程序代写 AU22 CSE 5525 Homework #4: Character Language Modeling

AU22 CSE 5525 Homework #4: Character Language Modeling

with RNNs and Transformer

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Deadline: 11:59PM on 12/05/2022

Academic Integrity

You are free to discuss the homework assignments with other students and study course materials together
towards solutions. However, all of the code and report you write must be your own! If you do
discuss or study together with others (except via posts/comments on Teams), please list their names at
the top of your written submission. Unless there is academic misconduct detected, this won’t be counted
against your credit.

Plagiarism will be automatically detected on Carmen, e.g., by comparing your HW with all resources,
as well as manually checked by TA. If the instructor or TA suspects that a student has committed
academic misconduct in this course, they are obligated by university rules to report their suspicions to
the Committee on Academic Misconduct. Please see more in Statements for CSE5525 on Carmen pages.

In this project, you’ll implement a character neural language model with two sequential models, Recurrent
Neural Networks (RNNs) and the Transformer model [2]. A simple code framework for data loading and
evaluation of language models is provided. You will have to figure out how to implement and train the
language models with both RNNs and Transformer.

The goal is to be familiar with the Transformer architecture by implementing every component and
practicing the basics of language modeling (data, training, evaluation, etc). You should also realize
the importance of hyperparameter tuning (with your experience in implementing and training Seq2seq
models). You will continue your journey of PyTorch and you can call existing functions in Pytorch, as
long as the required steps are shown.

Timeline & Credit

You will have around 3 weeks to work on this programming assignment. Late submissions will NOT be
accepted and you also need to work on the final project for the rest of the semester. So, start early and
plan ahead! We currently use a 100-point scale for this homework (Part 1: 40 points; part 2: 40 points;
1-2 page report: 20 points), but it will take 15% of your final grade.


Please create a post on MS Teams to get timely help from other students, the TA, and the instructor.
Remember that participation takes 5% of your final grade. You can show your participation by actively
answering others’ questions and online class participation! Besides, everyone can benefit from
checking what has been asked previously. Feel free to join the TA or the instructor’s office hours
as well (Time and Zoom links can be found on Carmen).

Dataset and Code

Please use Python 3.5+ and PyTorch 1.0+ for this project.

Data The dataset for this paper is the text81 collection. This is a dataset taken from the first 100M
characters of Wikipedia. Only 27 character types are present (lowercase characters and spaces); special
characters are replaced by a single space and numbers are spelled out as individual digits (20 becomes
two zero). A larger version of this benchmark (90M training characters, 5M dev, 5M test) was used in

Framework code The framework code you are given consists of several files. We will describe these
in the following sections. utils.py should be familiar to you by now.

lm.py contains the driver for this homework and calls training functions from train.py on the raw
text data. models.py contains skeletons in which you will implement these models.

Part 1: Implementing an RNN Language Model

In the first part, you will implement an RNN language model. This should build heavily off of what you
did for HW#3, though new ingredients will be necessary, particularly during training.

Data For this part, we use the first 100,000 characters of text8 as the training set. The development
set is 500 characters taken from elsewhere in the collection.

Getting started

python lm.py

This loads the data and instantiates a UniformLanguageModel which assigns each character an equal

probability and evaluates it on the development set. This model achieves a total log probability of
-1644, an average log probability (per token) of -3.296, and a perplexity of 27. Note that exponentiating
the average log probability gives you 1

in this case, which is the inverse of perplexity.

The RNNLanguageModel class you are given in models.py has two methods: get next char log probs
and get log prob sequence. The first takes a context and returns the log probability distribution over
the next characters given that context as a NumPy vector of length equal to the vocabulary size. The
second takes a whole sequence of characters and a context and returns the log probability of that whole
sequence under the model. You can implement the second just using the first, but that’s computation-
ally wasteful; you can instead just run a single pass through the RNN and return the aggregated log
probability of the sequence.

Q1 (40 points) Implement an RNN language model. This will require: defining a PyTorch module
to handle language model prediction, implementing training of that module in train lm, and finally
completing the definition of RNNLanguageModel appropriately to use this module for prediction. Your
network should take a chunk of indexed characters as input, embed them, put them through an RNN,
and make predictions from the final layer outputs.

Note that you should make next character predictions simultaneously at every position
in the sequence you feed in. Here, you’re making a set of predictions for each sample. You’ll want
to use the outputs field in PyTorch, which returns the outputs (same as the hidden states in an LSTM)
at each position in the RNN. You should be very familiar with RNNs after doing HW#3.

Your final model must pass the sanity and normalization checks, get a perplexity value less
than or equal to 7, and train in less than 10 minutes.2

Chunking the data Unlike classification, language modeling can be viewed as a task where the same
network is predicting words at many positions. Your network should process a chunk of characters at a
time, simultaneously predicting the next character at each index in the chunk. You’ll have to decide how
you want to chunk the data. Given a chunk, you can either initialize the RNN state with a zero vector,
“burn in” the RNN by running on a few characters before you begin predicting, or carry over the end
state of the RNN to the next chunk. These may only make minor differences, though.

1Original site: http://mattmahoney.net/dc
2Our reference implementation gets a perplexity of 6.2 in about 2 minutes of training or 5.44 in about 5 minutes of

training. However, this is an unoptimized, unbatched implementation and you can likely do better.


Start of sequence In general, the beginning of any sequence is represented in the language model by
a special start-of-sequence token. For simplicity, we are going to overload space and use that
as the start-of-sequence character. That is, space will both be the first token fed to the encoder
as well as a token that is predicted in the output space. While this reduces the number of parameters
in the model compared to having a separate start-of-sequence token, it doesn’t impact the performance

Evaluation Unlike past assignments where you are evaluated on the correctness of predictions, in this
case, your model is evaluated on the perplexity and likelihood, which rely on the probabilities that your
model returns. Your model should be a correct implementation of a language model. That
is, it should be a probability distribution P (wi|w1, . . . , wi−1). You should be sure to check that your
model’s output is indeed a legal probability distribution over the next word.

Batching Batching across multiple sequences can further increase the speed of training. While you
do not need to do this to complete the assignment, you may find the speedups helpful. As in previous
assignments, you should be able to do this by increasing the dimension of your tensors by 1, a batch
dimension which should be the first dimension of each tensor. The rest of your code should be largely
unchanged. Note that you only need to apply batching during training, as the two inference methods
you’ll implement aren’t set up to pass you batched data anyway. This is very important for the second
part of this homework, where you always need to consider the batch dimension in the Transformer model.

Part 2: Implementing a Transformer Language Model

The Transformer is essentially an encoder-decoder model, but for traditional language modeling, we
only need its decoder part, which will autoregressively predict the next token given the context. The
Transformer decoder is composed of several blocks (just call them Transformer blocks), where each block
contains self-attention, layer normalization, residual connections, and MLP. Most layers are straightfor-
ward to be implemented, except that the self-attention requires casual masking to prevent the model
from seeing the future tokens (i.e., masking the upper diagonal part of the attention matrix). Check our
lecture slides and online tutorials3 for more details of Transformer.

Q2 (40 points) Implement a Transformer language model. It is recommended to build up the Trans-
former decoder model from bottom to up, first implement the self-attention module, then implement the
Transformer block and finally build up the Transformer model composed of multiple blocks. We provide
hints inside the code. There are two main purposes of implementing the Transformer from scratch, one is
the be familiar with tensor operations and transformations in PyTorch with many matrix multiplications
inside the Transformer, and the other is to truly understand the Transformer model, which has become
the backbone model of modern NLP nowadays.

Note that there are several hyperparameters to tune the Transformer, such as the embedding size,
hidden dimension, number of layers, max input length, etc. Tuning them as well as the learning param-
eters, like epochs, and learning rates, to get the best performance you can have for Transformer LMs.
You may experience worse performance than RNN LMs sometimes, which is normal because training
Transformer LMs requires more data and computation. Given your limited running time (e.g., around
5-10 minutes of training) and computation resource (no need to use GPUs), there is no hard performance
threshold for this one as long as you can justify you’ve implemented Transformer LMs correctly.

Q3 (20 points) Report the performance of your RNN and Transformer language models in a 1-2 page
report. Explain the general process of training a language model and explain the differences between
RNN LM and Transformer LM. Show your efforts on tuning hyperparameters to get better results,
especially for the Transformer LM.

Bonus (30 points) Once you’ve trained your language model, there are two main things it can do,
1) assigning probabilities to any legitimate sequences, 2) generating or sampling sequences from it. For
the bonus points, implement a generation function generate()4 inside either RNNLanguageModel or

3https://peterbloem.nl/blog/transformers; http://nlp.seas.harvard.edu/2018/04/03/attention.html
4Check a similar API from Huggingface: https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/v4.24.0/en/main_classes/



TransformerLanguageModel to generate a continuation given a prompt/context (could be an empty
token). Basically, you need to autoregressively call get next char log probs() and select a token from
the distribution at each step to be fed into the next step. You can implement whichever decoding method
you’ve learned in the course, greedy decoding or beam search. Show 2-3 interesting generated samples
in your report.

Deliverables and Submission

You will upload your code in models.py, train.py and the report on Carmen.
Make sure that the following commands work before you submit and you pass the sanity and nor-

malization checks for lm.py:

python lm.py –model RNN

python lm.py –model Transformer

These commands should run without error and train within the allotted time limits.

0.1 Acknowledgment

This homework assignment is based on NLP courses by Dr. at UT Austin.


[1] , , , Hai-Son Le, , and ́.
Subword Language Modeling with Neural Networks. In Online preprint, 2012.

[2] , , , , Llion Jones, Aidan N Gomez, , and . Attention is all you need. Advances in neural information processing
systems, 30, 2017.


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