CS计算机代考程序代写 Haskell algorithm # Unbeatable tic-tac-toe

# Unbeatable tic-tac-toe

They have the material on trees from [Data1](Data1.md) and [Data2](Data2.md) as a prerequisite.

| O | O
O | X | O
X | X | X

The first part of this handout is code from chapter 11 of our adopted book [Programming in Haskell](http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~pszgmh/pih.html), 2nd edition,
by [Graham Hutton](http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~pszgmh/), Cambridge University Press, 2016, with annotations and additions by the module lecturer. **You are required to read chapter 11 the book for a full account.** This handout is just a summary.

The second part discusses some optimizations performed by the lecturer, which are not included in the book.

## Lecture recordings

* [Representation of grid and players, and making moves](https://bham.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=588aa6f9-7e0c-4396-9d2a-ac6900cc0a3b) (27min).
* [Human vs. Human](https://bham.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=b7e6e19e-1894-4b82-806a-ac6900cc0a63) (15 min).
* [Playing optimally using trees](https://bham.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=dcc284e9-7801-48fa-bb83-ac6900cc0aab) (10min).
* [The minimax algorithm](https://bham.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=f06bea61-881d-48d7-9a6e-ac6900cc0ae1) (13min).
* [Human vs. computer](https://bham.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=a659b857-99c1-4851-8683-ac6900cccc1e) (6min).
* [Optimization of the computation of the best move](https://bham.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=450b6936-0c5b-4d47-8c73-ac6900cd31bf) (21min).
* [Minimax with explicit α-β-pruning](https://bham.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=f596b080-d681-41dc-a1ba-ac6900cd70d9) (10min).

Total time 1:42hrs.

## Fix needed in this handout

TODO. The way the program is designed in the book, the first player has to be `O`. So any examples given below with `X` first will be meaningless.

## Basic declarations

import Data.Char
import Data.List
import System.IO

By default, the board is `3 × 3`, but we can change that:

size :: Int
size = 3

## Representation of the grid and players

We represent a grid as a list of rows, where a row is a list of players

type Grid = [[Player]]

and where a player is `O`, `B` (blank) or `X`:

data Player = O | B | X
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

We have
O < B < X ``` This will be important when we consider the `minimax` algorithm to play the game optimally. * Player `O` wants to minimize the outcome of the game. * Player `X` wants to maximize it. * The game may be a draw, which we will represent by `B`. The traditional convention in game theory is to use ```hs -1,0,1 ``` rather than `O,B,X` for the outcome of the game, also called the *pay off* in game theory, and the *score* colloquially, but we will follow the book, using the type `Player` sometimes to encode players, and sometimes to encode the actual outcome of a complete game, and to encode the optimal outcome of an incomplete game. ## Determining who plays next ```haskell next :: Player -> Player
next O = X
next B = B
next X = O

## Grid utilities

The empty grid:

empty :: Grid
empty = replicate size (replicate size B)
Check whether a grid is full:
full :: Grid -> Bool
full = all (/= B) . concat
Check who plays next:
turn :: Grid -> Player
turn g = if os <= xs then O else X where ps = concat g os = length (filter (== O) ps) xs = length (filter (== X) ps) ``` This assumes that the first player is `O`. Given a grid, extract its main diagonal as a list: ```haskell diag :: Grid -> [Player]
diag g = [g !! n !! n | n <- [0..size-1]] ``` Check whether a given player wins in a given grid: ```haskell wins :: Player -> Grid -> Bool
wins p g = any line (rows ++ cols ++ dias)
line = all (== p)
rows = g
cols = transpose g
dias = [diag g, diag (map reverse g)]
Check whether one of the players `O` or `X` wins in a given grid:
won :: Grid -> Bool
won g = wins O g || wins X g

## Making a move

For `size = 3`, the board and moves are

0 | 1 | 2
3 | 4 | 5
6 | 7 | 8
More generally the moves are numbers between `0` and `size²-1` inclusive.
type Move = Int
Check whether a move is `valid` and available in a given grid:
valid :: Grid -> Move -> Bool
valid g i = 0 <= i && i < size^2 && concat g !! i == B ``` We need a auxiliary function to break a list into maximal segments of a given length: ```haskell chop :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chop n [] = []
chop n xs = take n xs : chop n (drop n xs)
Perform a move, with the convention that `[]` indicates failure, `[g]` indicates success with result `g`, and lists with more than one element are not used (hence we could have used the `Maybe` type instead):
move :: Grid -> Move -> Player -> [Grid]
move g i p = if valid g i
then [chop size (xs ++ [p] ++ ys)]
else []
(xs,B:ys) = splitAt i (concat g)

## Displaying a grid

In the next few sections we discuss a command line interface.

interleave :: a -> [a] -> [a]
interleave x [] = []
interleave x [y] = [y]
interleave x (y:ys) = y : x : interleave x ys

showPlayer :: Player -> [String]
showPlayer O = [” “, ” O “, ” “]
showPlayer B = [” “, ” “, ” “]
showPlayer X = [” “, ” X “, ” “]

showRow :: [Player] -> [String]
showRow = beside . interleave bar . map showPlayer
beside = foldr1 (zipWith (++))
bar = replicate 3 “|”
The above definition is very concise, and it may be difficult to understand the types of the subexpressions. So let’s make this more verbose to aid understanding:
showRow’ :: [Player] -> [String]
showRow’ ps = beside (f ( g ps))
h :: [String] -> [String] -> [String]
h = zipWith (++)

beside :: [[String]] -> [String]
beside = foldr1 h

bar :: [String]
bar = replicate 3 “|”

f :: [[String]] -> [[String]]
f = interleave bar

g :: [Player] -> [[String]]
g = map showPlayer
Finally, we can print a grid as follows:
putGrid :: Grid -> IO ()
putGrid = putStrLn . unlines . concat . interleave bar . map showRow
bar = [replicate ((size*4)-1) ‘-‘]

## Reading a natural number

getNat :: String -> IO Int
getNat prompt = do putStr prompt
xs <- getLine if xs /= [] && all isDigit xs then return (read xs) else do putStrLn "ERROR: Invalid number" getNat prompt ``` ## Human vs. human ```haskell tictactoe :: IO () tictactoe = run empty O run :: Grid -> Player -> IO ()
run g p = do cls
goto (1,1)
putGrid g
run’ g p

run’ :: Grid -> Player -> IO ()
run’ g p | wins O g = putStrLn “Player O wins!\n”
| wins X g = putStrLn “Player X wins!\n”
| full g = putStrLn “It’s a draw!\n”
| otherwise =
do i <- getNat (prompt p) case move g i p of [] -> do putStrLn “ERROR: Invalid move”
run’ g p
[g’] -> run g’ (next p)

prompt :: Player -> String
prompt p = “Player ” ++ show p ++ “, enter your move: ”
As in the Game of Life, we clear screen as follows:
cls :: IO ()
cls = putStr “\ESC[2J”
and we go to a position in the screen as follows:
goto :: (Int,Int) -> IO ()
goto (x,y) = putStr (“\ESC[” ++ show y ++ “;” ++ show x ++ “H”)

## Playing the game optimally using trees

We now want to teach the computer to play tictactoe optimally.

### Available moves in a grid

The list of all available moves in a grid for a given player:
moves :: Grid -> Player -> [Grid]
moves g p | won g = []
| full g = []
| otherwise = concat [move g i p | i <- [0..((size^2)-1)]] ``` ### Game trees We have already discussed one possible approach to game trees. Our adopted book uses the following, which we have called Rose trees in another handout: ```haskell data Tree a = Node a [Tree a] deriving Show ``` Create the game tree for a given grid and starting player: ```haskell gametree :: Grid -> Player -> Tree Grid
gametree g p = Node g [gametree g’ (next p) | g’ <- moves g p] ``` If a game tree is too big, we may need to prune it in practice: ```haskell prune :: Int -> Tree a -> Tree a
prune 0 (Node x _) = Node x []
prune n (Node x ts) = Node x [prune (n-1) t | t <- ts] ``` The default pruning depth: ```haskell depth :: Int depth = 9 ``` ### The minimax algorithm Standard [minimax algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimax). Here we have a different interpretation of the type `Player`: * `O` means that `O` can win if it plays as best as it can, * `X` means that `X` can win if it plays as best as it can, and * `B` means that the game is a draw if both players play as best as they can. We have `O < B < X`. We relabel the tree using the above meanings for players: ```haskell minimax :: Tree Grid -> Tree (Grid,Player)
minimax (Node g [])
| wins O g = Node (g,O) []
| wins X g = Node (g,X) []
| otherwise = Node (g,B) []
minimax (Node g ts)
| turn g == O = Node (g, minimum ps) ts’
| turn g == X = Node (g, maximum ps) ts’
ts’ = map minimax ts
ps = [p | Node (_,p) _ <- ts'] ``` Because of the convention assumed in the function `turn`, this assumes that the first player is `O`. Use the game tree to compute a best move for a player in a given grid, and then play it: ```haskell bestmove :: Grid -> Player -> Grid
bestmove g p = head [g’ | Node (g’,p’) _ <- ts, p' == best] where tree = prune depth (gametree g p) Node (_,best) ts = minimax tree ``` As above, this function assumes that the first player is `O`. So, for example, `bestmove empty X` doesn't make sense. ### Human vs computer ```haskell main :: IO () main = do hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering play empty O play :: Grid -> Player -> IO ()
play g p = do cls
goto (1,1)
putGrid g
play’ g p

play’ :: Grid -> Player -> IO ()
play’ g p
| wins O g = putStrLn “Player O wins!\n”
| wins X g = putStrLn “Player X wins!\n”
| full g = putStrLn “It’s a draw!\n”
| p == O = do i <- getNat (prompt p) case move g i p of [] -> do putStrLn “ERROR: Invalid move”
play’ g p
[g’] -> play g’ (next p)
| p == X = do putStr “Player X is thinking… ”
play (bestmove g p) (next p)

### Optimization of the computation of the best move

This material is not in the adopted textbook and is due to your lecturer.

#### Lazy alpha-beta pruning

Given that tic-tac-toe is such a simple game, the run time of the
above algorithm is disappointing. It takes a long time to determine an
optimal move to play first:
*Main> bestmove empty O
(13.54 secs, 12,417,288,392 bytes)

We will provide an improved version which is **6 times faster** – an
[order of magnitude](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_magnitude),
in a cheap way.

We exploit laziness to perform a cheap version of [α-β-pruning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha%E2%80%93beta_pruning).

Replace the `minimum` and `maximum` functions by the following
[infimum and supremum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infimum_and_supremum) functions.
Because we derived the order on
players, we have `O < B < X`. ```haskell supremum, infimum :: [Player] -> Player

supremum [] = O — The maximum function would (rightly) give an error instead.
supremum (X:ps) = X — Pruning takes place here – we don’t look at ps.
supremum (O:ps) = supremum ps
supremum (B:ps) = supremumB ps — We now know that supremum ps >= B.
supremumB [] = B
supremumB (X:ps) = X — Pruning takes place here too – we don’t look at ps
supremumB (_:ps) = supremumB ps

The definition of infimum is symmetric:
infimum [] = X
infimum (X:ps) = infimum ps
infimum (O:ps) = O
infimum (B:ps) = infimumB ps
infimumB [] = B
infimumB (O:ps) = O
infimumB (_:ps) = infimumB ps

Minimax with lazy α-β-pruning. We just replace `minimum` and `maximum` with `infimum` and `supremum` in the definitions given above:

minimax’ :: Tree Grid -> Tree (Grid,Player)
minimax’ (Node g [])
| wins O g = Node (g,O) []
| wins X g = Node (g,X) []
| otherwise = Node (g,B) []
minimax’ (Node g ts)
| turn g == O = Node (g, infimum ps) ts’
| turn g == X = Node (g, supremum ps) ts’
ts’ = map minimax’ ts
ps = [p | Node (_,p) _ <- ts'] ``` Use the game tree to compute a best move for a player in a given grid using α-β-pruning: ```haskell bestmove' :: Grid -> Player -> Grid
bestmove’ g p = head [g’ | Node (g’,p’) _ <- ts, p' == best] where tree = prune depth (gametree g p) Node (_,best) ts = minimax' tree ``` We now perform some statistics. The number of plays is the number of paths, which is the same as the number of leaves: ```haskell leavescount :: Tree a -> Int
leavescount (Node _ []) = 1
leavescount (Node _ forest) = sum [leavescount tree | tree <- forest] ``` In my teaching laptop (running on battery): ``` *Main> leavescount (gametree empty X)
(14.65 secs, 11,193,202,264 bytes)

This means that there are `255168` valid game plays, which is slightly less than
`9!=362880`. This is because some plays end in less than `9`
moves. The actual number of valid plays is `2^6 * 3^2 * 443`, where
`443` is a prime number. However, some of these `443` plays [end up in
the same position](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tic-tac-toe).

Lazy alpha-beta pruning makes a huge difference, because parts of the tree are never computed due to laziness:

*Main> bestmove’ empty O
(2.31 secs, 2,097,598,192 bytes)

#### A better way to do the same thing

[Is here](tictactoe-lazily-pruned.hs). We instead keep the book code as
it is, except that we implement our own instance of the `Ord` type
class, to make the `min` and `max` (and hence `minimum` and `maximum`)
functions lazier than they are when we automatically derive them.

Instead of asking Haskell to derive `Ord` automatically, we ask
data Player = O | B | X
— deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Ord Player where
O <= _ = True _ <= X = True B <= p = p == B || p == X p <= B = p == O || p == B min O _ = O min B p = if p == X then B else p min X p = p max O p = p max B p = if p == O then B else p max X _ = X ``` The most important property of `min` is that `min O p` doesn't evaluate `p` due to laziness, and similarly `max X p` doesn't evaluate `p` due to laziness. This is a kind of short-circuit evaluation as discussed earlier. Because `minimum` and `maximum` are defined from `min` and `max` using `fold`, they inherit the laziness of `min` and `max` and so become faster. Sometimes laziness pays off, like this situation. But sometimes, like in real life, it doesn't. ## Minimax with explicit α-β-pruning ```haskell alphabeta :: Tree Grid -> Tree (Grid,Player)
alphabeta (Node g [])
| wins O g = Node (g,O) []
| wins X g = Node (g,X) []
| otherwise = Node (g,B) []
alphabeta (Node g ts)
| turn g == O = Node (g, minimum o) (take (length o) ts’)
| turn g == X = Node (g, maximum x) (take (length x) ts’)
ts’ = map alphabeta ts
ps = [p | Node (_,p) _ <- ts'] o = takeUntil (== O) ps x = takeUntil (== X) ps takeUntil :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
takeUntil p [] = []
takeUntil p (x : xs) | p x = [x]
| otherwise = x : takeUntil p xs

The α-β-pruned tree is much smaller:
*Main> leavescount (alphabeta (gametree empty O))
(2.47 secs, 2,275,291,056 bytes)
*Main> leavescount (gametree empty X) `div` leavescount (alphabeta (gametree empty O))
This means that the search space is 6 times smaller when we apply (directly or indirectly) alpha-beta prunning: the full game tree has 255168, but the alpha-beta pruned tree has only 38856 leaves. This explains why `bestmoves empty X` is much faster that `bestmove empty X`.

You can replace `minimax` by `alphabeta` in the definition of
`bestmove` to get `bestmove empty X` computed in a fraction of a

#### Going further

a Haskell program to determine the next optimal move for tic-tac-toe
using the selection monad, which gives a rather short program to play
tic-tac-toe, and indeed any sequential game, incorporating the above
lazy alpha-beta-prunning.