CS 61A Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Fall 2020 Quiz 3
• Please review this worksheet before the exam prep session. Coming prepared will help greatly, as the TA will
be live solving without allocating much time for individual work.
• Either Sean or Derek will be on video live solving these questions. The other TA will be answering questions
in the chat. It is in your best interest to come prepared with specific questions.
• This is not graded, and you do not need to turn this in to anyone.
• Fall 2020 students: the boxes below are an artifact from more typical semesters to simulate exam environments.
Obviously this doesn’t apply to this semester’s exams, but we just kept the fields to keep our materials looking
professional 🙂 Feel free to ignore them.
• For multiple choice questions, fill in each option or choice completely.
– 2 means mark all options that apply
– # means mark a single choice
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First name
Student ID number
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Discussion Section
All the work on this exam is my own.
(please sign)
1. Warm-Up
(a) A palindrome is a string that remains identical when reversed. Given a string s, return whether or not it
is a palindrome.
def is_palindrome(s):
>>> is_palindrome(�tenet�)
>>> is_palindrome(�tenets�)
>>> is_palindrome(��)
>>> is_palindrome(�a�)
>>> is_palindrome(�ab�)
if _______________________________________________________________________________:
return True
return ___________________________________________________________________________
SCI lancs B
lerG c I
s fo SEA and is palindromeSU B
Whenareyouloo it’sapalindromewithouthavingtodoanymorework
2. Great Pals
(a) A substring of s is a sequence of consecutive letters within s. Given a string s, return the longest
palindromic substring of s. If there are multiple palindromic substrings of greatest length, then return
the leftmost one. You may use is_palindrome.
def greatest_pal(s):
>>> greatest_pal(�tenet�)
>>> greatest_pal(�tenets�)
>>> greatest_pal(�stennet�)
>>> greatest_pal(�abc�)
>>> greatest_pal(��)
def helper(a, b, c):
if ________________ > ________________________________________________________:
return ___________________________________________________________________
elif ________________________ > _____________________________________________:
return ___________________________________________________________________
elif ___________________ and _________________________________________________:
return _______________________________________________________________________
return helper(1, 0, ��)
a startsat E
bi starts
at 0
string startsat
while length hen s
while start lenk length gardens
index b bta
c whatoff’Ygesffenpaundrone sofar braLen
a eenG
b t a denG
helper att O c
ispalindromeGlebbd A Len c
c s b b ta
helpeda btl c
w w w
3. Take Two
(a) A substring of s is a sequence of consecutive letters within s. Given a string s, return the longest
palindromic substring of s. If there are multiple palindromic substrings of greatest length, then return
the leftmost one. You may use is_palindrome.
def greatest_pal_simpler(s):
>>> greatest_pal_simpler(�tenet�)
>>> greatest_pal_simpler(�tenets�)
>>> greatest_pal_simpler(�stennet�)
>>> greatest_pal_simpler(�abc�)
>>> greatest_pal_simpler(��)
def helper(a, b):
if ___________________________________________________________________________:
return ___________________________________________________________________
elif _________________________________________________________________________:
return ___________________________________________________________________
elif _________________________________________________________________________:
return ___________________________________________________________________
return _______________________________________________________________________
return ___________________________________________________________________________
a on
atb seenG
helperCa l O
is palindrome s b b ta
S b bta
helperCab tD
helperClerks O
4. Wait, it’s all palindromes?
(a) Given a string s, return the longest palindromic substring of s. If there are multiple palindromes of
greatest length, then return the leftmost one. You may not use is_palindrome.
def greatest_pal_two(s):
>>> greatest_pal_two(�tenet�)
>>> greatest_pal_two(�tenets�)
>>> greatest_pal_two(�stennet�)
>>> greatest_pal_two(�abc�)
>>> greatest_pal_two(��)
if ____________________________________________________________________:
return ____________________________________________________________
for __________ in _____________________________________________________:
if ________________________________________________________________:
return ________________________________________________________
return s
she if
Len L I
i rangetents112
Sli _s eenCs i l
Max greatestpaltwoSGD greatestpaltwoSL B keyLen
a max 2 1
LaxC 2,1 key lambda x x 2
5. All-Ys Has Been
(a) Given mystery function Y, complete fib and is_pal so that the given doctests work correctly. When Y is
called on fib, it should return a function which takes a positive integer n and returns the nth Fibonacci
number. is_pal should take a string and return whether it is a palindrome.
Hint: you may use the ternary operator if
is true and evaluates to if
Y = lambda f: (lambda x: x(x))(lambda x: f(lambda z: x(x)(z)))
fib_maker = lambda f: lambda r: _______________________________________________________
is_pal_maker = lambda f: lambda r: ___________________________________________________
fib = Y(fib_maker)
is_pal = Y(is_pal_maker)
assert fib(0) == 0
assert fib(1) == 1
assert fib(2) == 1
assert fib(3) == 2
assert fib(4) == 3
assert fib(5) == 5
assert is_pal(�tenet�)
assert not is_pal(�tenets�)
assert not is_pal(�ab�)
assert is_pal(��)
assert is_pal(�a�)
6. Longest Palindromic Subsequence
(a) A subsequence of a string is another string which contains possibly non-consecutive characters of the string
in the same order. For example, “abcd”, “acd” and “bd” are all subsequences of “abcd” (although there
are others).
Given a string s, return the longest palindromic subsequence of s. If there are multiple options for
palindromic subsequences, you may return any; the doctests follow the rule that all chosen letters are as
far left as possible. You may not use functions from any other problem.
def gp_subseq(s):
>>> gp_subseq(��)
>>> gp_subseq(�abc�)
>>> gp_subseq(�admrdak�) # adrda is also acceptable
if ___________________________________________________________________________:
return ___________________________________________________________________
elif _________________________________________________________________________:
return ___________________________________________________________________:
return ________________________________________________________________________