CS计算机代考程序代写 # Interfaces

# Interfaces

# Monte Carlo Simulations
SimName <: MonteCarloSim nextvalue(sim::Simulation) Results # can use built-in or user defined repeat(sim, ResultType, count) # Descrete State Simulations SimName <: DiscreteStateSim StateName <: State startstate(sim)::State update!(sim, state, event) EventTypes <: Events # [optional] use if events drive your system; declare a different event type for each type of event used eventslist(sim) # [optional] use if events drive your system; must be iterable maxitr(sim) # [optional] use if events/goals don't apply or are unbounded found(state) # [optional] for goal-driven simulations measure(state) # [optional] if not used, state is returned after every sim run Results # can use built-in or user defined repeat(sim, ResultType, count)