CS计算机代考程序代写 matlab finance GMM Nonlinear econometrics for finance

Nonlinear econometrics for finance

(GMM and MLE)

Problem 1: CCAPM and GMM (30 points)

Consider, as we did in class, a representative investor who lives for two peri-
ods (t and t+ 1) and has income et in period t and et+1 in period t+ 1. The
utility function of the representative investor is:

U(ct, ct+1) = u(ct) + βEt[u(ct+1)].

The investor can invest in an asset by buying ϑ shares at the unit price
pt. The asset’s payoff xt+1 in the second period is uncertain. The investor
chooses how many units (ϑ) of the asset to buy in order to maximize her/his
utility function:


u(ct) + βEt[u(ct+1)],

subject to the income/wealth constraints

ct = et − ϑpt,
ct+1 = et+1 + ϑxt+1.

(1) (2 points) Assume the investor has a CRRA utility (like in class):

u(ct) =

1− γ

Derive the economy’s pricing equations both in terms of prices and in
terms of returns. The return equation will give you estimable moment


Use the same data that we used in class. Let d be the number of parame-
ters to estimate and let N be the number of assets. Modify (only when a
modification is needed, of course) the GMM code to address the following

(2) (3 points) Estimation. Compute first-stage GMM estimates of the d
model parameters using the weight matrix WT = IN .

(3) (5 points) Estimation. Second stage. Using the first-stage estimates,
re-estimate the parameters using the optimal weight matrix. The opti-
mal weight matrix should be HAC with a number of auto-covariances
(forward and backward) equal to 4.

(4) (5 points) Inference. Compute the asymptotic variance of the GMM
estimates. Please note:

(a) The matrix Γ0 should be estimated without numerical differenti-
ation. In other words, you should compute the gradient by hand
(like we have done for MLE).

(b) The matrix Φ0 should be HAC, like before, with a number of
auto-covariances (forward and backward) equal to 4.

(5) (3 points) Inference. Test whether γ = 0.8.

(6) (5 points) Inference. Test whether γ = 0.8 and β = 0.9 jointly.

(7) (2 points) Interpret your results in economic terms. What do you learn
about the representative investor?

(8) (5 points) Inference. Test for over-identifying restrictions.

Problem 2: MLE (25 Points)

Consider a sample (x1, x2, …, xN) of Bernoulli random variables withN obser-
vations. As you know from your statistics classes, these are random variables
which take on the value 1 with probability p and the value 0 with probability
1− p.


(1) (3 points) Explain briefly why the joint probability of the sample can
be written as follows:

L({x}, p) =

pxi(1− p)(1−xi)


(2) (3 points) Use the joint probability to compute the standardized (by
N) log likelihood.

(3) (3 points) Compute the first derivative (with respect to p) of the stan-
dardized log likelihood.

(4) (5 points) Use the result in Point (3) to provide (i) an MLE estimator
of the probability p and (ii) the asymptotic variance of the estimator.
Interpret your results in words.

(5) (11 points) Write a short Matlab code which simulates 1000 Bernoulli
observations with p = 0.2 and computes an MLE estimate of p along
with standard errors and t-statistics. (Hint: if you use the structure of
the MLE − normal − iid− code, writing the code should be very easy
and quick. Your Bernoulli code should just be a simpler version of that
code in which you simulate from a Bernoulli random variable – which
has only one parameter – rather than from a normal random variable –
which has, instead, 2 parameters.)

Problem 3: MLE for GARCH-M (15 Points)

Modify the GARCH code to estimate a GARCH-M model. You only need
to arrive at estimates and t−statistics.