CS 61A Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Fall 2020 Quiz 1 Solutions
• Please review this worksheet before the exam prep session. Coming prepared will help greatly, as the TA will
be live solving without allocating much time for individual work.
• Either Sean or Derek will be on video live solving these questions. The other TA will be answering questions
in the chat. It is in your best interest to come prepared with specific questions.
• This is not graded, and you do not need to turn this in to anyone.
• Fall 2020 students: the boxes below are an artifact from more typical semesters to simulate exam environments.
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• For multiple choice questions, fill in each option or choice completely.
– 2 means mark all options that apply
– # means mark a single choice
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1. My Last Three Brain Cells
(a) A k-memory function takes in a single input, prints whether that input was seen exactly k function calls
ago, and returns a new k-memory function. For example, a 2-memory function will display “Found” if its
input was seen exactly two function calls ago, and otherwise will display “Not found”.
Implement three_memory, which is a three-memory function. You may assume that the value None is
never given as an input to your function, and that in the first two function calls the function will display
“Not found” for any valid inputs given.
def three_memory(n):
>>> f = two_memory(�first�)
>>> f = f(�first�)
Not found
>>> f = f(�second�)
Not found
>>> f = f(�third�)
Not found
>>> f = f(�second�)
Not found
>>> f = f(�second�)
>>> f = f(�third�)
def f(x, y, z):
def g(i):
if i == x:
print(�Not found�)
return f(y, z, i)
return g
return f(None, None, n)
From the skeleton, we know that three_memory will return whatever f returns. Because we want three_memory
to return a three-memory function, then, we know that f should also return a three-memory function.
Furthermore, we see that f takes in three arguments; we have to keep track of three past values at a time
(the last three values that our three-memory functions have been called on) to keep track of whether to
print “Found” or “Not found” upon future calls.
Because n is the first value fed into the function and it is placed into the parameter z, we can infer
that z contains the value that was seen exactly one function call ago. We can then let y contain the value
that was seen exactly two function calls ago, and x contain the value that was seen exactly three function
calls ago. f will then return g; the reasoning behind this is that our three-memory function has to have
access to x, y and z in order to compare future inputs against values that have been seen in the past. g
is a function of one variable that is a child function of f, so it has everything we need.
Within g, we check to see if the new input i is equal to x, the value seen exactly three function calls
ago, in order to decide what to print. Then we call f again to shift all of the parameters over. y, which
was seen two function calls ago, has now been seen 3 function calls ago after this call and so we shift it to
x. Similarly, x is shifted to y, and i is passed to z. The previous x value is discarded, because we don’t
have to keep track of what was seen four or more calls ago.
For a more in-depth explanation, see the recording of exam-prep section.
2. Welcome to CS 61A!
Fill in the environment diagram that results from executing the code below until the entire program is finished,
an error occurs, or all frames are filled. You may not need to use all of the spaces or frames. A complete answer
(a) Add all missing names and parent annotations to all local frames.
(b) Add all missing values created or referenced during execution.
(c) Show the return value for each local frame.
You must list all bindings in the order they first appear in the frame.
3. Run, K, Run
(a) An increasing run of an integer is a sequence of consecutive digits in which each digit is larger than the
last. For example, the number 12344345 has four increasing runs: 1234, 4, 4 and 345. Each run can be
indexed from the end of the number, starting with index 0. In the previous example, the 0th run is 345,
the first run is 4, the second run is 4 and the third run is 1234.
Implement get_k_run_starter, which takes in integers n and k and returns the 0th digit of the kth
increasing run within n. The 0th digit is the leftmost number in the run. You may assume that there are
at least k+1 increasing runs in n.
def get_k_run_starter(n, k):
>>> get_k_run_starter(123412341234, 1)
>>> get_k_run_starter(1234234534564567, 0)
>>> get_k_run_starter(1234234534564567, 1)
>>> get_k_run_starter(1234234534564567, 2)
i = 0
final = None
while i <= k: while n > 10 and (n % 10 > (n//10) % 10):
n = n // 10
final = n % 10
i += 1
n //= 10
return final
i will count which run we are currently processing. Each run through the outer while loop will process
exactly one run by repeatedly taking digits off of the end of n until it gets to the boundary between runs, as
seen in the condition of the inner while loop. After we reach the boundary between two runs, we save the
leftmost digit of the run just processed into the variable final. Eventually, once we process the kth run the
leftmost digit of the kth run will be stored in final, the outer while loop will quit and we will return final.
For a more in-depth solution and derivation of how to get there, see the recording of the exam prep
4. It’s Always a Good Prime
(a) Implement div_by_primes_under, which takes in an integer n and returns an n-divisibility checker. An
n-divisibility-checker is a function that takes in an integer k and returns whether k is divisible by any
integers between 2 and n, inclusive. Equivalently, it returns whether k is divisible by any primes less than
or equal to n.
def div_by_primes_under(n):
>>> div_by_primes_under(10)(11)
>>> div_by_primes_under(10)(121)
>>> div_by_primes_under(10)(12)
>>> div_by_primes_under(5)(1)
checker = lambda x: False
i = 2
while i <= n: if not checker(i): checker = (lambda f, i: lambda x: x % i == 0 or f(x))(checker, i) i += 1 return checker Because we want to test if a future input k is divisible by any integers between 2 and n inclusive, it makes sense to progress through each of these values one at a time and use them somehow. So i begins at 2 and is incremented at each step until it is greater than n, at which point the loop breaks. From the skeleton, we know that checker must be a one-argument function which returns something with a meaningful truth value. So we may conjecture that checker is the function that we want to return; because we’re updating it on some loops, it must capture some useful information from the i values we progress through. If we assume that it correctly returns True if i is divisible by any numbers it has seen so far (that is, between 2 and i-1, inclusive) then it becomes clear that the if statement is only entered if i is prime – by definition, no integers between 2 and i-1 divide it evenly. So each time we hit a prime i, we should update checker so that it checks whether future values are divisible by i. A first attempt might be to write checker = lambda x: x % i == 0 or checker(x), so that the function returns true if its input is divisible by i or if it is divisible by anything bewteen 2 and i-1, inclusive, which is what checker provides. But when this function is called it doesn’t have i or checker in its local frame and so will grab these values from the parent frame; this is at the very end of the function call, and so it will reference the wrong function. To “freeze" the values of checker and i within the lambda function, we want to define a new frame with local variables holding them. To do so, we define a lambda function taking in f and i and returning the new checker function, then immediately call that outer lambda function on checker and i to save those values for later. For a more in-depth explanation, see the recording of exam-prep section. 6 5. Appealing Apple-Peeling App For each of the expressions in the table below, write the output displayed by the interactive Python interpreter when the expression is evaluated. The output may have multiple lines. If an error occurs, write “Error”, but include all output displayed before the error. If a function value is displayed, write “Function”. The first two rows have been provided as examples. Recall: The interactive interpreter displays the value of a successfully evaluated expression, unless it is None. Assume that you have started python3 and executed the following statements: def apples(to, apples): while apples > 0 and to > 0:
apples, to = to, apples
apples -= 1
return to
def banana(split):
return lambda: split
onion = lambda z: lambda x: lambda y: x(y(z))
slide = lambda x: x(x)
Expression Interactive Output
2 + 3 5
print(print(print(2, 3), 4) + 5)
2 3
None 4
print(apples(10, 9), apples(10, 10), apples(10, 11)) 1 1 2
banana(3) Function
onion(3)(banana)(banana)()() 3
onion(banana)(banana)(3)()() Error
f = slide(onion)
f(lambda x: x)(lambda x: 2*x)(3) Error
f = slide(onion)
f(lambda x: x)(lambda x: x)(3)(lambda x: 2*x)(lambda x: 5*x) 30
6. Im-pasta-ble
For each blank in the code, choose any appropriate value which would cause it to produce the given environment
def linguini(al, fredo):
if not al:
return �fredo�
def alfred(o):
linguini = �alfredo�
return o(linguini)(linguini)
if fredo:
return al(fredo, None)
return alfred(lambda x: lambda y: lambda z: x+z+y)
al, fredo, deluxe = �rigatoni�, �spaghetti�, �ravioli�
molto_bene = linguini(linguini, al)(fredo)
(a) First blank
A. not al B. not fredo C. al != fredo D. fredo E. linguini
(b) Second blank
A. linguini B. alfred C. o D. fredo E. al
(c) Third blank
A. alfredo B. o C. linguini D. fredo E. al
(d) Fourth blank
A. alfredo B. o C. linguini D. fredo E. al
(e) Fifth blank
A. alfred
B. lambda x: x
C. lambda x: lambda y: x + y
D. lambda x: lambda y: lambda z: y + x + z
E. lambda x: lambda y: lambda z: x + z + y
(f) Sixth blank
A. al B. fredo C. deluxe D. linguini E. None
(g) Seventh blank
A. al B. fredo C. deluxe D. linguini E. None
A, C, C, C, E, A, B