CS 61A Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Fall 2020 Quiz 10 Solutions
• Please review this worksheet before the exam prep session. Coming prepared will help greatly, as the TA will
be live solving without allocating much time for individual work.
• Either Sean or Derek will be on video live solving these questions. The other TA will be answering questions
in the chat. It is in your best interest to come prepared with specific questions.
• This is not graded, and you do not need to turn this in to anyone.
• Fall 2020 students: the boxes below are an artifact from more typical semesters to simulate exam environments.
Obviously this doesn’t apply to this semester’s exams, but we just kept the fields to keep our materials looking
professional 🙂 Feel free to ignore them.
• For multiple choice questions, fill in each option or choice completely.
– 2 means mark all options that apply
– # means mark a single choice
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Discussion Section
All the work on this exam is my own.
(please sign)
1. The Gram
Suppose Instagram stores a table named follow with two columns, followee and follower. As the name suggests,
a follower in the table follows the followee. Write a SQL query to get the number of followers each follower
has. As a specific example, say our table looks like this
followee follower
Then the output should look like this
Popular person Followers
B 2
D 1
There is no row for A because A does not follow anyone. There is no row for C because no one follows C 🙁
Order does not matter
SELECT f1.follower, COUNT(DISTINCT f2.follower)
FROM follow AS f1, follow AS f2
WHERE f1.follower = f2.followee
GROUP BY f1.follower;
2. Prime Time
Assume you have a table called ns that contains numbers from 0 to 10,000 in a column called n. Select all
prime numbers from this table. Remember that 2 is the smallest prime number.
FROM ns AS a, ns AS b
WHERE (b.n < a.n AND b.n > 1 AND a.n % b.n != 0) OR (a.n = 2)
HAVING (COUNT(*) = a.n – 2) or a.n = 2;
3. Accounting
Say you have a table called employees holding columns Id, Month, and Salary. Each Id corresponds to some
employee. Write a query that outputs the cumulative sum of each employee’s salary in the last 3 months,
including the current month. For example, if we have a table like this
Id Month Salary
1 1 20
2 1 20
1 2 30
2 2 30
3 2 40
1 3 40
3 3 60
1 4 60
3 4 70
Then the output should be
Id Month Salary
1 4 130
1 3 90
1 2 50
1 1 20
2 1 20
2 2 50
3 2 40
3 3 100
3 4 170
For the first row in the output, the cumulative salary for employee 1 for the last 3 months relative to month
4 (months 4, 3, and 2) is 60 + 40 + 30. In the second row, the cumulative salary from the last 3 months for
employee 1 relative to month 3 (months 3, 2, and 1) is 40 + 30 + 20. Order does not matter
SELECT a.id, a.month, SUM(b.salary)
FROM employees as a, employees as b
WHERE a.id = b.id AND a.month – b.month >= 0 AND a.month – b.month < 3 GROUP BY a.id, a.month;