留学生考试辅导 SIT182. Please go to Discussions and ask your questions about this task

WEEK 4 – TASK T4.1P Pass Task.
Release Date: 28 March, Due Date: 11 April, End Date: 18 April.
Learning Outcomes
In this task, you will learn more about Unix/Linux Access Control. You will get hands-on experience of configuring and interpreting permissions. This will complement the theoretical discussion about Access Control in Week 3.

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An answer sheet template is available on OnTrack as a `Resources’. Please download the answer sheet and fill it with your answers. To upload on OnTrack, you need to convert the answer sheet template document to PDF. MS Word includes built-in PDF conversation capability.
All 8 questions and their sub-questions of this task must be attempted. If screenshots are required, please ensure that text in screenshots is readable.
Remember that troubleshooting technical problems is part of learning in this field. You must patiently work through issues and solve these. Tasks are not step-by-step guide. You need to be in the driver seat and learn concepts by doing – as you would when you start your future job (many times even your future supervisor doesn’t know the answer to problems you face). After patent troubleshooting and research, if you need help:
Help is always available in SIT182. Please go to Discussions and ask your questions about this task in Task 4.1P. All students are encouraged to participate and help peers with their questions. Helping others is a great way to learn and think about aspects you may have overlooked. You can also seek help from tutors during online and face- to-face pracs. Please do not raise your questions through Teams, OnTrack, or Email.
References In cyber security, our preferred referencing style is IEEE – however, you are allowed to use any Deakin approved referencing style in this unit. Please refer to unit site > Content > Referencing – Hints & Tips for more information.

This task involves working on a set of challenges. You will also need to answer a set of follow up questions listed in this task sheet to ensure the learning outcomes of the task are met.
To access challenges that you need to complete open M from VirtualBox. We will use the same M that you used for Task 2.1P.
First, ensure that Kali is connected to Internet. Check the Settings of M and ensure Network Adapter is connected either through NAT or Bridged Adapter.
Run M (remember that username and password is kali). Ensure Network Adapter is connected using the toolbar at the bottom of VM window.
At this point you should have access to Internet from Kali. In Kali, access Web Browser.
Note: If you are using cyber lab PCs, you will need to import M into VirtualBox from Drive D > VM folder. Just like you did for Task 2.1P.
SIT182 – Real World Practices for Cyber Security Ontrack.deakin.edu.au

Please note that the M provided in Task 2.1P is Docker-enabled. If you are using your own version of Kali, you will need to install Docker CE from here before starting the task.
To get started, you need to download a ZIP file in your M. You can use any of the links below:
Unzip/Extract the downloaded ZIP file. Then, open the README.txt file in the “Access Control” folder that is extracted. Follow the instructions provided and then return to this screen to start working on the challenges. Remember that all challenges will need to be executed in your M (not your host OS).
A README file contains information about other files in a directory or archive of computer software. A form of documentation, it is usually a simple plain text file called Read Me, READ.ME, README.TXT, or README.md (for a text file using markdown markup). The file’s name is generally written in uppercase letters. On Unix-like systems in particular this makes it easily noticed – both because lowercase filenames are more common, and because traditionally the ls command sorts and displays files in ASCII-code order, so that uppercase filenames appear first.
The important README files of Unix
Question 1:
Answer the below questions
a. What is a Docker? How it is different from a Virtual Machine?
b. Include a screenshot confirming that you have managed to create the docker image, build it
and get an “alice” shell (by following the readme file in Access Control folder).
Start from Challenge 1.
SIT182 – Real World Practices for Cyber Security Ontrack.deakin.edu.au

Challenge 1: Unix permissions
In Unix, the kernel is the program that has unrestricted access to the whole machine. All other programs (subjects) run as a specific identity and their access to files and devices (objects) is mediated by the kernel.
To complete this challenge, you need to ensure that you follow the content covered and practice with commands. To help further, a help video for Linux Access Control is available on the Unit Site from Content > Help Point (OnTrack) > OnTrack: Week 4 Task Resources. If you watch the video and work through the examples of each challenge, completing the challenges should be easy.
An alternative good resource is “The Linux Command Line” book by , which is available for free as PDF. You can find it here.
Help Video
User and group id
Access decisions are made on the basis of the userid/groupid associated with the program.
If the user is root (userid = 0), access is always granted by the kernel.
Users have a primary group which usually have same id and name as the user id, but they may belong to several additional groups. By joining an existing group, a user inherits the permissions it grants. Command id displays information about user and group id:
 uid is the user id, for alice it is number 1000
 gid is the primary group id, for alice it is the same as uid, i.e., 1000. This group is the one
assigned at login and is used when files are created (see below)
 groups lists all the groups alice belongs to: alice(the default group) and student
In the docker you have three users (alice, bob, carol), plus root. Use su command to switch from one user to the other. You start as alice. Passwords for bob, carol and root are the same as the username:
su bob starts a shell as bob. With exit you go back to alice shell. Unix permissions
alice:~$ id
uid=1000(alice) gid=1000(alice) groups=1000(alice),1003(student)
alice:~$ su bob Password: bob:/home/alice$ exit exit
SIT182 – Real World Practices for Cyber Security Ontrack.deakin.edu.au

Using the ls -l command we can display the Unix permissions set to a file or a directory:
 The fields displayed from left to right are: o filepermissions-rw-rw-r–,
o numberoflinks1,
o ownernamealice,
o owner group alice, (the primary group is used when creating a new file) o filesize0,
o timeoflastmodificationOct308:08,and
o file/directorynamemyfile
 Apart from the first – (which represents the type of the file), file permission rw-rw-r– is made of 3 triadsdefining the permissions granted to the owner, to the group and to all the other users, respectively. Each permission triad is commonly made up of the following characters:
o r: the file can be read / the directory’s contents can be shown
o w: the file can be modified / the directory’s contents can be modified
o x:thefilecanbeexecuted/thedirectorycanbetraversed
o s: the file is SUID if s is found in the user triad (SGID if s is in the group triad). Implies
alice:~$ touch myfile # creates an empty file named myfile alice:~$ ls -l myfile
-rw-r–r– 1 alice alice 0 Oct 3 08:08 myfile
x. Enables the file to run with the privileges of its owner (or group).
In the following example file rootfile1 is owned by root and has group student. It gives read and
write permissions to root and only read permission to student:
-rw-r—– 1 root student 39 Oct 3 08:26 rootfile1
uid=1000(alice) gid=1000(alice) groups=1000(alice),1003(student)
cat rootfile1 # read access This file is readable by student group
cat > rootfile1 # write access bash: rootfile1: Permission denied
ls -l rootfile1
 rw-r—– gives read/write permissions to owner (root) and only read permission to group student
 cat rootfile1 prints the file content (read access) and this is allowed since alice belong to group student
SIT182 – Real World Practices for Cyber Security Ontrack.deakin.edu.au

 cat > rootfile1 writes from stdin into the file (write access) and this is not allowed since student group permissions are r–
File rootfile2 has the same permissions as rootfile1 but group is root, so it can only be read by root:
-rw-r—– 1 root root 35 Oct 3 08:26 rootfile2
cat rootfile2 # read access cat: rootfile2: Permission denied
cat > rootfile2 # write access bash: rootfile2: Permission denied
ls -l rootfile2
Question 2:
Change directory to /tmp/ using commands you learned in Task 2.1P. Now, find the file that is accessible to alice. This file contains the password.
Now answer the below questions:
a. What does the “sudo” or “su” command do?
b. Include the screenshots of all commands that you have used to complete the Challenge 1. List
the password that you obtained in Challenge 1.
Challenge 2: Managing Permissions
Changing permissions and ownership
Unix permissions can be altered using the chmod command, whilst the owner and group can be set using chown. Notice that non-root users can change the group (to one they belong to) but not the ownership.
Helpful slides
You can access these slides which could also help you complete Challenge 2.
alice:~$ ls -l myfile
-rw-rw-r– 1 alice alice 0 Oct 3 10:28 myfile
alice:~$ chmod 600 myfile
alice:~$ ls -l myfile
-rw——- 1 alice alice 0 Oct 3 10:28 myfile
alice:~$ chown alice:student myfile
alice:~$ ls -l myfile
-rw——- 1 alice student 0 Oct 3 10:28 myfile
alice:~$ chown alice:bob myfile
chown: changing ownership of ‘myfile’: Operation not permitted
SIT182 – Real World Practices for Cyber Security Ontrack.deakin.edu.au

alice:~$ chown bob:alice myfile
chown: changing ownership of ‘myfile’: Operation not permitted
 chmod 600 myfile changes permissions to rw——- : 600 is interpreted as an octal number, each digit corresponding to the three permission bits, i.e., 6 is rw- and 0 is —
 chown alice:student myfile changes to group to student : succeeds since alice is in group student
 chown alice:bob myfile tries to change to group to bob : fails since alice is not in group bob
 chown bob:alice myfile tries to change owner to bob : fails since only root can change
Challenge 3: Access Control Lists
Access Control Lists (ACLs) provide an additional, fine grained permission mechanism for files and directories. With ACLs it is possible to define different permissions on a per-user/per-group basis. They have higher priority over Unix permissions.
To provide an example, we add an ACL to file forcarol so that it an be accessed read/write by carol.
Question 3:
Answer the below questions:
a. What does the command “ls -l” do?
b. In your own words (i.e., no direct quotes), what does `Chmod’ command do in Unix/Linux?
c. What is the command to set -rwxr-xr-x permissions to myfile? (make sure to include the exact
command including any spaces).
alice:~$ ls -l forcarol
-rw——- 1 alice alice 59 Oct 3 15:04 forcarol
alice:~$ setfacl -m “u:carol:rw-” forcarol # gives rw- permission to carol on file forcarol
alice:~$ ls -l forcarol
-rw-rw—-+ 1 alice alice 59 Oct 3 15:04 forcarol
alice:~$ getfacl forcarol # file: forcarol
# owner: alice
# group: alice
user::rw- user:carol:rw- group::— mask::rw- other::—
# displays the ACL for file forcarol
# here we have the new entry in the ACL
Notice that ls -l shows a + symbol after permission to represent the fact that the permissions are not the ones represented by -rw-rw—- . In fact, rw does not refer to group alice but to user carol.
SIT182 – Real World Practices for Cyber Security Ontrack.deakin.edu.au

Now we can check that carol has access while bob does not:
Password: carol
carol:/home/alice$ cat forcarol # read access
This file should be readable/writable by carol but not bob
carol:/home/alice$ su bob # become bob Password: bob
bob:/home/alice$ cat forcarol # read access is forbidden to bob cat: forcarol: Permission denied
alice:~$ su carol # become carol
The mask entry reported by the getfacl output is called the effective rights mask. This entry limits the effective rights that can be granted to the user and group ACL. By tightening the mask, we can, for example, revoke the write permission previously granted to the user carol.
alice:~$ setfacl -m ‘m::r–‘ forcarol
alice:~$ getfacl forcarol # file: forcarol
# owner: alice
# group: alice
# change the mask
user::rw- user:carol:rw- group::— mask::r– other::—
alice:~$ su carol Password: carol
carol:/home/alice$ cat forcarol
This file should be readable/writable by carol but not bob
carol:/home/alice$ cat > forcarol # write access has been revoked bash: forcarol: Permission denied
# read access is OK
To remove an ACL from a file one can use the -b option:
alice:~$ ls -l forcarol
-rw-rw—-+ 1 alice alice 59 Oct 3 15:04 forcarol
alice:~$ setfacl -b forcarol
alice:~$ getfacl forcarol # file: forcarol
# owner: alice
# group: alice
SIT182 – Real World Practices for Cyber Security Ontrack.deakin.edu.au

user::rw- group::— other::—
alice:~$ ls -l forcarol
-rw——- 1 alice alice 59 Oct 3 15:04 forcarol
Question 4:
Look for a file in /tmp/ that is accessible by carol. It contains the password.
Include the screenshots of all commands that you have used to complete the Challenge 3. List the password that you obtained in Challenge 3.
Challenge 4: SUID and Capabilities
SUID permission
When permission s appears in place of x (executable) the program will be run with the privileges of the owner. In some cases, this in necessary to get appropriate access rights. Some system utilities, for example, have SUID root permission as the need administrative privileges to run.
alice_shell program tries to set the uid of alice (1000) and start a shell: thus, the shell should belong to user alice. Let’s see what happens if you runs this program as bob, without setting SUID permission:
alice:~$ ls -al alice_shell
-rwxr-xr-x 1 alice alice 8520 Oct 3 17:29 alice_shell
alice:~$ su bob Password: bob
bob:/home/alice$ ./alice_shell
Trying to set uid 1000 (alice)
Failed to set alice uid. No permissions?
The program fails when trying to set alice uid, as it has no permissions to do so: bob is running the program so the program runs with bob’s privileges.
We now set SUID permission. This can be done by prepending a 4 before the octal number specifying the actual permissions:
alice:~$ chmod 4755 alice_shell
alice:~$ ls -al alice_shell
-rwsr-xr-x 1 alice alice 8520 Oct 3 17:29 alice_shell
alice:~$ su bob Password: bob
bob:/home/alice$ ./alice_shell Trying to set uid 1000 (alice) Starting a shell as 1000!
SIT182 – Real World Practices for Cyber Security Ontrack.deakin.edu.au

alice:~$ whoami alice
 rwsr-xr-x shows the s representing SUID permission: the file is executable by any user and, when executed, it will run with the owner privileges (alice). The program name also appears coloured in red.
 When bob runs the program, it successfully set uid 1000 (alice) and starts a new shell. Notice that the shell is started as user alice (as shown by the output of whoami)!
Example: ping
ping is a system utility that can be used to “ping” hosts. It requires root access in order to get raw
access to the network which, in turn, is necessary to generate ICMP protocol packets (used by ping).
Notice the SUID permission (s). Program ping will get root privileges when run by any user.
Privilege drop
SUID root can be very dangerous, since a vulnerability in the program might allow an adversary to get root access to the system. A standard mitigation technique is called privilege drop, and is summarised below:
1. Program is run SUID root;
2. Program performs privileged accesses, as soon as possible;
3. Once privileged accesses have been performed, the program drops the root privileges
4. The program goes on with unprivileged accesses
In this way, a vulnerability would give root privileges only during 2.
Linux Capabilities offer the possibility of assigning a subset of root permissions to specific processes. This can be also achieved via SUID root (s) permission, but executing the whole program as root is more risky in case of vulnerabilities, as discussed above.
Let’s remove SUID root permission to ping (we need to log as root):
alice:~$ ls -al /bin/ping
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 64424 Jun 28 11:05 /bin/ping
alice:~$ su Password: root
root:/home/alice# ls -l /bin/ping
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 64424 Jun 28 11:05 /bin/ping
root:/home/alice# chmod 755 /bin/ping
SIT182 – Real World Practices for Cyber Security Ontrack.deakin.edu.au

root:/home/alice# exit exit
alice:~$ ping localhost
ping: socket: Operation not permitted
Now ping is not working anymore as it need root permission to have raw network access. We can add this specific capability to ping as follows:
alice:~$ su Password: root
root:/home/alice# setcap cap_net_raw+ep /bin/ping
root:/home/alice# getcap /bin/ping /bin/ping = cap_net_raw+ep
root:/home/alice# exit exit
alice:~$ ping localhost
PING localhost ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.029 ms 64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.086 ms ^C
— localhost ping statistics —
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1006ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.029/0.057/0.086/0.029 ms
setcap cap_net_raw+ep /bin/ping adds the cap_net_raw capability to ping which can now be run by user alice without the necessity of SUID root permission.
The following questions are common in interviews for cyber related positions. If you spent time going through the challenges and understanding Linux permission, then with a little extra research you should be able to answer them easily. Remember, doing your own research is an important skill for your future career in this field. If you are finding it difficult to answer these questions, practice a bit more in the terminal and watch the help video for Linux access control. Then, try again.
Question 5:
In a paragraph (up to 200 words) summarize what you understood about SUID permission and capabilities as covered in Challenge 4. This needs to be in your own words (i.e., no direct quotes).
Question 6:
a. Is the following statement True or False? `sticky bit is a special permission that can be assigned to a file’.
b. Is the following statement True or False? `An executable file has SUID permission set. When the file is executed on the system, the user who runs the file becomes the file’s temporary owner’
SIT182 – Real World Practices for Cyber Security Ontrack.deakin.edu.au

c. You just created a new script file named myapp.sh. However, when you try to run it from the command prompt, the bash shell generates an error that says -bash: ./myapp.sh: Permission denied. Which command will fix this problem?
d. A file named sit182.txt has a mode of rw-r–r–. If arash is not the file’s owner and is not a member of the group that owns this file, what can he do with it?
e. A file named ontrack.ppt has a mode of rw-r–r–. If chang-tsun is the file’s owner, what can he do with it?
Question 7:
a) If you wanted to have a data file that you could read or write, but don’t want anyone else to
see, the permission would be ………. (answer using the 9-bit e.g. -r–r–r–)
b) If the file is owned by the user, the …… permission determine the access. (f

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com