CS计算机代考程序代写 Haskell # Functions in Haskell

# Functions in Haskell

* Read also Chapter 4 of the text book “Programming in Haskell.

## Overview

In this lesson, we study various ways how functions can be defined in Haskell.
We will study the following ways:

1. Composition of existing functions
2. Conditionals (`if _ then _ else _ `)
3. Guarded equations
4. Pattern matching
5. Lambda expressions

At the end, we will also look at **operators** (infix function symbols such as `++`), and how to turn them into functions.

## Composing functions

A video for this section, including explanation of the exercise, is [here](https://bham.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=fbf5d940-700b-46ab-aee2-ac3e016514bd).

We can compose existing functions to get new ones.
For instance:
removeLast :: [a] -> [a]
removeLast xs = reverse (tail (reverse xs))

removeElem :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
removeElem n xs = removeLast (take n xs) ++ drop n xs

**Exercise:** Using the functions above, write a function that removes both the first and the last element of a list.

## Conditionals

Haskell provides `if _ then _ else _`. It is typed `Bool -> a -> a -> a`, polymorphically.
abs’ :: Integer -> Integer
abs’ n = if n >= 0 then n else -n
**Note:** The `else` branch is mandatory.

We can nest `if _ then _ else _`:
howMuchDoYouLikeHaskell :: Int -> String
howMuchDoYouLikeHaskell x = if x < 3 then "I dislike it!" else if x < 7 then "It's ok!" else "It's fun!" ``` This is difficult to read, however; guarded equations (see below) can be more pleasant to read. We will avoid conditionals. **Exercise:** Read the [discussion about `if _ then _ else _ ` on the Haskell wiki](https://wiki.haskell.org/If-then-else). ## Guarded equations A video for this section, including explanation for the exercise, is [here](https://bham.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=b80a3cd6-5293-4d0b-8177-ac3e01692c24). Guarded equations are an alternative to `if _ then _ else _` expressions. They are often more readable: ```haskell abs :: Int -> Int
abs n | n >= 0 = n
| otherwise = -n
Here, `n >= 0` and `otherwise` are called **guards**; they are Booleans.
The function returns the value after the **first** guard that evaluates to `True`.

Guarded equations are more convenient to use than `if _ then _ else _`:
howMuchDoYouLikeHaskell2 :: Int -> String
howMuchDoYouLikeHaskell2 x | x < 3 = "I dislike it!" | x < 7 = "It's ok!" | otherwise = "It's fun!" ``` **Exercise:** Using guarded equations, write a function of type `Int -> Int -> Bool` that returns `True` if the first argument is greater than the second and less than twice the second.

## Pattern matching

**Pattern matching** analyses the input according to how it is built.
The input is matched against a sequence of patterns; the first pattern that matches determines the output of the function.

### Overview

There are only two possibilities for what a Boolean value can be: `True` or `False`.
It is hence sufficient to have patterns for these two cases:
notB :: Bool -> Bool
notB False = True
notB True = False

There is only one way to make a pair:
swap :: (a, b) -> (b, a)
swap (x,y) = (y,x)

There are two ways to make a list:
isEmpty :: [a] -> Bool
isEmpty [] = True
isEmpty (x:xs) = False
We will look at all of these in detail now.

### On Booleans

One of the simplest patterns is to match for Booleans.

If the input is just one Boolean, there are only two patterns:
notB’ :: Bool -> Bool
notB’ False = True
notB’ True = False
If a function takes two Booleans as input, there are 2^2 = 4 patterns:
andB :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
andB True True = True
andB True False = False
andB False True = False
andB False False = False
The last three patterns can be combined. Here, the wildcard pattern `_` matches anything, and discards it:
andB’ :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
andB’ True True = True
andB’ _ _ = False
There is a difference between these two versions: in the latter, if the first argument is `False`, then the second argument does not need to be evaluated: `False` is returned immediately.

In the next example, the pattern `b` matches anything. However, in contrast to `_`, **we can use `b`** on the right-hand side of `=`:
andB” :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
andB” True b = b
andB” False _ = False

**Exercise:** Write a function `orB :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool` that returns `True` if at least one argument is `True`.

### Non-exhaustive patterns

Consider the following example:
isTrue :: Bool -> Bool
isTrue True = True
**Question:** What will `isTrue False` evaluate to?

**Answer:** This is a non-exhaustive pattern, and `isTrue False` will raise an exception:
*Main> isTrue False
*** Exception: defining-functions.hs:36:1-18: Non-exhaustive patterns in function isTrue
We can choose to throw a custom-made exception instead:
isTrue’ :: Bool -> Bool
isTrue’ True = True
isTrue’ False = error “not True”

### On tuples

If the function we are defining expects as input a **tuple**, we can match against the individual components:

fst :: (a,b) -> a
fst (x,y) = x
We actually don’t use `y` in the output of the function, so we can use `fst (x,_) = x` instead.
snd :: (a,b) -> b
snd (_,y) = y
This generalizes to tuples of three or more components:
third :: (a, b, c) -> c
third (_, _, z) = z
We can match several tuples at the same time:
addVectors :: (Num a) => (a, a) -> (a, a) -> (a, a)
addVectors (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = (x1 + x2, y1 + y2)

**Exercise:** Write a function `swap :: (a, b) -> (b, a)` that swaps the elements of a pair.

### On lists

See also this (https://bham.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=3eebebd8-9a8c-49ef-8a85-ac3f0003b4ee).

All lists are built by prepending `(:)`, successively, elements to an existing list, starting with the empty list `[]`.
That means, the list `[1, 2, 3]` has been obtained as `1:[2,3]`, etc. – `[1, 2, 3]` is short for `1:(2:(3:[]))`.
In other words, every list in `[a]` is either
1. the empty list; or
2. of the form `x:xs` for `x :: a` and `xs :: [a]`.

isEmpty’ :: [a] -> Bool
isEmpty’ [] = True
isEmpty’ (x:xs) = False
We are not actually using `x` or `xs` in the output of the second pattern, so we can write the function more simply as
isEmpty” :: [a] -> Bool
isEmpty” [] = True
isEmpty” (_:_) = False
Note that the parentheses around `_:_` in the second pattern are necessary!

We can write more complex list patterns. To return the second element of a list:
sndElem :: [a] -> a
sndElem (_:x:_) = x

### Case expressions

The aforementioned patterns are special forms, for Booleans, and lists.
The general form for such pattern matching is via `case` expressions:

isEmpty2 :: [a] -> Bool
isEmpty2 x = case x of [] -> True
(_:_) -> False
Here, it is important that all the patterns are exactly aligned, i.e., the `[]` and `(_:_)` must start in exactly the same column.

## Lambda expressions

Lambda expressions are **nameless** functions. They are particularly useful in **higher-order functions**, which will be discussed in a later lesson.
A video accompanying this section is [here](https://bham.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=5734065c-57af-43b0-a5be-ac400000eb9c).

Lambda expressions are of the form `\ -> `.
For instance, we can define a function that returns its double as `\x -> 2 * x`.
Here, the input variable is indicated by the backslash `\`. After the arrow `->`, the output of the function is specified.
(`\` stands for the greek letter λ (lambda), see [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda)).
Thus, the following definitions are equivalent:
double :: Int -> Int
double x = 2 * x

double’ :: Int -> Int
double’ = \x -> 2 * x
Lambda expressions can have **several** input variables:
mult :: Int -> Int -> Int
mult x y = x * y

mult’ :: Int -> Int -> Int
mult’ = \x y -> x * y
Here, the second variant is a short form of
mult” :: Int -> (Int -> Int)
mult” = \x -> (\y -> x * y)
Just like a pattern can ignore (part of) the input, a lambda expression can ignore its input
alwaysZero :: Bool -> Int
alwaysZero = \_ -> 0

One important application of lambda expressions are **higher-order functions**, where functions are arguments to other functions.
apply :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
apply f x = f x

*Main> apply (\_ -> 5) ‘r’
*Main> apply (\ x -> if x < 0 then "Less than zero!" else "Greater or equal than zero!") (-3) "Less than zero!" ``` ## Operators and sections There is also a [video](https://bham.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=361993f2-6410-4be3-8f23-ac46017605da) on operators and sections. When a function has two arguments, such as `(:)`, we can write it infix, between its two arguments. A function that is used infix (hence necessary binary) is called an **operator**. 1. Any binary function can be turned into an operator by enclosing it in backticks. E.g. `div 7 2` can be written ``7 `div` 2``. 2. Conversely, any operator can be used prefix by enclosing it in parentheses, e.g., `(:) 1 [2,3]`. Every operator `⊗` with inputs of type `a` and `b` and output of type `c` gives rise to three **sections**: 1. `(⊗) :: a -> b -> c`. Here, `(⊗) = \x y -> x ⊗ y`.
2. `(x ⊗) :: b -> c`, where `x :: a`. Here, `(x ⊗) = \y -> x ⊗ y`.
3. `(⊗ y) :: a -> c`, where `y :: b`. Here, `(⊗ y) = \x -> x ⊗ y`.

Sections can be used to concisely define functions:
square :: Int -> Int
square = (^2)

reci :: Fractional a => a -> a
reci = (1 /)
1. An operator `⊗` by itself is not a valid Haskell expression: it needs to be used as a section, e.g., `(⊗)`.
2. Sections are useful when programming with higher-order functions (cf. later lesson.).

## Exercises
(Adapted and expanded from the book “Programming in Haskell)
1. Define three variants of a function `third :: [a] -> a` that returns the third element in any list that contains at least this many elements, using
1. `head` and `tail`
2. list indexing `!!`
3. pattern matching
2. Define a function `safetail :: [a] -> [a]` that behaves like tail except that it maps `[]` to `[]` (instead of throwing an error). Using `tail` and `isEmpty :: [a] -> Bool`,
define `safetail` using
1. a conditional expression
2. guarded equations
3. pattern matching

## Quiz time

Test your understanding by taking this [quiz](https://canvas.bham.ac.uk/courses/56356/quizzes/136297).
Don’t worry, it is not marked, and you can take it as many times as you want.

## See also
1. [Chapter 3, “Syntax in Functions” of “Learn You a Haskell”](https://git.cs.bham.ac.uk/mhe/fp-learning-2021-2022/-/blob/master/Resources/LearnYouaHaskell/LearnYouaHaskell.pdf)
2. Haskell Wiki on [Sections](https://wiki.haskell.org/Section_of_an_infix_operator)

## Summary
1. We have seen several ways to define functions: composition, conditionals, guard equations, pattern matching, lambda expressions.
2. When patterns are not exhaustive, functions raise an exception whenever no pattern matches. To avoid this, one may use a catch-all `otherwise` pattern at the end.
3. Any pattern matching can be expressed using a `case` expression.
4. Anonymous functions can concisely be written using lambda expressions.