CS计算机代考程序代写 python ”’

/* #This is solution v1.2 (basic) the the mock test 2 */
/* #Author: Dr. Adrian Euler */
/* #Module: SMM283 – Introduction to Python */ */

Tested with Python 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9
As an exercise you can modify/change, etc.



import math
import time

##mean: computes the simple arithmetic average …
def mean(x=[]):
i, sumtemp, n = (0, 0.0, len(x))
while (i < n): sumtemp += x[i] i += 1 return (sumtemp/i) ##pmean: computes the probabilistic average def pmean(p = [], x = []): i, sump, n=(0, 0.0, len(p)) while i < n: sump += p[i]*x[i] i += 1 return (sump) ##var: computes the variance def var(x = []): i, sumtemp, m, n = (0, 0.0, mean(x), len(x)) ##m = mean(x); /*obtain the mean..we need it for the deviations*/ while i < n: sumtemp += ((x[i] - m)*(x[i] - m)) i += 1 i -= 1 return (sumtemp/i) ##pvar: computes the variance of a probabilistic data set def pvar(p=[], x=[]): i, sump, m, n = (0, 0.0, mean(x), len(p)) ##m = mean(x); /*obtain the mean..we need it for the deviations*/ while i < n: sump += (p[i]*((x[i] - m)*(x[i] - m))) i += 1 return (sump) ##transpose: swap rows with columns.... def transpose(m=[[]]): mr = len(m) mc = len(m[0]) tloc = [[m[j][i] for j in range(mr)] for i in range(mc)] return(tloc) ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##main: the main control function of the program def main(): start = time.time() #star time ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x, p, i, j = ([], [], 0, 0) while True: try: n = int(input("Enter size of array (> 1): “)) ##notice n is declared globally
if n <= 1: print('Increase the size of the arrray...') continue break except: print('Should be an integer value...') pass counter = n while True: try: print("Enter %d real numbers. " % counter) while i < n: x.insert(i, float(input('x[' + str(i) + ']:= '))) i += 1 print(x) print("The mean is: %.2lf" % mean(x)) ##the mean works just fine print("The variance is: %.2f" % var(x)) break except: print('Should be real values (floats).....') pass while True: try: print("Enter %d probabilities in the range <0 to 1>: ” % n)
i = 0
while i < n: prob = float(input('p[' + str(i) + ']:= ')) p.insert(i, prob if (prob >=0 and prob <= 1) else 0.0) i += 1 #p.insert(n-1) = 1.0 - math.fsum(p) print("The sumproduct is: %.2f"% pmean(p, x)) ##the mean works just fine print("The probability-based variance is: %.2f" % pvar(p, x)) break except: pass while True: try: print("Enter the number of rows: ") r = int(input()); ##initialize global variable print("Enter the number of columns: ") c = int(input()) ##initialize global variable tr, tc = (c, r) ##t, m = ([[0.0]*tc]*tr, [[0.0]*c]*r) t = [[] for k in range(tr)] m = [[] for l in range(r)] for i in range(0, r): for j in range(0, c): m[i].insert(j, float(input('Enter:= '))) print('value stored @ m(%d,%d) '%( i, j)) #print('\n') ''' for i in range(0, r): for j in range(0, c): i, j = (i, j) print('%s ' % str(m[i][j]), end = '') print('\n') ''' print('The matrix is:') for v in m: print(v) t = transpose(m) ##call transpose function print('The transposed matrix is:') for w in t: print(w) break except: print('Should be integer values and greater than 0....') pass ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end = time.time() print('It took {0} seconds to run this program......'.format(str(end-start))) ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main() ##call the main function