interpreter tweaks
mhe authored 1 hour ago 9.84 KB
module Interpreter where
import AbstractSyntax
We explain how to run programs written in abstract syntax:
| initial
| storage
v final
program tree +——-+——–+ storage
——————–>| run | ——–>
(AbstractSyntax.hs) +—————-+
Representation of the storage
There are several ways to represent the storage:
1. As a list m :: [(Identifier,Integer)] describing a table associating integers to identifiers.
In this case, to find the value of an identifier i , we use the lookup function from the prelude:
lookup i m
To update the storage m means to define a new list m’ from the list m .
Unused program variables are simply not listed in m .
2. Again as a table but using hashing, or a tree or other efficient data structures.
3. As a function m :: Identifier -> Integer , again associating integers to identifiers.
In this case, to find the value of an identifier, we apply the function to the identifier.
m i
To update the storage m means to define a new function m’ from the function m .
Unused program variables are given the value undefined or error .
Here we adopt option 3:
type Storage = Identifier -> Integer
Empty storage
At the beginning, no storage location is initialized:
emptyStorage :: Storage
emptyStorage i = error (“Uninitialized variable ” ++ i)
Updating the storage
To update a variable named i to the value x in m :: Storage means to produce a new m’ :: Storage with m’ i = x and m’ j = m j for j
distinct from i :
update :: Identifier -> Integer -> Storage -> Storage
update i x m = m’
m’ :: Storage
m’ j | i == j = x
| otherwise = m j
Booleans are represented as integers
We convert between numbers and booleans, so we only have the type of integers in our little language, like in the programming language C :
number :: Bool -> Integer
number False = 0
number True = 1
boolean :: Integer -> Bool
boolean 0 = False
boolean _ = True
Notice that the above two functions don’t form an isomorphism. We only have the equation boolean(number b) = b for all b :: Bool , or
boolean . number = id where id is the identity function defined in the prelude, but not the other way round. Technically, one says that the above
two functions exhibit the type Bool as a retract of the type Integer , with the function boolean the retraction and the function number the section.
Then the type Bool is isomorphic to the set of fixed points of the function number . boolean , namely 0 and 1 . See also the section on retracts in
the lecture on data types.
Evaluating expressions
We aim to evaluate expressions relative to a given storage:
An expression is either
a constant (an integer), or
a variable, or
an operator together with a list of sub-expressions.
To evaluate, relative to storage m :: Storage ,
a constant means simply to extract the integer from it.
a variable, say, “x” , simply means to look up the value, via m “x” .
an operator and its sub-expressions, means to apply a Haskell operation associated to the operator to the evaluated sub-expressions. This is done
in the following Haskell code, assuming that we evaluate operators through the auxiliary function opEval discussed below:
eval :: Storage -> Expr -> Integer
eval m (Constant x) = x
eval m (Var i) = m i
eval m (Op o es) = opEval o [eval m e | e <- es] We look in detail at the last pattern, evaluating an operator o with sub-expressions es (a list of expressions, [Expr] ). Given an OpName (defined in the module AbstractSyntax) and the correct number of arguments (one or two here), we evaluate it: opEval :: OpName -> [Integer] -> Integer
opEval Add [x, y] = x + y
opEval Sub [x, y] = x – y
opEval Mul [x, y] = x * y
opEval Div [x, y] = x `div` y
opEval Mod [x, y] = x `mod` y
opEval Eq [x, y] = number(x == y)
opEval Leq [x, y] = number(x <= y) opEval Less [x, y] = number(x < y) opEval Geq [x, y] = number(x >= y)
opEval Greater [x, y] = number(x > y)
opEval And [x, y] = number(boolean x && boolean y)
opEval Or [x, y] = number(boolean x || boolean y)
opEval Not [x] = number(not(boolean x))
opEval op xs = error (“Interpreter bug. ”
++ “Please contact the software maintainer. ”
++ “Tried to apply ” ++ show op
++ ” to ” ++ show xs)
Running programs
When we run a program we start with an initial storage and, if the program terminates, we get a final storage:
run :: Program -> Storage -> Storage
The assignment statement evaluates the expression e and stores it in the identifier i of the storage m :
run (i := e) m = update i (eval m e) m
To run an if-else-statement, we evaluate the expression e , and if its boolean value is true, we run the then branch p and otherwise we run the else
branch q , with the given storage m :
run (IfElse e p q) m
| boolean(eval m e) = run p m
| otherwise = run q m
Similarly, to run an if-statement, we evaluate the expression e , and if its boolean value is true, we run the then branch with the given storage m , and
otherwise we leave the given storage unchanged:
run (If e p) m
| boolean(eval m e) = run p m
| otherwise = m
To run a while-statement, we evaluate the condition e . If it is false, we leave the given storage m unchanged. If it is true, we run p on the storage m
to get a new storage m’ , which we use to recursively run the while-statement, to get a storage m” , which is the result, if this recursion terminates (it
need not to):
run (While e p) m
| boolean(eval m e) = m”
| otherwise = m
m’ = run p m
m” = run (While e p) m’
To run a block consisting of n program statements, starting from a storage $m_1$ , we apply the first statement to get $m_2$ , the second to get
$m_3$ , and so on, until we apply the last statement to get the final storage m_n . We express this recursively in the following definition, where the
base case is when we have zero programs, in which no transformation to the storage takes place:
run (Block []) m = m
run (Block (p : ps)) m = m”
m’ = run p m
m” = run (Block ps) m’
An alternative approach to running programs
This approach shows that imperative programming is functional programming.
Now we define an alternative variant of the function run :: Program -> Storage -> Storage , using a different perspective. Specifically, we think
of a program as a storage transformer, i.e., a map Storage -> Storage . Every program construction corresponds to a function that returns a
storage transformer, i.e., that returns a function Storage -> Storage .
Firstly, the assign ment statement is a storage transformer with two parameters i and e :
assign :: Identifier -> Expr -> Storage -> Storage
assign i e = \m -> update i (eval m e) m
Next, the if-else-statement takes three functions as arguments, and produces one function as the result. The first argument is a property p of the
storage. The second and third arguments are two storage transformers, and the result is a storage transformer.
ifElse :: (Storage -> Bool) -> (Storage -> Storage) -> (Storage -> Storage) -> (Storage -> Storage)
ifElse p f g = h
h m = if p m then f m else g m
Although we use Storage for interpreting imperative programs, this function makes sense for any type s :
ifElse :: (s -> Bool) -> (s -> s) -> (s -> s) -> (s -> s)
ifElse p f g = h
h m = if p m then f m else g m
Similarly, the functions below are defined with an arbitrary type s rather than the specific type Storage .
We don’t need to consider an if-statement, because ifElse p f id does the job, where id is the identity function, defined in the prelude.
Next, the while-statement takes a property p of states, and a storage transformer f . The result is a storage transformer g that repeatedly applies f
to a given storage m until it fails to satisfy p :
while :: (s -> Bool) -> (s -> s) -> (s -> s)
while p f = g
g m = if p m then g(f m) else m
The block-statement is simply the composition of finitely many functions: first apply the first function to the given storage, then the second function,
etc., and finally the last function. For example, block [f,g,h] m = h(g(f m)) :
block :: [s -> s] -> s -> s
block [] m = m
block (f:fs) m = block fs (f m)
Boolean expressions represent predicates of the storage:
booleanValue :: Expr -> (Storage -> Bool)
booleanValue e = \m -> boolean(eval m e)
Finally, with these definitions, the function run defined above is equivalent to the following:
run’ :: Program -> Storage -> Storage
run’ (i := e) = assign i e
run’ (IfElse e p q) = ifElse (booleanValue e) (run’ p) (run’ q)
run’ (If e p) = ifElse (booleanValue e) (run’ p) id
run’ (While e p) = while (booleanValue e) (run’ p)
run’ (Block ps) = block (map run’ ps)
Next: The main program Runxy