CISC 360, Fall 2021
data ArithExpr = Negate ArithExpr
| Mult ArithExpr ArithExpr
| Subtract ArithExpr ArithExpr
| Const Integer
deriving (Show)
{- calc: “calculate” an ArithExpr.
For example,
/ \
Const Negate
| |
2 Const
calc (Mult (Const 2) (Negate (Const 100)))
=> (calc (Const 2)) * (calc (Negate (Const 100))) fun. app.
=> 2 * (calc (Negate (Const 100))) fun. app.
=> 2 * (0 – calc (Const 100)) fun. app.
=> 2 * (0 – 100) fun. app.
=> 2 * (-100) arithmetic
=> -200 arithmetic
calc :: ArithExpr -> Integer
calc (Const m) = m
calc (Negate e1) = 0 – (calc e1)
calc (Mult e1 e2) = (calc e1) * (calc e2)
calc (Subtract e1 e2) = (calc e1) – (calc e2)
calc with an extra operation done everywhere
excalc :: (Integer -> Integer) -> ArithExpr -> Integer
excalc f (Const m) = f m
excalc f (Negate e1) = f (0 – (excalc f e1))
excalc f (Mult e1 e2) = f (excalc f e1 * excalc f e2)
excalc f (Subtract e1 e2) = f (excalc f e1 – excalc f e2)
— examples:
— excalc (\x -> x) (Negate (Const 3))
— excalc (\x -> 2*x) (Negate (Const 3))
{- Strange version of calc
zcalc :: (Integer -> Integer) -> ArithExpr -> Integer
zcalc z (Const m) = z m
zcalc z (Negate e1) = zcalc (\r -> z (0 – r)) e1
zcalc z (Mult e1 e2) = zcalc (\r1 -> zcalc (\r2 -> z (r1 * r2)) e2) e1
zcalc z (Subtract e1 e2) = zcalc (\r1 -> zcalc (\r2 -> z (r1 – r2)) e2) e1