COMPSCI5029 Software Project Management Final Exam
The following problem description is for a system to sell products over the Internet.
Use it to answer this question.
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
Our system will provide a home shopping environment for busy professionals. They
will be able to browse our catalogue before making a selection. We will check to see if
the selected item is currently stocked by one of the warehouses we deal with. If it is,
then we will dispatch the order overnight; if not, we will find out how long the order
will take and see if that is OK with the customer. While this is going in, we will check
our customer database, and if this customer has bought from us before, we will run a
profile program on their last few purchases to see if we can suggest some things that
they might like. The catalogue will have to be updated regularly as we add new
products and remove those that have not sold well. We will buy in the database and
accountancy packages for our system.
One part of the system functionality is ‘purchase item’. Identify two other
functional requirements of the system and express them as a use case diagram.
You should clearly describe each part of your use case diagram, explaining its
Use the problem description above to describe two scenarios of the ‘purchase
item’ use case. Explain how scenarios can help the analysis process. Describe
one major topic of extra information that is not provided in the above problem
description but is revealed by constructing the scenarios.
Use the problem description and scenarios to write the full use case details for the
‘purchase item’
use case. You should express the flow of events as an activity
diagram. User interface details are not required.
Estimating the cost of a software project is an important part of software project
management. Describe the terms elapsed time, effort and full economic costing.
Explain the importance of making accurate estimates of costs in the following
types of project:
(i) Bidding for a government contract.
(in) An in house project to improve the way overtime is allocated to departments.
(ili) Building a game app that will make my fortune.
Large projects managed with a waterfall style of approach often have quite
complicated cost models. Outline the COCOMO I and Function point analysis
approaches to cost estimation. Where do the initial estimates come from?
Projects managed with an agile approach use a different measure of costs.
Describe the agile approach to measuring the cost of a project.
Autumn Diet
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