CS计算机代考程序代写 file system Operating Systems – CSCI 402

Operating Systems – CSCI 402

Ch 3 – Basic Concepts
shared libraries
Ch 4 – Operating-System Design
virtual machines, microkernels
Ch 5 – Processor Management
threads implementation strategies
threads implementations
scheduler activations model
Ch 6 – File Systems
the basics of file systems
performance improvements
crash resiliency
directories and naming
RAID, flash memory, case studies
Ch 7 – Memory Management
virtual memory
OS issues

This is an undergraduate course on computer operating systems. (But only graduate students are permitted to be in this class. USC undergraduate students must take CS 350 in order to get credit for OS. If you are an undergraduate student, you cannnot be in this class and you cannot get credit for Operating System if you take this class. Please check with your adviser to see which Operating System class you need to take!) In addition to exploring concepts such as synchronization, virtual memory, processes, file systems and virtualization, students will develop elements of a fairly complete operating system during the course of the semester.