CS计算机代考程序代写 #——————————————–

# Measures
# Allows the Drunkard’s Walk Simulator to select between multiple measure during the Sim construction
# – This is advanced Julia (metaprogramming), you do not need to implement it for A2
# – You can just define measure(sim::DWSim, state) = stepsmeasure(sim, state), or the measure you want to use,
# directly in the script (it is just more convenient this way)

stepsmeasure(sim::DrunkardsWalkSim, state) = steps(state)
atleftmeasure(sim::DrunkardsWalkSim, state) = closestwall(state) === :left ? 1 : 0
atrightmeasure(sim::DrunkardsWalkSim, state) = closestwall(state) === :right ? 1 : 0

function setmeasure(m::Symbol)
if m === :steps
eval(:(measure(sim::DWSim, state) = stepsmeasure(sim, state)))
elseif m === :leftWall
eval(:(measure(sim::DWSim, state) = atleftmeasure(sim, state)))
elseif m === :rightWall
eval(:(measure(sim::DWSim, state) = atrightmeasure(sim, state)))
error(“The measure keyword must be one of {:steps, :leftWall, :rightWall”)