Assignment 2
Due date: 23:59 2021-10-15
The purpose of this assignment is to gain good understanding of the ordering property of
multicast primitives through implementing the total order multicast primitive.
Many applications need to use multicast mechanisms that satisfy various ordering
properties to send information. To simplify the task of application development, many
systems provide multicast mechanisms using middleware or OS services. In this
assignment, you are required to implement a middleware that ensures total order of
multicast messages.
Middleware 1
Application 1
Middleware 5
Application 5
Middleware 4
Application 4
Middleware 3
Application 3
Middleware 2
Application 2
Figure 1 Multicasting through Middleware
Figure 1 shows how the middleware is used.
• Each application program has a corresponding middleware. An application and its
corresponding middleware reside on the same machine.
• The middleware uses a protocol to guarantee the ordering property of the multicast
• When an application needs to multicast a message to other applications, the
application sends the message to its corresponding middleware. The middleware is
responsible for multicasting the message to the corresponding middleware of the
other applications through the network.
• When a middleware receives a multicast message from the network, it determines
whether the message can be delivered to its corresponding application according to
the protocol for guaranteeing the message ordering. The middleware buffers a
message until the message can be delivered to the application.
In this assignment, a C# program for simulating the network is provided1. The multicast
messages sent by the middleware on behalf of the application programs MUST be sent to
the network program first. When you use the provided program, apart from changing the
value of constant maxSleepTime (explained later), you should not change any other part
of the network program. The marker will use this network program when marking your
assignment2. The network program and some simple programs for testing the network
program can be downloaded from Canvas. The details of the network program are as
• The middleware communicates with the network program through TCP sockets.
• The network program receives multicast messages sent by the middleware and
broadcasts each received message to ALL the middleware in the system 3 . The
broadcast is carried out by point-to-point communication using TCP socket.
• To simulate network delay, while broadcasting a message, the network program waits
for a random period before it sends the message to the middleware. The waiting time
for different middleware might be different. For example, when broadcasting a
message m, the network program might wait for 1000ms and 2000ms before sending
m to Middleware 1 and 2 respectively.
• In the network program, constant maxSleepTime is used to specify the maximum
waiting time before a message is sent to the middleware.
• In order to use the network program, each multicast message MUST end with a five-
character sequence “
• Port 8081 is used by the network program for receiving multicast messages from the
In this assignment, you are required to implement programs corresponding to Middleware
1 to 5 in Figure 1. You do not need to provide any of the application programs shown in
Figure 1. You can use either C# or Java to do this assignment.
Programming (16 marks)
In this part, you are required to implement the middleware that ensures the total order of
the multicast messages. In order to test the middleware, your implementation must
include a GUI interface for the middleware. The layout of the interface for each
middleware should be similar to Figure 2.
1 To run the program on Mac, you need to install .NET https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download.
2 The marker might set a different value to constant maxSleepTime in the network program.
3 The original sender of a message will also receive a copy of its message in a broadcast.
Figure 2 The GUI for a Middleware
The middleware and its GUI should satisfy the requirements below:
• Each middleware should have its own GUI.
• A GUI should have a title indicating the ID of the middleware, e.g., “Middleware 1”.
• Each GUI should have a button “Send”. When the button is clicked, the middleware
should send a multicast message to the network. The contents of the message should
be generated automatically by your program. Each multicast message sent by a
middleware must include information that uniquely identifies the message. For
example, “Msg #1 from Middleware 1 xxx
message sent by Middleware 14.
• Each GUI should have three lists for displaying messages.
o The “Sent” list shows the multicast messages that have been sent by the
middleware to the network. The messages in the list should appear in the order
in which they were sent to the network.
o The “Received” list contains the multicast messages that have been received
by the middleware from the network. The received messages should be
displayed in the order in which they are received by the middleware.
o The “Ready” list presents the multicast messages that are ready to be
delivered to the application program. This means that the messages in the
“Ready” list should be a subset of the messages in the “Received” list. The
order in which the messages appear in the “Ready” list should conform to the
total-order property of the multicast messages.
• Your implementation should have five middleware programs. Each middleware
program should be stored in its own folder. There is NO need to run your programs
concurrently on different machines. You only need to test them on one machine.
• Each middleware program should create a TCP socket for receiving messages from
the network program. The sockets used by the five middleware programs MUST use
ports 8082, 8083, 8084, 8085, and 8086 respectively.
• The middleware programs might need to exchange some “control” information
amongst them when determining the order in which the multicast messages should be
4 #1 means the first message. In this case, “Msg #1 from Middleware 1” uniquely identifies the message.
“xxx” denotes other information in the message, e.g. timestamps.
of a message.
delivered. The middleware programs are allowed to exchange the control information
between them directly using TCP sockets.
Report (1 mark)
Your report should include instructions on how to run your programs. Save your report as
a PDF file. Name it as Report.pdf.
• You only need to submit the implementations of the middleware. Your
implementations should have the following directory hierarchy.
• You should only submit the source code of your programs.
• You should create a batch file for compiling the submitted programs and for
executing the programs. Name the batch files as run.bat.
• Zip your implementations, the batch file and the report into file upi.zip where upi is
your university login ID, e.g., jbon007.zip. Submit the file through
https://adb.auckland.ac.nz/. The directory hierarchy of your implementation should be
preserved when you zip your files.
• NO email submission will be accepted.
Marking Schedule
1. The batch file for compiling and executing programs works correctly. [1 mark]
2. There are five middleware programs, and the programs are placed in the right folders.
[1 mark]
3. Each GUI shows the ID of the middleware. [1 mark]
4. Each multicast message contains the information that uniquely identifies the message.
[1 mark]
5. Multicast messages are added to the “Sent” list correctly when the “Send” button is
clicked. [2 marks]
6. Multicast messages are added to the “Received” list correctly. [3 marks]
7. Multicast messages are added to the “Ready” list correctly. [7 marks]
Clear instructions on running the programs. [1 mark]
Assignment 2