CS计算机代考程序代写 flex algorithm Assignment 3: Markov Decision Processes

Assignment 3: Markov Decision Processes

COMP4620/8620, Advanced Topics on Artificial Intelligence

Second Semester 2021

This assignment revolves around Markov Decision Processes.

It is composed of three independent parts, each worth 5 points. It is based on a solution to the Lab1.

Important: do not replace the implementation provided here with your own implementa-
tion. If you do replace the implementation, you risk being incorrectly flagged for plagiarism.

In order to complete the assignment, you need to fork the following repository:

• https://gitlab.cecs.anu.edu.au/comp4620/2021/comp4620-2021-s2-assignment1

Make sure that your local copy is private.
Then follow the instructions in the next pages and edit the appropriate files. Commit and push your

changes into your fork before the deadline:

Monday, October 18, 23.55 AEDT

Comment: Refrain from using the method deepcopy, as it has been responsible for a number of bugs in
the previous years.


1 Modelling (5/15)

In this exercise, you are asked to modify MDPs in order to incorporate additional constraints. These
constraints can be used for instance in order to force the agent to modify their behaviour, for instance
by penalising or encouraging some types of behaviours (e.g., forbid dangerous actions). This approach is
generally better than directly editing the policy.

There are five methods to implement in the file modelling.py. Each problem is described below. In
order to test your implementation, I also added the files modelling-i.py for i in {1, . . . , 5}. These test files
are based on the Dungeon example of Lab1. I also included modelling-0.py, which shows how the agent
should behave optimally for the basic map, and I describe below how you should expect the agent to behave
given the modification to the MDP.

By default, the agent hires peons from the start location, then tries to move to Room 1, Room 2, and
the Market, in this order. From there, the agent hires a Wizard, move to the Large Chest Room, and finally
go to the Small Chest Room.

Here are the five methods you are asked to implement:

1. modify action reward(mdp: MDP, a: Action, delta: float)

This method returns a modified version of mdp such that the execution of the action a modifies the reward
by delta (so, if the execution of the action was supposed to provide a reward of r, it will instead give a
reward of r+delta).

You can test it with file modelling-1.py. In this scenario, we give a huge subsidy to hiring peons. As
a consequence, the optimal policy is hiring peons from the Start location and moving to the Large Chest
Room in order to kill the peons; then return to the Start location to re-hire peons, etc.

2. penalise condition(mdp: MDP, condition: Callable[[State],bool], delta: float)

This method returns a modified version of mdp such that every time a state is reached in which the
specified condition is satisfied (i.e., such that condition(state) is True) the reward is reduced by delta.

You can test it with file modelling-2.py. In this scenario, there is a penalty for having a party of two.
As a consequence, the optimal policy involves going to the Room 3 with the peon after Rooms 1 and 2 are
visited, with the idea that losing him is actually better than keeping him around.

3. forbid action(mdp: MDP, act: Action)

This method returns a modified version of mdp such that act is forbidden except in states where it is the
only applicable action. (Notice that this can be abused by the agent who can put themselves in a situation
where act is the only applicable action.)

You can test it with file modelling-3.py in which moving to Room 1 with the first adventurer of the
party is forbidden. As a consequence, the optimal policy requires hiring two peons early instead of just one.

4. forbid two actions(mdp: MDP, act: Action)

This method returns a modified version of mdp such that act can be executed only once. Again, if act
is the only action applicable, it remains allowed.

You can test it with file modelling-4.py in which moving to Room 1 with the first adventurer of the
party is authorised only once. The big difference with the basic strategy appears if the peon fails to enter


Room 1 the first time: because the move to Room1 by the first adventurer is only allowed once, the agent
is forced to go to the Market, hire a wizard, and hire a peon afterwards. In the basic strategy, hiring the
wizard is postponed as much as possible.

5. one action between(mdp: MDP, a: Action, b: Action)

This method returns a modified version of mdp in which it is forbidden to perform action a twice without
the action b in between. For instance, accca and abbaa are forbidden while accbca and abbaba are allowed.

You can test it with file modelling-5.py in which it is forbidden to hire two peons for a price of 10
without hiring a soldier (for a price of 100) in between. The optimal strategy for this scenario involves
moving to the Market as early as possible, and hiring a soldier if necessary.


2 Strongly Connected Components (5/15)

As seen in class, some MDPs contains subsets of states that one cannot escape from. This is illustrated in
Figure 11: the states 7 and 8 form a sink; the states 4–6 form a loop, and are able to reach 7 and 8; the
state 1–3 form a higher level loop.







7 8

Figure 1: Example of a state transition system with three Strongly Connected Components.

A maximal set of states S′ such that all states of S′ are reachable from any other state of S′ is called
a strongly connected component (SCC). There are three SCCs in the example of Figure 1: {1, 2, 3},
{4, 5, 6}, and {7, 8}.

SCCs can be exploited to accelerate the procedure of computing a (optimal) policy. The idea is to run
the algorithms (be it VI, PI, or something else) first in the inner SCCs (here {7, 8}) before considering the
other SCCs. The reason is that the values of the states and actions in the outer SCCs depend on the values
of the inner SCCs, and that it is generally not worth backing these values too early.

In this section, you will have to use the implementation provided in connectedcomp.py. This implemen-
tation provides two classes:

• ConnectedComponent represents a Strongly Connected Component, defined as the set of states in this
SCC as well as the SCCs that can be reached from these states by one transition. For instance, in the
example of Figure 1, there would be three SCCs:

– SCC1 has set of states {7, 8} and no children;
– SCC2 has set of states {4, 5, 6} and one child, SCC1;
– SCC3 has set of states {1, 2, 3} and children SCC1 and SCC2.

• CCGraph represent the graph of strongly connected components. The roots of the graph are those nodes
that have no parent, SCC3 in the example of Figure 1.

2.1 Explain SCCs

File decomposition.txt contains a decomposition of the state space of the Dungeon domain (for the basic
map) into SCCs. In the first part of the file, explain why there are several SCCs.

1Only the possible transitions are represented in the figure; actions are not.


2.2 Topological-VI

Topological-VI is a variant of VI and a special case of Asynchronous VI that uses SCCs. As described
above, Topological-VI performs Bellman backups on the inner SCCs (the SCC {7, 8} in our example) before
considering the outer SCCs.

In file top.py, implement the following method:

6. topological vi(mdp: MDP, gamma: float, epsilon: float, graph: CCGraph)

Performs the Topological-VI algorithm on the specified mdp according to the specified CCGraph, using
the specified discount value, and stopping the algorithm when backups fall below the specify error threshold.

Notice that, because of implementation choices and because of the small size of the test domain, your
implementation of Topological-VI may be slower than the implementation of VI2.

You can use top-1.py to test your implementation.

2.3 Compute the Strongly Connected Components

There exist several algorithms to compute SCCs. The most efficient ones include Tarjan’s strongly connected
components algorithm and Kosaraju’s algorithm. These algorithms are very clever. I propose that you
implement a more expensive algorithm because it is easier to understand; you are allowed to implement
instead one of the more complex algorithms mentioned above.3

In the algorithm I propose, you compute, for each state s, the set R(s) of states that can be reached from
s. The strongly connected components are subsets of states that share the same set of reachable states.

In file connectedcomp.py, implement the following method:

7. compute connected components(mdp: MDP)

Computes the CCGraph of the specified MDP.

You can use top-2.py to test your implementation.

2It is indeed the case for my implementation.
3You are free to look up their description in Wikipedia. Other sources should be explicitely mentioned.


3 Computing Flexible Policies (5/15)

Given an MDP, there is often a single optimal policy. A policy indicates which specific actions ought to be
performed in any given state; it is therefore very strict. In real applications however, there often are multiple
nearly equivalent policies. It can therefore be useful to compute non-deterministic policies, in which the
agent is given a set of actions that it may perform in any state.

Read the Section 2 of the paper from Fard and Pineau [FP08] that defines a non-deterministic policy
Π (do not use the pdf from NIH which looks disgusting; the pdf from ResearchGate for instance is much

3.1 Explanation

Consider the policy presented in the MDP of Figure 2. For simplicity, it is assumed that, in this problem,
each action is deterministic, i.e., it leads to only one state.

This policy is non-deterministic since (for instance) there are two possible actions from state 0.

0 1

2 3



cost=10 cost=8

reward=100 reward=100


Figure 2: Example of non-deterministic policy for an MDP. Each action has deterministic effect.

We consider here a discount factor γ of .99 and a generous � value of .5. Since the value of the optimal
policy is 89.09 (starting from state 0), this means that the value of the non-deterministic policy should be
at least ∼ 44.5.

Because � is so high, the non-deterministic policy allows the transition from 0 to 1 and from 1 to 0
because taking these transitions does not harm the total reward significantly (there is a cost of 1 and the
effect of the discounting factor).

Yet, the policy in Figure 2 is not conservative �-optimal according to the definition from Fard and Pineau.
Explain why at the bottom of the file nondet.py.

3.2 Compute the Value of a Non-Deterministic Policy

In file nondet.py, implement the following method:

8. compute policy value(mdp: MDP, ndpol: NDPolicy, gamma: float,
epsilon: float, max iteration: int)

Computes the value of the specified non-deterministic policy on the specified MDP with the specified
discount factor. The algorithm should be iterative; Parameters epsilon and max_iteration are used to
determine when to stop the computation.


You can use nondet-1.py to test your implementation.

3.3 Compute a Non-Augmentable Non-Deterministic Policy

Augmenting a policy means increasing the number of actions Π(s), i.e., increasing the flexibility of the
policy. When the policy is non-augmentable, then it reached the point where increasing the flexibility will
have negative consequences (e.g., it may significantly compromise the expected reward).

Exploit the property of monotonicity described in the paper by building a greedy algorithm that returns
a non-augmentable non-deterministic policy that satisfies the property (6) from the paper:

V ΠM (s) ≥ (1− �)V

M (s) for all state s.

In file nondet.py, implement the following method:

9. compute non augmentable policy(mdp: MDP, gamma: float, epsilon: float,
subopt epsilon: float, max iteration: int) -> NDPolicy

Computes a non-augmentable non-deterministic policy for the specified MDP with the specified discount
factor. Parameters epsilon and max_iteration are used to compute the value of the non-deterministic
policies; Parameter subopt_epsilon is the parameter that indicates how close to the optimal value the
non-deterministic policy should be.


[FP08] M. M. Fard and J. Pineau. MDPs with non-deterministic policies. In 21st Advances in Neural
Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS-08), pages 1065–1072, 2008.