CS计算机代考程序代写 algorithm Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 1

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 1

Mobile Agent


Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Mobile Agent


Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 2


• MA Model

• Tokens

• RV Algorithms
– Two MAs

– Time/Memory Tradeo↵s

– Rendezvous with Ddetection

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 3

MA Model

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 4


• Two Mobile Agents (MAs) initially located at arbitrary nodes
of a graph. MAs can move along edges.

• RV (Rendezvous) means the MAs meet. It is a form of
gathering and a very basic form of information exchange.

• RVP (Rendezvous) Problem.
– Give an algorithm that enables the MAs to rendezvous

regardless of their starting positions.

– The requirement is to cause rendezvous, if rendezvous is not

possible rendezvous will never happen, and the algorithm

will be running for ever!

• RVD: Rendezvous Problem with Detection
– A rendezvous algorithm is required to detect whether or not

rendezvous is possible and if it is to cause rendezvous.

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Leader Election

D=- same speed .

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Graph Mode#

heeling Point*

QD Geometric Model


a b

3D Geometric Model

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 5


• For more than two agents in a graph the problem is also known
(referred to) as Gathering.

• Gather(k) means that k MAs meet.

• Gather(2) is the same as RV.

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 6

MAs vs Message Passing

• So far, in distributed computations, we had messages that were
being sent along vertices of a network.

– The nodes were the processors that enabled the distributed


• This distributed setting remains, but now also
– we have autonomous, agents (or mobile code) moving on

vertices of a distributed network

– the agents are mobile; not only they can compute but also

they can participate in distributed computations.

• The rendezvous problem can be stated for any topology.

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 7

Where/How can you rendezvous?

• Exploit network assymetries

• Exploit topological (geometric) assymmetries

• In a general graph the problem is quite complex!

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)


Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 8

Special Topology: Ring

• We look only at ring topologies.

• Even in a ring the problem is quite complex!

• k MAs are initially located on k nodes of an n node ring.

• Assume a synchronous system with common sense of direction.

• Will be restricted to the case of k = 2 MAs.

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 9

Ring, Mobile Agents, and Tokens

• Each of the MAs has a token which it chooses to leave (or not
to leave) at its starting position or elsewhere.

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)





Every agent owns its own
token and can release it at
any node ; thetokens are endedgeishable

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 10

Approaches to Rendezvous (1/2)

• In general, to solve the rendezvous problem, one must try to
break the inherent symmetry of the problem.

1. If the MAs have unique IDs you can break symmetry and

the problem becomes, sometimes, easier to solve!

2. If the MAs do not have unique IDs and the network nodes

are anonymous the resulting symmetry makes the problem

di�cult and sometimes even impossible to solve!

• In principle, we have to break symmetry:
– either deterministically, or

– using randomization.

• Sometimes we can use the underlying topology to break

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)



. ÷

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 11

Approaches to Rendezvous (2/2)

• Mobile agents have identical (i.e., indistinguishable) tokens,
one token per MA, that they can release at their starting


• We are interested in tradeo↵s among
1. number of tokens

2. knowledge

3. time

4. memory.

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 12

The Model: Topology and the Nodes

• There are n identical nodes on which MAs may reside.

• The topology is a ring.

• For example, in the ring above there are n = 8 nodes and the
MAs can traverse its vertices and edges.

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)


Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 13

The Model: Synchronicity/Orientation

• The characteristics of the topology will be used in the

• Oriented means that there is a consistent sense of direction:
either CW or CCW.

– As usual this is specified with ports.

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 14

Where Can Rendezvous Occur?

• Can rendezvous for two agents occur at a node of the ring?

• Can rendezvous for two agents occur at an edge of the ring?

• Yes, to both questions!

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)




Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 15


• Anonymous, synchronous, and possibly oriented n node ring.

• A given node requires only enough memory to host a token.

• Each MA, owns a single identical stationary token,
– the tokens are indistinguishable and once they are

positioned in the ring, they cannot be moved.

• A token or MA at a given node is visible by all MAs on the
same node

– The MAs follow the same deterministic algorithm and

begin execution at the same time.

• Memory permitting, a MA can count the number of nodes
visited, the number of nodes between tokens, or the total

number of nodes in the network.

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)


Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 16

Impossibility of RV

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 17

Impossibility of RVD

• Consider two identical, anonymous Mobile Agents in a ring of
size n.

• The agents have constant memory and can leave a token at
their starting position.

• Theorem 1 No deterministic algorithm exists such that the
MAs always correctly detect if d = n

and act appropriately,

i.e., stop if d = n
and rendezvous otherwise.

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)



– I

If one robot


‘ ÷

and the other .
.with speed 2!

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 18

RV Algorithms

(Two Agents)

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 19

Rendezvous for two MAs

• RV in a ring
1. There are two identical MAs at distance d from each other.

2. The ring may or may not be oriented.

3. The ring has size n.


• There are a lot of (simple) subtleties!

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 20

1. Orientation Known, d Known


1. Release the token at starting position.

2. Walk around ring in a counterclockwise direction.

3. If a token found within d steps, continue in same direction.

4. If no token found by d steps, reverse direction and continue.

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)


d + E a? as

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 21


• There are two “competing distances” measured by the MAs:
– d and n� d.

• Rendezvous is achieved if d < n/2. – What if d = n/2? • How many steps does it take to rendezvous? Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020) Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 22 2. Orientation not Known, d Known d 1. Release the token. 2. Choose a direction and begin walking around the ring. 3. If a token is found within d steps, walk in the same direction. 4. If no token is found by d steps, reverse direction and continue. Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020) T t s. ← I 13¥ max FE , ¥1 max { Metz , 3421 , dz , 3¥ } Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 23 Correctness • Similar to previous algorithm except MAs may select either direction. • There are two “competing distances” measured by the MAs: – d and n� d. • Rendezvous is achieved if d < n/2. – What if d = n/2? • How many steps does it take to rendezvous? Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020) Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 24 3. Orientation not Known, n Known d 1. Release the token. 2. Choose a direction and begin walking around the ring. 3. If a token is found within n 2 steps, continue in same direction. 4. Otherwise, reverse direction at n 2 steps and continue. Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020) ⇐ O d + II Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 25 Correctness • Here algorithm does not need to know the distance. – n/2 is being used as a threshold for rendezvous. • How many steps does it take to rendezvous? Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020) Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 26 4. Orientation, d and n Are not Known. ! ! 1 2 Here the MAs must discover what is their distance! Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020) O Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 27 Time/Memory Tradeo↵s Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020) Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 28 Assume O(log n) memory • Algprithm: 1. Release the token. 2. Choose a direction and begin walking around the ring. 3. Count # of steps to 1st token, �1, and continue. 4. Count # of steps to 2nd token, �2. /* The MA is back at its starting node.*/ 5. If �1 < �2, continue walking in the same direction. 6. Otherwise, reverse direction and continue walking. • MAs need memory O(log n). • Under what conditions on �1, �2 does the algorithm work? Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020) 82 €•÷ia. a the sees Reisz) fs@p Az n Cri , ⇐sissies. Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 29 Improving on the Memory • A question remains: – can we improve on the memory O(log n)? • Knowledge of n requires log n bits. – How can we test using less than log n bits. – Answer: Use modular arithmetic! • Previous algorithms were breaking symmetry by testing whether or not d < n� d. – We will find a way to carry out the same test, but we will generate prime numbers to do so! – In fact, it will be a sequence of tests: in the end it will be confirmed which of d < n� d or n� d < d is valid. Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020) cnn.at#mdic :÷÷÷ Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 30 Algorithm 1. Release the token. 2. Set m = p1. 3. Choose a direction and begin travelling around the ring. 4. Count # of steps, modm, to the first token, �1, and continue walking. 5. Count the number of steps, modm, to the second token, �2. /* The MA is back at its starting node. */ 6. If �1 mod m = �2 mod m, set m = pi+1 and repeat from step 4. 7. If �1 mod m < �2 mod m, continue travelling in same direction. 8. Else, reverse direction and continue travelling. • All we are doing is trying to test whether or not d < n� d, but modulo consecutive primes! • MAs need to generate: p1, . . . , pk first k primes s.t. Qk i=1 pi > n

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)






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Prime numbers are the

building atoms
” of numbers

X ,2,3 , 5,7 , 11,13 , -1-7,19

Euclid ( 2,000 yrs ago)
There are infinitely many primes. !

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 31

Memory O(log log n):

• Theorem 2 The previous algorithm requires Memory

O(log log n)

and accomplishes rendezvous in time


n log n

log log n


• Algorithm terminates after first k primes p1, . . . , pk s.t.


pi > n

• To prove termination use the Chinese Remainder Theorem.

• To prove time complexity use the Prime Number Theorem.

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

O Clog n )

① Ok )

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 32

Using the Chinese Remainder Theorema

• If the ni are pairwise co-prime, and if a1, . . . , ak are any
integers, then there exists an integer x such that

x ⌘ a1 mod n1
x ⌘ a2 mod n2

x ⌘ ak mod nk

and x is unique mod(n1n2 · · ·nk).

• In our case ni := pi, for i = 1, 2, . . . , k, and there are the two
solutions �1, �2.

aProblem with specific numbers, appears in the 3rd-century book Sunzi Suan-

jing by the Chinese mathematician Sunzi

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Ein :
Pg Ps – – – Ph > n

I cannot do the . 1details ofthis .


Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 33

Using the Prime Number Theorem

• The worst case occurs when d = n/2 since the max number k
of prime numbers have to be checked.

• Resulting running time is O(kn), but we need to determine the
value of k. Consider smallest k such that

i=1 pi > n.

• This implies that

i=1 pi  n. Hence 2k(k�1)/2  n. Thus
pk ⇡ k ln k  k2  n.a

• Therefore

i=1 pi  npk  n2.

• By the prime number theorem we have that

2 �



pi �


i log pi

� k!8�k � 2⌦(k log k)

aKnowledge of number theory is needed here!

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)


Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 34

RV with Detection

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 35

Rendezvous with O(1) memory

• The main question:
Can you solve the rendezvous problem if the MAs have

constant memory?

• One way or the other you must change the rules of the game!
– How about if you are allowed to change the position of your


Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)


Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 36

Movable Tokens and O(1) memory

n, d, orientation unknown.


1. Release the token

2. Choose a direction and begin walking

3. Upon finding a token, reverse direction.

4. Move the token one node in the new direction

5. Continue walking in the new direction

6. Repeat from step 3 until rendezvous occurs

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 37


• RVP: denotes the Rendezvous Problem
– The requirement is to cause rendezvous: if rendezvous is not

possible then an algorithm may be running forever without

termination, e.g., when the agents are initially placed at

distance n/2.

• RVD: denotes the Rendezvous Problem with detection
– A rendezvous algorithm is required to detect whether or not

rendezvous is possible and if it is to cause rendezvous,

otherwise terminate the algorithm.

• NB. Previous algorithm solves RVP but not RVD.

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 38

RVD with Two Movable Tokens

• Theorem 3 Rendezvous with detection (RVD) is solvable in a
unidirectional ring for two mobile agents with constant memory

and two indistinguishable movable tokens each, in time O(n2).

• This is based on an algorithm which at the cost of using two
tokens per mobile agent detects the possibility of rendezvous

and can eventually rendezvous when possible.

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 39

RVD with Two Movable Tokens

1. Drop first token at your home base and second token to node

located to the right.

2. repeat

3. Travel right and move every second token you meet one

position to the right.

4. until agent detects two tokens on top of each other.

5. if two tokens are found on top of each other go around and

check if other two tokens are also on top of each other.

6. if yes then rendezvous is not possible else agent waits

at last position.

7. endif

8. endif

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 40

RVD with Two Movable Tokens

• Each mobile agent drops one token to its home node and the
other token to the node located to its right.

• Then it travels right and moves every second token one
position to the right (note that this will keep the home node

tokens at their original locations).

• The process is repeated until the agent detects two tokens on
top of each other.

• When this happens, it goes around and checks to see if the
other two tokens are also on top of each other.

• If they are, then the home nodes were n/2 away, the whole
computation was symmetric and the agents can never


Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 41

RVD with Two Movable Tokens

• If the other tokens are not on top of each other, then the agent
waits as the other agent will eventually come to meet it.

• Let us divide the whole computation into rounds of n time
steps each – during one round each agent completes a cycle

around the ring and both second tokens are moved two steps.

• As the initial distance of the second token from the first token
of the next agent is at most d� 1  n/2� 1, the worst case
running time of this algorithm is bound by n times the number

of rounds plus n/2 for the final check, resulting in

n((n/2� 1)/2) + n/2, which is in O(n2).

• This completes the proof of Theorem 3.

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 42

Detecting Rendezvous

Table 1: Time bounds for two mobile agents with constant memory

to detect if rendezvous with detection is possible (RVD) and to ren-

dezvous when input is asymmetric (RV P ) on an n node synchronous

uni-, bi-directional ring with one or two tokens.

Conditions Time Required for Rendezvous

# of Tokens # of Directions RVD RV P

1 1 1 1

1 2 1 ⇥(n2)

2 1 ⇥(n2) ⇥(n2)

2 2 ⇥(n2) ⇥(n2)

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 43


1. Give a rendezvous algorithm for two robots at a distinguished

node of the graph. What vertex would you choose?

2. Consider a geometric graph (nodes have coordinates). Can you

show how to solve the rendezvous problem in a planar

geometric graph (geometric means the nodes know their (x, y)


3. Consider a planar graph. Can you show how to solve the

rendezvous problem in a planar graph if nodes have no
aDo not submit.

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 44

knowledge of their (x, y) coordinates?

4. Prove Theorem 1 by showing that no algorithm exists such

that the MAs always correctly detect if d = n
and act

appropriately, i.e., stop if d = n
and rendezvous otherwise

5. Prove the following for two agents with tokens
Knowledge Lower Upper Memory

n d orientation Bound Bound Requirement

YES YES YES 3d/4 3d/4 O(log d)

YES YES NO 3n/4 5n/6 O(log d)

YES NO YES 3n/4 3n/4 O(log n)

YES NO NO 3n/4 3n/4 O(log n)

NO YES YES 3n/4 3n/4 O(log d)

NO YES NO 3n/4 5n/6 O(log d)

NO NO YES 5n/4 5n/4 O(log n)

NO NO NO 5n/4 5n/4 O(log n)

6. Consider 4 Mobile Agents (MAs) located on 4 di↵erent nodes

of an n node ring. They are equipped with indistinguishable

tokens which they release at their starting poisions.

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 45

its correctness. Let the intertoken distances be d1, d2, d3, d4.

Give a rendezvous algorithm and determine conditions on the

initial distances which ensure rendezvous.

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 46


1. S. Alpern and S. Gal, Theory of Search Games and

Rendezvous, 2003.

2. E. Kranakis, D. Krizanc, and E. Markou, The Mobile Agent

Rendezvous Problem in the Ring, Morgan-Claypool, 2010.

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 47


Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 48

Example: Triangle (3-Ring)

• Can two MAs rendezvous in a 3-Ring?

• In lefthand side rendezvous is possibe, but not in the righthand

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 49

Example: Square (4-Ring)

• Consider two MAs rendezvous in a 4-ring

• Rendezvous is never possible on a vertex . . .

. . . but is possible on an edge!

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 50

Example: Square (4-Ring)

• Consider two MAs

• Algorithm must work in all situations as specified by the given

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 51

A Solution: Rendezvous in an Edge

• If the system is synchronous and the two MAs start at di↵erent
endpoints of the line they may never be able to rendezvous at a


• Assumption: rendezvous should be possible to occur either at
a node or a link of the network!

– This simplifies algorithms, otherwise we have to mention the

parity of n,

• In general, two di↵erent MAs could rendezvous on some
node/edge of a network.

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 52

The Model: Knowledge

• Knowledge refers to what the agents know about themselves,
other agents, and the ring itself.

• Consider k MAs in a ring of n nodes.
– Do MAs know k (the total number of MAs in the network)?

– Do MAs know n (the number of nodes in the network)?

– Do MAs know the topology (orientation)?

– Do MAs know their initial (inter)-distances?

– How much memory do the agents need to solve rendezvous?

– Do the agents have tokens?

• All these characteristics may a↵ect the rendezvous algorithm.

Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)

Distributed Computing, COMP 4001 53

Lonely Runner Conjecture: Wills (1967) and Cusick (1973)

Suppose k runners having distinct constant speeds start at

a common point and run laps on a unit length circular

track. Then for any given runner i, there is a time at which

runner i is distance at least 1/k away from every other


This conjecture was verified for k < 6 by Cusick and Pomerance (1974) with the assistance of some electronic case checking. Goddyn, Gvozdjak, Sebo, and Tarsi (1998) supplied an elementary proof of the case k = 5, and established a connection between this problem and a question concerning flows on graphs. Recently Bohman, Holzman, and Kleitman (2001) have solved this problem for k = 6 runners. Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, SCS (November 25, 2020)