CS计算机代考程序代写 data structure algorithm The labwork for this topic is assessed. It is the last lab assessment.

The labwork for this topic is assessed. It is the last lab assessment.

Step 1:
Complete all work from previous topics, if not already completed, then go through the powerpoint files in Content.

Step 2:
Go through any of Bucky’s tutorials that you didn’t complete

Use codeblocks and do the tutorials instead of just watching the video.

In a number of cases, you are being asked to view and do the tutorial
more than once. If you have already understood, you can skip the
particular video tutorial.

Note that things are getting a little complicated. So if you have
skipped any work from before, go back and complete.

Step 3:
Go through the Content powerpoints.

Pay attention to how Hashing works. Computer Science majors need to
know a bunch of data structures and processing, including Hash functions. Studies
in IT Security tend to look at certain aspects of Computer Science. Hashing is one
of those aspects, and IT security studies do go into a lot of depth because of
applications in Cryptography. A very basic primer is
.htm. The best starting reference for all of this is the reference book for this
unit – Introduction to Algorithms, chapter on Hash Tables, with subsection on Hash

Graphs are very important data structure as they are able to model a lot
of activities that goes on in the real world. You will need a decent understanding
of how graphs work.

Read the textbook chapter on Graphs.

Step 4:
In the assignment, you would normally be asked to provide a rational for
your data structures. In this video for BST justification one particular example
is used.

In the video, the tree algorithm is modified to cater for a new requirement.
This approach is not acceptable – see Open Closed Principle. Think of a better
solution. Other than that, the video explains the BST and its use very **well**.

This is the last topic and the practical component involves finishing of

**The labwork for the last session consists of demonstrating progress on
assigment2/project. This demonstration is assessed. **

If you have not understood something, make note of it to discuss during the workshop where you meet the lecturer.