CS计算机代考程序代写 import random

import random
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Optional, Set
from MDP import Action, MDP, State

class MonsterType:
def __init__(self, name: str, st: float, ma: float):
self.name_ = name
self.st_ = st
self.ma_ = ma

def __repr__(self):
return self.name_

def strength(self):
return self.st_

def magic(self):
return self.ma_

class AdventurerType:
def __init__(self, name, st: float, ma: float):
self.name_ = name
self.st_ = st
self.ma_ = ma

def __repr__(self):
return self.name_

def __hash__(self):
return self.name_.__hash__() # Assumes that there cannot be two different types with the same name

def __eq__(self, other):
if not type(self) == type(other):
return False
return self.name_ == other.name_

def strength(self):
return self.st_

def magic(self):
return self.ma_

def probability_of_dying(m: MonsterType, a: AdventurerType) -> float:
return min(1, max(0, m.strength() – a.strength()) + max(0, m.magic() – a.magic()))

class Map:
def __init__(self):
self.starting_location_ = None
# three types of location
self.dangerous_locations_ = {}
self.inns_ = {}
self.chest_rooms_ = {}
# neighbours
self.neighbours_ = {}

def create_dangerous_location(self, name: str, monster: MonsterType):
self.dangerous_locations_[name] = monster
self.neighbours_[name] = set()

def create_inn(self, name: str, for_hire: List[Tuple[int,AdventurerType]]):
self.inns_[name] = for_hire
self.neighbours_[name] = set()

def is_inn(self, locname: str) -> bool:
return locname in self.inns_

def for_hire(self, locname: str) -> List[Tuple[int,AdventurerType]]:
return self.inns_[locname]

def create_chest_room(self, name: str, reward: int):
self.chest_rooms_[name] = reward
self.neighbours_[name] = set()

def add_path(self, locname1, locname2):
Adds a path between the two specified locations.

def set_initial_location(self, locname: str) -> None:
self.starting_location_ = locname

def get_initial_location(self) -> str:
return self.starting_location_

def locations(self) -> Set[str]:
return self.neighbours_.keys()

def collect_adventurer_types(map: Map) -> Set[Tuple[int,AdventurerType]]:
result = set()
for loc, offer in map.inns_.items():
for cost,type in offer:
return result

class Party:
def __init__(self, party: Optional = None, add: Optional = None, rem: Optional = None):
# first compute the adventurers as a list, then convert into a tuple
# this is required to use hashcode functions
advs = []
if not party is None:
for ad in party.adventurers_:
if not add is None:
if not rem is None:
del advs[rem]
self.adventurers_ = tuple(advs)

def __eq__(self, party) -> bool:
return self.adventurers_ == party.adventurers_

def __repr__(self) -> str:
return str(self.adventurers_)

def __hash__(self):
return self.adventurers_.__hash__()

def empty_party(self):
return len(self.adventurers_) == 0

def full(self):
return self.size() == PARTY_MAX_SIZE

def size(self):
return len(self.adventurers_)

def adventurer(self, i):
return self.adventurers_[i]

class DungeonState(State):
def __init__(self, state: Optional = None,
location: Optional[str] = None,
add: Optional = None,
rem: Optional = None
self.party_ = Party() if state is None else Party(state.party_, add=add, rem=rem)
self.location_ = location if location is not None else (state.location_ if state is not None else None)
visited = set() if state is None else set(state.visited_places_)
if not location is None:
self.visited_places_ = frozenset(visited)

def __eq__(self, state) -> bool:
if not self.party_ == state.party_:
return False
if not self.location_ == state.location_:
return False
if not self.visited_places_ == state.visited_places_:
return False
return True

def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f’<{self.party_},{self.location_},{self.visited_places_}>‘

def __hash__(self):
v1 = self.party_.__hash__()
v2 = self.location_.__hash__()
v3 = self.visited_places_.__hash__()
return v1 + v2 + v3
# return self.party_.__hash__() + self.location_.__hash__() + self.visited_places_.__hash__()

class DungeonAction(Action):
def next_states(self, state: DungeonState, map: Map) -> List[Tuple[DungeonState,float,float]]:

class HireAction(DungeonAction):
def __init__(self, adventurer_type, price):
self.adventurer_type_ = adventurer_type
self.price_ = price

def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f’Hire {self.adventurer_type_.name_} for {self.price_}’

def __hash__(self) -> int:
return self.adventurer_type_.__hash__() + self.price_

def __eq__(self, act) -> bool:
if not type(self) == type(act):
return False
return (self.adventurer_type_ == act.adventurer_type_) and (self.price_ == act.price_)

def next_states(self, state: DungeonState, map: Map) -> List[Tuple[DungeonState,float,float]]:
new_state = DungeonState(state=state,add=self.adventurer_type_)
return [ (new_state, 1.0, -self.price_) ]

class MoveAction(DungeonAction):
def __init__(self, locname, index: int):
self.locname_ = locname
self.index_ = index

def __eq__(self, act):
if not type(self) == type(act):
return False
return self.locname_ == act.locname_ and self.index_ == act.index_

def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f’Move {self.locname_} {self.index_}’

def __hash__(self):
return self.locname_.__hash__() + self.index_

def next_states(self, state: DungeonState, map: Map) -> List[Tuple[DungeonState,float,float]]:
# if the new place is already visited, just move
if self.locname_ in state.visited_places_:
new_state = DungeonState(state=state, location=self.locname_)
prob = 1.0
reward = 0
return [ (new_state, prob, reward)]

# if the new place is not dangerous, just move and collect the reward if any
if not (self.locname_ in map.dangerous_locations_):
new_state = DungeonState(state=state, location=self.locname_)
prob = 1.0
reward = 0 if not self.locname_ in map.chest_rooms_ else map.chest_rooms_[self.locname_]
return [ (new_state, prob, reward)]

# visiting a dangerous location
dying_prob = probability_of_dying(map.dangerous_locations_[self.locname_],
success_state = DungeonState(state=state, location=self.locname_)
fail_state = DungeonState(state=state,rem=self.index_)

result = []
if dying_prob > 0:
result.append( (fail_state, dying_prob, 0) )
if dying_prob < 1: result.append( (success_state, 1-dying_prob, 0) ) return result class NoAction(DungeonAction): def __eq__(self, act): if not type(self) == type(act): return False return True def __repr__(self) -> str:
return ‘No Action’

def __hash__(self):
return self.__repr__().__hash__()

def next_states(self, state: DungeonState, map: Map) -> List[Tuple[DungeonState,float,float]]:
return [ (state, 1.0, 0) ]

def reachable_states(mdp: MDP, start: Optional[State] = None) -> List[State]:
result = set()
open = set()

if start is None:
start = mdp.initial_state()

while open:
state = open.pop()
for act in mdp.applicable_actions(state):
for next_state,prob,rew in mdp.next_states(state, act):
if next_state in result:

return list(result)

class DungeonMDP(MDP):
def __init__(self, map: Map):
self.map_ = map
self.reachable_states_ = None

def states(self) -> List[State]:
if self.reachable_states_ == None:
self.reachable_states_ = reachable_states(self)
return self.reachable_states_

def actions(self) -> List[Action]:
result = [ NoAction() ]
for i in range(PARTY_MAX_SIZE):
for loc in self.map_.locations():
act = MoveAction(loc,i)
for cost,type in collect_adventurer_types(self.map_):
act = HireAction(type, cost)
return result

def applicable_actions(self, s: State) -> List[Action]:
result = [ NoAction() ]
locname = s.location_
party = s.party_

# hire a companion
if self.map_.is_inn(locname) and not party.full():
for price,adtype in self.map_.for_hire(locname):
act = HireAction(adtype, price)

# move to a new location
for index in range(party.size()):
for loc in self.map_.neighbours_[locname]:
act = MoveAction(loc,index)

# can also move to visited room if there is noone in the party
if party.empty_party():
for loc in self.map_.neighbours_[locname]:
if loc in s.visited_places_:
act = MoveAction(loc,0)

return result

def next_states(self, s: State, a: Action) -> List[Tuple[State,float,float]]:
return a.next_states(s, self.map_)

def initial_state(self) -> DungeonState:
return DungeonState(location=self.map_.get_initial_location())

# end of class

def basic_map() -> Map:
# adventurers
peon = AdventurerType(‘peon’, st=0, ma=0)
wizard = AdventurerType(‘wizard’, st=.1, ma=1.0)
soldier = AdventurerType(‘soldier’, st=.5, ma=.0)
# monsters
goblin = MonsterType(‘goblin’, st=.3, ma=.0)
fimir = MonsterType(‘fimir’, st=.7, ma=.1)
sorcerer = MonsterType(‘sorcerer’, st=.2, ma=1.4)
# map
map = Map()
map.create_inn(‘start’, for_hire=[(10,peon),(100,soldier)])
map.create_inn(‘market’, for_hire=[(8,peon),(50,soldier),(100,wizard)])
map.create_dangerous_location(‘room1’, fimir)
map.create_dangerous_location(‘room2’, goblin)
map.create_dangerous_location(‘room3’, sorcerer)
map.create_dangerous_location(‘room4’, goblin)
map.create_chest_room(‘smallchest’, 30)
map.create_chest_room(‘largechest’, 500)

return map

if __name__ == “__main__”:

map = basic_map()
mdp = DungeonMDP(map)

import statemachine

smmdp, statedict, actiondict = statemachine.state_machine_from_mdp(mdp)
reverse_statedict = {}
for smstate, state in statedict.items():
reverse_statedict[state] = smstate

from algos import value_iteration
smpol, svalue = value_iteration(smmdp, .99, .01)


from algos import simulate
pol = statemachine.TranslatedPolicy(smpol, reverse_statedict, actiondict)
h = simulate(mdp, pol, 20)

# eof