CS计算机代考程序代写 # MDP.py

# MDP.py
# Contains classes and methods to represent and manipulate MDPs, policies, and values.

from typing import List, Tuple, Optional

class State:

class Action:

class MDP:
This class is the basic interface for an MDP.
Implementations of MDPs include SMMDP in file statemachine.py
def states(self) -> List[State]:

def actions(self) -> List[Action]:

def applicable_actions(self, s: State) -> List[Action]:

def next_states(self, s: State, a: Action) -> List[Tuple[State,float,float]]:
Returns the outcome of performing action a in state s.
Defined as a list of elements [s’,prob,rew]
where s’ is the next state,
prob is the probability of reaching this state,
and rew is the reward.

def initial_state(self) -> State:

class Policy:
The interface for a deterministic Markov Policy
def action(self, s: State) -> Action:
print(f'{type(self).__name__} action function not implemented’)

class ExplicitPolicy(Policy):
A DM Policy explicitly represented as a dictionary with default action of the first applicable action.
def __init__(self, mdp: MDP):
self.mdp = mdp
self._explicit_decision = {}

def set_action(self, s: State, a: Action):
self._explicit_decision[s] = a

def action(self, s: State):
if not s in self._explicit_decision:
self.set_action(s, next(iter(self.mdp.applicable_actions(s)))) # takes the first action from the set of applicable actions
return self._explicit_decision[s]

class History:
def __init__(
mdp: Optional[MDP] = None,
init_state: Optional[State] = None,
h: Optional = None
if not h is None:
self.mdp_ = h.mdp_
self.seq_ = h.seq_.copy()
self.mdp_ = mdp
self.seq_ = [ init_state ] if not init_state is None else [ mdp.initial_state() ]

def __repr__(self):
strings = []
for o in self.seq_:
return ‘ ‘.join(strings)

def pretty_repr(self) -> List[str]:
strings = []
for i in range(self.length()):
strings.append( str(self.state(i)) + ‘\taction: ‘ + str(self.action(i)) + ‘\treward: ‘ + str(self.reward(i)))
return strings

def add(self, act: Action, state: State, rew: float) -> None:

def state(self, i) -> State:
From 0 to length() inclusive
return self.seq_[i*3]

def action(self, i) -> Action:
From 0 to length()-1 inclusive
return self.seq_[1 + (i*3)]

def reward(self, i) -> float:
From 0 to length()-1 inclusive
return self.seq_[2 + (i*3)]

def length(self) -> int:
return len(self.seq_) // 3

def last_state(self) -> State:
return self.state(self.length())

# eof