3 ≥ 0

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 58 / 139

���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���555555yyy


x = linprog(c ,A, b)

x = linprog(c ,A, b,Aeq, beq)

x = linprog(c ,A, b,Aeq, beq, lb, ub)

x = linprog(c ,A, b,Aeq, beq, lb, ub, x0)

x = linprog(c ,A, b,Aeq, beq, lb, ub, x0, options)

[x , fval ] = linprog(. . .)

[x , fval , exitflag ] = linprog(. . .)

[x , fval , exitflag , output] = linprog(. . .)

[x , fval , exitflag , output, lambda] = linprog(. . .)

Example 2.4


Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 59 / 139

���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���555555yyy


Example 2.5

ØI \?Û¤^§duB�¬C�|^ǯK§¦

�200 �”²½|ýÿ§3OyÏS§�¬C����Èþ�50 ú6″

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 60 / 139

���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���555555yyy

Example 2.6


1 l11c�14c�zccÐÑI�Ý]§gcc”£�|1.15¶

2 13ccÐÝ]§15cc”£�|1.25§��Ý]��80��¶

3 12ccÐÝ]§15cc”£�|1.40§��Ý]��60��¶

4 zccÐÝ]§zcc”£�|1.06″


11c 12c 13c 14c 15c

�Y� x11 x21 x31 x41
�Y� x32
�Yn x23
�Yo x14 x24 x34 x44 x54

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 61 / 139

���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���555555yyy

Example 2.7



ó/` ó/¯ ó/Z

ïá�A 10 12 9
ïá�B 8 11 13

ó/` ó/¯ ó/Z ÑÑoþ

ïá�A x11 x12 x13 35
ïá�B x21 x22 x21 55
�Âoþ 26 38 26 90

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 62 / 139

���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���555555yyy

Example 2.8

,r�|k5«��”®��«r��ü d�Úzü r���x
�70ü !¶Ô�3ü !�)�10Îü “¯XÛ·ÜN�ù5«r

r�«a �x�/ü  ¶Ô�/ü  �)�/Îü  üd

1 0.30 0.10 0.05 2
2 2.20 0.05 0.10 7
3 1.00 0.02 0.02 4
4 0.60 0.20 0.20 3
5 1.80 0.05 0.08 5

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 63 / 139

���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���555555yyy

Example 2.9


min |x |+ |y |+ |z |,


x + y ≤ 1,
2x + z = 3.


m =
x + |x |

, n =

|x | − x



Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 64 / 139

���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���êêê555yyy


2 �`z¯K¦)

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 65 / 139

���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���êêê555yyy


max cT x ,


Ax = b,

x ≥ 0, ��ܽöÜ©��ê�.


�ê5y¯K� MATLAB ¦)�{

[x , fval , exitflag ] = intlinprog(c , intcon,A, b,Aeq, beq, lb, ub)

min cT x ,



Ax ≤ b,
Aeqx = beq,

lb ≤ x ≤ ub,
xi ≥ 0, i = 1, 2, . . . , n,
xj��ê�, j ∈ intcon.

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 66 / 139

���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���êêê555yyy

[x , fval , exitflag ] = intprog(c ,A, b,Aeq, beq, lb, ub,M,TolXInteger)

min cT x ,



Ax ≤ b,
Aeqx = beq,

lb ≤ x ≤ ub,
xi ≥ 0, i = 1, 2, . . . , n,
xj��ê�, j ∈ M.

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 67 / 139

���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���êêê555yyy

Example 2.10

max x1 + x2,



4×1 − 2×2 ≥ 1,
4×1 + 2×2 ≤ 11,
2×2 ≥ 1,
x1, x2 ≥ 0���ê�.


A=[-4 2;4 2;0 -2];







Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 68 / 139

���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���êêê555yyy

^ MATLAB ¦) 0–1 �5�ê5y¯K

min cT x ,



Ax ≤ b,
Aeqx = beq,

x = 0 or 1.

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 69 / 139

���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���êêê555yyy

Example 2.11

éu 0–1 5y�.

max 20×1 + 6×2 + 8×3 + 9×4,



10×1 + 6×2 + 5×3 + 2×4 ≤ 19,
7×1 + 2×2 + 2×3 + 4×4 ≤ 11,
2×1 + x2 + x3 + 10×4 ≤ 12,
x4 ≤ x2 + x3,
x1, x2, x3, x4 = 0 or 1.

�©O^ linprog Ú intlinprog (½ intprog )¦)”

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 70 / 139

���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���êêê555yyy

Example 2.12


Ô¬?Ò 1 2 3 4 5 6

�þ/ú6 4.8 6.2 5.7 3.6 4.4 8.5
d�/� 120 180 150 100 90 230

Example 2.13

,�û8c�k�«5��A�g+§Ù�½�Ý�17 �”y3I�

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 71 / 139


���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���êêê555yyy

Example 2.14

Ú1000�”XJT�û½3,�GÝmó§I�ó§O�¤20000 �§

Example 2.15

�<êXeL¤«"b�ÑÖ þ���m2��mã�m©��§¿�ëYó�8��"KTU, A����õ�¶ÑÖ º �g 1 2 3 4 5 6 �mã 08–12 12–16 16–20 20–24 00–04 04–08 I¦<ê 100 120 80 60 30 50 Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 72 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���êêê555yyy ©{½.{Ú½£��z8I¼ê¤ (1). Щ¦)�ê5y�tµ¯Kµ¦)Ùtµ�55y§e��ê )§=��ê5y��`)"ÄK§Ð©e.��−∞" (2). ïá©{äµ3?Û��£f¤¯K¥§lØ÷v�ê�¦�Cþ ¥ÀÑ��?1?n§ÏL\\�ép½��åò��£f¤¯K ©|�ü�É�?�Ú�å�f¯K§ �|¢�«�"dd§f ¯KeØ÷v�ê�¦K?�Ú�e?1©{§/¤��©{ä" (3). ½.�}{µÏLØä/©{Ú¦)��f¯K§©{½.{òØ ä?�d®²����`�ê)(½�e."Ù¥§¦)f¯K� UÑy±e(Jµ Ã�1)§ÃLUY©{¶ �����ê)§ÃLUY©{§�#e.¶ ������ê)§À8I¼ê���¹û½}{�´UY©{" (4). UìþãÚ½S�§z�e.�?U±�§A�u�¤k�vk¦ )L�f¯K¿}�@ 8I¼ê��u#�e.�f¯K" Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 73 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���êêê555yyy Example 2.16 ^©|½.{¦)�ê5y¯K max x1 + x2, s.t.   4x1 − 2x2 ≥ 1, 4x1 + 2x2 ≤ 11, 2x2 ≥ 1, x1, x2 ≥ 0���ê�. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 74 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy 1 MATLAB Ä: Ý �ê|$� ~^êƼê ÎÒ$� MATLAB ?§ ���n�±ã 2 �`z¯K¦) �55y �ê5y �g5y Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 75 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy �g5y¯K�êÆ�. min 1 2 xtHx + ctx, s.t. Ax ≥ b. Ù¥§H ∈ Rn×n�n�¢é¡Ý " ¦¦¦)))���{{{ ����{£�k�ª�夶 .�KF¦f{£�k�ª�夶 f�m&6�{£�k�ª�å½ö�kþe.�夶 k�8�{¶ Wolfe�{¶ Lemke�{" Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 76 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy ����{µòA©)¤A = (B,N)§Ù¥B�ÄÝ §�A/ òx, c,H�Xe©¬µ x = ( xB xN ) , c = ( cB cN ) , H = ( H11 H12 H21 H22 ) , K��BxB + NxN = b§=xB = B −1b− B−1NxN§�\�g5y�� min φ(x) = 1 2 xtNĤ2xN + ĉ t NxN . Ù¥ Ĥ2 = H22 −H21B−1N−Nt ( B−1 )t H12 + N t ( B−1 )t H11B −1N, ĉN = cN −Nt ( B−1 )t cB + [ H21 −Nt ( B−1 )t H11 ] B−1b. eĤ2�½§��Ã�å¯K�`)� x∗N = −Ĥ −1 2 ĉN ⇒ x ∗ = ( x∗B x∗N ) = ( B−1b 0 ) + ( B−1N −I ) Ĥ−12 ĉN . Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 77 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy `:µg�{ü² §¦^�B¶ ":µB�U�C��ÛÉ� §l Úåx∗�ê�Ø­½" Example 2.17 ^����{¦)�g5y¯Kµ min x21 + x 2 2 + x 2 3 , s.t. { x1 + 2x2 − x3 = 4, x1 − x2 + x3 = −2. x∗ = (x∗1 , x ∗ 2 , x ∗ 3 ) t = ( 2 7 , 10 7 ,− 6 7 )t . �dAtλ∗ = ∇f (x∗) = Hx∗ + c �� λ∗ = (λ∗1, λ ∗ 2) t = ( 8 7 ,− 4 7 )t . Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 78 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Example 2.18 .�KF¦f{�nµ L(x,λ) = 1 2 xtHx + ctx− λt(Ax− b),{ ∇xL(x,λ) = 0, ∇λL(x,λ) = 0, ⇒ ( H −At −A 0 )( x λ ) = − ( c b ) . =K-T^�§Ù¥�.�KFÝ é¡�Ø�½�½¶e�½§Kk( H −At −A 0 )−1 = ( Q −R −Rt G ) ,   Q = H−1 −H−1At(AH−1At)−1AH−1 = H−1 − RAH−1, R = H−1At(AH−1At)−1 = −H−1AtG, G = −(AH−1At)−1. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 79 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy �x(0)´?��1)§=÷vAx(0) = b§K3x(0)?�8I¼êFÝ�± L«�∇f ( x(0) ) = Hx(0) + c"Kd{ x∗ = −Qc + Rb, λ∗ = Rtc− Gb, ⇒ { x∗ = x(0) −Q∇f ( x(0) ) , λ∗ = Rt∇f ( x(0) ) . Example 2.19 ^.�KF{¦)�g5y¯Kµ min x21 + 2x 2 2 + x 2 3 − 2x1x2 + x3, s.t. { x1 + x2 + x3 = 4, 2x1 − x2 + x3 = 2. x∗ = ( 21 11 , 43 22 , 3 22 )t . Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 80 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy �g5y¯K�MATLAB¦)�{ �g5y¯K�MATLABIO. min 1 2 xTHx + cT x s.t. Ax ≤ b, Aeqx = beq, lb ≤ x ≤ ub �55y¯K¦)�MATLAB¼êN^ x = quadprog(H, c ,A, b) x = quadprog(H, c ,A, b,Aeq, beq) x = quadprog(H, c ,A, b,Aeq, beq, lb, ub) x = quadprog(H, c ,A, b,Aeq, beq, lb, ub, x0) [x , fval ] = quadprog(. . .) Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 81 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Example 2.20 Á^þã·-¦)þ~¥��g5y¯K" Example 2.21 ¦)±e�g5y¯Kµ min 1 2 x21 + x 2 2 − x1x2 − 2x1 − 6x2, s.t.   x1 + x2 ≤ 2, − x1 + 2x2 ≤ 2, 2x1 + x2 ≤ 3, x1, x2 ≥ 0. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 82 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Definition 2.1 A set Ω in Rn is said to be convex if for every x1, x2 ∈ Ω and every real number α, 0 < α < 1, the point αx1 + (1− α)x2 ∈ Ω. Definition 2.2 A function f defined on a convex set Ω is said to be convex if, for every x1, x2 ∈ Ω and every α, 0 ≤ α ≤ 1, there holds f (αx1 + (1− α)x2) ≤ αf (x1) + (1− α)f (x2). If, for every α, 0 < α < 1, and x1 6= x2, there holds f (αx1 + (1− α)x2) < αf (x1) + (1− α)f (x2). Then f is said to be strictly convex. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 83 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Definition 2.3 A function g defined on a convex set Ω is said to be concave if the function −g is convex, and be strictly concave if −g is strictly convex. Definition 2.4 If f ∈ C 1 is a real-valued function on Rn, f (x) = f (x1, x2, . . . , xn), define the gradient of f to be the vector ∇f (x) = [ ∂f (x) ∂x1 , ∂f (x) ∂x2 , . . . , ∂f (x) ∂xn ] . If f ∈ C 2, then define the Hessian of f at x to be the n × n matrix F(x) = [ ∂2f (x) ∂xi∂xj ] . ∂2f (x) ∂xi∂xj = ∂2f (x) ∂xj∂xi ⇒ F(x) = [F(x)]t . Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 84 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Proposition 2.1 Let f1 and f2 be convex functions on the convex set Ω. Then the functions f1 + f2 and af (a > 0) are both convex on Ω.


Let x1, x2 ∈ Ω, and 0 < α < 1. Then f1(αx1 + (1− α)x2) + f2(αx1 + (1− α)x2) ≤α[f1(x1) + f2(x1)] + (1− α)[f1(x2) + f2(x2)]. The conclusion about the function af (a > 0) is immediate.

Proposition 2.2

Let f1, f2, . . . , fn be convex functions over the convex set Ω. Then a
positive combination of fi , namely,

i=1 ai fi = a1f1 + a2f2 + . . .+ anfn

(ai > 0), is again convex.

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Proposition 2.1

Let f1 and f2 be convex functions on the convex set Ω. Then the functions
f1 + f2 and af (a > 0) are both convex on Ω.


Let x1, x2 ∈ Ω, and 0 < α < 1. Then f1(αx1 + (1− α)x2) + f2(αx1 + (1− α)x2) ≤α[f1(x1) + f2(x1)] + (1− α)[f1(x2) + f2(x2)]. The conclusion about the function af (a > 0) is immediate.

Proposition 2.2

Let f1, f2, . . . , fn be convex functions over the convex set Ω. Then a
positive combination of fi , namely,

i=1 ai fi = a1f1 + a2f2 + . . .+ anfn

(ai > 0), is again convex.

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Proposition 2.3

Let f ∈ C 1. Then f is convex over a convex set Ω if and only if
f (y) ≥ f (x) +∇f (x)(y − x) for all x, y ∈ Ω.


“⇐” Since f is convex, then for all α, 0 ≤ α ≤ 1,

f (αy + (1− α)x) ≤ αf (y) + (1− α)f (x),

which indicates that for all α, 0 < α ≤ 1, f (x + α(y − x))− f (x) α ≤ f (y)− f (x), lim α→0 [f (x + α(y − x))− f (x)](y − x) α(y − x) = ∇f (x)(y − x) ≤ f (y)− f (x). Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 86 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Proposition 2.3 Let f ∈ C 1. Then f is convex over a convex set Ω if and only if f (y) ≥ f (x) +∇f (x)(y − x) for all x, y ∈ Ω. Proof. “⇐” Since f is convex, then for all α, 0 ≤ α ≤ 1, f (αy + (1− α)x) ≤ αf (y) + (1− α)f (x), which indicates that for all α, 0 < α ≤ 1, f (x + α(y − x))− f (x) α ≤ f (y)− f (x), lim α→0 [f (x + α(y − x))− f (x)](y − x) α(y − x) = ∇f (x)(y − x) ≤ f (y)− f (x). Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 86 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy continued. “⇒” Assume f (y) ≥ f (x) +∇f (x)(y − x) for all x, y ∈ Ω. Fix x1, x2 ∈ Ω and α (0 ≤ α ≤ 1). Setting x = αx1 + (1− α)x2, we have f (x1) ≥ f (x) +∇f (x)(x1 − x), (1) f (x2) ≥ f (x) +∇f (x)(x2 − x). (2) Multiplying (1) by α and (2) by 1− α and adding, we obtain αf (x1) + (1− α)f (x2) ≥ f (x) +∇f (x)(αx1 + (1− α)x2 − x). Substituting x = αx1 + (1− α)x2, we have αf (x1) + (1− α)f (x2) ≥ f (αx1 + (1− α)x2). Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 87 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy The original definition essentially states that linear interpolation between two points overestimates the function. The above proposition states that linear approximation based on the local derivative underestimates the function. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 88 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Theorem 45 A quadratic form f (x) = xtAx is positive definite if and only if leading principal minors of A are all positive. It is negative definite if and only if{ |Ak | < 0, if k is odd, |Ak | > 0, if k is even.


We skip the proof for positive definiteness. For negative definiteness, since

f (x) = f (x1, x2, . . . , xn) = x

is negative definite, we have

−f (x) = −f (x1, x2, . . . , xn) = −xtAx = xt(−A)x

is positive definite. The conclusion is immediate.

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 89 / 139

���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy

Theorem 45

A quadratic form f (x) = xtAx is positive definite if and only if leading
principal minors of A are all positive. It is negative definite if and only if{

|Ak | < 0, if k is odd, |Ak | > 0, if k is even.


We skip the proof for positive definiteness. For negative definiteness, since

f (x) = f (x1, x2, . . . , xn) = x

is negative definite, we have

−f (x) = −f (x1, x2, . . . , xn) = −xtAx = xt(−A)x

is positive definite. The conclusion is immediate.

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���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy

Theorem 2.1 (Taylor’s Theorem)

If f ∈ C 1 in a region containing the line segment [x1, x2], then there is an
α (0 ≤ α ≤ 1) such that

f (x2) = f (x1) +∇f (αx1 + (1− α)x2)(x2 − x1).

Furthermore, if f ∈ C 2, then there is a α (0 ≤ α ≤ 1) such that

f (x2) = f (x1) +∇f (x1)(x2 − x1)


(x2 − x1)tF(αx1 + (1− α)x2)(x2 − x1),

where F denotes the Hessian of f .

Definition 2.5

Given x ∈ Ω, a vector d is a feasible direction at x if there is an α such
that x + αd ∈ Ω for all α (0 ≤ α ≤ α).

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���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy

Theorem 2.2

Let f ∈ C 2 be quadratic function. Then f is convex over a convex set Ω
containing an interior point if and only if the Hessian matrix F of f is
positive semidefinite throughout Ω.


By Taylor’s theorem, for some α (0 ≤ α ≤ 1),

f (y) = f (x) +∇f (x)(y − x) +

(y − x)tF(x + α(y − x))(y − x). (3)

Since f is a quadratic function, (3) reduces to

f (y) = f (x) +∇f (x)(y − x) +

(y − x)tF(y − x).

By Proposition 2.3, the conclusion is immediate.

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���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy

Theorem 2.2

Let f ∈ C 2 be quadratic function. Then f is convex over a convex set Ω
containing an interior point if and only if the Hessian matrix F of f is
positive semidefinite throughout Ω.


By Taylor’s theorem, for some α (0 ≤ α ≤ 1),

f (y) = f (x) +∇f (x)(y − x) +

(y − x)tF(x + α(y − x))(y − x). (3)

Since f is a quadratic function, (3) reduces to

f (y) = f (x) +∇f (x)(y − x) +

(y − x)tF(y − x).

By Proposition 2.3, the conclusion is immediate.

Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 91 / 139

���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy

Theorem 2.3

Let f ∈ C 2. Then f is convex over a convex set Ω containing an interior
point if and only if the Hessian matrix F of f is positive semidefinite
throughout Ω.


By Taylor’s theorem, for some α (0 ≤ α ≤ 1),

f (y) = f (x) +∇f (x)(y − x) +

(y − x)tF(x + α(y − x))(y − x). (4)

“⇒” Clearly, if the Hessian is everywhere positive semidefinite, we have

f (y) ≥ f (x) +∇f (x)(y − x), (5)

which in view of Proposition 2.3 implies that f is convex.

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���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy

Theorem 2.3

Let f ∈ C 2. Then f is convex over a convex set Ω containing an interior
point if and only if the Hessian matrix F of f is positive semidefinite
throughout Ω.


By Taylor’s theorem, for some α (0 ≤ α ≤ 1),

f (y) = f (x) +∇f (x)(y − x) +

(y − x)tF(x + α(y − x))(y − x). (4)

“⇒” Clearly, if the Hessian is everywhere positive semidefinite, we have

f (y) ≥ f (x) +∇f (x)(y − x), (5)

which in view of Proposition 2.3 implies that f is convex.

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“⇐” Now suppose the Hessian is not positive semidefinite at some point
x ∈ Ω.

By the continuity of the Hessian it can be assumed, without loss of
generality, that x is an interior point of Ω. There is a y ∈ Ω such that

(y − x)tF(x)(y − x) < 0. Again by the continuity of the Hessian, y may be selected so that for all α (0 ≤ α ≤ 1), (y − x)tF(x + α(y − x))(y − x) < 0. By (4), (5) does not hold; which in view of Proposition 2.3 implies that f is not convex. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 93 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Theorem 2.4 Let f be a convex function defined on the convex set Ω. Then the set Γ where f achieves its minimum is convex, and any relative minimum of f is a global minimum. Proof. If f has no relative minima the theorem is valid by default. Otherwise Γ = {x : x ∈ Ω, f (x) ≤ c}. Let x1, x2 ∈ Γ. Then for α (0 < α < 1), f (αx1 + (1− α)x2) ≤ αf (x1) + (1− α)f (x2) ≤ c . Suppose now that x∗ ∈ Ω is a relative minimum point of f , but that there is another point y ∈ Ω with f (y) < f (x∗). On the line αy + (1− α)x∗, f (αy + (1− α)x∗) ≤ αf (y) + (1− α)f (x∗) < f (x∗), contradicting the fact that x∗ is a relative minimum point. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 94 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Theorem 2.4 Let f be a convex function defined on the convex set Ω. Then the set Γ where f achieves its minimum is convex, and any relative minimum of f is a global minimum. Proof. If f has no relative minima the theorem is valid by default. Otherwise Γ = {x : x ∈ Ω, f (x) ≤ c}. Let x1, x2 ∈ Γ. Then for α (0 < α < 1), f (αx1 + (1− α)x2) ≤ αf (x1) + (1− α)f (x2) ≤ c . Suppose now that x∗ ∈ Ω is a relative minimum point of f , but that there is another point y ∈ Ω with f (y) < f (x∗). On the line αy + (1− α)x∗, f (αy + (1− α)x∗) ≤ αf (y) + (1− α)f (x∗) < f (x∗), contradicting the fact that x∗ is a relative minimum point. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 94 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Proposition 2.4 (First-order necessary conditions) Let Ω be a subset of Rn and let f ∈ C 1 be a function on Ω. If x∗ is a relative minimum point of f over Ω, then for any feasible direction d ∈ Rn at x∗, we have ∇f (x∗)d ≥ 0. Proof. For any α (0 ≤ α ≤ α), the point x(α) = x∗ + αd ∈ Ω. Define the function g(α) = f (x(α)). Then g(α) has a relative minimum at α = 0. By the ordinary calculus we have g(α)− g(0) = g ′(0)α + o(α), where o(α) denotes terms that go to zero faster than α. If g ′(0) < 0, then, for sufficiently small values of α > 0, the right side will be negative,
and hence g(α)− g(0) < 0, which contradicts the minimal nature of g(0). Thus g ′(0) = ∇f (x∗)d ≥ 0. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 95 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Proposition 2.4 (First-order necessary conditions) Let Ω be a subset of Rn and let f ∈ C 1 be a function on Ω. If x∗ is a relative minimum point of f over Ω, then for any feasible direction d ∈ Rn at x∗, we have ∇f (x∗)d ≥ 0. Proof. For any α (0 ≤ α ≤ α), the point x(α) = x∗ + αd ∈ Ω. Define the function g(α) = f (x(α)). Then g(α) has a relative minimum at α = 0. By the ordinary calculus we have g(α)− g(0) = g ′(0)α + o(α), where o(α) denotes terms that go to zero faster than α. If g ′(0) < 0, then, for sufficiently small values of α > 0, the right side will be negative,
and hence g(α)− g(0) < 0, which contradicts the minimal nature of g(0). Thus g ′(0) = ∇f (x∗)d ≥ 0. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 95 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Corollary 2.1 Let Ω be a subset of Rn, and let f ∈ C 1 be a function on Ω. If x∗ is a relative minimum point of f over Ω and if x∗ is an interior point of Ω, then ∇f (x∗) = 0. Solve n equations in n unknowns system to derive the solution? Example 2.22 Consider the problem min x21 − x1 + x2 + x1x2, s.t. x1, x2 ≥ 0. The problem has a global minimum at x∗ = (1/2, 0)t . At x∗, the partial derivatives, ∇f (x∗) = (0, 3/2), do not both vanish, but ∇f (x∗)d ≥ 0 for all feasible direction d ∈ R2 at x∗ = (1/2, 0)t . Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 96 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Proposition 2.5 (Second-order necessary conditions) Let Ω be a subset of Rn and let f ∈ C 2 be a function on Ω. If x∗ is a relative minimum point of f over Ω, then for any feasible direction d ∈ Rn at x∗, we have i). ∇f (x∗)d ≥ 0; ii). if ∇f (x∗)d = 0, then dtF(x∗)d ≥ 0. Proof. The first condition is just Proposition 2.4, and the second condition applies only if ∇f (x∗)d = 0. Introduce x(α) = x∗ + αd and define g(α) = f (x(α)) as before. Then in view of g ′(0) = 0, we have g(α)− g(0) = 1 2 g ′′(0)α2 + o(α2). (6) If g ′′(0) < 0, the right side of (6) is negative for sufficiently small α, which contradicts the relative minimum nature of g(0). Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 97 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Proposition 2.5 (Second-order necessary conditions) Let Ω be a subset of Rn and let f ∈ C 2 be a function on Ω. If x∗ is a relative minimum point of f over Ω, then for any feasible direction d ∈ Rn at x∗, we have i). ∇f (x∗)d ≥ 0; ii). if ∇f (x∗)d = 0, then dtF(x∗)d ≥ 0. Proof. The first condition is just Proposition 2.4, and the second condition applies only if ∇f (x∗)d = 0. Introduce x(α) = x∗ + αd and define g(α) = f (x(α)) as before. Then in view of g ′(0) = 0, we have g(α)− g(0) = 1 2 g ′′(0)α2 + o(α2). (6) If g ′′(0) < 0, the right side of (6) is negative for sufficiently small α, which contradicts the relative minimum nature of g(0). Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 97 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Corollary 2.2 Let x∗ be an interior point of the set Ω, and suppose x∗ is a relative minimum point over Ω of the function f ∈ C 2. Then i). ∇f (x∗) = 0; ii). For all d, dtF(x∗)d ≥ 0. Example 2.23 Consider the problem min f (x1, x2) = x 2 1 − x1x2 + x 2 2 − 3x2. There are no constraints, so Ω = R2. Setting the partial derivatives of f equal to zero yields the two equations, which have the solution x = (1, 2)t , the global minimum point of f . Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 98 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Example 2.24 Consider the problem min x31 − x 2 1x2 + 2x 2 2 , s.t. x1, x2 ≥ 0. Assume the solution is in the interior of Ω. By Corollary 2.2 i), we have x∗ = (6, 9)t . Nevertheless, x∗ is not a relative minimum point since according to F(x) = ( 6x1 − 2x2 −2x1 −2x1 4 ) , we have F(x∗) = ( 18 −12 −12 4 ) , whose determinant is −72, and thus F(x) is not positive semidefinite at x∗. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 99 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Example 2.25 (Approximation) Suppose that through an experiment the value of a function g is observed at m points, x1, x2, . . . , xm. Thus, g(x1), g(x2), . . . , g(xm) are known. We wish to approximate the function by a polynomial h(x) = n∑ i=0 aix i = anx n + an−1x n−1 + . . .+ a1x + a0 of degree n (or less), where n < m. Corresponding to any choice of the approximating polynomial, there will be a set of errors �k = g(xk)− h(xk). We define the best approximation as the polynomial that minimizes the sum of the squares of these errors; i.e., minimizes f (a) = m∑ k=1 (�k) 2 = m∑ k=1 (g(xk)− [an(xk)n + . . .+ a1xk + a0]) 2 . with respect to a = (a0, a1, . . . , an) to find the best coefficients. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 100 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Example 2.26 (continued) To find a compact representation for this objective, define qij = m∑ k=1 (xk) i+j , bj = m∑ k=1 g(xk)(xk) j , c = m∑ k=1 g(xk) 2. Then after a bit of algebra it can be shown that f (a) = atQa− 2bta + c , where Q = (qij) and b = (b1, b2, . . . , bn+1) t . The first-order necessary conditions state that the gradient of f must vanish. This leads directly to the system of n + 1 equations Qa = b, which can be solved to determine a. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 101 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Proposition 2.6 (Second-order sufficient conditions) Let f ∈ C 2 be a function defined on a region in which the point x∗ is an interior point. Suppose in addition that i). ∇f (x∗) = 0; ii). F(x∗) is positive definite. Then x∗ is a strict relative minimum point of f . Proof. Since F(x∗) is positive definite, there exists an a > 0 such that for all d,
dtF(x∗)d ≥ a‖d‖2. Thus, by Taylor’s Theorem, we have

f (x∗ + d)− f (x∗) =

dtF(x∗)d + o(‖d‖2) ≥


‖d‖2 + o(‖d‖2),

which implies that both sides are positive for small d.

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Proposition 2.6 (Second-order sufficient conditions)

Let f ∈ C 2 be a function defined on a region in which the point x∗ is an
interior point. Suppose in addition that

i). ∇f (x∗) = 0;
ii). F(x∗) is positive definite.

Then x∗ is a strict relative minimum point of f .


Since F(x∗) is positive definite, there exists an a > 0 such that for all d,
dtF(x∗)d ≥ a‖d‖2. Thus, by Taylor’s Theorem, we have

f (x∗ + d)− f (x∗) =

dtF(x∗)d + o(‖d‖2) ≥


‖d‖2 + o(‖d‖2),

which implies that both sides are positive for small d.

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Theorem 2.5

Let f ∈ C 1 be convex on the convex set Ω. If there is a point x∗ ∈ Ω such
that, for all y ∈ Ω, ∇f (x∗)(y − x) ≥ 0, then x∗ is a global minimum point
of f over Ω.


Since y − x∗ is a feasible direction at x∗, the given condition is equivalent
to the first-order necessary condition. The proof is immediate, since by
Proposition 2.3, we have

f (y) ≥ f (x∗) +∇f (x∗)(y − x∗) ≥ f (x∗).

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Theorem 2.5

Let f ∈ C 1 be convex on the convex set Ω. If there is a point x∗ ∈ Ω such
that, for all y ∈ Ω, ∇f (x∗)(y − x) ≥ 0, then x∗ is a global minimum point
of f over Ω.


Since y − x∗ is a feasible direction at x∗, the given condition is equivalent
to the first-order necessary condition. The proof is immediate, since by
Proposition 2.3, we have

f (y) ≥ f (x∗) +∇f (x∗)(y − x∗) ≥ f (x∗).

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Consider the problem

min f (x), s.t. x ∈ Ω. (7)

Consider the set Γ ⊂ Rn+1 = {(r , x) : f (x) ≤ r , x ∈ Rn}. Suppose that
x∗ ∈ Ω is the minimizing point with f ∗ = f (x∗) and construct a tubular
region B with cross section Ω extending vertically from −∞ up to f ∗. B is
also a convex set, and it overlaps the convex set Γ only at the boundary
point (f ∗,b∗) above x∗.

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Theorem 2.6 (Separating Hyperplane Theorem)

Let B and C be convex sets with no common relative interior points, i.e.,
the only common points are boundary points. Then there is a hyperplane
separating B and C , that is, there is a nonzero vector a such that


atb ≤ inf


According to Theorem 2.6, there is a hyperplane separating these two sets.

sr + λtx ≥ c , for all x ∈ Rn and f (x) ≤ r , (8)
sr + λtx ≤ c , for all x ∈ Ω and r ≤ f ∗. (9)

It follows that s 6= 0; for otherwise λ 6= 0 and then (8) would be violated
for some x ∈ Rn. It also follows that s ≥ 0 since otherwise (9) would be
violated by very negative values of r . As a consequence, we find s > 0 and
by appropriate scaling we may take s = 1.

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Proposition 2.7 (Zero-order necessary conditions)

If x∗ solves (7) under the stated convexity conditions, then there is a
nonzero vector λ ∈ Rn such that x∗ is a solution to the two problems,

min f (x) + λtx, s.t. x ∈ Rn, (10)
max λtx, s.t. x ∈ Ω. (11)


Problem (10) follows from (8) (with s = 1) and the fact that f (x) ≤ r for
r ≥ f (x). The value c is attained from above at (f ∗, x∗). Likewise
problem (11) follows from (9) and the fact that x∗ and the appropriate r
attain c from below.

Example 2.27 (Investigate what will happen to f ∈ C 1 in R1 over [0, 1])
let f ∈ C 1 on Rn, and let f have a minimum with respect to Ω at x∗. Let
d ∈ Rn be a feasible direction at x∗. By (10), we have ∇f (x∗)d ≥ 0.

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Proposition 2.7 (Zero-order necessary conditions)

If x∗ solves (7) under the stated convexity conditions, then there is a
nonzero vector λ ∈ Rn such that x∗ is a solution to the two problems,

min f (x) + λtx, s.t. x ∈ Rn, (10)
max λtx, s.t. x ∈ Ω. (11)


Problem (10) follows from (8) (with s = 1) and the fact that f (x) ≤ r for
r ≥ f (x). The value c is attained from above at (f ∗, x∗). Likewise
problem (11) follows from (9) and the fact that x∗ and the appropriate r
attain c from below.

Example 2.27 (Investigate what will happen to f ∈ C 1 in R1 over [0, 1])
let f ∈ C 1 on Rn, and let f have a minimum with respect to Ω at x∗. Let
d ∈ Rn be a feasible direction at x∗. By (10), we have ∇f (x∗)d ≥ 0.

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Proposition 2.8 (Zero-order sufficiency conditions)

If there is a λ such that x∗ ∈ Ω solves the problems (10) and (11), then x∗
solves (7).


Suppose x1 is any other point in Ω. Then from (10),

f (x1) + λ
tx1 ≥ f (x∗) + λtx∗.

This can be rewritten as

f (x1)− f (x∗) ≥ λtx∗ − λtx1.

By problem (11), the right hand side is greater than or equal to zero.
Hence f (x1)− f (x∗) ≥ 0, which establishes the result.

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Proposition 2.8 (Zero-order sufficiency conditions)

If there is a λ such that x∗ ∈ Ω solves the problems (10) and (11), then x∗
solves (7).


Suppose x1 is any other point in Ω. Then from (10),

f (x1) + λ
tx1 ≥ f (x∗) + λtx∗.

This can be rewritten as

f (x1)− f (x∗) ≥ λtx∗ − λtx1.

By problem (11), the right hand side is greater than or equal to zero.
Hence f (x1)− f (x∗) ≥ 0, which establishes the result.

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Line Search Methods

FIBONACCI and Golden Section Search

Line Search by Curve Fitting: Newton’s Method, Method of False
Position, Cubic Fit, Quadratic Fit

Inaccurate Line Search: Percentage Test, Armijo’s Rule, Goldstein
Test, Wolfe Test, Backtracking

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FIBONACCI method determines the minimum value of a function f over a
closed interval [c1, c2]. The only property that is assumed of f is unimodal.

After values are known at N points x1, x2, . . . , xN with

c1 = x0 ≤ x1 < x2 < . . . < xN−1 < xN ≤ xN+1 = c2, the region of uncertainty is the interval [xk−1, xk+1] where xk is the minimum point among the N. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 109 / 139 Xi CHEN t1 Xi CHEN Xi CHEN Xi CHEN t2 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Let d1 = c2 − c1 be the initial width of uncertainty, and dk be the width of uncertainty after k measurements. If we have N measurements in total, dk = ( FN−k+1 FN ) d1, where the integers Fk are members of the Fibonacci sequence generated by the recurrence relation FN = FN−1 + FN−2 with F0 = F1 = 1. Recursive Structure Ln−1 = 2Ln − �; Ln−2 = Ln−1 + Ln = 3Ln − �; Ln−3 = Ln−2 + Ln−1 = 5Ln − 2�; . . . Ln−k = Ln−(k−1) + Ln−(k−2) = Fk+1Ln − Fk−1�. To reach certain pre-specified accuracy δ, we need to satisfy Fk ≥ 1/δ. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 110 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy FIBONACCI Search Algorithm (Minimization) 1 Determine k according to δ, and a0, b0. Compute t1 and t2 by t1 = b0 − Fk−1 Fk (b0 − a0), t2 = a0 + Fk−1 Fk (b0 − a0). 2 If f (t1) < f (t2), set a1 = a0, b1 = t2, t2 = t1 and compute t1 by t1 = b1 − Fk−2 Fk−1 (b1 − a1). If f (t1) ≥ f (t2), set b1 = b0, a1 = t1, t1 = t2 and compute t2 by t2 = a1 + Fk−2 Fk−1 (b1 − a1). 3 . . . 4 t1 = bn − F1 F2 (bn − an), or t2 = an + F1 F2 (bn − an). Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 111 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy The sequence of measurement points is determined in accordance with the assumption that each measurement is of lower value than its predecessors. Note that the procedure always calls for the last two measurements to be made at the midpoint of the semifinal interval of uncertainty. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 112 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Golden Section Search Suppose xn+2 = c1xn+1 + c2xn. If we can transform it into xn+2 − rxn+1 = s(xn+1 − rxn), then xn+2 = (r + s)xn+1 − rsxn. By comparison, the characteristic equation can be derived by cancelling s or r . As for the Fibonacci difference equation, τ2 − τ − 1 = 0⇒ τ1 = 1 + √ 5 2 , τ2 = 1− √ 5 2 , where τ1 is known as the golden section ratio. The solution to the Fibonacci difference equation FN = FN−1 + FN−2 is of the form FN = Aτ N 1 + Bτ N 2 ⇒ lim N→∞ FN−1 FN = 1 τ1 ' 0.618. As a consequence, we have dk = ( 1 τ1 )k−1 d1, dk+1 dk = 1 τ1 ' 0.618. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 113 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Golden Section Search Algorithm (Minimization) 1 Initialize a, b, and �. Let λ = 0.618. Compute x1 and x2 by x1 = a + (1− λ)(b − a), x2 = a + λ(b − a). and f1 = f (x1), f2 = f (x2). 2 If f (x1) < f (x2), set b = x2, x2 = x1, f2 = f1 and compute x1 by x1 = a + (1− λ)(b − a). and f1 = f (x1). If f (x1) ≥ f (x2), set a = x1, x1 = x2, f1 = f2 and compute x2 by x2 = a + λ(b − a). and f2 = f (x2). 3 If |a− b| < �, then x∗ = 0.5(a + b), f ∗ = f (x∗); else go to Step 2. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 114 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Example 2.28 By using Fibonacci Search, maximize the function f (x) = −|2− x | − |5− 4x | − |8− 9x | over the interval [0, 3]. The user specified tolerance level is � = 0.1, and the first two experimental endpoints are x1 = 1.147 and x2 = 1.853. Iteration x1 x2 f (x1) f (x2) Interval 2 0.7059 1.1471 -3.5882 -11.2353 [0.0000, 1.8529] 3 1.1471 1.4118 -5.1176 -3.5882 [0.7059, 1.8529] 4 0.9706 1.1471 -3.5882 -5.9412 [0.7059, 1.4118] 5 0.8824 0.9706 -2.8824 -3.5882 [0.7059, 1.1471] 6 0.7941 0.8824 -2.6471 -2.8824 [0.7059, 0.9706] 7 0.8824 0.8824 -3.8824 -2.6471 [0.7941, 0.9706] Example 2.29 Solve the previous problem by using Golden Section Search. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 115 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Newton’s Method In most problems, however, it can be safely assumed that the function being searched, as well as being unimodal, possesses a certain degree of smoothness, and one might, therefore, expect that more efficient search techniques exploiting this smoothness can be devised. Suppose that the function f of a single variable x is to be minimized, and it is possible to evaluate f (xk), f ′(xk), f ′′(xk). q(x) = f (xk) + f ′(xk)(x − xk) + 1 2 f ′′(xk)(x − xk)2, q′(x) = 0⇒ xk+1 = xk − f ′(xk) f ′′(xk) . Letting g(x) ≡ f ′(x), we have xk+1 = xk − g(xk) g ′(xk) . Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 116 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy The method can more simply be viewed as a technique for iteratively solving equations of the form g(x) = 0 by letting g(x) ≡ f ′(x). Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 117 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Method of False Position Newton’s method for minimization is based on fitting a quadratic on the basis of information at a single point. However, by using more points, e.g., f (xk), f ′(xk), f ′(xk−1), less information is required at each of them to fit the quadratic q(x) = f (xk) + f ′(xk)(x − xk) + f ′(xk−1)− f ′(xk) xk−1 − xk · (x − xk)2 2 , xk+1 = xk − f ′(xk) [ xk−1 − xk f ′(xk−1)− f ′(xk) ] . Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 118 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Since this method does not depend on values of f directly, it can be regarded as a method for solving f ′(x) ≡ g(x) = 0. Viewed in this way the method takes the form xk+1 = xk − g(xk) [ xk − xk−1 g(xk)− g(xk−1) ] . Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 119 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Definition 2.6 Let the sequence {rk}∞k=0 converge to r ∗. The order of convergence of {rk} is defined as the supremum of the nonnegative numbers p satisfying 0 ≤ lim k→∞ |rk+1 − r∗| |rk − r∗|p <∞. Definition 2.7 If the sequence {rk}∞k=0 converge to r ∗ in such a way that lim k→∞ |rk+1 − r∗| |rk − r∗| = β < 1, the sequence is said to converge linearly to r∗ with convergence ratio (or rate) β. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 120 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy When comparing the relative effectiveness of two competing algorithms, both of which produce linearly convergent sequences, the comparison is based on their corresponding convergence ratios: The smaller the ratio the faster the rate. The ultimate case where β = 0 is referred to as superlinear convergence. Convergence of any order greater than one, i.e., p > 1, is superlinear, but
it is also possible for superlinear convergence to correspond to unity order.

Example 2.30

The sequence rk = 1/k converges to zero. The convergence is of order
one but it is not linear, since limk→∞(rk+1/rk) = 1, that is, β = 1.

Example 2.31

The sequence rk = (1/k)
k is of order one, since rk+1/(rk)

p →∞ for
p > 1. But limk→∞ rk+1/rk = 0 and hence this is superlinear convergence.

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Theorem 2.7

Let the function g have a continuous second derivative, and let x∗ satisfy
g(x∗) = 0 and g ′(x∗) 6= 0. Then, provided x0 is sufficiently close to x∗,
the sequence {xk} generated by Newton’s method converges to x∗ with an
order of convergence at least two.


Since g(x∗) = 0, we have

xk+1 − x∗ = xk − x∗ −
g(xk)− g(x∗)

g ′(xk)

= −
g(xk)− g(x∗) + g ′(xk)(x∗ − xk)

g ′(xk)



g ′′(ξ)

g ′(xk)
(xk − x∗)2

for some ξ between x∗ and xk . Therefore, if started close enough to the
solution, the method will converge to x∗ with an order of convergence at
least two.

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Theorem 2.7

Let the function g have a continuous second derivative, and let x∗ satisfy
g(x∗) = 0 and g ′(x∗) 6= 0. Then, provided x0 is sufficiently close to x∗,
the sequence {xk} generated by Newton’s method converges to x∗ with an
order of convergence at least two.


Since g(x∗) = 0, we have

xk+1 − x∗ = xk − x∗ −
g(xk)− g(x∗)

g ′(xk)

= −
g(xk)− g(x∗) + g ′(xk)(x∗ − xk)

g ′(xk)



g ′′(ξ)

g ′(xk)
(xk − x∗)2

for some ξ between x∗ and xk . Therefore, if started close enough to the
solution, the method will converge to x∗ with an order of convergence at
least two.

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The derivative of f from M0 = (x0, y0, z0)
t along the direction ` is

∂f (M0)


· cosα +


· cosβ +


· cos γ.


Let M = (x , y , z)t be an arbitrary point along `, and let t = M0M. Then
we have x − x0 = t cosα, y − y0 = t cosβ, and z − z0 = t cos γ.

∂f (M0)

= lim


f (M)− f (M0)

= lim

φ(t)− φ(0)

= φ′(0).

On the other hand, we have

φ′(t) =











· cosα +


· cosβ +


· cos γ.

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The derivative of f from M0 = (x0, y0, z0)
t along the direction ` is

∂f (M0)


· cosα +


· cosβ +


· cos γ.


Let M = (x , y , z)t be an arbitrary point along `, and let t = M0M. Then
we have x − x0 = t cosα, y − y0 = t cosβ, and z − z0 = t cos γ.

∂f (M0)

= lim


f (M)− f (M0)

= lim

φ(t)− φ(0)

= φ′(0).

On the other hand, we have

φ′(t) =











· cosα +


· cosβ +


· cos γ.

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a =
∂f (M0)

, b =

∂f (M0)

, c =

∂f (M0)


Then we have



· cosα +


· cosβ +


· cos γ

= a · cosα + b · cosβ + c · cos γ


a2 + b2 + c2(cosα1 · cosα + cosβ1 · cosβ + cos γ1 · cos γ)


a2 + b2 + c2 cos(`1, `) direction










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Steepest Descent Method (Gradient Method)

By Taylor’s theorem, if f ∈ C 1 in a region containing the line segment
[xk , xk+1], then there is an α, 0 ≤ α ≤ 1, such that

f (xk+1) = f (xk) +∇f (xk)(xk+1 − xk)
= f (xk) +∇f (xk)dk .

Apparently, if dk = −∇f (xk)t , then we have

f (xk+1) = f (xk)− ‖∇f (xk)t‖2,

which can guarantee the descent of a minimizing problem provided
∇f (xk)t 6= 0, or practically, ‖∇f (xk)t‖2 < �. By setting dk = −∇f (xk)t , we need to choose the step-size αk such that αk = arg min α f ( xk − α∇f (xk)t ) . Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 125 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy The Quadratic Case Consider f (x) = 1 2 xtHx− xtb and E (x) = 1 2 (x− x∗)tH(x− x∗), (12) where H is a positive definite symmetric n × n matrix. The steepest descent method can be expressed as xk+1 = xk − αkgk , where gk = g(xk) = ∇f (xk)t = Hxk − b, and αk minimizes f (xk − αgk). By (12), we have f (xk − αgk) = 1 2 (xk − αgk)tH(xk − αgk)− (xk − αgk)tb, and thus αk = gtkgk gtkHgk ⇒ xk+1 = xk − ( gtkgk gtkHgk ) gk . Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 126 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Example 2.32 The function f and the steepest descent process can be illustrated as in the following figure by showing contours of constant values of f and a typical sequence developed by the process. The contours of f are n-dimensional ellipsoids with axes in the directions of the n-mutually orthogonal eigenvectors of H. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 127 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Lemma 2.1 The iterative process of steepest descent method satisfies E (xk+1) = { 1− (gtkgk) 2 (gtkHgk)(g t kH −1gk) } E (xk). Proof. Setting yk = xk − x∗, gk = Hxk − b = Hxk −Hx∗ = Hyk . For E (yk), we have E (xk)− E (xk+1) E (xk) = 2αkg t kHyk − α 2 kg t kHgk ytkHyk = (gtkgk) 2 (gtkHgk)(g t kH −1gk) . Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 128 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Lemma 2.1 The iterative process of steepest descent method satisfies E (xk+1) = { 1− (gtkgk) 2 (gtkHgk)(g t kH −1gk) } E (xk). Proof. Setting yk = xk − x∗, gk = Hxk − b = Hxk −Hx∗ = Hyk . For E (yk), we have E (xk)− E (xk+1) E (xk) = 2αkg t kHyk − α 2 kg t kHgk ytkHyk = (gtkgk) 2 (gtkHgk)(g t kH −1gk) . Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 128 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Lemma 2.2 (Kantorovich inequality) Let H be a positive definite symmetric n × n matrix. For any vector x there holds (xtx)2 (xtHx)(xtH−1x) ≥ 4aA (a + A)2 where a and A are, respectively, the smallest and largest eigenvalues of H. Proof. Let the eigenvalues of H satisfy a = λ1 ≤ λ2 ≤ . . . ≤ λn = A. By an appropriate change of coordinates the matrix H becomes diagonal with diagonal λ1, λ2, . . . , λn. In this coordinate system we have (xtx)2 (xtHx)(xtH−1x) = (∑n i=1 x 2 i )2(∑n i=1 λix 2 i ) [∑n i=1(x 2 i /λi ) ] , Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 129 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Lemma 2.2 (Kantorovich inequality) Let H be a positive definite symmetric n × n matrix. For any vector x there holds (xtx)2 (xtHx)(xtH−1x) ≥ 4aA (a + A)2 where a and A are, respectively, the smallest and largest eigenvalues of H. Proof. Let the eigenvalues of H satisfy a = λ1 ≤ λ2 ≤ . . . ≤ λn = A. By an appropriate change of coordinates the matrix H becomes diagonal with diagonal λ1, λ2, . . . , λn. In this coordinate system we have (xtx)2 (xtHx)(xtH−1x) = (∑n i=1 x 2 i )2(∑n i=1 λix 2 i ) [∑n i=1(x 2 i /λi ) ] , Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 129 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy continued. which, taking into account the convex combination, can be written as (xtx)2 (xtHx)(xtH−1x) = 1/( ∑n i=1 ξiλi )∑n i=1(ξi/λi ) ≡ φ(ξ) ψ(ξ) , where ξi = x2i∑n i=1 x 2 i . The minimum value of this ratio is achieved for some λ = ξ1λ1 + ξnλn with ξ1 + ξn = 1. Using the relation ξ1 λ1 + ξn λn = λ1 + λn − ξ1λ1 − ξnλn λ1λn , an appropriate bound is φ(ξ) ψ(ξ) ≥ lim λ1≤λ≤λn 1/λ (λ1 + λn − λ)/(λ1λn) ≥ 4λ1λn (λ1 + λn)2 , where the minimum is achieved at λ = (λ1 + λn)/2. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 130 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy continued. φ(ξ) ψ(ξ) = 1/( ∑n i=1 ξiλi )∑n i=1(ξi/λi ) The curve represents the function 1/λ. Since ∑n i=1 ξiλi is a point between λ1 and λn, the value of φ(ξ) is a point on the curve. On the other hand, the value of ψ(ξ) is a convex combination of points on the curve and its value corresponds to a point in the shaded region. For the same vector ξ, both functions are represented by points on the same vertical line. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 131 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Theorem 2.8 (Steepest descent method–quadratic case) For any x0 ∈ Rn, the steepest descent method converges to the unique minimum point x∗ of f . Furthermore, there holds at every step k E (xk+1) ≤ ( A− a A + a )2 E (xk). Proof. By Lemma 2.1 and Lemma 2.2, we have E (xk+1) = { 1− (gtkgk) 2 (gtkHgk)(g t kH −1gk) } E (xk) ≤ [ 1− 4aA (A + a)2 ] E (xk) = ( A− a A + a )2 E (xk). Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 132 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Theorem 2.8 (Steepest descent method–quadratic case) For any x0 ∈ Rn, the steepest descent method converges to the unique minimum point x∗ of f . Furthermore, there holds at every step k E (xk+1) ≤ ( A− a A + a )2 E (xk). Proof. By Lemma 2.1 and Lemma 2.2, we have E (xk+1) = { 1− (gtkgk) 2 (gtkHgk)(g t kH −1gk) } E (xk) ≤ [ 1− 4aA (A + a)2 ] E (xk) = ( A− a A + a )2 E (xk). Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 132 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy In terms of convergence rate, Theorem 2.8 states that regarding E (x), the steepest descent method converges linearly with a ratio no greater than( A− a A + a )2 . The convergence rate actually depends only on the ratio r = A/a. Thus the convergence ratio is ( A− a A + a )2 = ( r − 1 r + 1 )2 , which clearly shows that convergence is slowed as r increases. The ratio r , which is the single number associated with the matrix H that characterizes convergence, is often called the condition number of the matrix. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 133 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Example 2.33 Consider H =   0.78 −0.02 −0.12 −0.14 −0.02 0.86 −0.04 0.06 −0.12 −0.04 0.72 −0.08 −0.14 0.06 −0.08 0.74   , b =   0.76 0.08 1.12 0.68   . Starting with x0 = (0, 0, 0, 0) t , show the solution sequence generated by the steepest descent method converges to x∗ = (1.534965, 0.1220097, 1.975156, 1.412954)t , f (x∗) = −2.1746595. For this positive definite matrix H, we have a = 0.52, A = 0.94 and hence r = 1.8. This is a very favorable condition number and leads to the convergence ratio is 0.081. Thus each iteration will reduce the error in the objective by more than a factor of ten; or, equivalently, each iteration will add about one more digit of accuracy. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 134 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Steepest descent method–nonquadratic case To establish estimates of the progress of the gradient method when the Hessian matrix is always positive definite, assume that the Hessian matrix is bounded above and below as aI ≤ F(x) ≤ AI. Given a point xk , we have for any α, f (xk − αg(xk)) ≤ f (xk)− αg(xk)tg(xk) + Aα2 2 g(xk) tg(xk). Minimizing both sides separately with respect to α the inequality will hold for the two minima, that is, f (xk+1) ≤ f (xk)− 1 2A ‖g(xk)‖2, and we thus have f (xk+1)− f ∗ ≤ f (xk)− f ∗ − 1 2A ‖g(xk)‖2. (13) Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 135 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy In a similar way, for any x there holds f (x) ≥ f (xk) + g(xk)t(x− xk) + a 2 ‖x− xk‖2. Again we can minimize both sides separately and have f ∗ ≥ f (xk)− 1 2a ‖g(xk)‖2 ⇒ −‖g(xk)‖2 ≤ 2a[f ∗ − f (xk)]. (14) By (13) and (14), we have f (xk+1)− f ∗ f (xk)− f ∗ ≤ 1− a A , which shows that the gradient method makes progress even when the starting point is not close to the optimal solution. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 136 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Example 2.34 To minimize a function f , consider solving the equations ∇f (x) = 0 that represent the necessary conditions. We could apply steepest descent to the function h(x) = ‖∇f (x)‖2. For simplicity, consider the quadratic case, f (x) = 1 2 xtQx− btx, h(x) = xtQ2x− 2xtQb + btb. The rate of convergence of steepest descent applied to h(x) will be governed by the eigenvalues of the matrix Q2. By( r − 1 r + 1 )2 = ( r2 − 1 r2 + 1 )2 ' ( 1− 1 r2 )4 ,( r − 1 r + 1 )2 ' ( 1− 1 r )4 , ( 1− 1 r2 )r ' 1− 1 r , it takes about r steps of the new method to equal one step of ordinary steepest descent. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 137 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Newton’s Method The function f being minimized is approximated locally by a quadratic function, and this approximate function is minimized exactly. Thus near xk , we can approximate f by the truncated Taylor series, f (x) ' f (xk) +∇f (xk)(x− xk) + 1 2 (x− xk)tF(xk)(x− xk). The right-hand side is minimized at xk+1 = xk − [F(xk)]−1∇f (xk)t , and this equation is the pure form of Newton’s method. In view of the second-order sufficiency conditions for a minimum point, we assume that at a relative minimum point, x∗, the Hessian matrix, F(x∗), is positive definite. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 138 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Theorem 2.9 Let f ∈ C 3 on Rn, and assume that at the local minimum point x∗, the Hessian F(x∗) is positive definite. Then if started sufficiently close to x∗, the points generated by Newton’s method converge to x∗. The order of convergence is at least two. Proof. There are ρ > 0, β1 > 0, β2 > 0 such that ∀x with ‖x− x∗‖ < ρ, there holds ‖F(x)−1‖ < β1, ‖∇f (x∗)t −∇f (x)t − F(x)(x∗ − x)‖ ≤ β2‖x∗ − x‖2. Suppose xk is selected with β1β2‖x∗ − xk‖ < 1 and ‖x∗ − xk‖ < ρ. Then ‖xk+1 − x∗‖ = ∥∥xk − x∗ − [F(xk)]−1∇f (xk)t∥∥ = ∥∥[F(xk)]−1 [∇f (x∗)t −∇f (xk)t − F(xk)(x∗ − xk)]∥∥ ≤ ∥∥[F(xk)]−1∥∥ · β2‖xk − x∗‖2≤ β1β2‖xk − x∗‖2 < ‖xk − x∗‖. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 139 / 139 ���`̀̀zzz¯̄̄KKK¦¦¦))) ���ggg555yyy Theorem 2.9 Let f ∈ C 3 on Rn, and assume that at the local minimum point x∗, the Hessian F(x∗) is positive definite. Then if started sufficiently close to x∗, the points generated by Newton’s method converge to x∗. The order of convergence is at least two. Proof. There are ρ > 0, β1 > 0, β2 > 0 such that ∀x with ‖x− x∗‖ < ρ, there holds ‖F(x)−1‖ < β1, ‖∇f (x∗)t −∇f (x)t − F(x)(x∗ − x)‖ ≤ β2‖x∗ − x‖2. Suppose xk is selected with β1β2‖x∗ − xk‖ < 1 and ‖x∗ − xk‖ < ρ. Then ‖xk+1 − x∗‖ = ∥∥xk − x∗ − [F(xk)]−1∇f (xk)t∥∥ = ∥∥[F(xk)]−1 [∇f (x∗)t −∇f (xk)t − F(xk)(x∗ − xk)]∥∥ ≤ ∥∥[F(xk)]−1∥∥ · β2‖xk − x∗‖2≤ β1β2‖xk − x∗‖2 < ‖xk − x∗‖. Xi Chen ( .cn) MATLAB 333²²²LLL���+++nnnïïïÄÄÄ¥¥¥���AAA^̂̂ 139 / 139 MATLAB »ù´¡ ¾ØÕóÓëÊý×éÔËËã ³£ÓÃÊýѧº¯Êý ·ûºÅÔËËã MATLAB ±à³Ì ¶þάÓëÈýά»æͼ ×îÓÅ»¯ÎÊÌâÇó½â ÏßÐԹ滮 ÕûÊý¹æ»® ¶þ´Î¹æ»®