CS 61A Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Fall 2020 Quiz 2 Solutions
• Please review this worksheet before the exam prep session. Coming prepared will help greatly, as the TA will
be live solving without allocating much time for individual work.
• Either Sean or Derek will be on video live solving these questions. The other TA will be answering questions
in the chat. It is in your best interest to come prepared with specific questions.
• This is not graded, and you do not need to turn this in to anyone.
• Fall 2020 students: the boxes below are an artifact from more typical semesters to simulate exam environments.
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• For multiple choice questions, fill in each option or choice completely.
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Discussion Section
All the work on this exam is my own.
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1. Natural Chainz
(a) A chain_function is a higher order function that repeatedly accepts natural numbers (positive integers).
The first number that is passed into the function that chain_function returns initializes a natural chain,
which we define as a consecutive sequence of increasing natural numbers (i.e., 1, 2, 3). A natural chain
breaks when the next input differs from the expected value of the sequence. For example, the sequence
(1, 2, 3, 5) is broken because it is missing a 4. Implement the chain_function so that it prints out the
value of the expected number at each chain break as well as the number of chain breaks seen so far,
including the current chain break. Each time the chain breaks, the chain restarts. For example, the
sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 6) would only print 4 and 1. We print 4 because there is a missing 4, and we print
1 because the 4 is the first number to break the chain. The 5 broke the chain and restarted the chain, so
from here on out we expect to see numbers increasingly linearly from 5. See the doctests for more examples.
You may assume that the higher-order function is never given numbers ≤ 0.
def chain_function():
>>> tester = chain_function()
>>> x = tester(1)(2)(4)(5) # expected 3 but got 4, so print 3. 1st chain break, so print 1 too.
3 1
>>> x = x(2) # 6 should’ve followed 5 from above, so print 6. 2nd chain break, so print 2
6 2
>>> x = x(8) # The chain restarted at 2 from the previous line, but we got 8. 3rd chain break.
3 3
>>> x = x(3)(4)(5) # Chain restarted at 8 in the previous line, but we got 3 instead. 4th break
9 4
>>> x = x(9) # Similar logic to the above line
6 5
>>> x = x(10) # Nothing is printed because 10 follows 9.
def g(x, y):
def h(n):
if x == 0 or n == x:
return g(n + 1, y)
return print(x, y + 1) or g(n + 1, y + 1)
return h
return g(0, 0)
To better understand this solution, let’s rename y to be count and x to be expected_num. Let n be
observed_num. Then on each call to h, we first check whether observed_num == expected_num, which in
our problem is a check for n == x. If this condition is satisfied, then we increment our expected_num by
one and do not change our count. Hence, we have a call to g with an incremented x and an unchanged y,
and we do not print anything. The only other case in which we enter this suite is when (x, y) == (0, 0),
which is when we pass in the very first number of the chain. We are told in the problem statement that
we can assume there will never be a non-positive input to the chain. Hence, passing in (0, 0) as arguments
to g is a sure indicator to h that we are currently on the first number of a chain, and we should not print
anything (otherwise, when else would you see a 0 passed in as x?).
The second case is trickier. First, we need to print a number if our expected number differs from the
observed number, but we also need to update expected_num and count since the chain is going to restart
when the chain breaks. To do this in one line, we appeal to lab01, in which we learned that the return
value of print is None, which is false-y, and that or operators short-circuit only if a truth-y value is en-
countered before the last operand. We can print x which is our expected number along with the number
of chain breaks y + 1. This whole procedure returns None, so if we stick it as the first operand of the or
operator, we know that the or operator will not short-circuit. The program will then proceed to evaluate
g(n + 1, y + 1), which returns h. Although not necessary for this problem, it may be helpful to know
that a function is truth-y. In this case, it doesn’t matter because an or will return the last operand it is
given if it doesn’t short-circuit, regardless of the truth-y-ness of the last operand. Hence, the last line of
h prints the appropriate numbers, updates the expected_num (restarting the chain), updates the count,
and returns h, which will accept the next natural number into the chain.Why does g return h? Watch the
indentations of each line very closely. The only thing the g function does is define a function h and then
return h. All that other stuff where we check for equality and return print etc is all inside the h function.
Hence, that code is not executed until we call h.
As a side note, if you are stuck on a problem like this one on an exam, it may be helpful to ignore
the skeleton and first implement the code assuming you have unlimited lines and freedom to name your
variables whatever you want. When I was writing this question, I named all my functions something
meaningful, and you bet that my variables were not x and y but expected_num and count. I also had a
separate line for the print. However, once I got into making a template skeleton for a quiz, I thought
“how do I obfuscate the code to force people to think harder?” The variable name changes were easy, and
condensing the print into the same line as the return was just a trick I’ve seen from previous exams in
this course. I think that coming up with the whole solution from scratch by following the template is
immensely harder than first coming up with your own working solution and then massaging your solution
into the constraints of our blank lines.
2. Abusing the Call Stack Pt 1
(a) Implement the following higher order functions so that we can simulate append and get behavior. As the
name suggests, the get function should get the ith element that was appended (the first element that
was appended is element 0). For example, if I append 2, append 30, and then append 4, then get(0) is
2 (the first element appended), get(1) is 30 (the second element appended), and get(2) is 4 (the third
element appended). If I append more items, get(0) through get(2) should not be affected. Assume all get
calls ask for non-negative indices (i.e., you’d never do get(-1)). If the argument to get would go out of
bounds otherwise, the call should return the string “Error: out of bounds!”.
Note: you are not allowed to use any lists / sets / dictionaries / iterators, or any other data structures
or built-in functions we have not yet covered in the class.
def stacklist():
>>> append, get = stacklist()
>>> get, y = append(2)
>>> get, y = append(3, get, y)
>>> get, y = append(4, get, y)
>>> get(0)
>>> get(1)
>>> get(2)
>>> get, y = append(8, get, y)
>>> get(1)
>>> get(3)
g = lambda i: “Error: out of bounds!”
def f(value, g=g, y=0):
f = g
def g(i):
if i == y:
return value
return f(i)
return g, y + 1
return f, g
3. Abusing the Call Stack Pt 2
(a) Build on your solution to the previous question to implement insert functionality! As the name suggests,
the insert function inserts a value into an existing sequence of numbers. The function takes an insertion
index, the value to insert into that index, as well as two other arguments whose purpose is left for you
to determine. When the value is inserted into the provided index, all numbers from that index and to
the right are shifted one element right. For example, if my current sequence is 5, 9, 14, 3 and I specify
an insertion index of 1 with value 100, then my updated sequence should be 5, 100, 9, 14, 3. The 100 is
inserted at index 1, and all numbers from the original index 1 to the end are shifted to the right by one
position. You can always assume that the provided insertion index will be within bounds.
You don’t actually have to represent the sequence as a contiguous block of numbers that need to shift
around though. As long as the get(i) call returns the correct value, that’ll do. Note: you are not
allowed to use any lists / dictionaries / iterators, or any other data structures / functions we have not
yet covered in the class. However, you may use ternary statements: lambda x: 1 if x == 9 else 2 for
example returns 1 if x is 9 and returns 2 otherwise.
def stacklist():
>>> append, get, insert = stacklist()
>>> get, idx = append(2)
>>> get, idx = append(13, get, idx)
>>> get, idx = append(4, get, idx)
>>> get, idx = insert(1, 19, get, idx)
>>> get(0)
>>> get(1)
>>> get(2)
>>> get(3)
# Assume f and g are defined correctly from the previous question
def h(y, value, g, n):
e = g
def g(i):
if i == y:
return value
return e(i)
k = y
while k < n: g, ret = f(e(k), (lambda a, b: lambda i: e(b) if i == b + 1 else a(i))(g, k), k + 1) k += 1 return g, ret 6 return f, g, h It turns out that passing in g instead of (lambda a, b: lambda i: e(b) if i == b + 1 else a(i))(g, k) works as well. I can’t think of any edge cases in which it fails...