CS计算机代考程序代写 scheme python CS 61A Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

CS 61A Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Fall 2020 Quiz 9 Solutions


• Please review this worksheet before the exam prep session. Coming prepared will help greatly, as the TA will
be live solving without allocating much time for individual work.

• Either Sean or Derek will be on video live solving these questions. The other TA will be answering questions
in the chat. It is in your best interest to come prepared with specific questions.

• This is not graded, and you do not need to turn this in to anyone.

Below is a tree, which will be referred to as t1 in future questions.


1. Reverse It!

Implement the reversed procedure in Scheme, which takes a list lst and returns a Scheme list with the same
elements in reverse order. You may not use append.

(define (reversed lst)

(define (helper a b)

(if (null? a) b

(helper (cdr a) (cons (car a) b))))

(helper lst nil))

scm> (reversed ‘())
scm> (reversed ‘(1))
scm> (reversed ‘(1 3 2 5))
(5 2 3 1)


2. Slice It!

Implement the get-slicer procedure in Scheme, which takes integers a and b and returns an a-b slicing func-
tion. A a-b slicing function takes in a list as input and outputs a new Scheme list with the values of the original
scheme list from index a (inclusive) to index b (exclusive).

Your implementation should behave like Python slicing, but should assume a step size of one with no neg-
ative slicing indices.

(define (get-slicer a b)

(define (slicer lst)

(define (slicer-helper c i j)

(cond ((or (= j 0) (> i j) (null? c)) nil)

((= i 0) (cons (car c) (slicer-helper (cdr c) i (- j 1))))

(else (slicer-helper (cdr c) (- i 1) (- j 1)))))

(slicer-helper lst a b))


scm> (define a ‘(0 1 2 3 4 5 6))
scm> (define one-two-three (get-slicer 1 4))
scm> (define one-end (get-slicer 1 10))
scm> (define zero (get-slicer 0 1))
scm> (define empty (get-slicer 4 4))
scm> (one-two-three a)
(1 2 3)
scm> (one-end a)
(1 2 3 4 5 6)
scm> (zero a)
scm> (empty a)


3. Find It!

Implement the pather procedure in Scheme, which takes a Scheme tree t, a target value goal and returns a
Scheme list containing the node values on a path from the root of t to a node containing goal. If no such path
exists, pather returns an empty Scheme list.

Complete path-helper for ease of implementation.

Below is the Scheme tree ADT:

(define (tree label branches) (cons label branches))
(define (label t) (car t))
(define (branches t) (cdr t))
(define (is-leaf t) (null? (branches t)))

(define (pather t goal)

(if (eq? (car t) goal)

(list goal)

(let ((path (path-helper (branches t) goal)))

(if (null? path) nil

(cons (label t) path)))))

(define (path-helper bs goal)

(if (null? bs)


(let ((path (pather (cars bs) goal)))

(if (not (null? path)) path

(path-helper (cdr bs) goal)))))

scm> (pather t1 7)
(1 4 7)
scm> (pather t1 1)
scm> (pather t1 12)