CS计算机代考程序代写 c/c++ Java c++ CS246-F20-03-IntroToC++


3. Basics of C++

CS246 Fall 2020

Prof. Mike Godfrey
University of Waterloo

Lecture 3.1

• Quick intro to C++ basics
– Variables and constants
– Simple types


// Your first C++ program!
#include // Access to C++ IO streams: cin, cout, cerr
#include // Access to C++ string class
using namespace std; // Saves some typing, but beware

const string kidDrink = “juice”; // global variables
string adultDrink = “coffee”;

int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
int age = 100;
while (age > 0) {

cout << "How old are you? "; cin >> age;
cout << "Would you like some "; if (age < 18) { cout << kidDrink << "?" << endl; } else { cout << adultDrink << "?" << endl; } if (age == 56) { adultDrink = "beer"; // change global var! } } } • As in ANSI C, C++ support real named constants i.e., not #DEFINE constant macros, like in the old days of C • Variables can be declared anywhere a stmt can be • Can declare a loop counter to exist only inside the loop: Variables and constants int numSheep; cin >> numSheep;
const int numLegs = 4 * numSheep;
for (int i = 0; i < numLegs ; i++) { // do stuff } // i isn't visible after the loop // (that's a good thing!) • C++ has a bool type, with special values true and false • Choose good names to improve code readability: – Good names: doneProcessing, isStale, errorFound – Weak names: processingStatus, onOrOff – Terrible names: flag, status, condition2 Booleans bool doneProcessing = false; while (!doneProcessing) { … if (someCondition) { doneProcessing = true; } } const bool altTrue = false; Booleans • C/C++ let you treat arithmetic (including char) and pointer values are having true/false meaning … – Zero (NULL ptr) means false – Non-zero (non-NULL ptr) means true • But we recommend you don't use this! (It's even illegal in Java!) – Consider these: if (!p) // where p is a ptr if (!n) if (n = 0) if (n == 0) // same as !n if (0 == n) if (nullptr != p) // Better! if (0 = n) #include

using namespace std;

// int vs. unsigned int
int main (int argc, char* argv[]){

unsigned int ui = 5;

for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { cout << "ui = " << ui << endl; ui--; } } ui = 5 ui = 4 ui = 3 ui = 2 ui = 1 ui = 0 ui = 4294967295 ** ui = 4294967294 ui = 4294967293 ui = 4294967292 The variable ui is a 32-bit int in the range: 0 ... 4,294,967,295 The variable i is a 32-bit int in the range: −2,147,483,648 ... 2,147,483,647 ** Note that you can't rely on what value ui will have after subtracting 1 from zero, it just won't be -1. End CS246