Intro CG @ NCSU
Program 3 2021: Rasterization
Partial Due: 11:59pm, Tuesday Oct 12
Final Due: 11:59pm, Tuesday Oct 19
Goal: In this assignment you will practice basic modeling and implement transforms and lighting on
3D objects using the WebGL rasterization API.
Submission: Submit your assignment using this Google Form.
The main components of this programming assignment are:
5% Part 0: partial feedback
5% Part 1: properly turned in assignment
10% Part 2: render the input triangles, without lighting
25% Part 4: light the triangles
25% Part 5: interactively change view
5% Part 6: interactively select a model
25% Part 7: interactively transform the triangles
Participation: Receive participation credit (outside of this assignment) for posting
images of your progress, good or bad, on the class forum!
You may (optionally) work with one partner on this assignment. You should each turn in the same
You will only render triangles in this assignment, described in the same sorts of JSON input �les
used in the �rst. We will test your program using several different input �les, so it would be wise to
test your program with several such �les. The input �les describe arrays of triangles using JSON.
An example input �le resides at When you turn
in your program, you should use these URLs in hardcode as the locations of the input triangle
�les — they will always be there. While testing, you should use a different URL referencing a �le that
you can manipulate, so that you can test multiple triangle �les. Note that browser security makes
loading local �les di�cult, so we encourage you to access any input �les with HTTP GET requests.
We provide a small shell in which you can build your code. You can run the shell here, and see its
code and assets here. The shell shows how to draw triangles using WebGL without any model or
view transform, and how to parse the input triangles.json �le. It also shows how to use animation
callbacks to render multiple image frames.
The default view and light are as in the �rst assignment. The eye is at (0.5,0.5,-0.5), with a view up
vector of [0 1 0] and a look at vector of [0 0 1]. Locate the window a distance of 0.5 from the eye,
and make it a 1×1 square normal to the look at vector and centered at (0.5,0.5,0), and parallel to the
view up vector. With this scheme, you can assume that everything in the world is in view if it is
located in a 1x1x1 box with one corner at the origin, and another at (1,1,1). Put a white (1,1,1) (for
ambient, diffuse and specular) light at location (-0.5,1.5,-0.5).
This is an individual or partnered assignment, no exceptions. That said, we encourage you to help
one another. Feel free to suggest how other students might solve problems, and to help them
debug their code — just don’t write their code for them. The code you turn in should still be your
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own or your single partner’s (except for the shell). This is a simple assignment, and should not need
other third party libraries. As always, if you are ever uncertain if the help you want to give or the
code you want to use is permissible, simply ask me or the TA. For information about how to
correctly submit, see this page on the class website.
Part 0: Partial feedback
You should turn in an “ugly,” incomplete version of your program by Friday October 12. If you simply
turn in a copy of our shell, you will get half credit (2.5%). If you actually do something to visibly
change the shell’s output, you will receive full marks (5%), and receive comments on what you’ve
done. For example, if you turn in a complete, �rst attempt at the assignment, we will tell you in text
what is working, and what isn’t, so you can raise your �nal score. We will not otherwise grade the
assignment at this point, only comment on it.
Part 1: Properly turned in assignment
5% of your assignment grade is just for correctly submitting your work! For more information about
how to correctly submit, see this page on the class website.
Part 2: Render the input triangles, without lighting
Use rasterization to render unlit triangles, giving each triangle its unmodi�ed diffuse color (e.g, if
the diffuse color of the triangle is (1,0,0), every pixel in it should be red). You will have to use vertex
shaders to perform viewing and perspective transforms, and fragment shaders to select the diffuse
color. We recommend the use of the glMatrix library for creating these transforms.
Part 3: Light the triangles
Shade the triangles using per-fragment shading and the Blinn-Phong illumination model, using the
re�ectivity coe�cients you �nd in the input �les. Use triangle normals during lighting. Your
fragment shaders will perform the lighting calculation.
Part 4: interactively change view
Use the following key to action table to enable the user to change the view:
a and d — translate view left and right along view X
w and s — translate view forward and backward along view Z
q and e — translate view up and down along view Y
A and D — rotate view left and right around view Y (yaw)
W and S — rotate view forward and backward around view X (pitch)
To implement these changes you will need to change the eye, lookAt and lookUp vectors used to
form your viewing transform.
Part 5: Interactively select a model
Use the following key to action table to interactively select a certain model:
left and right — select and highlight the next/previous triangle set (previous off)
space — deselect and turn off highlight
A triangle set is one entry in the input triangle array. To highlight, uniformly scale the selection by
20% (multiply x y and z by 1.2). To turn highlighting off, remove this scaling. You will have to
associate a transform matrix with each triangle to maintain state, and apply this transform in your
vertex shaders. glMatrix will also be helpful here.
Part 6: Interactively transform models
Use the following key to action table to interactively transform the selected model:
k and ; — translate selection left and right along view X
o and l — translate selection forward and backward along view Z
i and p — translate selection up and down along view Y
K and : — rotate selection left and right around view Y (yaw)
O and L — rotate selection forward and backward around view X (pitch)
I and P — rotate selection clockwise and counterclockwise around view Z (roll)
Translate the model after you rotate it (so the model rotates around itself), and after the
highlighting scale (see above, so the model doesn’t translate as it scales).
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The extra credit components we suggest for this assignment are below:
461: 1% — arbitrarily sized viewports
461: 1% — off-axis and rectangular projections
461: 1% — multiple lights at arbitrary locations
461: 3% — 561: 1% — smooth shading with vertex normals
461: 4% — 561: 2% — render ellipsoids
Students in 561 should not perform components that will not earn extra credit. Other components
are possible with instructor approval. You must note any extra credit in your �le,
otherwise you will likely not receive credit for it.
Extra credit: Arbitrarily sized viewports
Accept a new square canvas (viewport) width/height through your UI. Size your canvas to match.
Extra credit: Support off-axis and rectangular projections
Accept new window parameters in viewing coordinates through your UI (left, right, top, bottom).
Adjust your projection matrix to this new window, and render the scene.
Extra credit: Multiple and arbitrarily located lights
Read in an additional lights.json �le that contains an array of objects describing light location and
color. Note that these lights will have distinct ambient, diffuse and specular colors. Render the
scene with all of these lights. You can �nd an example lights.json �le here. Assume that the input
lights �le will always reside at this URL when you turn in your code.
Extra credit: Smooth shading with vertex normals
Using only triangle normals, your curved shapes will look disappointingly faceted. To represent
curvature more accurately, you need vertex normals. When you read in triangles, check for vertex
normals in the input �le. As you apply the composited modeling, viewing and projection matrices to
your vertices, apply the inverse transpose of the modeling transform to your vertex normals. During
lighting, use these normals rather than the face normal. The rasterizer will interpolate them for you.
We will provide an example json �le with a curved shape on request.
Extra credit: Render ellipsoids
Render ellipsoids as described in input. You can �nd an example ellipsoids.json �le here. There are
no ellipsoid primitives available in WebGL, so you will have to build an ellipsoid out of triangles, then
transform it to the right location and size. You can do this statically with a hardcoded sphere model,
or procedurally with a latitude/longitude parameterization. Again you will have to use vertex
shaders to perform viewing and perspective transforms, fragment shaders to select color. The
ellipsoids should be shaded like triangles, and should use vertex normals if you are claiming that
extra credit.