PL OurScheme project for the spring of 2017, Part 2 (“Project 2”)
Due : 6/25(日) midnight (23:59)
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
// Some test input of Project 1 may again appear in Project 2
// e.g., if in Project 1 the input was : (1 2 3)
// then in Project 2, this input may reappear as : ‘(1 2 3)
// or : (quote (1 2 3))
In Project 1, you have done the following :
* You wrote a scanner or a 「scanner layer」 (consisting of several
This scanner is responsible for (1) using separators to get tokens
from the user’s actual input, and (2) deciding what tokens they are ;
In a sense, the scanner “transforms” the actual input stream of
characters into a (conceptual) input stream of tokens.
* You wrote a parser or a 「parser layer」(consisting of several
The parser “reads” the conceptual input stream of tokens by calling
the scanner, and decides whether the input stream of tokens
satisfies the grammar of an S-expression.
Once the parser makes sure that the tokens “read”
satisfies the grammar of an S-expression, it constructs
an internal, tree-like data structure for this S-expression.
* You wrote a “pretty-printer”. Given a pointer to an internal data
structure that corresponds to some S-expression, the pretty-printer
prints out this S-expression in some pre-determined format.
* You managed to print an error message signifying the location
of the so-called “error character” whenever the system encounters
a syntax error in the user’s input.
* You organized the working of your OurScheme interpreter in some way,
so that the working of your system corresponds to the following
“code skeleton” :
Print : ‘Welcome to OurScheme!’
Print : ‘> ‘
ReadSExp( s_exp );
if no syntax error (no “unexpected token” or “unclosed string”)
then PrintSExp( s_exp );
PrintErrorMessage() ;
until user has just entered LEFT_PAREN “exit” RIGHT_PAREN
EOF encountered
if ( END-OF-FILE encountered ) // and NOT 「user entered ‘(exit)’」
Print ‘ERROR (no more input) : END-OF-FILE encountered’
Print ‘\n’
Print : ‘Thanks for using OurScheme!’
For Project 2, you are to extend your system so that the following are
realized (by your system).
* All “primitive exressions” (expressions that involve primitive
operations) can be evaluated.
* ‘define’ is supported (but no definition (and use) of functions yet)
* “Conditional processing” (via the use of ‘if’ and ‘cond’) is supported.
* Sequencing (functional composition and the use of ‘begin’) is supported.
Your main program should now look something like the following.
Print : ‘Welcome to OurScheme!’
Print : ‘> ‘
ReadSExp( inSExp );
if no syntax error
EvalSExp( inSExp, resultSExp ) ;
if evaluation error
then PrintEvaluationError() ;
else // no evaluation error
PrintSExp( resultSExp );
end-then // no syntax error
else // syntax error
PrintSyntaxError() ;
until user has just entered LEFT_PAREN “exit” RIGHT_PAREN
EOF encountered
if ( END-OF-FILE encountered ) // and NOT 「user entered ‘(exit)’」
Print ‘ERROR (no more input) : END-OF-FILE encountered’
Print ‘\n’
Print : ‘Thanks for using OurScheme!’
Below are the primitives (and features) that your system should implement.
(括號內的數字指的是這個function可接受的argument的數目 – i.e., the number of
arguments that this function can take)
1. Constructors
list (>= 0)
2. Bypassing the default evaluation
3. The binding of a symbol to an S-expression
define (2)
; Once a symbol is defined (or “bound”), the user can enter
; this symbol, and the system will return its binding.
; however, the user is not allowed to redefine symbols that happen
; to be system primitives such as ‘cons’ or ‘car’ or ‘cdr’, etc.
4. Part accessors
5. Primitive predicates (all functions below can only take 1 argument)
number? // in OurSchem, real? = number?, but not in Scheme (there are complex-numbers)
6. Basic arithmetic, logical and string operations
; in evaluating ‘and’ or ‘or’, it is possible that some “argument expr”
; does not get evaluated ; use Petite Scheme to see what this means
; e.g., (set! a 5) a (and (set! a 10) #f (set! a 100)) a (or #t (set! a 200)) a
and (>= 2)
or (>= 2)
; all functions below can take 2 or more arguments
7. Eqivalence tester
eqv? (2)
equal? (2)
8. Sequencing and functional composition
begin (>= 1)
; the user may also enter, e.g., >>(car (cdr ‘(1 2 3 4)))<< 9. Conditionals ; in evaluating 'if' or 'cond', it is possible that some "sub-expr" ; does not get evaluated (this is the meaning of conditional expressions) ; ; use Petite Scheme to check ; if (2 or 3) cond (>= 1)
10. clean-environment
; 此指令將user的definitions清空,一切重新開始
clean-environment (0)
Example : // assuming that we run the system using interactive I/O
// ========= I/O starts below and does not include this line ========
Welcome to OurScheme!
> ; 1. A list (or rather, a dotted pair) is CONSTRUCTED.
(cons 3 4) ; an operation on two objects
) ; ‘(3 . nil)’ = ‘(3)’
) ; same thing
> (CONS 3 4) ; Scheme distinquishs between upper and lower cases
ERROR (unbound symbol) : CONS
> (cons hello 4)
ERROR (unbound symbol) : hello
ERROR (unbound symbol) : hello
> (CONS hello there)
ERROR (unbound symbol) : CONS
> (cons 1 2 3)
ERROR (incorrect number of arguments) : cons
> ; 2. To “by pass” the default interpretation of an S-exp
ERROR (attempt to apply non-function) : 3
> ‘(3 4 5)
> (quote (3 (4 5)))
ERROR (attempt to apply non-function) : 4321
> (cons 3 ‘(4321 5))
> (list 3 (4 5))
ERROR (attempt to apply non-function) : 4
> (list 3 ‘(4 5))
> ; 2. To give a (symbolic) name to an object
; Meaning of DEFINE revisited (“令”)
; Basically, DEFINE sets up a (temporary) binding between a symbol
; and an S-expression
; DEFINE sets up the binding between a name and an internal data structure
ERROR (unbound symbol) : abc
> (define a 5) ; “令a為5”; 讓我們把”那個東西”又稱為’a’
> a ; Is ‘a’ a name for something?
> (define x ‘((3 4) 5)) ; 讓我們把”那個東西”又稱為’x’
> x ; Is ‘x’ a name for something?
> ; Combining (1), (2) and (3)
(define hello ‘(1 2 . 3))
hello defined
> (cons hello
> (cons hello
> (define hello “CYCU ICE (1 2 3)”)
hello defined
> (cons hello
‘(400 (5000 600) 70)
( “CYCU ICE (1 2 3)”
> (define there “Number One!”)
there defined
> (cons hello there)
( “CYCU ICE (1 2 3)”
“Number One!”
> (define hello ‘(1 2 . (3)))
hello defined
> (list 3 4)
> ( list hello
> ; 3. Whenever a function is called, its parameters are evaluated first.
; However, if the first symbol of a to-be-evaluated list
; is not bound to a function in the first place, the evaluation process
; stops, and an appropriate error message is issued.
ERROR (unbound symbol) : f
> (cons 3 b)
ERROR (unbound symbol) : b
> (cons 3 a)
ERROR (attempt to apply non-function) : 5
> (define a ‘(3 4))
> (cons 5 a)
> ; 4. Different parts of a list (or a dotted pair) can be
; individually accessed
(car ‘(3 4)) ; the “left part” of a dotted pair
> (car ‘((3 4) 5) )
> (car ‘((3 4) 5 . 6) )
> (car ‘((3 4) . 5) )
> (car WarAndPeace!)
ERROR (unbound symbol) : WarAndPeace!
> (cdr ‘((3 4) 5) ) ; the “right part” of a dotted pair
> (cdr ‘((3 4) ” Year!” . 6) )
( ” Year!”
> (cdr ‘((3 4) . “Merry Christmas!”) )
“Merry Christmas!”
; Different parts of a list can be accessed by mixing the use of
; CAR and CDR
(car (cdr ‘((3 4) 5) ))
> (car (cdr ‘((3 4) 5 . 6) ))
> (car (cdr ‘((3 4) 5 6 7) ))
> (cdr (cdr ‘((3 4) 5 6 7) )
ERROR (car with incorrect argument type) : 3
> (car 3 4)
ERROR (incorrect number of arguments) : car
> (car 3 . 5)
ERROR (non-list) : ( car
> ; 5. Primitive predicates (A predicate is a function that returns
; “true” or “false”; By convention, the name of a predicate
; should have a suffix ‘?’)
> (atom? 3)
> (atom? ‘(1 . 2))
> (pair? 3) ; Other Lisps do not have PAIR; they have ATOM
> (pair? ‘(3 4))
> (pair? ‘(3 . 4))
> (pair? “Hello, there!”)
> (list? 3)
> (list? ‘(1 2 3))
> (list? ‘(1 2 . 3))
> (null? ()) ; is it the empty list?
> (null? #f)
> (null? ‘(3 . 4))
> (integer? 3)
> (integer? +3)
> (integer? 3.4)
> (integer? -.4)
> (real? 3)
> (real? 3.4)
> (real? .5)
> (number? 3) ; in OurScheme, is-real IFF is-number
> (number? 3.4) ; but in other Schemes, there may be complex numbers
> (string? “Hi”) ; therefore, in other Scheme, a number may not be real
> (string? +3.4)
> (boolean? #t)
> (boolean? ())
> (boolean? #f)
> (boolean? ‘(3 . 4))
> (symbol? ‘abc)
> (symbol? 3)
> (number? America)
ERROR (unbound symbol) : America
> (define America ‘(U. S. A.))
America defined
> (symbol? America)
> (pair? America)
> (pair? American)
ERROR (unbound symbol) : American
> (boolean? America)
> (pair? Europe 4)
ERROR (incorrect number of arguments) : pair?
> (pair? America Europe)
ERROR (incorrect number of arguments) : pair?
> (define Europe ‘hi)
Europe defined
> (pair? America Europe)
ERROR (incorrect number of arguments) : pair?
> (define a . 5)
ERROR (non-list) : ( define
> (define a) ; problem with the number of parameters
ERROR (DEFINE format) : ( define
> (define a 10 20)
ERROR (DEFINE format) : ( define
> (define cons 5) ; attempt to redefine a system primitive
ERROR (DEFINE format) : ( define
; 6. Basic arithmetic, logical and string operations
> (+ 3 7 10 25)
> (- 3 7 10 25)
> (/ 5 2) ; integer division
> (/ 5 2.0) ; float division ; a float is always printed in 3 digits
> (/ 2 3.0) ; Use printf( “%.3f”, …) in C or String.format( “%.3f”, …) in Java
> (- 3.5 5)
> (* 3 “Hi”)
ERROR (* with incorrect argument type) : “Hi”
ERROR (incorrect number of arguments) : *
> (* 3 4 5)
> (* 1 2 3 4 5)
> (- 1 2 3 4 5)
> (define a 5)
> (/ 15 a)
> (/ 15.0 3)
> (/ 30 5 0) ; always test for “division by 0” before performing division
ERROR (division by zero) : /
> (+ 15.125 4)
> (not #t)
> (> 3.125 2)
> (>= 3.25 2)
> (< 3.125 2) > (<= 3.125 2) > (+ a a a)
> (string-append “Hello,” ” there!”)
“Hello, there!”
> (string-append “Hello,” ” there!” ” Wait!”)
“Hello, there! Wait!”
> (string>? “az” “aw”)
> (string (string=? “az” “aw”)
> (string=? “az” (string-append “a” “z”))
> (string>? “az” “aw” “ax”)
> (string (string=? “az” “aw” “ax”)
> (string>? “az” “aw” “atuv”)
> (string>? 15 “hi”)
ERROR (string>? with incorrect argument type) : 15
> (+ 15 “hi”)
ERROR (+ with incorrect argument type) : “hi”
> (string>? “hi” “there” a)
ERROR (string>? with incorrect argument type) : 5
> (string>? “hi” “there” about)
ERROR (unbound symbol) : about
> (string>? “hi” “there” about a)
ERROR (unbound symbol) : about
> ; 7. eqv? and equal?
; eqv? returns “true” only when the two being compared
; objects are atoms (except in the case of strings)
; or when the two being compared objects “occupy the
; same memory space”.
; equal?, on the other hand, is the usual notion of
; equality comparison
(eqv? 3 3)
> (eqv? a a)
> (eqv? a ‘(3 4))
> (equal? a ‘(3 4))
> (define b a)
> (eqv? a b)
> (define c ‘(3 4))
> (eqv? a c)
> (equal? a c)
> (eqv? ‘(3 4) ‘(3 4))
> (eqv? “Hi” “Hi”)
> (equal? a a)
> (equal? ‘(3 4) ‘(3 4))
> (equal? “Hi” “Hi”)
> ; some functional compositions
(not (pair? 3))
> (define a 5)
> ( and ; ‘and’ either returns the evaluated result of
(pair? 3) ; the first one that is evaluated to nil
a ; or the evaluated result of the last one
> ( and #t a )
> ( or ; ‘or’ either returns the evaluated result of
a ; the first one that is not evaluated to nil
(null? ()) ; or the evaluated result of the last one
; Let us talk about conditionals before we talk about
; sequencing and functional composition
; 9. Conditionals
(if (> 3 2) ‘good ‘bad)
> (define a 5)
> (if a ‘good ‘bad) ; note : ‘if’ can take just two arguments
> (if #t 30)
> (if #f 20)
ERROR (no return value) : ( if
> (if (not a) ‘good ‘bad)
> (define a nil)
> (if a ‘(1 2) ‘(3 4))
> (if (not a) ‘((1 (2) 1) 1) ‘((3) (4 3)))
> (define b 4)
> ; ‘else’ is a keyword (and not a reserve word) in OurScheme
; (or rather, Scheme) ;
; according to our textbook (by Sebesta), a keyword has a
; special meaning ONLY WHEN it appears in some special contexts
; (translation: when the word appears in contexts that are not
; special, the word is just an “ordinary word”)
; ‘else’ has a special meaning only when it appear as the first
; element of the last condition of ‘cond’ ;
; in all other cases, ‘else’ is considered a normal symbol
(cond ((> 3 b) ‘bad)
((> b 3) ‘good)
(else “What happened?”) ; this ‘else’ has a special meaning ;
) ; it means “in all other cases” here
> (cond ((> 3 b) ‘bad)
(else ‘good) ; this ‘else’ is treated as a normal symbol
(else “What happened”); this ‘else’ is treated as a keyword
ERROR (unbound symbol) : else
> (define else #f)
else defined
> (cond ((> 3 b) ‘bad)
(else ‘good) ; the normal symbol ‘else’ is bound to nil
(else “What happened”); this ‘else’ means “in all other cases”
“What happened”
> (cond ((> 3 b) ‘bad)
((> b 5) ‘bad)
(else “What happened?”)
“What happened?”
> (cond ((> 3 4) ‘bad)
((> 4 5) ‘bad)
ERROR (no return value) : ( cond
> (cond ((> 3 4) ‘bad)
((> 4 3) ‘good)
> (cond ((> y 4) ‘bad)
((> 4 3) ‘good)
ERROR (unbound symbol) : y
ERROR (COND format) : ( cond
> (cond #t 3)
ERROR (COND format) : ( cond
> (cond (#t 3))
> (cond (#f 3))
ERROR (no return value) : ( cond
> (cond (#t (3 4)))
ERROR (attempt to apply non-function) : 3
> (cond (#f (3 4)) 5)
ERROR (COND format) : ( cond
> (cond (#f (3 4)) (5 6))
> (cond (#f (3 4)) (“Hi” (cons 5) . 6))
ERROR (COND format) : ( cond
> (cond (#f (3 4)) (“Hi” (cons 5) 6))
ERROR (incorrect number of arguments) : cons
> (cond (#f (3 4)) (“Hi” (cons 5 6) 7))
; 8. Sequencing and functional composition
; Can be more complex than what is given here
(define d 20)
> (if #t 3 5)
> (define a 20)
> (define b 40)
( if (> a b)
(+ a (* a b))
(- b (+ a a))
( if (> a b)
(+ a (* a b))
(- b (+ a a))
> (if #t (begin 3 4 5) (begin 6 7))
> (if #t (3 4 5) (6 7))
ERROR (attempt to apply non-function) : 3
> (if #f (3 4 5) (6 7))
ERROR (attempt to apply non-function) : 6
> (cond ((> 5 3) ‘good ‘better ‘best) (#t ‘OK?) )
; 10. clean-environment cleans up the (user-defined) environment
ERROR (unbound symbol) : a
> (define a 5)
> (clean-environment)
environment cleaned
ERROR (unbound symbol) : a
; 11. the binding of a symbol can be a function, which is an atom too
cons ; the binding of the symbol ‘cons’ is a function with original name being ‘cons’
> (atom? cons)
> (define myCons cons) ; let the binding of ‘myCons’ be the binding of ‘cons’
myCons defined
> myCons ; the binding of ‘myCons’ is a function with original name being ‘cons’
> (define a (myCons car cdr))
( #
> (define a (list car cdr))
( #
> ((car a) (cons car cdr)) ; just think of a function as a “value” just like 3
> ( ((car a) (cons car cdr)) ; test data like this will not appear
‘((10 20) (30 40) . 50) ; until Prob. 6, 7, 13, 14, 15 and 16
Thanks for using OurScheme!
// ========= I/O ends above and does not include this line ========
// =========================================================================
Project 2可能會出現的error – 總整理
一、Project 1的四個可能會出現的error,在Project 2 依舊可能會出現:
ERROR (unexpected token) : atom or ‘(‘ expected when token at Line X Column Y is >>…<<
ERROR (unexpected token) : ')' expected when token at Line X Column Y is >>…<<
ERROR (no closing quote) : END-OF-LINE encountered at Line X Column Y
ERROR (no more input) : END-OF-FILE encountered
二、Project 2增加了以下的這些error:
> (cons 3 . 5)
ERROR (non-list) : ( cons
> (cons 3 (cons 3 . 5))
ERROR (non-list) : ( cons
> (cons 3)
ERROR (incorrect number of arguments) : cons
> (exit 0)
ERROR (incorrect number of arguments) : exit
ERROR (car with incorrect argument type) : 3
ERROR (attempt to apply non-function) : 3
> (if #f 3)
ERROR (no return value) : ( if
> (cond (#f 3) (#f 4))
ERROR (no return value) : ( cond
> noSuchThing
ERROR (unbound symbol) : noSuchThing
> (cons noSuchThing noOtherThingEither)
ERROR (unbound symbol) : noSuchThing
> (/ 30 5 0)
ERROR (division by zero) : /
程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: