# Rigorous programming
* [Rigorous specifications](https://bham.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=965ed98d-cf50-4e9e-a612-ac6f012694e0) (25min)
* [Formal specifications](https://bham.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=c3ee7a18-29ee-4882-aa90-ac6f01269489) (11min)
* [Examples of specifications](https://bham.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=af52adbd-2534-4271-bef5-ac6f0126951f) (14min)
* [A computer language for formal specifications](https://bham.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=71627ba3-8363-4293-9a09-ac6f012694b0) (13min)
Total 1:03hr.
## Rigorous specifications
the quality of being extremely thorough and careful
See also [*Intellectual rigour*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rigour#Intellectual_rigour).
The mathematician [Terence Tao](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terence_Tao), in his blog post [There’s more to mathematics than rigour and proofs](https://terrytao.wordpress.com/career-advice/theres-more-to-mathematics-than-rigour-and-proofs/), describes the division of mathematical education into three stages:
1. The *pre-rigorous* stage.
*Mathematics is taught in an informal, intuitive manner, based on
examples, fuzzy notions, and hand-waving.*
1. The *rigorous* stage.
*One is taught that in order to do maths “properly”, one needs to
work and think in a much more precise and formal manner.*
1. The *post-rigorous* stage.
*One has grown comfortable with all the rigorous foundations of
one’s chosen field, and is now ready to revisit and refine one’s
pre-rigorous intuition on the subject, but this time with the
intuition solidly buttressed by rigorous theory.*
*The point of rigour is not to destroy all intuition; instead, it
should be used to destroy bad intuition while clarifying and
elevating good intuition. It is only with a combination of both
rigorous formalism and good intuition that one can tackle complex
mathematical problems.*
*The ideal state to reach is when every heuristic argument
naturally suggests its rigorous counterpart, and vice versa. Then
you will be able to tackle maths problems by using both halves of
your brain at once – i.e., the same way you already tackle
problems in “real life”.*
The very same thoughts apply with *mathematics* replaced by *computer
science*, and, in particular, *computer programming*.
These lecture notes are about the *beginning* of a *rigorous* stage of
*computer programming*, with the intention of leading to a
post-rigorous stage in the above sense.
## From pre-rigorous to rigorous programming
We write programs and we have an intuitive idea of what they are
intended to do. We test them to make sure.
*Example.* Write a program to reverse a list. Sample solution:
rev :: [a] -> [a]
rev [] = []
rev (x:xs) = rev xs ++ [x]
We may test this and see that `rev [1,2,3]` evaluates to `[3,2,1]`, and
take this as sufficient evidence of the correctness of our
implementation of `rev`.
For this programming task, the pre-rigorous stage is perfectly fine
and sufficient. It is easy to understand what is asked, and it is
easy to see that the sample solution does do what is asked.
Moreover, for students without training in writing and reading
rigorous proofs, such a proof will probably not be very
enlightening. It will add little, if anything, to the
understanding. It is only for more complex tasks that we need more
### Program specifications
At the rigorous stage, we do proofs as suggested above, and we train
students to read and write them. But before doing proofs, we need to
understand rigorously *what* we are going to prove. This is the
program *specification*. We want to give a convincing argument that
the program satisfies its specification.
In the pre-rigorous stage, we still need to understand the *program
specification*, which in the above example is the description of the
task to be performed: to reverse a list.
If one doesn’t know what “to reverse a list” means, an explanation is needed.
One may give examples,
rev [] = []
rev [1,2,3] = [3,2,1]
and sometimes this is enough. If we want to be a little bit more
precise, we may write the specification as
rev [a₀, a₁, ⋯, aₙ₋₂, aₙ₋₁] = [aₙ₋₁, aₙ₋₂, ⋯, a₁, a₀]
with the convention that when `n=0`, the expression `[a₀, a₁, ⋯, aₙ₋₂,
aₙ₋₁]` stands for `[]`. (This is a common convention that is often not
made explicit.)
If we want to be even more precise, we may say that what is required
is that for all `i` in the range `[0 .. length xs – 1]`, we have that
(rev xs) !! i = xs !! (length xs – 1 – i)
where `(!! i)` picks the `i`th element of a list.
We may also give a *partial specification*, such as e.g.
rev (rev xs) = xs
which says that reversing a list twice gives the original list. This
specification is partial (or *ambiguous*) because there are functions
other than `rev` that satisfy this specification, like the identity
id xs = xs
Another example of a partial specification is “find an element of a
list satisfying a given property”. The specification is partial
because it doesn’t say which element should be returned when there is
more than one, or what should be done when there is none (should we
use the `Maybe` type? should we give an error? or what?).
We can use types as parts of a specification, such as
find :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> a
find :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
Types by themselves, as in this example, also give partial
specifications. More examples are
position :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int
position :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe Int
positions :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [Int]
But the type alone is often not enough information of what is
required, of course. We may add, e.g.
* Given a property of elements of a list, find a position where the
element occurs in the list, giving an error if it doesn’t occur.
* Given a property of elements of a list, find a position where the
element occurs in the list, returning `-1` if it doesn’t occur.
This is probably a bad idea, but, good or bad, it is a specification.
* Given a property of elements of a list, find a position where the
element occurs, using `Maybe` to account for the
possibility that no element satisfying the property occurs in the
* Given a property of elements of a list, find the *first* position where the
element occurs, using `Maybe` to account for the
possibility that no element satisfying the property occurs in the
* Given a property of elements of a list, find the *last* position where the
element occurs, using `Maybe` account for the
possibility that no element satisfying the property occurs in the
* Given a property of elements of a list, find *all positions* where
the element occurs, and collect them in a list (which will be empty
if no element satisfying the property occurs in the given list).
Sometimes the name of a function may act as a partial specification,
as in the above examples, but function names are not always wisely
chosen and hence are not reliable in general. At best, function names
act as reminders of what the functions specifications (to be found
elsewhere) are, if the names are wisely chosen.
*Example*. The [Hoogle](ttps://hoogle.haskell.org) specifications are
usually stated in a *pre-rigorous* language. They are usually
ambiguous, but often by accident rather than by explicit intent. And
often they are not clear enough. The Hoogle specifications are still
very useful. But often I find myself trying examples to attempt to
clarify (seemingly undeliberate) ambiguities that matter for what I
want to do.
One reason to give as precise specifications as possible is to avoid
unwanted ambiguities. For example, the above two kinds of
specifications `find` and `position` try to find something, but they
are fundamentally different.
A third, also different, but related function is
occurs :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
with the specification that it tells whether or not an element satisfying a given property occurs in a given list
### Formal specifications
All the above specifications are in the pre-rigorous stage, getting
increasingly more rigorous. The ultimate stage of rigour is
*formalism*, where we use a precisely defined language to write down
computer program *specifications*, and also *proofs* that these
specifications are satisfied.
Such formalisms were invented by mathematical logicians, and include
[first-order logic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-order_logic),
[set theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-order_logic),
[Martin-Löf type
among others.
Computer scientists then [implemented](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proof_assistant) some such formal systems so that computers can check not only mathematics but also computer programs for correctness.
Formal specification and proof is an extreme form of rigour, where we
not only give the specification in a formal language, but also prove
that programs satisfy their intended specifications, with the proofs
written also in this language, checked by the computer.
## Learning objective of these lecture notes
Here our emphasis will be on *specifications* rather than
*proofs*. That is, the question we address here is “how do we say
rigorously, and even formally, what we intend our programs to do”.
We emphasize that mathematics is usually done rigorously *but not
formally* with computer checked proofs, although some people have
formalized quite complicated mathematical proofs and checked them with
Similarly, proofs of correctness of computer programs are usually done
with paper and pencil (or even just in our heads) rather than formally
on a computer, although again people have formally proved with
computers the correctness of some tricky algorithms or of large pieces
of software, including e.g. programming language compilers (whose
correctness is definitely rather important).
## Examples of rigorous computer-program specifications
We now discuss the problem of finding elements satisfying a given
property in a list in order to illustrate the importance of clear
1. occurs :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
2. find :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> a
3. find :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
4. position :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int
5. position :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe Int
6. positions :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [Int]
As discussed above, the types already give an *indication* of what the
functions are intended to do (that is, they give a *partial* or
*ambiguous* specifications, in the sense discussed above).
1. Our intended specification for `occurs :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool` is easy to state rigorously:
Given a property `p :: a -> Bool` and a list `xs :: [a]`, we want that
* `occurs p xs = True` if and only if there is `i :: Int` such that
– `0 ≤ i < length xs` and - `p(xs !! i) = True`. This requirement says that there is a valid index `i` for the list `xs` such that the `i`th element of `xs` satisfies the property `p`. (It doesn't hurt repeating what the specification says in different words.) Even if this specification is precise, we may still give examples to aid understanding: * `occurs p [] = False` for any `p`. * `occurs even [1,3,5] = False` * `occurs even [1,2,3] = True` * `occurs odd [1,2,3] = True` 1. Our intended specification of `find :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> a` is almost as easy as that of `occurs`.
Given a property `p :: a -> Bool` and a list `xs :: [a]`, we want
* *if* there is `i :: Int` such that `0 ≤ i < length xs` and `p (xs !! i) = True` * *then* `find p xs` is some such element `xs !! i` of the list `xs`. Notice that this is a conditional statement. If the condition is not satisfied, we are allowed to do anything we wish, such as giving an error, or returning any element of the list `xs` if the list is non-empty, etc. Specifications are quite often conditional. In this case, the condition is often called the *pre-condition*. If the pre-condition is not satisfied, we are allowed to do anything we wish (compatible with the required type of the function, if a type is given as part of the specification). An equivalent specification is the following: Given a property `p :: a -> Bool` and a list `xs :: [a]`, we want that
* *if* there is `i :: Int` with `0 ≤ i < length xs` and `p (xs !! i) =
* *then* `p (find p xs) = True` and also `find p xs` is an element of the list `xs`.
1. Our intended specification of `find :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe
a` is similar.
We want that `find p xs = Just x` implies that `x` occurs in the list `xs` and `p x = True`.
We also want that `find p xs = Nothing` implies that there is no
`x` that occurs in the list `xs` such that `p x = True`.
* `find p [] = Nothing` for any `p`.
* `find even [1,3,5] = Nothing`.
* `find even [1,2,3] = Just 2`
* `find odd [1,2,3] = Just 1`
* `find odd [1,2,3] = Just 3`
The reason the last two equations are possible (although not
simultaneously, of course), is that our specification is ambiguous,
or partial in the sense discussed above.
When a specification is ambiguous, there may be different
implementations satisfying the same specification. One
implementation may satisfy `find odd [1,2,3] = Just 1` and another
implementation may satisfy `find odd [1,2,3] = Just 3`. But, according
to the specification we have given, even if it is ambiguous, any
implementation must satisfy the first three equations.
There is nothing intrinsically wrong with ambiguous
specifications. Often specifications are deliberately
ambiguous. (Like word auto-completion in a text editor. Which
auto-completions should we suggest, when there is more than one? We
may leave the decision open for the implementation to decide,
without invalidating the specification.)
But sometimes specifications are *accidentally ambiguous*. Not
because we wanted to be deliberately ambiguous, but because we were
not precise enough in what we tried to say. Or maybe because we
forgot to write down something we had in mind.
Just as there may be incorrect programs (that is, programs that
don’t satisfy the intended specifications), there may be incorrect
specifications (we had something in mind, but we didn’t express it
properly in words).
1. Our intended specification of `position :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int`.
With the above background, we’ll be brief this time.
Given a property `p :: a -> Bool` and a list `xs :: [a]`, we want
* *if* there is `i :: Int` such that `0 ≤ i < length xs` and `p (xs !! i) = True`, * *then* `position p xs` is some such `i`. We are not saying what `position` should do if this condition is not fulfilled. Our specification is (deliberately or accidentally) ambiguous. 1. Our intended specification of `position :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe Int`.
Given a property `p :: a -> Bool` and a list `xs :: [a]`, we want
* *if* there is `i :: Int` such that `0 ≤ i < length xs` and `p
(xs !! i) = True`,
* *then* `position p xs = Just i` for some such `i`.
* *Otherwise*, we intend that `position p xs = Nothing`.
We are not saying which such `i` should be returned in the case the
pre-condition is fulfilled. Any such `i` is allowed (the first, the
last, or an arbitrary one).
1. Our intended specification of `positions :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] ->
Given a property `p :: a -> Bool` and a list `xs :: [a]`, we want
* If some given `i :: Int` is in the list `positions p xs`, then `0 ≤ i < length xs` and `p (xs !! i) = True`. * If some given `i :: Int` with `0 ≤ i < length xs` satisfies the condition `p (xs !! i) = True`, then `i` is in the list `positions p xs`. *Remark.* The list `positions xs p` will be empty precisely when for all `x` in the list `xs` we have `p x = False`. I would say that this specification is pre-rigorous or post-rigorous, in the sense that when we read it we understand precisely what "is in the list" means. If we want to be fully rigorous, we can say: * For any `j :: Int` with `0 ≤ j < length (positions p xs)` we have that `p (xs !! (positions p xs !! j)) = True`. * If some given `i :: Int` with `0 ≤ i < length xs` satisfies the condition `p (xs !! i) = True`, then there is `j` with `0 ≤ j < length (positions p xs)` such that `positions p xs !! j = i`. ## The language for rigorous specifications It turns out that a limited logical vocabulary suffices, in practice, to write specifications. * `for all`, `for some`, `and`, `or`, `not`, `implies`, `equals`. ## A computer language for formal specifications and proofs We will use a notation close to the [Agda](https://wiki.portal.chalmers.se/agda/pmwiki.php) language for writing such formal specifications. ## Formal versions of the above specifications 1. Specification of `occurs :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool`:
∀ (a : Type) (p : a -> Bool) (xs : List a)
→ occurs p xs ≡ True ⇔ Σ i ꞉ Int , (0 ≤ i)
× (i < length xs)
× (p(xs !! i) ≡ True)
* Here `∀` means `for all` or `for any given` (universal quantification).
* The symbol `≡` stands for mathematical equality.
* The symbol `⇔` stands for logical equivalence `if and only if`.
* `Σ` (sum) plays the role of `there exists` or `for some` (existential quantification).
* `×` (cartesian product) plays the role of `and` (conjunction).
1. Specification of `find :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> a`
∀ (a : Type) (p : a -> Bool) (xs : List a)
→ (Σ i ꞉ Int , (0 ≤ i)
× (i < length xs)
× (p (xs !! i) ≡ True))
→ (Σ i ꞉ Int , (0 ≤ i)
× (i < length xs)
× (p (xs !! i) ≡ True)
× (find p xs ≡ xs !! i))
An equivalent specification is the following:
∀ (a : Type) (p : a -> Bool) (xs : List a)
→ (Σ i ꞉ Int , (0 ≤ i)
× (i < length xs)
× (p (xs !! i) ≡ True))
→ p (find p xs) ≡ True
× (Σ i ꞉ Int , (0 ≤ i)
× (i < length xs)
× find p xs ≡ xs !! i)
1. Specification of `find :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a`.
∀ (a : Type) (p : a -> Bool) (xs : List a)
→ (∀ (x : a) → find p xs ≡ Just x → (p x ≡ True)
× (Σ i ꞉ Int , (0 ≤ i)
× (i < length xs)
× (xs !! i ≡ x)))
× (find p xs ≡ Nothing → ¬(Σ i ꞉ Int , (0 ≤ i)
× (i < length xs)
× p(xs !! i) ≡ True))
* Here `¬` stands for `not` (negation).
1. Specification of `position :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int`.
∀ (a : Type) (p : a -> Bool) (xs : List a)
→ (Σ i ꞉ Int , (0 ≤ i)
× (i < length xs)
× (p (xs !! i) ≡ True))
→ (Σ i ꞉ Int , (0 ≤ i)
× (i < length xs)
× (p (xs !! i) ≡ True)
× (position p xs ≡ i))
1. Specification of `position :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe Int`.
Have a go, based on the above.
1. Our intended specification of `positions :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] ->
Have a go, based on the above.
## The Game of Life
[What do “periodic” and “eventually periodic” mean](https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~mhe/fp-learning-2017-2018/html/periodic.html).
## Trees
[Specifications and correctness proofs of some of the programs we’ve seen in lectures](https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~mhe/fp-learning-2017-2018/html/Agda-in-a-Hurry.html).
## The monad laws
Are [here](https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~mhe/fp-learning-2017-2018/html/monads.html).
## Further reading
* [Fast and Loose Reasoning is Morally Correct](https://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/jeremy.gibbons/publications/fast+loose.pdf)
I am not sure I subscribe to what the title claims, but at least this
paper identifies some things we have (deliberately) overlooked in our
discussion, which you should be aware of.
The issue is that we haven’t discussed non-terminating programs, and
this does affect how specifications should be written.