CS代写 # Question 4: Developing Heuristics

# Question 4: Developing Heuristics

## _Dealing with Multiple Goals_ (20 Marks)

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Now the red bird has to collect all the yellow birds on the map! First, we will
take a look at the performance of A* with the *null heuristic* `h(s)=0`
(**Note:** in this case A* becomes the Uniform Cost strategy). Then, you will
start with a _very simple_ heuristic that captures the essence of the task
(picking up yellow birds), but already significantly improves the runtime of
A\*. Finally, you will move onto a more powerful heuristic.

Each of the two latter heuristics will need to be implemented inside the file

### The Baseline Heuristic

Let’s first assess how well the null heuristic handles the navigation problem
with constraints. With this command

python3 red_bird.py -l search_layouts/

-p SearchAgent -a fn=astar,prob=MultiplePositionSearchProblem,heuristic=null

you can run your implementation of A\* with the _null heuristic_ over the
instances of the following harder layouts:

– `aiMultiSearch.lay`
– `anuMultiSearch.lay`
– `smallMultiSearch.lay`
– `mazeMultiSearch.lay`

If you’re using Mac or Linux, you can run these shortcuts instead:

./test.sh heuristic null aiMultiSearch
./test.sh heuristic null anuMultiSearch
./test.sh heuristic null smallMultiSearch
./test.sh heuristic null mazeMultiSearch

On our test machine, we get the following results with our implementation of A\*:

| Problem | Cost | Expanded Nodes | Time (secs) |
| —————- | —- | ————– | ———– |
| aiMultiSearch | 55 | 6,633 | 0.06 |
| anuMultiSearch | 99 | 13,912 | 0.1 |
| smallMultiSearch | 60 | 16,688 | 0.2 |
| mazeMultiSearch | 215 | 534,496 | 7.1 |

### Counting Birds (5 Marks)

The first admissible heuristic we will consider is given by the following formula:

h(s) = number_of_yellow_birds_still_to_be_captured

Implement the above in the function `bird_counting_heuristic()` in the file

You can see the effect of using this heuristic with the following command:

python3 red_bird.py -l search_layouts/

-p SearchAgent -a fn=astar,prob=MultiplePositionSearchProblem,heuristic=bch

Verify that your heuristic works correctly (it needs to be _0_ for _goal states_)
and also comparing with the tables below for A\*:

| Problem | Cost | Expanded Nodes | Time (secs) |
| —————- | —- | ————– | ———– |
| aiMultiSearch | 55 | 6,092 | 0.1 |
| anuMultiSearch | 99 | 13,502 | 0.1 |
| smallMultiSearch | 60 | 12,517 | 0.1 |
| mazeMultiSearch | 215 | 485,961 | 6.7 |

This heuristic is indeed **admissible** but it is still not very
**informative** because it completely abstracts the navigation problem away.
The effect of this becomes stronger on the larger problems.

### Come up with your heuristic! (15 Marks)

In this exercise you are requested to devise a much **more informative
admissible** heuristic for the problem. This heuristic will be graded according
to different factors:

1. Admissibility: your heuristic value must not exceed the smaller number of
steps to collect all yellow birds.
2. Informativeness: measured by the reduction of Expanded Nodes w.r.t. the
counting Birds heuristic.
3. Efficiency: reduction of run time.

You can see the effect of your implementation with the following command:

python3 red_bird.py -l search_layouts/

-p SearchAgent -a fn=astar,prob=MultiplePositionSearchProblem,heuristic=every_bird

If you’re using Mac or Linux, you can run these shortcuts instead:

./test.sh heuristic every_bird aiMultiSearch
./test.sh heuristic every_bird anuMultiSearch
./test.sh heuristic every_bird smallMultiSearch
./test.sh heuristic every_bird mazeMultiSearch

Our current implementation achieves the following performance though you are
not required to compete with it. The reduction of number of expanded nodes and
overall time has to be done w.r.t. the counting birds heuristic presented
above. We expect to see substantial efficiency gains in the bigger instance
(i.e., mazeMultiSearch)

| Problem | Cost | Expanded Nodes | Time (secs) |
| —————- | —- | ————– | ———– |
| aiMultiSearch | 55 | 200 | 1.7 |
| anuMultiSearch | 99 | 308 | 0.6 |
| smallMultiSearch | 60 | 409 | 0.8 |
| mazeMultiSearch | 215 | 697 | 1.4 |

1. Your heuristic should not try to solve the original problem! It has to relax
it to make it simpler so that the heuristic be efficiently computable. There
is a tradeoff between efficiency and informativeness.
2. There are many ways to relax the problem (see lectures for examples).
3. The class `search_problems` contains a very interesting method that is
called `maze_distance`. You may want to have a look into it.

Once you’ve finished, you can move to [the next section](7_minimax.md) or go
back to the [index](README.md).

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com